How To Write An Anonymous Blog (5 Easy Steps)

How to Write an Anonymous Blog

Do you wish to start blogging anonymously but don’t know how to write an anonymous blog?

Creating a blog is often a personal matter, and the blog is not intended to be an anonymous tool. However, you may need to hide your identity on the Internet for business or private reasons. 

Today, I’ll show you how to create an anonymous blog in 5 easy steps to keep your personal information absolutely private.

Of course, there are several methods for doing this, but the measures I will discuss below protect you from all forms of threats and preserve your online anonymity.

So, without further ado, let us begin!

See also: 9 alternatives to blogging.  

Pros and Cons of Anonymous Blogging

There are advantages and disadvantages to blogging anonymously, and it is critical that you understand them before you write an anonymous blog.

Advantages of Blogging Anonymously

  • Feel free to share personal information or voice thoughts without fear of being criticized.
  • Keep your identity and sensitive information safe.
  • Separate your online personal and business lives.
  • You may easily acquire credibility, for example, by creating a trustworthy personal finance blog, even if you are an artist.
  • Creativity and creative freedom.

Disadvantages of blogging anonymously      

  • Unable to meet your blog’s readers.
  • Limited monetization choices: You can still utilize Google AdSense, but you’ll have to provide Google personal information.
  • Someone who is determined can still locate your blog.

Having stated the pros and cons of anonymous blogging, let’s look at how to blog anonymously.

How To Blog Anonymously.

Now that you know what you know the advantages of blogging anonymously, as well as some of the disadvantages. Let’s look at how you can start an anonymous blog. 

There are many methods to increase anonymity, but let’s stay away from the Dark Web and concentrate on what the majority of us can accomplish relatively simply.

You’ll tell me that it’s easy to start an anonymous blog; just don’t share your name or picture. 


But pay close attention to these:

#1. Choose the Best Platform for Your Needs

The sort of platform you will choose to establish your blog/website is one of the first things you should think about if you want to have an anonymous blog.


Each blogging platform has distinct capabilities, and setup procedures or modifications you will need to do will differ.

I will discuss two of the most popular blogging platforms, which will apply to the great majority of anonymity.

I’m referring to Blogger and WordPress.

On the one hand, Blogger (together with Wix and Squarespace) is one of the most popular platforms for individuals who do not wish to spend anything to start a blog and do it without any programming or web development skills.

The setup is straightforward, which is why I suggest this platform if you don’t want to spend anything to get started with your blog.

On the other hand, there is WordPress, a professional platform that does not impose any restrictions on the creation of a website that can compete with the world’s most viewed blogs.

WordPress is used by some of the most popular websites on the Internet; in fact, this platform is utilized by approximately 810 million websites, more than 45% of all websites that are now online (Source), which is astounding.

You don’t need to know code or have any form of technical expertise; there will be a little learning curve to understand how to use it appropriately, but nothing too difficult.

To summarize: Choose one of these two platforms to begin your project online, and then go to the next stage!

#2. Hide Your Information

Let’s begin with Blogger.

How to blog anonymously on Blogger

If you wish to blog anonymously on Blogger, you must have a Google account and, therefore, an email. Then, proceed to Blogger. You can use a different name and surname for any information needed. It is not required that it is really yours; create a totally separate account from yours and use fantasy names.

Then, after creating your blog on Blogger, go to the page that enables you to “edit your profile,” alter the necessary settings so that your data is NOT shared, and save.

Your data is now safe, not just because you used a different email address and a pen name but also because you requested Blogger not to disclose it.

Let us now consider the situation of WordPress.

How to blog anonymously on WordPress

Things are a bit more complex here since it is a more professional, paid platform where you must submit actual info when enrolling to avoid future complications, particularly if your website expands.

Because of this, and in addition to the fact that you must supply your true name, I will teach you how to conceal it with a simple click.

You will need to use an email address, no matter what it is, to register on this platform and start your anonymous blog, as is the case with other platforms.

As a result, it is preferable that you use a different email, despite the fact that I will explain to you how to disguise this one as well.

To safeguard your data from Internet users and casual visitors, you should perform the following:


That is, secure the data you offer when you purchase the domain, which, as I previously said, MUST be legitimate.

When you contract your domain with a service, you can obtain it for less than $ 1 USD per month, or you can get it entirely FREE from some providers that already include it in their packages, such as Namecheap.

If you do not, your personal information will be made public for anyone to see and will be stored in a register that is readily available to anybody who wants to discover who owns a certain website.

#3. Use Pseudonyms

Create a pseudonym and use it consistently. That is, use the same pen name for your personal data (if allowed), use the same name in your publications, and so on.

Using pseudonyms whenever possible will not only make it more difficult for others to identify your genuine identity.

Yes, in fact. I recommend that you build an entirely fictitious profile, replete with an “about me” part where you write about yourself, fabricating facts, names, cities, and other things that you believe are handy; it is entirely LEGAL.

You may easily build a phony profile on the Internet; the only times you must disclose your actual information are when you join Google Adsense to display advertising adverts on your blog or when you join Amazon Associates to generate money.

#4. Secure your networks.

In certain circumstances, talking about domain protection and other measures to keep your profile secret is insufficient.

There are still ways for someone to obtain information on you; these techniques just make it exceedingly difficult for the typical visitor.

Needless to say, you should avoid publishing any sort of personal information, such as your address, phone number, or aliases, that can be readily located on social networks.

Basically, any information that may be used to discover you on other platforms with search capabilities, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, among others.

In the case of Blogger, you don’t have many more alternatives than those I’ve previously described; nevertheless, the picture changes dramatically when we speak about WordPress.

#5. Keep an eye out!

I have wonderful news for you if you have opted to adopt WordPress as your preferred platform.

There are hundreds of plugins (small applications) that you can quickly set up with a few clicks to repel and prevent any sort of incursion from external agents attempting to acquire personal information from your site or blog.

Email Address Encoder is one example of a plugin that may assist you in doing this:

This plugin is in charge of securing your email addresses by encrypting your data so that automated robots cannot gather it, preventing hackers or anybody else from readily acquiring your data.

Of course, there are several more ways to strengthen the security of your data and site in general.

Plugins that tell you when there are security concerns or someone attempts to acquire information, information encryptors, firewalls, others that prevent spam, and many more alternatives that you can simply take advantage of due to the robust platform that is WordPress.

As a result, choosing a robust platform like WordPress is a simple yet efficient method to keep attentive and prevent any sort of difficulty.

Oh, and by the way! These plugins are absolutely free, at least for most of their fundamental functionality, which will keep you anonymous from any online invaders.

Why Create An Anonymous Blog?

Although blogging anonymously might be beneficial or handy at times, it should only be done for the correct reasons.:

  • You don’t want your friends, family, or coworkers to be able to discover you on Google.
  • You do not want to be criticized based on your lifestyle or choices.
  • You wish to confide in really intimate matters without giving the impression to your loved ones that your private life is being broadcast online.
  • You want to talk about delicate issues without jeopardizing your reputation.
  • You blog in an area that draws a lot of “problem” readers: certain themes are more appealing to unstable individuals than others, and you may wish to protect yourself from that.
  • You must break out from your usual personality. Someone who works in a highly serious field, for example, may wish to display their wacky side on their blog.
  • You want to insulate yourself from potential failure: revealing oneself on a blog is not easy for everyone. If you are terrified of the sight of others, writing anonymously may help you thrive since your decisions will not have a direct impact on your actual life!
  • You wish to safeguard your assets: If you reveal your assets (for example, blogs about finance or real estate investments), anonymity might be a means to protect yourself from certain crimes.

Whether anonymous or not, defamation, gossip, insults, or such baseness are never acceptable in blogging.

How to Make Money Through an Anonymous Blog

It is not only conceivable but also lucrative to have an anonymous blog.

I’ve highlighted the most popular methods for anonymous bloggers to make money.


Ads are a simple method for bloggers, both anonymous and not, to earn money since they just need an ad network and some code or a plugin on their site.

Many Advertising platforms provide larger percentages of pay than others. However, what I propose is that you start with Google Adsense, which has less stringent standards and will help you monetize your content sooner.


Consider sponsorships, but keep in mind that there are some possible drawbacks for anonymous bloggers.

Influence is always vital in marketing initiatives, so having the correct sort of sponsor may be critical, even if face-to-face representation may not be appropriate for all types of partnerships.

It is important to have this discussion before beginning any project with a firm to ensure that the product/service is appropriate and of high quality.


Depending on the themes and genres you write about, you have an infinite number of products to affiliate with.

For example, if you’re interested in writing about working from home, try becoming an Amazon Affiliate so that you may earn a fee when readers click on things like desks or chairs they see in one of your posts. Each and every time.

You just need to perform a little research to locate products relevant to any content topic or niche that interests you.

Make an online course.

Why not share your expertise with your audience if you are an authority on the subject? You can create an instructive lesson without being on camera or sharing your personal information.

Platforms like Teachable are excellent tools for developing the ideal teaching content, which may include PDFs or voice-over instructional videos if desired.

Courses are a great method to teach people and generate new revenue streams since they have minimal administrative expenditures. In a similar vein, you might create a YouTube channel and upload movies with the same topics as your articles.


Many bloggers have turned to professional services as an additional source of revenue.

Although they often request your identity, there are workarounds, such as having Zoom sessions without video or offering assistance through email and text messaging.

Additional aid may be provided in the form of social media marketing assistance, writing/editing abilities, and even email advice.


As a blogger, you may diversify your income and gain an edge by selling your own items. Whether it’s craft items, courses, or things like t-shirts and mugs with catchy slogans relating to your industry, the possibilities for internet sales are limitless!

Printables have also recently been trendy, so why not browse Etsy for some fun ideas on how to get started?

Practical Tips to Blogging Anonymously

When starting an anonymous blog, it is critical to follow a few basic rules of thumb to guarantee that no personal information is published.

Creating an email account with the name of the blog, rather than utilizing personal data such as first and surname names or geographical tags, is an important step in keeping anonymity.

Furthermore, many bloggers utilize their “About me” page to speak about what they prefer to write about without revealing themselves by name to maintain their anonymity.

If you’re ready to go into blogging, choose a nickname or pseudonym to conceal your identity.

Avoid entering personal information such as name when building your WordPress site and submitting material; instead, make sure that just the name of the blog shows so that when people read the comments, they don’t notice “admin” or other identifying information.

Consider designing an avatar (or your blog logo) and avoiding author profiles at the end of each article; this will increase anonymity while developing a community of readers who will be able to submit their own contributions.

Finally, don’t forget to look into the section on how anonymous bloggers get money from their work.


Running an anonymous blog is advantageous for a number of reasons. It gives you some online privacy, allowing you to be more daring and creative, and may help you get accustomed to having your writings read by others. 

Furthermore, even though it is inexpensive, starting an anonymous blog is simple, and you can have it up and running in no time. 

Remember that maintaining an anonymous blog does not completely conceal your identity, and it is not a tool for breaking the law or harassing individuals.


Platforms for anonymous blogging?

In addition to Blogger and WordPress, additional platforms such as Weebly, Wix, and Squarespace provide comparable services and features for creating online projects.

 Keep in mind that Blogger will not provide the “extra protection” that WordPress offers. Others, such as Tumblr, have their own quirks since it functions as a social network as well as a blog.

How to create an anonymous blog on Blogger?

To create an anonymous blog on free Blogger, you only need to register using a Google account (Gmail), then follow the steps indicated, customize your profile so that it is not shared, and start your blog. 

How can I remain anonymous when using the Internet?

  • Use a private web browser, such as Tor.
  • Make use of a VPN service.
  • Use a secure email provider such as ProtonMail.
  • Use encryption software such as GnuPG.
  • Use anonymization techniques such as I2P.
  • Never divulge your full identity on the Internet.
  • Be cautious about the information you disclose online.