How To Nurture Leads In Real Estate With Email Marketing

How To Nurture Leads In Real Estate With Email

Are you wondering how to nurture leads in real estate with email marketing? Email marketing for the real estate sector is one of the finest strategies to produce leads interested in real estate and to advertise your expertise and professionalism as a real estate agent.

If you think Email Marketing is not, think again.

In fact, according to Statista, 347.8 billion emails are sent and received every day. By 2025, the number is predicted to reach 376.4 billion. This statistic for email marketing, it’s not simply volume. But it has the potential to reap high ROI in it.

Research demonstrates that email marketing is roughly 40 times more successful than Facebook and Twitter combined.

But before you start sending billions more emails. Consider the warning: Even the best emails are pointless if poorly executed

Therefore, I have compiled a guide to email marketing for the purpose of nurturing potential customers in real estate.

So let’s get started if you’re ready to grow your real estate business.

What Is Real Estate Email Marketing?

I have a full guide that discusses what real estate is and how to get started (Click Here), but here is a short explanation for reference’s sake. Real estate email marketing is a method used to convey commercial information about a real estate business to a prospect through email. 

This is one of the most successful strategies to acquire a very high ROI (up to 300%!) to gain this advantage. You must give quality content to the right prospective consumer at the right moment. 

Why Is Email Marketing Important For Real Estate Businesses?

Real estate is not like other conventional “commodities.” It’s not an impulsive purchase on impulse. Transforming from an inquirer into a lead might be a long process.

This is where email marketing comes in. There is no better way to engage with hundreds or even thousands of people simultaneously.

Here are other reasons why email marketing is essential in the real estate industry:

  • With automated processes, you can concentrate your time and attention on other elements of your organization.
  • Build credibility with prospects from the outset
  • It enables you to be there at each step of the buyer’s journey
  • It helps you stand out from the competitors
  • It helps you to grasp the demands of your target market

Now that you understand the importance of email marketing for your organization let’s look at some methods you might use to build your list.

How To Use Email To Nurture Relationships With Potential Customers Without Being Labeled Spam?

You should know that in email marketing real estate. There is no bigger sin than providing generic, valueless stuff. Brokers are members who influence consumers first. Therefore, you need to build trust with them. Make every touchpoint count.

Research demonstrates that customized emails earn 6x more income than non-personalized ones. Generic messaging will simply alienate consumers. After all, no one loves to feel inundated.

3 Basic Guidelines To Utilize Email Marketing To Nurture Real Estate Leads

Do you still frequently send emails to prospective consumers every month? Unfortunately, persistence alone is not enough. Email marketing will only work when done well. Try to compare the three rules below in turn:

1. Don’t mix email marketing with lead nurturing

Sometimes email marketing and lead nurturing have no borders. However, it is critical to remember that they are NOT the same.

Lead nurturing is the practice of aiding a prospect (aka any individual who isn’t ready to conduct a transaction with you) as they progress through the buyer’s journey to make a sale.

In real estate, there are various strategies to nurture leads:

  • Set up frequent phone calls
  • Face-to-face appointments 
  • Text message exchange 
  • Invite consumers to community activities and more….

Email marketing is simply one instrument in a large collection of possible client acquisition channels.

In addition, consumers’ inboxes are now constantly bombarded with additional commercial communications. So without an eye-catching, well-invested email marketing campaign, your email real estate marketing will never be effective.

2. Give the receiver something helpful, entertaining, and valuable

The most crucial key to successful real estate email marketing is simply keeping it relevant.

There is no use in sending the identical email to all customers. If you want to be noticed, send them an email stating how much comparable houses have previously sold in their neighborhood instead of simply another brochure-type email.

3. Tailor your message to your prospect’s purchase timeline

Potential clients surfing the web will likely have a lengthier purchasing process than someone who looked for a specific property on the website.

So why should they receive the same email?

Review the user’s activity on the website or their feedback statuses during the purchasing process. The subject then builds relevant content for each item. Remember, real estate is not a commodity. Therefore, it takes a lot more effort to get the expected results.

See also: Mistakes to avoid in real estate email marketing.

Top 5 Email Marketing Content Real Estate Businesses Should Send

  • Have you tried email marketing previously, and it failed?
  • Maybe you didn’t convert as many leads as you wanted.
  • You feel like it’s a waste of time or money….

That doesn’t mean email doesn’t work. Your approach may only require a modification. Here are some sorts of real estate email content that are worth a try:

1. Real Estate List

These listings need to be relevant and in an area that the potential customer is interested in. Obviously, if someone is looking to live outside of Texas, you can’t send them a list within the inner city. Likewise, if you have a prospective client who wants to purchase an inexpensive apartment, you can’t provide them with a list of luxury apartments….

2. Housing Market Update

For prospective consumers, the email content should include the following information:

  • House price 
  • Mortgage rate 
  • Property sales.

In addition, you may provide the newest information about recently sold properties in the region. Feel free to show off your latest transactions and contracts.

3. Resource List

Resources for house buyers, sellers, and homeowners resources. They may include:

  • E-books on buying or selling a home 
  • Newsletter with the latest market tips and advice
  • Tips for Sellers to lure prospective buyers 
  • Simple ways to highlight an open house
  • Tips and guidance for homeowners, such as Home maintenance, strategies to conserve water, energy conservation, interior décor ideas…etc

4. Blog announcement

Your blog is your voice and your reputation. It’s a technique to prove that you are an expert in your industry. So don’t force potential customers to actively inquire. Please contact them properly with this information.

5. Testimonials

There is nothing more intriguing than reading the experiences of others. Same with any field. When suggested or read credible evaluations, shoppers will very rapidly reduce reluctance and act instantly.

Email Marketing To Nurture Leads

As soon as you hear about a new consumer, utilize content as a means to learn more about them. This helps you develop a significantly more powerful email campaign.

Today, every marketing campaign is based on “Relevance = Revenue.” Check to make sure you’ve included all of the following:

  • Personalization – More than merely placing customer names into the material. Please give any information pertinent to them.
  • Keep it mobile-friendly — Most consumers will read emails on smartphones. So make sure the email will display well on the small screen.
  • Use a compelling Call to Action (CTA) – Give readers an opportunity to take action. Example: Sign up for a newsletter, download an e-book, Or attend an upcoming project… A well-written CTA is a terrific method to interest your readers and persuade them to click to view the specifics.

Think of unique methods to make each message distinctive to the receiver.


Email marketing may be a great tool for nurturing leads in the real estate sector. By offering valuable information, maintaining contact with your subscribers, and utilizing personalized emails, you can position yourself as a trusted expert and develop strong connections with your leads.

However, it’s critical to follow best practices and to test and refine your approach on a regular basis to ensure you’re getting the best results possible.  

With the correct approach and tools in place, email marketing can be a very efficient method to expand your real estate firm.

So, implement these suggestions and watch your email marketing campaigns soar!

Good luck!