How to Write Professional Sales Email Marketing: Find Out

How to Write Professional Sales Email Marketing

Many people assume that the method to write professional sales email marketing content is only to explain the product and offer enough information to be able to sell effectively. This kind of thinking is entirely wrong. It would be best if you also relied on a few guidelines to write a professional sales email template.

Email marketing lets businesses communicate items and information to potential consumers and ask for specific actions. So what is the best way to write an email marketing to introduce a product that entices customers to click?

Let’s find that out.

What Is A Sales Email?

This is different from email marketing. We can say that sales email (or email sales) is a sort of direct sales in which test email is used as a way to contact consumers.

The greatest objective of email sales is to sell items or services to potential consumers. The main goal is to encourage business operations and transform potential customers into actual customers.

Whereas the objective of email marketing is to build a business’s relationship with consumers and foster customer loyalty and generate repeat business.

Common Mistakes When Writing Sales Emails

Ad content in Email

This is not only wrong but also entirely ruins the business’s image in the eyes of customers because most people will find it irritating and annoying when opening an underground email full of slogans and banners. And thick commercial messaging. These sorts of ads are less valuable and less complex and create a loss of compassion.

The email subject line is boring and not catchy.

This is regarded as the beginning point for users to access Email. It’s the part that inspires customers to continue reading the material. Writing a sales email with a boring and unattractive subject line will make it easy for customers to ignore or even block your Email immediately.

See also: How to write a catchy subject line.

Not personalizing email content.

This starts from the absence of businesses in identifying different customer groups and their demands. For each group of customers, the demands are different. It differs in product, service, etc. You need to indicate this to avoid sending the wrong audience.

See also: How to personalize your Email.

Unconcise content

Long and rambling content does not attract buyers more attracted. If you are holding a sales email with excessive material, you need to go straight to the point quickly since the more concise the Email, the greater the engagement will be.

Using too many images

Images have a good value in communicating a message. Still, too many images will make the primary content of the Email unclear, making it harder for customers to experience the message that the firm wants to express.

See also: How to design images in email marketing.

Now that you’re aware of what sales email is and the possible mistakes to avoid. Let’s explore the main topic of this post.

How to Write Professional Sales Email Marketing

Knowing how to write a professional sales email is split into 3 parts; which are:

  1. The subject line
  2.  The email content
  3.  The closing line (Conclusion)

1. How to write email marketing subject line

One of the strategies for writing email marketing to attract customers and raise email open rates successfully is to design Email subject lines that are attractive and enticing. 

According to a report done by Zippier, up to 47% of consumers open emails depending on the content of the email subject line. In addition, up to 69% of study respondents claimed that they reported an email as spam based on the topic. 

Therefore, to persuade consumers to read emails, businesses need to focus on how to build successful email marketing subject lines that meet the demands or challenges of the target customer’s portrait.

Here are a few strategies for developing email marketing headlines that attract customers:

A. Create urgency, take advantage of the psychological influence of FOMO

The psychological impact of Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO), which may be described as the “Fear of missing something,” can be effectively used for an enticing email subject line.

FOMO is the worry when one person misses out on the exciting, interesting things in life that others are getting the opportunity to experience. This impact also makes the person feel worried when the people around them are experiencing more pleasant and cheerful experiences than themselves. 

When it comes to customer psychology, the FOMO effect is also cited pretty often. By producing this impact when establishing subject email lines, customers might be more drawn to open emails because they sense the urgency as well as worry that they will miss any fascinating and advantageous chances.

Examples of some approaches to developing marketing email subject lines that build urgency and take advantage of the FOMO psychological impact include: 

B. Personalize Email Headers

Another effective technique to write catchy email subject lines is employing topic personalization so businesses may grow closer to customers. 

When personalizing email headers, readers will be more likely to pay attention to your Email than other non-personalized headers because consumers will undoubtedly be attracted to related items—more with myself. 

According to research by Marketing Drive, customizing email subject lines gets 58% of Email opens. Therefore, developing a link between businesses and consumers by personalized email headers will assist in raising email open rates for enterprises. 

So the question here is:

“How can I personalize email headers effectively?” 

In addition to personalizing the title by including the customer’s name in the title section, like: “Hi T, these items are on sale up to 50% off on Financebode today only”, businesses can Leverage data about customers, such as their behavior and preferences will make the email subject personalization more effective. 

Some well-known instances of using consumer activity data are Coursera and Spotify. For Coursera, data is gathered on what courses or subjects users are interested in. Coursera will then send consumers similar course recommendations to urge them to use the site longer. 

Coursera headline Example: “Just for You: Recommended Courses You Might Be Interested In.” or “The most suitable courses for you.”

C. Email the subject line to the point 

Setting brief, straight-to-the-point Email subject lines are also an efficient approach to generating email marketing headlines. It is not essential to strive to generate headlines when selecting the email topic but go right to the facts the firm wants to send to consumers. 

Some examples of brief, straight-to-the-point headlines include: 

JobStreet: “11 new jobs – Job announcements from”

LinkedIn: “You have four messages waiting.”

Wallet: “New feature available on App Wallet.”

Zoom: “Don’t Miss New Features”

D. Set Email subject lines depending on advantages  

Regarding how to create efficient email marketing, for an email topic that catches consumers’ attention, adding email headers based on customer interests is also a great technique to enhance email open rates. 

Often, buyers will be less interested in product features but more interested in their advantages. What will they gain when they invest in the products and services of the business?

Therefore, presenting advantages to consumers in the email subject will build motivation and urge them to open the Email more quickly. The more the Email helps their needs, the more they care and want to learn.

An example of how to design email headers depending on advantages might include Samsung when sending emails to consumers to offer promotions of refrigerator items. The benefits customers may obtain from refrigerator items are the high capacity and the ability to keep a lot of food for a long time. 

Recognizing that Samsung sent an email advertising refrigerator to consumers.

Now let’s check out some common errors you should avoid when writing an email subject line.

Common errors when crafting email subject line

  • Abuse of capitalization is unpleasant to the reader: VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE NEW PRODUCTS LAUNCHED.

Learn more: Email subject length.

2. How to write email marketing content

After properly designing email marketing subject lines, businesses must get customers to read their emails. 

The following stage will be to persuade customers to buy or click on the product or website link of the business. So how do you write email marketing to enhance conversion rates for businesses? 

A. Clearly describe the general substance of the Email 

Before composing detailed content, organizations should clearly establish the overarching substance of the Email they intend to send to customers.

To establish the total content for an email, organizations can utilize the 5W2H formula.

 5W2H stands for:
  • Who (who does) What (do what) When (do when) Where (where to work) Why (why to do)
  •  How (how to do) How much / How many (how much is needed).

5W2H may be utilized to define the overall content of an email as follows: 

By thinking holistically and comprehensively addressing the following questions, companies will precisely identify the target audience, target, timing, presentation, and message across the firm’s content—your email marketing campaign.

Read more: AIDA model in email marketing.

B. Personalizing email marketing content for the targeted consumer 

Each firm will target diverse customers, and each customer will have different demographics, tastes, habits, and psychology.

Therefore, the method to produce efficient email marketing in terms of content is to identify your target customers and construct customer portraits. 

To develop client portraits, organizations need to acquire and process reliable data.

Customer profiles are personalized based on demographic data, objectives, fears, motivations, actions, and preferences. The more information a corporation possesses, its consumer profile will be more detailed. 

When constructing a target customer profile, businesses may rely on customer portraits to decide the kind of email marketing content that fits each customer.

C. Customize email marketing content

Once the target customer persona has been defined, organizations may customize the email marketing content to fit the consumer profile to attract them. 

Like tailoring email headers, personalizing email content is also an effective technique for composing email marketing to enhance conversion rates. 

Personalizing email content will help businesses develop a relationship with customers. When tailoring email marketing content, customers will feel that the communication is addressed especially to themselves, not distributed in bulk to many others. 

D. The content of email marketing should focus on the customer’s interests 

To prove to customers the value the product gives them and encourage them to invest and pay for the product that the business provides using email marketing campaigns? 

To address this issue, businesses should focus on how to compose their email marketing, specifically concerning email content. Is the email content businesses send consumers enough to encourage them to buy?

One challenge many businesses often experience when adopting composing email marketing content is focusing too much on product features in the message.

 Though such characteristics may be nice, such things will be useless if customers do not genuinely need those features and experience the value that the product offers them.

Therefore, in addition to highlighting product characteristics, businesses need to underline in email marketing content that such features may help consumers, why they should care about the product, and the value the consumer will gain. 

To produce efficient email marketing content based on consumer interests, businesses might pose questions such as:

  • What is the customer’s pain point?

When stressing the benefits the product gives customers, they will feel more convinced and consequently interested in the product the business provides. You may also boost your chances of successfully moving customers to the next stage in their purchase experience.

E. Email marketing content should be brief and straightforward 

Usually, customers will not want to read all the email marketing content that is too long. Therefore, businesses must express important content swiftly and concisely, clearly indicating their message. 

Let’s condense the email marketing content and focus on the essential themes, keeping with the aim of the email marketing campaign that the firm is undertaking.

If you create extended email content, people will not be intrigued and do not want to learn more about products or fresh news from the firm. They will also lose patience if they have to read email marketing content that is too long. 

The concise but appealing email marketing summary will make people click on the CTA.

3. How to write the end of Email Marketing

A. CTA is relevant and sticks out

CTA (Call to action) is a call to persuade customers to do an action that the business desires, such as: clicking on a website link, registering for an event, clicking on a link to read a new article, 

At the end of the email marketing content, businesses should build a CTA template that fits the main body of the Email. For example, if the main content is to entice customers to discover more information about new product features by visiting the website, the suitable CTA would be “Learn more” with a link to your website. 

Besides, CTA is a significant aspect of enhancing the conversion rate. Therefore, the CTA must be created to attract the consumer’s attention.

For example, companies can pay attention to the hue and contrast of the CTA and use spectacular colors such as red, orange, blue, etc. Or the color of the CTA can be adjusted in line with the firm’s brand color. Karma. 

Businesses could also utilize huge sizes for CTA buttons to improve prominence and capture customers’ attention. 

Read more: How to design email Call to Action for higher conversion.

Effective Sales Email Templates

Here are the top 10 effective sales email templates you can refer to create a successful sales email:

Welcome email template

Hello [Customer Name],

We are [Company name, field of activity]. We examined your website and observed that your business concept is operating effectively. And are quite amazed by this. Besides, you still appear to desire to increase automation in your process.

Our solution is highly perfect for assisting you in overcoming this problem.

(In the following content, please briefly introduce what your product is, what it can do, and what it can do for them. Send them along with some company and product introduction documents).

If feasible, we would love to be able to contact you personally to discuss this plan.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards!

Product introduction email template

Dear [Customer Name],

Thank you for your interest in FinanceBode Email Solution for Business, created by BODE GROUP.

FinanceBode Email delivers Email Marketing tools to assist in maintaining and nurturing the business’s tight contact with customers.

Filter Available Emails and propose altering content to avoid spam

Not only that, FinanceBode Email additionally implements Marketing Automation for enterprises owing to the following:

We provide you the whole paper of the FinanceBode Email as an attachment. To test it now, [Customer Name], please click here.

Thank you, [Customer Name], for your interest.

Dear! [Bode Group]

Personal feedback email template

Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for being with us all this time. Each product given to you is the passion of our manufacturing team. Thus we hope that you have had a fantastic experience with this product.

We are continually working to grow and develop further. We hope you can share your thoughts and reviews regarding the product [Product Name / Company Name] so that we can do better.

Proof email template

Dear friend,

The trend of utilizing organic food is expanding in every meal of Vietnamese households due to its exceptional health advantages.

According to the consumption survey of AC Nielsen, up to 86% of American customers trust organic food because of its safety and richness in nutrition (see more details here).

Faced with such tremendous customer demand, [Company Name] has studied and launched the product Organic Sugar-Free Nut Milk that has met quality standards:

– No growth hormone – Do not employ a genetic modification

– No antibiotic residue – Superior vitamin content, high Omega 3 content. – Strict production method is licensed to European Organic standards.

Currently, we are selling items at advantageous pricing and various appealing combo packages.

We encourage you to visit us and eat green – clean – healthy organic cuisine here.

Relationship building an email template

Dear consumers,

First, [Company Name] would like to thank you for your interest, registration, account setup, and using our product.

In order to better assist the usage process, we have included in this Email a full user manual (including a doc and video clip). Please see the linked link below for reference.

In addition, to thank you for this excellent decision, we would like to provide a 5% discount coupon when buying items using our system for your next transaction.

For detailed details, please click here.

During use, if you encounter any problems, you can directly contact support to receive direct support.

Thank you for your interest,

Best regards!

Email template for customers who have no interest in business

Hi, this is [Your Name] from [Company Name].

I hope to get in touch with the person in charge of [Area you are selling, for example,

The person in charge of marketing technology or the person ordering office equipment] in your company.

I’d love to talk and discuss how to improve [the benefits you offer,

i.e., marketing automation or the quality of your office supplies] at your company.

If you have any questions, please kindly get in touch with me for the fastest support….

Thank you, and have a nice day!

Email template after a trade show/event

Model 1

Hello [Potential Customer].

I am [Your Name] from [Company Name].

We talked at [Event / Program Name] about helping [Potential Client Company] with [Solutions Your Company Offers].

I’ve been thinking about what you said at the event and loved what you shared.

I would love to see you soon to discuss what we can accomplish and get rapid results ….

Have a good day. Goodbye.

Model 2

Hello [Potential Client], I’m [Your Name].

You spoke to my colleague [Colleague Name] from [Company Name] at [Events], and [they] mentioned that you wanted to learn about [product/service] you provide]. So I’d love to know more about [Your Company’s Products/Services]. I want to meet you tomorrow to discuss what we can do and obtain rapid results.….

Have a good day. Goodbye

Sample email acquisition from partner’s list

Hello [Lead Name].

I am [Your Name] from [Your Company Name]. We are working with [Partner Name], and they think it makes sense for us to contact you and be able to assist with the challenges your organization is encountering.

I will also provide more information about our firm and solutions to assist your business in expanding more quickly.

I would love to see you tomorrow to discuss more clearly what we can accomplish and obtain immediate results ….

Wishing you a productive day. Goodbye

Sample email to reply to missed calls from consumers

Good morning [Morning/Afternoon/Evening] [Possible Client Name].

I am [Your Name] from [Company Name], replying to your prior call.

I had a chance to check what you said in the message you sent, and I would be happy to chat with you if you spare some time.

You can reach me at any moment on [Duration] if you have any questions that require addressing.….

Thanks, and have a wonderful day!

Reminder email template

Dear brother/sister,

I sent you an email with additional information about [product]. Don’t sure if you have got the letter.

I’m happy to advise further on how [items] assist you in reaching [goals]. Please choose a free time during the week below so I may call you again.

Best regards



Hopefully, via this post, you have grasped the value of sales emails and know the perfect templates for your organization. Email application in sales contributes to generating sales and are a means for businesses to establish their reputation in customers’ eyes.

I wish you write a professional sales email marketing!