How To Write A Welcome Email Newsletter?

How To Write A Welcome Email Newsletter?

I am sure you wish to learn how to write a welcome email newsletter.

As someone who has been working in email marketing for several years, I know just how important the welcome email newsletter can be for establishing a strong connection with your subscribers.

The first thing to do when creating a welcome message is to make sure that you always have the end user in mind so that whoever receives it will genuinely feel like the message was written personally.

Between customer acquisition and sale, there is a period when you need to build contact and gain confidence. A welcome letter is the first step in a journey that will either melt the ice and lead to sales or permanently harm the image of the company.

In this blog post, We have created a detailed guide on attracting a client from the first message, when it is suitable to write a welcome letter and how to organize the letter for higher efficiency.

Please read our guide on how to get customers to open your email.

So, let’s get started!

What Is A Welcome Email?

A welcome email is the company’s first impression with a new customer, blog or newsletter subscriber. Welcome emails can provide videos, special offers, a signup form, or just a friendly hello to establish a first-time relationship with a new contact.

Why The Welcome Email Is Important

Have you ever signed up for a newsletter and not received anything right after? In these cases, you may wonder if you did something wrong if, by chance, your registration could have been more successful.

Either way, it feels neglected. We expect something that doesn’t come. And this is not good, in any case: a company should ALWAYS meet the expectations of customers / potential customers. That’s why not welcoming a new member with a warm welcome is not only not friendly but also counterproductive.

If you don’t send a welcome email:

  • You risk throwing away the money spent on lead generation.
  • You give a bad “first impression.”
  • You risk that the first email you send, after maybe a week, the user will remember signing up and unsubscribe or – even worse – report yourself as spam.
  • You miss out on a great opportunity.

If you’re wondering: “Why should I send a welcome email?” the answer is given by the data:

  • 76 % of users expect to receive a welcome email immediately after signing up (Source)
  • Those that obtain a welcome email engage with the brand 33% more frequently (Source)
  • the opening rate of welcome emails is usually very high, around 91% (Source),
  • this makes them much more effective than standard newsletters – up to 86% more effective

This is why welcome emails are important. Data in hand, let’s proceed to understand when to send our welcome email.

When To Send A Welcome Email

A welcome email should be sent soon after a subscriber registers up for your email list. This helps you to make a good first impression and interact with your new subscribers while they are still thrilled about your company.

Delaying the welcome email may cause users to lose interest or forget why they joined up in the first place. As a result, it’s critical to have an automated welcome email set up to go out as soon as someone joins your email list.

7 Aspects Of A Welcome Letter

1. Honest and straightforward headline

The newsletter welcome email is not a promotional communication, therefore are no attractive headlines or selling claims. The subscriber must quickly comprehend what he received, from whom and why to read this message. For example, “welcome,” “let’s get started,” “instructions for new users,” etc.

2. Personal appeal

Use variables like {{name}} for the name so it will immediately show up in the welcome email. You can also specify the current date, time, or the name of the email that the person has subscribed to.

Please read our guide on how to personalize your email newsletter.

3. Gratitude

For the fact that a new subscriber gave his email address to you, you ought to thank him. Write warm comments or gift a promotional code, a useful checklist, or an e-book. This will generate happy emotions and strengthen loyalty a little.

4. What will happen next

Tell us what to expect after the welcome email. Informative articles, selections of top goods for the season, advice from experts – such promises will make you wait for the next letters and increase interest in your mailing list.

If you are planning selling activities, then reveal secret deals, promotional codes and closed sales that customers will receive only on the mailing list.

5. Connections to social networks

Be sure to include contact information and links to your social media platforms. Ask to subscribe to enhance the number of touches with the client on numerous platforms.

6. Feedback

Give customers a method to reach you so they don’t feel like email communication is one-sided. Provide a link to a chat with the manager or to the support service, where you can write inquiries. Indicate that you accept letters in response to the mailing list.

7. Unsubscribe

Laws “On marketing” mandate that letters contain a prominent unsubscribe link. Normally it is located in the footer of each mail. If in the future you wish to delete inactive subscribers who are no longer interested, make the unsubscribe a separate huge button and set it in the body of the letter.

Please read our guide for a more detailed explanation of email marketing law.

How To Create An Effective Welcome Email

1. Make a meaningful design.

For recognition, utilize corporate identity. Strive to stand out from other welcome emails the client receives: for example, examine what competitors in your niche are sending and build a different design. It is also wiser to decline marketing banners in the style of “purchase here and now.”

2. Make contact

You should not write a typical letter without feelings. Make an effort to learn more about one another. For example, a short message about the concept of the brand, a tale about how the company’s history began, or about the perks that make your products better than others. It’s fantastic if this article is on behalf of the owner, team members or the editor of the email list with a photo.

3. Use the surprise

While opening a welcome email, a person is waiting for a formality. Therefore an offer beyond their expectations is a chance to obtain a loyal customer. Offer a discount on your first purchase, a free white paper on a topic, or a small welcome gift. Also, you can build up a chain of emails for individuals who did not read or open the message but did not click the link.

4. Report privileges

Write that now the client has special bonuses available only to the subscriber community and will receive personalized offers. For example, learn about closed sales and secret coupon codes. The more fascinating and relevant the offer, the more often a person will open your letters and the more probable he would share such a find with his friends.

Timing is the most crucial component for effective mailing. Send a welcome email to a new client quickly after getting data from the subscriber. Otherwise, he would forget about you and not take the next step. Set up a mailing service to send a trigger email when adding a new subscriber.

“How To Write A Welcome Letter” – Step By Step Plan

The first thing to do when creating a welcome message is to make sure that you always have the end user in mind so that whoever receives it will genuinely feel like the message was written personally.

Let’s analyze them in detail.

1. Thank your new contact

Having said that earlier. The first thing you should do in a welcome message is to thank your new subscriber for joining the mailing list.

“Thank you” is one of the most effective words in emails. Utilizing phrases to thank clients adds a personal quality to communication and builds the foundations for future brand loyalty.

When people realize they are valued, they are more likely to have positive thoughts about you and your brand.

Try thanking the new customer using name personalization. Adding a user’s name can capture their attention and enhance engagement, potentially even personalizing the subject of the email. People pay more attention when you use their names.

Remember: in order to do this, you will have to collect the names of the subscribers during the registration method, but be cautious not to make the registration form too long and complex, or you risk obtaining the opposite result to the desired one. That is, you risk folks not signing up for your newsletter at all.

If you can access users’ names, use this information to let them realize that you know them and are communicating with them directly.

2. Say who you are

The most sincere welcome you can give your readers, which will allow you a quick and emotional connection, consists in narrating your story.

Explain yourself, your goals, and what you do. Introduce yourself, and display your personality and the foundation values ​​of your project. Please tell us what makes you wake up thrilled about what you do every morning.

This can assist you in selling your product or service in subsequent emails because customers will already be familiar with the brand, its values ​​and its items.

3. Provide the promised incentive

Have you offered site visitors a perk in exchange for signing up for your mailing list? So, this is the period when you must not let them down.

Your welcome email should quickly deliver the reward promised in the signup form, whether it’s a whitepaper, discount code, or free product.

Otherwise, you will most likely immediately lose the faith of subscribers, who will experience a slight (or deep) feeling of disappointment. Not the correct foot to start with,

4. Establish expectations

Specify what kind of email you will be sending so that you set expectations for your users. For example, are you going to send out a weekly newsletter? Or will customers be updated every time you give discounts and exclusive offers? Would your subscribers be the first to know about new features or goods you’re launching?

This way, you can establish the relationship and prevent individuals from being taken by surprise by the content, thereby avoiding any complaints, spam reports and unsubscriptions.

5. Use a recognizable sender

If you’re pondering over how to compose the subject line of your welcome email that will spike your open rate, you’ll need to wait a little longer.

What does it mean? When you’re putting up your welcome message (or any other email), please spend a few seconds to make sure the sender your receivers will see is a person or brand they can easily recognize.

If your name appears on the site, use the same name as the sender. But even if it shouldn’t be, using a genuine name helps to reach a more human dimension and overcomes the first obstacle in the inbox.

6. Compose a memorable subject

Our research shows that 34% of people glance at the subject line of incoming mail first, making the subject line a vital component of your welcome message. And the best objects include no more than 24 characters. Correct. This way, you won’t have much room to entice people to open the message.

7. Remember the benefits

Okay, your welcome message has been opened. And now? Now you’ll have to give your readers more than one reason not to give up.

With hundreds of billions of emails sent daily, you need to understand how and why your communications (and not simply your welcome message) are the ones people will want to open in the future.

And the welcome message is the perfect spot to do it.

One of the most successful techniques is to remind people of the benefits they will gain from your communications and the use of your products and services. This also helps remind new subscribers what you do and why they signed up.

8. Insert a specific CTA

A major aspect of the best welcome message is a call to action. Thus you need to include a CTA or call to action. There may be various basic actions to do. Select the action you want users to take after viewing your welcome message.

For example:

  • Complete your profile
  • Start utilizing the product
  • Find out what’s new
  • Read your mission statement

The CTA is commonly a button within the body content and can also be a link. In most emails, you will repeat the core call-to-action at least twice.

Features Of A Welcome Email: How Not To Get Into Spam Or Run Into A Fine

In regards to email marketing law. You should be aware that you must seek agreement to receive letters before sending a welcome letter and a further series of mailings. Additionally, prepare the Personal Data Processing Policy and the User Agreement, which you must familiarize the subscriber with.

Since The Legal Side Of The Issue Is Over, It’s Time To Make Sure That The Letters Do Not Wind Up In Spam:

  • Publish a newsletter from a domain address, for example,
  • Configure domain address authentication before using
  • Do not use spamming words in the subject and body of the letter (Buy, Cheap, Earn, Click, Subscribe, Cheap etc.)
  • Use Double Opt-in to confirm your newsletter subscription
  • Don’t send emails too often
  • Make sure that there is more text in the letter than photos

Read the full article here.

Conclusion: It’s Time To Choose A Mailing Service

A welcome letter to new subscribers should go automatically. Therefore you can’t do without the support of mailing services. What should you look out for when choosing a mailing service:

  • The capacity to compose automatic and trigger chains of letters or a series of letters.
  • Hyper-personalization – from variable name substitution to the ability to modify the personal display of each email block depending on the audience segment.
  • Handy and simple visual editor to produce letters without a designer and ready-made templates.
  • Security of data storage and transfer, as well as compliance with the requirements of email laws “on personal data,” so as not to receive a domain ban or hefty fines for violations of mailing laws in the future.
  • Thorough statistics on mailings and the more performance parameters you can track utilizing the service, the better.

So, you are ready to create your first email and start establishing a mailing list. But before you start, we encourage you to look at our guide on how to send your first email.