How To Start Blogging On Medium (Find Out)

How To Start Blogging On Medium

How do you start Blogging on Medium? What do you need to know before you start blogging? Are medium bloggers paid? Should you start a Medium blog? I’ve compiled answers to the most often-asked questions about starting a blog on Medium in this article. 

I’ve been blogging on Medium for a while now and fully understand how the platform works. 

Medium makes it simple to start a blog. When starting a blog on Medium, having realistic expectations and avoiding common blunders is crucial.    

You can discover everything you need to start blogging on Medium in this post.

Before we go any further, let’s define a few terms. 

What Exactly Is Medium?

Medium is a Content Distribution Channel or an online social publishing platform that allows anybody to express their thoughts and opinions with a large audience.

Former Twitter co-founder and CEO Evan Clark Williams, also known as Ev Williams, started Medium. Ev also established Blogger, one of the first blogging systems. 

According to SimilarWeb statistics, the Medium blog receives 157 million monthly visitors. This makes it a more appropriate site for readers and bloggers to meet.

The site is popular among bloggers since it is free for authors, does not need web design or technical skills, and has attractively structured entries.

With that in mind, let’s get right to the point of today’s discussion: “How to start blogging on medium.”

How To Get Started With Medium Blogging

I believe we all have a good understanding of what Medium is today. Blogging on Medium is a great way to express your views and ideas to a large audience. The platform is simple to use and has a big readership, making it an excellent location to start blogging and make money.

The following are the steps to get started blogging on Medium:

Step 1. Create an account:

The first step in getting started on Medium is to create an account. This is simple to accomplish in three steps; 

  • Visit 
  • Press the “Get started” button. 
  • Use your email address, Google account, or Facebook account to sign up. 

Voila! You’ve successfully created a Medium account for blogging.

Step 2. Finish your profile:

After you’ve made an account, you’ll need to finish your profile. When it comes to profile optimization, Medium is no different than any other social media network. So, it all starts with you creating an appealing profile. 

You must make the profile “You.”

This involves uploading a photo, creating a bio, and linking your social media accounts.

Step 3. Join as a paying member

This part is not important, but I believe if you want to start blogging on Medium, your motive would be to make money in the long run.

So, to start generating money on Medium, you must first join the Medium Partner Program (MPP). And to do so, you must be a paying Medium member. 

So, be sure you sign up for Medium. It costs only $5 per month or $50 per year if paid annually.

Step 4. Create your first blog post

Now that you’ve signed up for Medium, it’s time to create your first blog article. 

On your Medium site, at the top-right corner, there is a tab labeled “Write.” You’ll be sent to the gorgeous and minimalist yet powerful Medium editor where you write your blog. 

Medium’s layout is straightforward and clear, which I appreciate. It enables you to produce a stunning blog post with no technical knowledge.

After writing your post, you should add a title, compose your text, and upload photographs and videos.

Step 5. Optimize your blog post for SEO:

After you’ve created your blog post, make sure the title and subtitle are properly structured and optimized for SEO.

Your subtitle should be a subheading beneath the principal heading (large T) for your title (small T). You should also optimize it for SEO by using relevant keywords in your post’s title, body, and tags (I can’t emphasize this enough).

Congrats! You are now ready to publish. But that isn’t all. To be a successful medium blogger, you must promote your post to get more visibility.

Step 6. Promote your blog post:

After you’ve published your blog post, you can promote it by sharing it on social media, submitting it to directories, and contacting other bloggers in your industry.

Read our full guide on how to increase your blog traffic in 3 easy ways.

Step 7. Create a following on Medium.

One of the most useful things you can do for your business is to build an audience on Medium and monetize your blog. Because the Medium readership is so large, cultivating a following is critical.

When I first started blogging on Medium, one needed at least 100 followers to apply for the Medium Partner Program, which enabled bloggers to earn money via their writing.

However, that rule has been changed, and authors can now join the Partner Program without having to meet a minimum follower requirement.

But followers are still important!

As a matter of fact, bloggers now stand to get more revenue if a current fan reads and interacts with their work! Therefore, it is advantageous for the writer to have more followers.

Is Medium A Good Platform To Start A Blog?

Yes! If you’re new to blogging, I strongly advise you to start on Medium. 

Medium is an excellent platform for learning the fundamentals of blogging and getting your content in front of a huge audience.

You already have a topic, an audience, and a strong domain authority on your side if you start blogging on Medium.

Once you’ve started blogging, you may either continue to grow your readership on Medium or start your own WordPress blog.

The only true disadvantage of using a medium platform is that they have complete control over your content. They are free to remove your content, cease paying, or do anything else they choose.

Aside from that, Medium is a good platform to start a blog.

Are Medium Bloggers Paid?

Without a doubt! Yes. Medium bloggers do get paid.

The Medium Partner Program (MPP) compensates Medium bloggers. It’s by far the most enjoyable aspect of Medium (at least for me!). You simply write blogs or stories that others enjoy reading, and voila! You’re making money!

The Medium Partner scheme (MPP) is a scheme that allows bloggers to earn money directly from Medium by receiving a share of the $5 monthly membership price users pay to access restricted content. 

Medium pays out the money to Bloggers once a month. 

To get paid as a Medium Blogger, you must:

  • First, register a Medium account 
  • Post at least three pieces to be eligible for the MPP. 
  • Then, you must enroll in the MPP, which is a free program. 

When you join the MPP, you will start earning money from your articles when they are read by other Medium members. The more people who read your posts on Medium, the more money you’ll make.

The MPP will not make you rich overnight, but if you commit to writing frequently and effectively and you provide a lot of value, you should be able to earn a few hundred dollars each month.

Can I Blog For Free On Medium?

Yes, you can absolutely blog for free on Medium and make money indirectly. 

You can open a Medium account, start creating articles, and publish them on the site for free. Your articles will be seen by anybody who has a Medium account, and they can also be read by individuals who do not have a Medium account if shared on social media or other websites.

 However, if you want to read stories that are behind a paywall or earn money through the Partner Program, you must become a premium member.

Even if you are not a member of the MPP, there are a number of advantages to blogging for free on Medium. These advantages include:

  •  Reaching a big audience: Medium has a vast and active readership. This implies that individuals who are interested in your topic are more likely to view your content.
  •  Straightforward to use: Medium’s interface is straightforward and intuitive, making it simple to create, publish, and format your pieces.
  •  Monetization options: Even if you are not a member of the MPP, you can still monetize your Medium blog through sponsorships and affiliate marketing.

Can I Blog Anonymously On Medium?

The quick answer is yes. It is totally possible to post articles on Medium without readers knowing who wrote them. In fact, many authors on Medium do this. 

Here are the steps to becoming an anonymous Medium blogger.

  • Make an account on Medium without using your actual name.
  • Do not connect your personal social network accounts to your Medium account. 
  • Do not include any personal information in your Medium profile or postings.
  • If you are concerned about your privacy, you can utilize a VPN when composing and posting your Medium post.

While there are various sites that allow you to write anonymously, Medium is one of the few that enables you to conceal your true identity while still making money from your work.

That’s true. Even if you have one or more anonymous identities, you can still monetize your work through the Medium Partner Program.

When you join the Partner Program to make money from Medium, you must enter your tax information as well as your true name and identity, but that information is not available to the general public. 

People just see the name you’ve chosen for the front end, which may be anything you choose.

What Does Medium Pay Per 1,000 Views?

This is one of the most essential and often requested questions I receive. And, to be honest, I understand why. It’s normal to wonder how much you’ll be paid for putting in long hours at work. 

The answer to this sort of question varies depending on the sort of content you create, the reader’s location, subscription status, and the amount of involvement with the article.

The Medium does not compensate writers based on views. Writers are compensated through the Medium Partner Program, which is dependent on how long Medium users read your article. This implies that the longer a person reads your post, the more money you’ll make.

However, after running numerous Medium accounts for several years and doing research on other articles and Medium bloggers. Medium pays, on average, somewhere between $5.59 and $27.59 per 1,000 views (Medium RPM).


That concludes this post! I hope this article helps you get started with your Medium account.

In short, Medium is an excellent blogging platform that enables anybody to effortlessly create, publish, and monetize blog posts of any length. 

While Medium is far from ideal, signing up takes only a few minutes. Unlike many other platforms (such as Google and Amazon KDP), Medium allows writers to collect their royalties immediately without having to wait 60 or 90 days, and there is no minimum payout requirement.    

Of course, this isn’t everything. This platform, like most things, has more to it. But there’s only so much information that can fit into a single blog article. 

Still, you should have a good understanding of how the platform operates now. 

To increase your chances of success, focus on creating high-quality material, communicating with your readers, and promoting your blog.

Read our guide on the best time to publish blog posts to get engagement.