How to write an invoice email? Find Out


As a freelancer, I must send out invoices regularly to get paid. That was what led me to learn how to write an invoice email.

 At first, I found it a little frightening to compose invoice emails, but after doing it for a while, I see it’s really easy.

 I’ve worked out several tips and tactics that may help make the process simpler.

 In this blog article, I’ll discuss how to write an invoice email that is professional, straightforward, and successful in getting you paid on time. I will also answer all the possible questions about writing an invoice email.

Could you read our guide on how to write an email?

So, Let’s dive in.

What Is An Invoice?

An invoice is also called a bill.

An invoice is a document delivered to the customer by the seller to collect payment. It describes the customer’s payment in connection with things acquired or services supplied to the customer.

Invoices may also function as legal documents, provided they include the names of the seller and client, the description and price of products or services, and the payment conditions.

What Is An Invoice Email?

Invoice email A message sent to customers containing their invoice for services rendered. The invoice is attached by email or integrated into it, depending on your provider. When you email invoices, make sure you: Emailed invoices sound professional and friendly.

Requirements For An Invoice

There are specific legal criteria for an invoice that you must comply with. First, the invoice number series must be sequential to guarantee that an invoice is not suddenly missing or fraud occurs in the organization.

The invoice must contain the following: 

• Invoice date

• Invoice number, which must be sequential. If you, e.g., have two webshops in the same firm, thus please have two distinct invoice numbers. If required, insert a letter at the start of each invoice series to prevent the two-number series from overlapping.

  • Seller’s name, address, and CVR no.
  • Buyer’s name and address (also their EU VAT registration number if the buyer is rom here)
  • Type, number, and pricing of the goods/services
  • Amount of VAT (this must appear on the invoice before you are entitled to deduct VAT)

All of the following criteria are the legal requirement an invoice must have. Now let’s check out how to write invoice emails.

How To Write An Invoice Email

When sending bills or invoices via email, you should follow a few standards to guarantee you manage your business and invoices as successfully and efficiently as possible.

Here are some crucial billing email practices.

1.  Always be professional

Regardless of the circumstances, it would be best to guarantee that you always retain professionalism. A client might ignore the first or second invoice, which could be annoying. Nonetheless, you must maintain a certain degree of professionalism.

2.  Write a clear topic.

A clear subject line is crucial, so consumers know what’s in the email. The consumer may only remember the email if you are precise.

3.  Start with a nice hello.

When drafting an invoice email, starting with a pleasant welcome is crucial. Begin with “Dear [client’s name]” or “Hi [client’s name],” followed by a short introduction. This will help create a favorable tone for the remainder of the email.

4.  Be specific about the services you’ve offered.

Next, be specific about the services you’ve supplied. Thoroughly express what you accomplished for the customer, how long it took, and other essential facts. This will assist in guaranteeing that the customer understands precisely what they’re being paid for and why.

5.  Provide a thorough breakdown of expenses.

Once you’ve discussed the services you supplied, add a full breakdown of the charges. This should contain the hourly rate or set fee for each service and any expenditures incurred throughout the project. Be sure to be as transparent as possible so the customer can see precisely what they’re paying for.

6.  Give explicit information on how and when payment should be made.

Next, offer specific directions on how and when payment should be made. This might contain information about how to pay (e.g., PayPal, bank transfer, etc.), the deadline for payment, and any penalties for late payments. It’s also good to send a thank you card for their business and a kind reminder that prompt payment is appreciated.

7.  Employ a professional sign-off

Lastly, use a professional sign-off to shut off the email. This might be anything as basic as “Thank you for your business” or “Best regards.” So that the client can contact you if they have any issues or complaints, be sure to provide your name and contact information.

8.  Carefully read

There’s nothing more terrible than advertising your organization with an email full of typos and grammatical problems. That’s why reading each email carefully before sending it is crucial.

Invoice Email Samples

Here’s a sample invoice email you can practice with:

Dear [client’s name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to invoice you for the work I’ve my work. Please find below the details of the invoice:

Invoice number: [insert sequential invoice number]

Invoice date: [insert invoice date]

Seller’s name and address: [insert your name and address], CVR no. [insert your CVR no.]

Buyer’s name and address: [insert buyer’s name and address], EU VAT registration no. [insert buyer’s EU VAT registration number]

Details of services provided:

  • Website design and development (30 hours) – $150/hour
  • Content creation (10 hours) – $75/hour
  • Domain name registration – $20
  • Web hosting – $50/month

The total cost of goods/services: $6,450

VAT amount: $1,290

If you have any inquiries concerning these costs, do let me know. Payment can be made via PayPal to my email address ([insert email address]) by [insert deadline date]. Late payments will incur a penalty of 1.5% per month.

Thank you for your business, and I look forward to working with you again soon.

Best regards,

[Your name]

[Your contact information]


Writing an invoice email may seem intimidating initially, but it doesn’t have to be.

 Following the strategies and tactics in this blog article, you can design a professional, straightforward, and successful invoice email that will get you paid on time. Try to make your tone pleasant and cheerful, be detailed about the services you’ve given, and offer clear directions on how and when payment should be paid.

 And if you’re feeling stuck or uncertain, don’t feel free to return to this guide for advice. You’ll quickly become a master at creating invoice emails with a little practice and persistence.

And if anything went wrong. Visit our guide on how to write an apology email.

Frequently Asked Question

How do I send an invoice to Gmail?

 Here’s how you generate and send an invoice using the new Gmail module:

1. Install the charging add-on. Download here – Invoice Gmail add-on.

2. Open the email from the customer you wish to send an invoice.

3. Click on the Bookipi Invoice add-on.

4. Add items and click “Submit”!

How do I invoice if I am not a business?

If you work as a private person, you may establish a personal account for this by utilizing your name or a DBA (doing business as) name and giving your services or product specifications and payment conditions.

What is required by law to be on the receipt?

Your firm data, including name, address, phone number, and email address. The date of the transaction specifies the day, month, and year. A list of items or services with a short description of the product and the number sold.

How to politely ask for a bill by email?

You can use this way to ask politely:

I have put the invoice here [link to invoice] for your convenience. If I can help, let me know. Please be aware that late fees, as specified in our contract’s terms, apply to any payments made after 30 days. If you have any questions, kindly contact us.

How can I email an invoice to a supplier?

Your “I am writing to ask you to provide me with invoices for the materials I bought and the services I obtained from you. I need them for some extremely crucial paperwork relating to my organization. I also utilized this money from my account, not the companies.

Can I invoice as an individual?

Even as a private individual, creating an account is not a problem. If you sold your car or are charged for non-professional services, the person buying from you may require a personal statement. Many companies also need billing when purchasing a product or service from a private individual.

Can anyone post an invoice?

If you work as a private person, you can set up a private account for him. The cost of the goods or services provided does not matter. … Even a private person can request an account from another person when conducting financial transactions.

Is sending fake invoices illegal?

For instance, a person or organization who makes a bill that looks to come from a trustworthy company and delivers it to a client might be held accountable for: Sending a false (i.e., fraudulent) invoice to commit account fraud. Billing fraud may also include fake billing.

Can an individual issue an invoice?

Only registered companies must submit electronic invoices for goods and services for purchases and sales. Otherwise, individuals can send official invoices to a registered person or business without GST registration.

How to issue an invoice if you do not have a company?

To become a sole trader, you do not need to take any formal action. As long as you are the sole owner, your business begins when your business begins. In the United States of America, you are automatically self-employed and, therefore, can bill customers as needed.

Are handwritten receipts legal?

Acceptable Receipts

Keeping handwritten and printed sales receipts or receipts from stores, medical facilities, or other places where you conduct financial transactions would be best.

Is it illegal not to offer a receipt?

Laws, rules, and annotations

(a) In general. Each retailer must collect use tax from customers (including tenants) and provide each customer (or tenant) with a receipt for the amount of tax collected.

How do I bill someone?

 How to create an invoice: step by step

1. Make your account professional. Create an invoice as a first step…

2. mark your account. …

3. Add company name and information. …

4. Describe the goods or services you are charging for. …

5. Don’t Remember the dates…

6. Add up the money you owe. …

7. Specify payment terms.

How to write an email with a payment request?

 Examples of letters for requesting payment from customers

1. First invoice by email. Polite. Laconically. All necessary information is provided. …

2. Email on time. Reminder. Straight. Shorts. …

3. Overdue by one to three weeks. Straight. Ask them to pay. …

4. Overdue by a month. Laconically. Firm.

How should I ask for anything in an email? 

Consider the following steps on how to write a request email:

1. Organize your request. …

2. Write an accessible topic. …

3. Start with a formal greeting. …

4. State your request. …

5. Include recipient benefits. …

6. End with a call to action. …

7. Focus on the recipient. …

8. Attach additional documents.

How to send a short payment to a customer via email?

Dear Sir/Madam, We have received your payment for ___________ (amount). We thank you for the same. However, after reconciling the payment, we found that the amount of the payment does not exceed ________ (the amount of the deficit).