How To Use Video In Email Marketing (MIstakes To Avoid)

How To Use Video In Email Marketing

Do you wish to know how to use Video in email marketing? You can use Video in many ways to enhance your email marketing campaigns and connect with your audience in a more engaging and impactful way.

Effective email marketing is made up of enticing headlines and helpful content. And if they are all personalized, it will boost the open rate and the click rate. To boost click-through rate, in addition to employing text, call-to-action buttons, graphics, etc. Currently, 80% of businesses tend to use Video in email marketing.

In recent research, consumers spend 1/3 of their time online viewing videos. If correctly incorporated, Video can greatly enhance email marketing conversion rates:

In this post, I will provide 6 strategies on how to use Video in email marketing to assist you in adding a new approach to your advertising campaign.

Table of Contents

What Is Video Email Marketing?

What is video email marketing? Video email marketing is simply integrating videos into your email marketing plan.

Video is an increasingly popular media in marketing to attract subscribers and enhance company conversions.

As noted by Wyzowl, more than 80% of firms employ Video in their marketing efforts. This is owing to the great benefits that video implementation has delivered. While incorporating Video in an email may seem like a pretty new issue, the impacts it delivers are apparent.

By employing Video, you can assist your audience in “absorbing” information in a visual manner that sometimes text can’t. With Video, you also have the chance to make complicated issues more fascinating, inspiring the imagination of your viewers.

Why Using Video Marketing In Email Marketing Is Effective?

Why Using Video Marketing In Email Marketing Is Effective?? Here are some reasons why:

1. Attract readers

This is the largest benefit when using video marketing since Video helps deliver the content to the viewers in the most effective and concise manner. This allows marketers to contact people in even the easiest ways and provides you or your business the option to reach customers abroad.

2. Effective marketing tool

According to a study by Hubspot, a creative video will be more successful at reaching clients and communicating the message than simple text or images. This is also the reason why more clients have a good reaction to a product once an introduction video is included in an email.

3. SEO Optimization

A great video, clear, innovative and fascinating material can readily draw the attention of consumers. If your Video is successful and draws a lot of attention, 

4. High conversion rate

There are several studies that suggest that most individuals prefer to trust what they see and hear rather than being conveyed by others via content and news.

Indeed, now many customers trust video introductions or product reviews more before making a purchase decision. Engaging instructional films will encourage viewers that may drive them to become prospective consumers of the firm.

Why Is Video Better Than Text?

Why is Video better than text? Studies show that our brain processes pictures 60,000 times quicker than text. That fact alone is enough to teach us why videos will always be more captivating than simple text in selling goods.

By employing Video, you may transmit information more graphically to your clients. While text sometimes fails to do that. Therefore, not only can video content engage with your audience at a deeper level, but it also accomplishes it considerably quicker than text. That’s why Video in email marketing is such a great match for a fast-paced society with diminishing attention spans.

How To Use Video In Email Marketing

How to use Video in email marketing? Here are a few ways to use Video in email marketing 

1. Inserting customer feedback videos is the best marketing solution

Reviews and feedback from buyers are the best evidence to convince customers. If you use this Video in your email marketing, your conversion rate will increase significantly.

So you should collect reviews and comments about products and services shown through Video. When potential customers watch, they’ll understand you’re the best option at the moment.

The length of the Video is from 30 to 45 seconds. You should embed the Video where the reader is interested.

2. Make email a more customized experience

Let’s imagine a consumer is in the midst of viewing a video on a website. You may send the Video in an email so people can finish it. Besides, analyzing the data on the page will give statistics on the most viewed videos. Use these tips in your post to gain more clicks. From a commercial standpoint, it will improve ties with clients and boost video views even more.

3. Use Video in email marketing to express company culture

Email marketing would be dull if it were solely a product display. Sometimes, you may quietly market your services to demonstrate your business culture.

The objective of this sort of Video is to create brand recognition. This is a fundamental foundation for creating ties with consumers further.

Suggested structure of the company introduction video:

  • Begin by welcoming the prospective consumer.
  • The duration of the company culture message should be within 60 seconds. Under 45s is the greatest.
  • Give them essential information. Can intelligently stack goods that are relevant to the client.
  • Finally, present a call to action.

4. Event notice, video newsletter

Suppose your firm arranges events, whether internal or external. Take a video recapping the possibility of distributing to subscribers. In this manner, you can provide them with a visual sense of how your brand operates in actuality. At the same time stimulate interest in business events in general.

For example, your firm undertakes an industrial machine operating check every quarter. Go back and put them into the email. Plus, remember the CTA button for subscribers to discover more videos. They can serve as social proof that these events are attended by many people. Also, it functions as an information source for people in your field.

5. Product line announcement or video launch

When releasing a new product, you may tell your clients in advance by utilizing Video in email marketing.

Example: If you are upgrading to a new updated version of the product. Let subscribers know in advance. In that manner, committed consumers may exhibit interest in the goods. Additionally, you also have the possibility to increase your market via word-of-mouth marketing.

6. Video lessons, assistance for usage in email marketing

95% of target buyers watch explainer films to understand goods and services better.

To construct this Video, you need to collect clients’ most frequent questions regarding the product. Then will answer them in the Video. Currently, the trend of making product video tutorials mostly incorporates frequently asked questions. It enhances the degree of concentration, viewing videos more. Even widely shared by customers.

Video duration of this sort should be between 2-4 minutes. Focus on getting right to the point, avoiding verbosity. Because clients watch videos in addition to being simple to grasp, they also want to save time. So don’t be too rambling; it will have the opposite effect.

Another crucial formatting advice is to embed the Video in the email where it attracts the reader. Putting the Video at the top of the email is a good idea.

How To Embed Videos Into Email Marketing                                                      

How do you embed videos into email marketing? There are many methods to insert videos into email marketing. But, I will teach you how to insert videos into emails most simply and straightforwardly today; anybody can “Embed Youtube links in photos in an email.”

           How to embed videos into email marketing on youtube

Step 1: Upload the Video you wish to embed into your email to Youtube

First, you need to post your Video on Youtube’s platform or any other video hosting platform you have. The objective is to build a link put into email marketing. If you need to learn to upload movies to Youtube, follow the steps below.

  • Use any email to log in to Youtube
  • Then hit the “download video” button in the top right corner of the screen. You pick the Video you want to post and click “select file” to upload it straight. 
  • Wait a few seconds for the movie to load (the Video uploading progress will be shown on the screen). 
  • Add titles, descriptions and tags to videos
  • Youtube will produce three thumbnail pictures (Thumbnail images) for you to choose as your avatar. If the YouTube photos indicate you don’t like it, you may submit another thumbnail image by clicking the “custom thumbnail” option. 

Recommended thumbnail picture size is 1280×720 pixels.

Note: You should use an eye-catching Thumbnail picture to enhance video clicks. And also should choose pictures with only a few words that make it confusing and difficult to read. 

After the Video is successfully uploaded, you can visit the Youtube page to watch the Video you just uploaded. As soon as the Video is successfully uploaded, you have successfully produced a unique URL for your Video. 

Step 2: Compose the message and insert the Thumbnail picture into the email. 

You construct the essential information and put the thumbnail image of the Video at the spot where you want to integrate the Video into email marketing. You may use a static picture or a GIF (ideally a GIF) since a GIF is more engaging because it seems more intriguing, improving click-through. 

The picture sent in the email does not have to be the same as the thumbnail image used on Youtube. You may choose any picture you desire and put it into the email. 

Step 3: Insert the Youtube video URL link into the picture

After you have inserted the image into the email as desired, you insert the video URL link you just uploaded to Youtube into the image so that when customers click on it, they will see the Video. 

Embed the link by clicking on the picture you want to include the link, then click on the link button in the compose area and then input the link, then hit ok. 

Step 4: Send a test email to preview

To make sure your email will appear excellent when it reaches your consumers, you need to send a test to yourself after finishing all the procedures. Please verify the structure and spelling and click the video-watching experience, etc., to decide whether there are any more issues that need to be rectified. After verifying, you hit send letter as normal.

See also: Essential test for email marketing you need to know before sending a campaign.

What Video Format Is Easiest To Email?

What video format is easiest to email? Zip files (Windows/Mac) are the easiest video format to send.

ZIP file is an archive file type that allows lossless data compression. Zipping a file minimizes its size and also makes it simpler to distribute a movie over email. ZIP file is an archive file type that allows lossless data compression. Zipping a file minimizes its size and also makes it simpler to distribute a movie over email.

What Is The Video Limit For Email?

What is the video limit for email? On average, an email’s maximum video file size should vary from 10MB to 25 MB. 

Sending huge video files by email is tricky. This is because each email client has a size restriction for file sharing.

Gmail and Yahoo restrict file size to 25MB, whereas Outlook and iCloud limit files to 20 MB.

So, if you decide to use, for example, a video file more significant than 25MB, you can receive an error saying the message was refused by the server because it’s too large.

Some email applications won’t indicate an error but instead recommend how you should send the huge video clip.

  • For example, Gmail would propose that you upload the movie to Google Drive
  • And Outlook will suggest that you upload the video to Microsoft OneDrive.

You may confirm the same with your email provider to be sure.

Mistakes To Avoid When Embedding Video In Email Marketing

What mistakes to avoid when embedding Video in email marketing? Using Video in email marketing brings various benefits, but it is also necessary to prevent some of the following mistakes:

1. “Selling too hard.”

When you implement sales that are too “dry” or too “impatient”, like the first question that you say to the lover you are going to meet is “Will you marry me” but you neglect the process of finding out. So that two individuals may get to know one other.

Success is founded on a step-by-step connection. By developing a hilarious video to attract them, to “seduce” more people to view your Video and prospective consumers, they will continue to promote your content more.

 Gradually assist you to dig deeper and get to know them better. Promoting an appealing and successful video is a step-by-step effort and demands more time to engage in it to produce optimum impact.

2. Video not part of a campaign

You can only have one opportunity to establish a first impression; consequently, many organizations prefer to “overload” their consumer base with information and self-satisfaction. The speed of your message leaves something to the imagination and curiosity without straining the viewer’s very small attention span.

Instead of making a single five-minute video, you should concentrate on a different strategy to create a two-minute video with six 30-second portions left. Add up to a total of five minutes.

 However, it amplifies and concentrates on purpose in what they term “the marinating effect. More than ever, the viewer’s attention span has been focused, therefore requiring to be succinct, informative, entertaining and delivering points.

3. Poor title – unappealing and SEO

Content is crucial – but headlines are the main means for people to click through and read that information. Titles that include keywords and entice readers are critical in maximizing your conversion rate.

If there is a beautiful video, but the title doesn’t attract people, all your efforts to produce the Video will be meaningless.

See also: How to crafty a catchy title.

4. Haven’t created enough “addictive” ingredients for the Video

Video marketing is not just aesthetically attractive pictures. Effective Video is the synthesis of all the harmony of the images with the greatest use of voice and text. All these components need to be addressed before generating a video for viewers. Everything has to be calculated and well-prepared.

Use the words, voice, and information you can to attract your audience’s attention.

5. Focus on the benefits

If just concentrate on product introduction, sales and product events. But if we forget about the advantages of the product and the purpose that the customer wants, the viewer will not be interested in your product.

6. Don’t Harness the Power of Video

If a painting can create different perspectives – then an image or Video can create many perceptions for the viewer. But you need to make sure that your Video describes the right content and is true to the nature and audience you need to target in order to bring the maximum effect to you.

 In fact, you think creating a variety of videos with shimmering images is good. Still, viewers need quality videos with the right content they need and, most importantly, the right time. They care.

7. Use Video on social media platforms

YouTube is great at dynamic product marketing, but it has to be everywhere on the internet. Maximizing Video is not only targeted for SEO; you have to build your Video to show up on all platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

 This doesn’t mean uploading it to YouTube and copying and pasting the links on other platforms. When you upload your Video to Facebook, you will get 1 extra point on Facebook plus 1 point on the Youtube platform, which will be very convenient for you.

And remember to send the Video to the consumer. According to studies, a video delivered to a customer’s email raises click-through rates 200 to 300 times.

8. Video is too lengthy

We live in a world of customer contentment and fulfilment. Therein lies the golden recipe for captivating your audience to create an entertaining, informative film, and it has become a standard of video marketing.

Avoiding the following 8 typical errors, it will help you establish an effective, resonant and targeted video marketing plan that will help drive visitors to your website and improve sales. Sales amount.


Having learnt how to use Video In email marketing, how to embed it and the common mistakes to avoid when using videos in email marketing. You should note that Video is a strong tool that may boost your email marketing efforts and increase engagement, conversions, and sales.

By following the techniques and best practices mentioned in this article, you can produce captivating video content that connects with your audience and generates results. Remember, email marketing is all about providing value to your audience. By incorporating Video into your email campaigns, you can create more engaging and memorable experiences that inspire action and build loyalty.

Thanks for reading, and happy video marketing!

Faqs About How To Use Video In Email Marketing

Is it possible to embed a video directly into an email?

No, most email clients don’t enable embedded videos owing to security concerns. Instead, you may use a thumbnail picture that connects to your movie stored on a third-party site like YouTube or Vimeo.

What’s the best way to promote my Video in an email?

The best way to promote your video in email is by Including the word “video” in your email subject line and adding a thumbnail image that links to your Video. You may also give a quick teaser or description of your Video in the body of the email.

Should I use autoplay for my Video in email?

No, It’s not advisable to use autoplay for your Video in email. Autoplay may be obnoxious and obtrusive. Let your viewers pick if they want to watch your Video by adding a play button to the thumbnail picture.

Can I track how long people watch my Video in email?

Yes, you can track how long people watch your Video In email. Most video hosting platforms like YouTube or Vimeo provide analytics that shows how long people watch your Video. You may also use a marketing automation solution like HubSpot or Marketo to measure video interaction inside your email campaigns.

What’s the best way to optimize my Video for mobile devices?

Use a responsive design for your email template, pick the proper file format, and optimize for sluggish connections by compressing the file size and decreasing the quality.