How To Write A Real Estate Marketing Email (Find Out)

How To Write A Real Estate Marketing Email

Are you a real estate agent longing to learn how to write a real estate marketing emails that grab attention, engage readers, and generate leads?

To write an effective real estate marketing email. It must be concise, use a clear subject line, personalize the message, and provide a clear call to action.

But do you know What to consider to make your email reach the customer’s primary box, have a higher open rate, and how to write effective real estate email marketing content? 

In today’s tutorial, I will walk you through the process of writing effective real estate marketing emails, covering everything from subject lines to content structure.

 Let’s dive in and discover how to write a real estate marketing email that stands out!

See also: How to nurture leads in real estate with email marketing.

What Is Real Estate Email Marketing?

Before we dive deeper into today’s topic, let’s take a brief look at what real estate email marketing is, for reference’s sake. Real estate email marketing is a technique of contacting prospective consumers to present and promote projects and encourage clients to come to a decision to acquire real estate.

See our full guide on: What is real estate email marketing?

The Benefits Of Using Email Marketing In Real Estate

  • High conversion rate
  • Provide detailed, vivid information
  • Save time and money
  • Enhance professionalism, build trusting relationships
  • Build trusting relationships with customers.

 How To Write An Engaging Real Estate Marketing Email.

Clear, conspicuous title

According to studies, up to 47% of users who click open an email are based on the information in the subject line, and 69% of users simply report Spam based on the topic. 

Therefore, with an enticing title, addressing the client will achieve significant success when launching a marketing campaign on this channel.

Some notes for writing email marketing subject lines:

  • Short, concise, interesting title but yet guarantee to cover the material of the email
  • No more than 40 characters; avoid making the title too lengthy, and it will be clipped on mobile devices
  • Use the skill of constructing sentences. Ask to generate excitement
  • Combine suitable, mild emojis to prevent harsh and uninteresting

See our comprehensive guide on How to write a catchy email title.

Personalize content

Personalizing content in email marketing can boost the quality of the client experience and generate a feeling of familiarity and intimacy. 

From there, this will help in enhancing the conversion rate of purchasing real estate.

Some kinds of personalization in email marketing:

  • Personalize the recipient’s name 
  • Offer personalization 
  • Location-based personalization 
  • Personalization of transaction history, behavior

To reach the utmost success of personalization, email marketers need to employ natural language to inspire personality as well as develop connections with clients.

See our full guide on How to personalize the email. 

Use bright and suitable images.

Email marketing will become more enticing when integrated with visuals. However, do not misuse images. Make sure that the images add value to the consumer and improve the customer experience.

In addition, you may utilize Infographics – a technique of giving complete and vivid information in email marketing to capture clients’ attention.

See our full guide on How to design images in email marketing.

The call to action must be underscored.

Call to action (CTA) – the next step after opening the email and reading the email is a necessary and very crucial aspect of email marketing.

 Advertising should write clear, concise, and relevant audiences for calls to action.

Furthermore, a successful call-to-action is completely informed of what has been delivered. Use eye-catching images to make your call to action stand out.

See also: How to design converting email CTA.

Choose the perfect moment to send

In a campaign, the “timing” aspect plays a crucial part, assuring a high email open rate. 

According to research, the time in the early morning, when beginning a new working day, clients would access the check email 3 times higher than at other times. 

Therefore, real estate agents should make the necessary research expenditures to decide when is the optimal moment to send emails.

See also: The appropriate time to send an email.

Real estate email marketing is the cheapest communication route compared to other conventional channels, yet it will deliver surprising outcomes. 

Therefore, while developing an email marketing campaign, marketers need to spend and plan properly to get the best efficiency. 

The aforementioned approach of writing real estate marketing emails will assist marketers in preparing for future campaigns.  

Common Errors That Lead Real Estate Marketing Emails To Be Sent To Spam

I have worked for several real estate brands throughout the years. I observed four typical faults that drive project marketing emails to Spam:

1. Copy the original material on the website that the investor promotes the idea, and do not modify it.

2. Email content unduly exploits information such as project name, brand, and area characteristics.

3. Use a lot of terms that draw the attention of the spam filter—for example, Interest rate, loan, free, commitment, profit, risk…etc.

4. Excessive praise of the project: The greatest, the best, the cheapest, the most flawless, the most amazing….etc

Read more on Why emails are sent to Spam and how to avoid it.

Consequently, most of your efforts land in the spam folder and await a response. Just like that, you determine real estate email marketing could be more successful.

In actuality, real estate email marketing is different. Many novices in the sales field hold the misperception mentioned above.

Important things real estate sales should know:

  • Creating material about real estate projects in a distinct and beneficial approach for new receivers makes email marketing success in the inbox.
  • Email marketing is not simple. It demands long-term perseverance. You sent 10,000 emails and intended to encourage clients to acquire the project. With that, everyone has raced to work in real estate sales.

How To Increase Real Estate Email Open Rates With Writing Tips

Urgent real estate marketing email topic

Many marketers concentrate on the content and appearance of email marketing but need to remember that the real estate email topic matter is considerably more crucial. 

Only when the title is interesting enough and inspires the recipient to open will the effort you spend on the content actually work? 

You need to comprehend the ideas and criteria of how to design email subject lines.

What Should not be in an email title:

  • Title should not be too long 
  • Don’t concentrate on positive headlines; negative components attract readers 
  • Don’t focus on positive headlines; negative elements attract readers 
  • Stay away from terms that “seem” to be SPAM

What Should be in an email title:

  • Create comedy and fun 
  • Bring something unexpected 
  • Use questions that generate curiosity 
  • Urgent email subject 
  • Give an order.

Call-to-action material

If your email content is outstanding, but the engagement and purchase conversion rates still need to be as planned, then the call-to-action material may need to be more forceful, making the reader decide. 

No need to be overly verbose; the arguments to urge clients to take action should be simple and compelling.

Encourage consumers to share real estate emails.

First of all, concentrate on producing real estate emails with interesting content; it is crucial to include helpful real estate information. 

Besides, remember to build regular and innovative emails that get readers enthusiastic.

Then advise that the buyer share this email with their loved ones, even naming someone in particular. Such as: 

  • Family and life partners. Let’s enjoy this pleasant and elegant flat with them! 
  • Close friends and coworkers. Help your friends own these beautiful residences at the greatest pricing.
  • The “someone” who the customer knows has a need for real estate.

Email content inspires readers to share emails.

It would be fantastic if, after reading, email marketing is loved by consumers to share with their contacts. 

It will be a highly powerful marketing avenue for you. And creating a successful real estate email marketing campaign is simple for you.

Avoid digression while drafting Email content.

To persuade readers while sending real estate emails, you should avoid rambling with needless information. Prepare a primary point that you need to deliver to the recipient and highlight that.

Too little valuable information and extensive material will damage the quality of your email content.

 Besides, knowing how to lead the message and drafting an outline in preparation can help you have cohesive and persuasive email marketing content without spending too much time.

Double-check your email carefully.

After writing the text, you need to review it carefully before submitting it. First, ensure sure the email is clear of typos and display issues on mobile devices.

 In particular, pay attention to the campaign test-sending stage to verify whether the email was delivered to Spam.

How To Prevent Real Estate Marketing Email From Going To Spam Or Promotions.

Here are 4 stages to an efficient real estate email marketing inbox

1. Invest in credible email marketing software

Choosing a reliable email marketing software supplier will provide surprising rewards in terms of revenue because the main aspect that you get is help and guidance on how to send emails without going to Spam.

See our comprehensive guide on How to select the best email software provider.

2. Build a source of excellent client data

To achieve this, you need to construct your website.

This will be the route for clients seeking projects to access. Potentially interested persons will consent to share their information with you.

There are two sorts of websites that you may create:

1. Personal website: 

Very necessary if you want to sell real estate in the contemporary day. Make your domain name your own. Customers need to know who you are after reading the email….

2. Project website: 

Professional, full, and simple to use. The domain name carries the name of the project you are selling.

3. Invest in content to develop very effective email marketing inboxes

This is really essential quality email content.

  • Create analytical emails, 
  • In-depth advice, 
  • Market summaries, 
  • Quality evaluations,
  • Etc. 

Instead of boring sales-flavored advertising stuff. 

Currently, the rivalry among real estate brands is quite fierce. You and your business and many other businesses are also spamming client inboxes. 

Therefore, the issue of emails slipping into the advertising box is common. 

How should I develop content such that emails presenting real estate deals have high mailbox efficiency?

First, we need to know what causes emails to be categorized under the Advertising tab. The causes are detailed in depth in the article Why Emails Fall into the Advertisement Box.

To send efficient email marketing inbox, real estate sales need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Outgoing brand and email subject: Do not write phone number. Do not capitalize all characters. Only the first letter should be capitalized. Additionally, care should be used to avoid typing the website domain name. 
  • To compose email marketing real estate Inbox high, give particular attention to the content :
  • Do not repeat the project brand name or investor too many times. Which should only repeat approximately 1-2 times
  • Avoid putting too much information regarding area number, amount, interest rate, and special characters like %! @ #….. • Only write contact information at the bottom or top of the email. Do not repeat writing too many times.
  • The number of photos and text should be in the ratio of 20: 80. In this, the picture width size of roughly 600-800px is suitable.
  • Avoid using forceful or promotional language such as Promotion, Click here, Sale off, discount…etc. All letters should not be capitalized. Promotional mailboxes adore your email if it has a lot of capital letters.

4. Plan the delivery route

Real estate email marketing to achieve high inbox efficiency demands preparation and commitment. Don’t anticipate your first-day email to answer.

A customer of mine retweets: He writes approximately 10,000 emails a day in succession. And the content is revised often. 

The campaign has been sustained continuously for several months. He ended up losing a couple of orders. In this, a consumer acquired 2 apartments via 2 other parties. 

The client informed him: “I have been working very hard to send you information regularly for the past few months. And I opted to purchase from you today out of eagerness.”

That’s all; work hard to pursue your passion, stick with your strategy and serve your consumers. They will love and trust you to do business with you.


Now that I have explained how to write a real estate marketing email. It’s important to note that writing effective real estate marketing emails takes a planned approach.

 By customizing your messages and delivering relevant information, you can design appealing emails that engage recipients and produce results.

 Remember to optimize emails for mobile devices, proofread attentively, and regularly evaluate and adjust your email campaigns for optimal effect. 

Harness the power of real estate marketing emails to engage with prospective buyers and sellers, display your expertise, and expand your company.

Good luck.