how to write blog posts for company: The Comprehensive Guide

How To Blog For Business

Regardless of the kind of business you run, Learning how to write blog posts for company is solely important.

Today, almost all companies must write a blog. This means that insane amounts of content are produced.

Thus, it is important to get your content in front of all the other producers so that it is your company that appears at the top of relevant searches.

The aim of a company blog is, of course, to create more traffic, help the target group through the buying journey, get more hot leads and position the company as an expert in the field.

It’s always a bit risky to write a guide like this, but I’m pretty sure you’ll be happy after reading it!

This is a comprehensive guide on blogging for businesses which is divided into eight different parts:

 1: Why companies SHOULD blog in 2019.

 2: What should the company blog about?

 3: How to perform a keyword analysis to appear on relevant searches.

 4: The blog’s length, structure, and structure.

 5: How to blog quickly and efficiently.

 6: Useful tools for writing a blog.

 7: Optimizing the blog for SEO so that the company appears high on relevant searches on Google.

 8: Publishing the blog

  1. Why should companies blog?

When there was talk of a blog in the past, it was mostly in connection with pink bloggers. Today, many companies know that their blog is an important and effective channel to use in marketing.

The reason for this is that our buying habits have changed completely in recent years. Most purchase processes today start with a Google search. This also applies to purchase processes in the B2B market.

Business blogging has become an important part of the everyday life of many marketers and marketing managers in united states companies.

A blog allows the company to appear organically on relevant searches and position itself as an expert in the field you offer goods or services.  

If your company uses blogging as a marketing channel, you can achieve a major competitive advantage.

Here in the United States, there are currently relatively more companies that actively use blogs, and within many industries, it will be easy to get a big head start on competitors if you do it the right way.

“B2B companies that use blogs experience 67% more leads than companies that do not” –  source

A blog is an effective marketing tool because it gives the company the opportunity to:

  • Rank higher in the search engines and attract more traffic to the website.
  • Convert visitors who can become valuable leads and customers for the company.
  • Leads who have read the blog will be warmer and more ready to do business with you.
  • The blog will help you position your company as an expert in the field/industry and strengthen your company’s brand.
  • Appearing organically in search engines creates trust with potential customers.
  • Unlike paid ads and social media, the blog is a channel the company owns and has full control over.
  • Blog articles are useful content to post on social media.

A blog is an investment that pays off over time.

A survey carried out by Oberlo shows that blogs produce three times as many leads per dollar spent compared to paid search.

Much of the reason is that a blog article published online will be visible in search engines many years into the future – in years 2, 3, 4, and 5.

 A blog article will be an investment that will “pay off” over time in contrast to paid advertisements.

“Blog posts older than six months account for 38% of all blog traffic” –  source

 2 – What should the company blog about?

 When you read this, you hopefully have the desire to get started with a blog for your company. But what on earth are you going to write about?

The topic you are going to write about must be something you and your company have expertise in.

 It should therefore be niche-specific to the products and services the company offers. If you don’t have good knowledge and insight about a topic, you shouldn’t write about it either. Check out our full guide on.”The 32 Ideas to blog about.”

A nice way to start is to think about what your customers usually ask and wonder about.

You must add value for future customers and put yourself in the customer’s situation.

Before you get started, it would therefore be a good idea to think about the following:

  • What are the problems and challenges your target group faces?
  • What is your target group wondering about during the buying journey that you can help them with?
  • How can you make the lives of your potential and existing customers easier?

In this process, it would be wise to talk to the company’s salespeople. The company’s salespeople have a unique insight into what customers and potential customers often wonder about and who they are talking to.

 3 – Conducting a Keyword Analysis

Carry out keyword analysis for the blog to rank on Google

When you decide which topics the company should blog about, you should conduct a keyword analysis.

 By investigating what your potential customers search for in the search engines, you can more easily plan and adapt blogs that will get many clicks in organic searches with search engines such as Google.

The competition to appear on searches varies widely from industry to industry. In general, you should go for so-called “long tail” keywords.

SEO for a business blog
how to blog for your business is solely important

These are long keywords/search phrases with lower competition than single words. The longer the search phrase you go for, the easier it will usually be to rank high.

For example, ranking on the longtail keyword “mortgage as self-employed” will be much easier than “mortgage.”

Google understands synonyms; luckily, you don’t need to stuff your blog full of the keyword/search phrase you want to rank for.

Nevertheless, you should include it in headings, in the URL address, and as a natural part of the rest of the text.

Tool for keyword analysis

There are countless tools for keyword analysis. SEMrush is a good alternative with several advanced functions we use ourselves.

Ahrefs is also a popular choice. However, these cost a lot of money, and there are free options if you are going to perform a simple keyword analysis on your own.  I recommend you read our guide on “The best SEO for Search Engine Optimization.”

A simple and free keyword tool to start with is Ubersuggest. On Ubersuggest, you can enter the keyword you want to rank for, and it gives you suggestions for other relevant keywords and “longtail” keywords you can use.

 You also get a good overview of the number of searches per month and the level of competition for the search term or phrase. 

You can also see an estimate of how much it would cost to appear on the keyword with paid ads:

For example, The word “Heat pump” has very high competition. Ubersuggest comes up with suggestions for variations of the search term, and you see that the search term “Heat pump location” has low competition but still 70 monthly searches.

Create a good and informative blog about how to place the heat pump as best as possible with the title “How to place the heat pump as best as possible,” and you will have a good chance of ranking high and getting a steady stream of relevant traffic to your website.

 4 – The blog’s length and structure

4.1 – How long should a blog post be?

Your blog length will depend on the competition for the keywords you want to rank for.

If you are in an industry where few companies blog, a good and informative post of 600 words may be enough.

 We recommend at least 1000 words or more. Then you get a nice length of your post that gives the reader all the information they are looking for in one place.

This is something Google’s new algorithms appreciate. Of course, it is always possible to alternate between short and long blog posts depending on the topic you are dealing with and how much time you have.

Blogs that are highly ranked on Google have an average of 1,447 words” –  source

4.2 – How to write a blog (The blog’s structure)

 A blog post must contain an introduction, headings, paragraphs, and a conclusion or conclusion.

With this structure, you will have an easier writing experience, and you will be able to capture the reader’s attention.

If you follow the structure that I describe here, you will save time, get better flow and increase the conversion of your blog posts:

·        Headings

The use of headings is important for several reasons. One of the reasons is to make the blog more readable for the visitor.

With headings, you give the reader the opportunity to skim the text and extract the most important from it in a short time.

 That way, they can find out if it’s worth reading the whole page or if there are parts that are more useful than others. In addition, search engines also focus on headlines.

·        Introduction

This should be written as an introduction to the blog, and it is this that should catch the attention of the reader. Therefore, put a lot of effort into the preamble because you want your visitors to continue reading your blog.

A blog post should be easy to read, and it should be possible to skim it. We achieve this good readability by using headings and paragraphs.

 Not to forget bullet lists, which you should use if you have the opportunity. This gives a good overview to those who will read the blog and increases the desire to read.

·        Paragraphs

To get the correct readability in the blog post, there should be a maximum of 4 to 5 lines in each paragraph. In addition, it is important to stick to between 3 and 5 paragraphs per heading.

In order for the post to have a good flow, it is important not to write too long sentences. This is important in terms of readability. It would help if you also had a good plan for what each paragraph should contain.

A blog post is about creating contact with the reader. Therefore, you should use words such as I, we, you, you, us, my, and our. It creates a more personal experience and gives you better contact with the reader.

·        Points

Another tip could be to use bold or italics when you want to emphasize important points or good quotes.

·        Closing/conclusion and CTA

A good ending or conclusion is essential for a good blog post. Here we will summarize the post and get the reader to take action.

 The desired action may be to make contact, download material, or comment and share the post further.

We can handle this Call-to-Action (CTA) method by installing buttons, contact forms, or hyperlinks in the text. Here it is important to vary a little and analyze what works. It will most likely vary depending on who you want to reach.

 5 – Writing a blog quickly and efficiently

It is impossible to deny that writing an excellent blog takes time. It is therefore important to introduce good routines so that you can increase efficiency.

The first thing you should do is create a good structure. You can use this for your future blog posts if you have a good structure/ You’ll get a lot of time back as a result.!

5.1 – Create an outline for the blog

In an outline, you should include the following points:

  • Introduction: Write this in keyword format
  • Paragraph: Include the subheadings and perhaps write down a short sentence about what the paragraph should be about
  • Conclusion: All blog posts require a good conclusion. It should summarize the blog in a good way. This is where you should implement a CTA button or offer. This is where you should get the reader to get in touch, download something or comment on/share the blog.

When you have written down all the paragraphs, it is time to sort them out logically. Remember that you must constantly capture the readers’ attention.

So make sure the most important paragraphs are first. Then you keep the reader’s interest up, and they want to read.

5.2 – Writing the blog

Once you have set up the outline, all you have to do is start the actual writing. I like to start by writing the introduction.

Then I get a full overview, and I get to think about the ending. Here it is important to get the message, the good ideas, and the keywords you want down.

5.3 – Placing images and links

We can deal with images and links now that we have the text in place. Remember to add “alt-text” to the images so search engines can pick them up.

 In the alt text, you must include the keywords you want to rank for. Remember that the keywords must be linked to the content of the image. If it is not, you may be penalized by Google.

When we write blogs, it is also important to include internal and outgoing links. Find places in the text where links to other relevant content fit naturally.

5.4 – Final touches on the post

It is easy to become blind when writing blogs and other texts. Therefore, it is important to read it thoroughly after you have finished.

Check that there is a logical structure and close out any typographical errors. Feel free to ask a colleague to read through it! They often have good input.

If you follow this progress, you will be able to blog as efficiently as possible. With practice, you will be able to cut the time even more.

 6 – Useful tools for writing a blog

Google Docs

Google Docs works like a Word document, but it’s in the cloud and allows you to collaborate in real-time with colleagues.

 Brilliant if you are going to collaborate on the blog with others! Does the blog post need final proofreading? Or do you want input from a colleague before you publish?

Participants in the document can easily edit the text and add comments to your text. If you don’t have time to produce a document, you can write at the same time and save a lot of time.

 If you use a blog publishing solution such as Hubspot, there are integrations that allow you to import your docs document straight in.

Check out this comprehensive guide for a more in-depth look at “22 Best Blogging Tools.”

Then the only thing you need to do before publication is to enter the photos you want to include – then everything is ready.


SEO Writing Assistant

Tips for writing a blog with an “SEO writing assistant” screenshot

SEO Writing Assistant is a plugin for Google Docs that helps you optimize your blog for SEO and keywords as you write.

 It saves you a lot of time! Join up for a free SEMrush account and install the plugin. Enter your keywords, and you’re done.

 7 – Optimizing Blog for SEO

SEO ( Search engine optimization ) is a separate subject in itself, and there are many factors that play a role in how the company’s website will rank in searches. In order for a blog post to rank high with Google, there are four important points you must keep in mind:

7.1 – Define the blog headings

An optimizing blog for SEO with headlines

It is often easy to separate plain text and headings on a website when writing a blog. To find out whether it is a heading, you can go in and check the HTML code. If you see text surrounded by <h1>, <h2>, or <h3> tags, these are headings.

The use of headings is important for several reasons. One of the reasons is to make a page more readable for the visitor.

With headings, you give them the opportunity to “scan” the text and extract the most important from it in just a short time. That way, they can find out if it’s worth reading the whole page or if there are parts that are more useful than others.

Make sure to include relevant keywords in the headings! Search engines prioritize headlines.

When you are going to use headings, it is important to make a plan for which heading sizes you want to use. With a good plan, you can easily optimize headlines. <h1> headings should preferably only be used once.

So if you need to use intermediate headings to break up the text more, it makes more sense to use the <h2> heading. You use the <h3> heading to divide the text even more.

READ ALSO:  “The 15 Simple SEO Tricks

7.2 – Meta descriptions

What is a meta description?

A meta description is a summary of the content of a web page that is displayed in search engines. This text is displayed when the search engines display the search results.

Meta descriptions do not directly affect the ranking of your page in the search engines, but they do affect the click-through rate.

 That is, how many people click on your link? When you write a summary of the page, it must be text that makes the applicant want to click on your page. Therefore, it must be clear, concise, and resilient and provide the applicant with value.

7.3 Images and alt-text

Search engines today have no way of reading images, but your website needs to create a good visual impression. Therefore, there are two main things you should think about before inserting images on your website:

  • Remember to use “alt text” for the images:  Search engines cannot read images but can read “alt text.” A text that describes the content of the image. It gives you the opportunity to describe the image and, if relevant, use the keyword. Thus, search engines have the opportunity to find images and present the images in the browser.
  • Compress the images:  In order for the blog to load quickly, it is important to compress the images you use. You can do that with, for example, Compressor.

7.4 URL structure

A URL is a website’s address, and this can also be used to improve search engine optimization (SEO).

 The URL for the Financebode Blog website is (Where we discuss how to grow your blog).

When we talk about the structure of the URL, this is how the text is organized and how the other URLs on the website are connected to which we refer.

When you are going to structure the URLs on your website, there are three things you have to think about:

  • Separate keywords with a hyphen. For the URLs on your internal pages, you should use hyphens (-) to separate the keywords. As we have done here: Here, we get the keywords on how to choose the best name for a blog.

  • Describe what the page contains: An important task is to structure the URLs so visitors and search engines can easily understand what the page is about. If you are going to present a product, use the name of the product in the URL rather than different characters.
  • Please do not use special characters: Stick to hyphens to separate words, and be careful not to use æ, ø, and å.

 8. Publishing the blog

Now that the blog has been written and optimized for SEO, you must think about when and where you want to publish the blog

. Do you want to publish right away, or do you want to wait? You may have a content calendar or content strategy to follow.

Once you’ve got the blog out, you have to wait for the reactions from the readers and monitor the traffic and ranking for the search terms.

Remember that it is not only on the website and in organic searches that you benefit from blog posts. Blogs are also excellent for sharing on social media and sending newsletters to customers and potential customers via e-mail!

“94% of people who share  content  do so because they think it will be helpful to others.”

Now I hope you have had a good introduction to how to start a blog for your business!

Writing a blog is a time-consuming process, but if you do it in the right way, it could be a very good investment for the company over time.

Let’s Blog