How To Write Your First Blog Post (Find Out)

How To Write Your First Blog Post

Do you want to know how to write your first blog post and don’t know precisely how? Then you are at the right spot.

There are things in life that you remember forever.

The first kiss.

Hold your baby in your arms for the first time.

The first automobile I purchased alone.

And the first blog post.

Well, the first blog post is a minor milestone as the others. But it is something huge too.

And that’s why you’re here.

This article is about one of the greatest moments of your blogging career, where you will discover how to write your first blog post, structure it, what to include, and what to avoid.       

So, without any further ado, Let’s get the party started.

See also: 30 Questions Every Blogger should know.

What Is A Blog Post?

The term Blog Post is undoubtedly common to many people, but only some understand what it truly means.

A blog post is an online article published on a website in the form of a “weblog” or “blog.”. 

A blog is a portion of your website or an online platform where you offer instructive and entertaining thoughts.

Blog posts can be used for a number of goals, such as providing information, marketing goods or services, and even generating leads for your organization.

What To Consider Before Writing A Blog Post?

Before we speak about the subject of your first blog post, I have a few ideas for you.

I want to go through the requirements to consider before writing your first blog post because there are a few things that should be clear before your first blog post.

#1 The conceptual need for your first blog piece

In order to be able to write truly amazing blog posts, you need to know the following:

  • Who is your target audience? Who are you writing this blog for? 
  • What do you aim to accomplish with your blog? What is the aim (for your business)? 
  • How can you effectively incorporate your blog into your company strategy?

All of these factors should be clear to you so that you can attract the ideal readers to your site. 

I suggest jotting down all of these thoughts in a Blog Concept Workbook, which you may also return to for any future blog entries. 

As soon as you have the basis and the common thread for your blog, you can proceed directly to the following phase.

#2 The technical need for your first blog post

Admittedly, you don’t need this condition for the actual writing. 

But at the latest, before your first blog post is to go online, you have to do it: upload your blog. (I like and suggest WordPress as blogging software, but of course, many more solutions are available as well).

You don’t need a unique theme to get started. I also urge that you avoid themes and plugins with numerous choices (like Divi, Elementor, Beaver Builder, …). They typically merely distract, and we want you to be able to focus entirely on writing.

Read our guide on How to install the theme on your blog.

Before you start, your blog should absolutely include these 3 subpages :

  • SSL
  • Imprint
  • About me page (just a short and simple one for starters)

As previously indicated, you may “just” write your first blog piece in Word, then upload and set up your blog afterwards.

What Your First Blog Post Should NOT Be About

While researching to write this article, I observed many people name their first blog post “My first blog post” and claim that they are writing their first blog post.

Why will you do that?

This might be more suitable in your diary but not on a public blog. 

Readers will note that this is your first blog post. There is no additional value in pointing out to them that you have just published your first blog post.

What Should You Write About In Your First Blog Post?

Well, now we are finally getting closer to the important section.

In the beginning, it is far more crucial that you write posts that demonstrate to your visitors that they are on the right blog. That you can assist them

Therefore, write a blog post on your subject first; this is the greatest method to display your competence.

Of course, you should also add ‘About You’ to your blog so that your viewers get to know you.

Whatever I advise you here, always remember: You should make use of it and don’t need to have second thoughts on it. It’s what has worked for me so far. 

Let’s take a deeper look at what you can write first on your blog:

Your Mission

You have already thought out your purpose in your blog idea. Here you may share them with your readers. Why did you choose this topic? What is essential to you, and what do you want to accomplish with your blog?

Your Method

Your method is similar to your objective. However, here you go into greater depth about how you function specifically. Which approaches do you use? What are your values, And what do you stand for? 

If you can’t express it clearly now, write this post later since your first blog piece should seem straightforward and uncomplicated. 

Explain an important idea.

Certainly, additional phrases in your field need to be clarified for your audience. Write an instructive technical blog on it. 

This displays your experience and, at the same time, provides an article with extra value for your viewers. 

Remember: This post can be partially SEO-optimized since it’s your first post. You can always come back and modify it later.

Answer a commonly asked question.

If you are an expert in your niche, you undoubtedly have questions that you know people ask more and more frequently. Feel free to address them in depth in your first blog post. 

This reflects your expert position and provides high-quality content that assists your viewers.

What’s The Hardest Part Of Writing A Good Blog Post?

Most writers find the beginning to be the most challenging part of writing.

Because in the beginning, as an author, you have to pick what you want to write about. What the structure should look like. How to start the first sentence. How to turn the thoughts swarming in your brain into a coherent sequence of writing.

This is normal for a start. 

Always remember to start from somewhere. Just type down anything that comes to your mind. The more you keep writing, the better it will be.

How To Write Your First Blog Post?

Before you start your blog post… Don’t simply start writing! 

First, think about what your audience actually wants to know. Then express it in a manner that your audience understands and can utilize the blog post as practical guidance. 

After all, you want to act as a beneficial resource.

You will not escape doing research. I also performed some research for this article – after all, you can only know some things. Once you have this at hand (e.g., using bullet points), you can start writing…

Here is an in-depth guide:

Plan your blog posts.

My entire blogging process usually takes a couple of hours. If you miss this part, it might take you a few days or even a week to write a whole post.

To be able to write an amazing blog post and manage your time wisely, you need to PLAN your posts. 

Before you start composing the first few paragraphs of your blog post, make sure everything is ready. Many bloggers typically need to catch up on this planning stage

This is definitely not good because no one wants to write and think about what part to write next or to continually revise the substance of the article.

You will save a lot of time if you plan ahead of time. Not only that, but it also builds a wonderful habit for you while blogging.

Create a title that is both instructive and appealing to the reader.

There are 2 primary thoughts on writing a blog title.

  • There are those who say: Should write headlines as detailed as possible. This is to prevent deceiving readers.
  • However, some say: You should design abstract titles that interest readers. 

I do not deny the fact that both are effective. But it is only intended for professional bloggers. 

You should only use specialized titles to attract readers. 

There are two approaches to writing a title for a blog post:

  • Decide on a title as soon as you outline the article. Then follow this heading throughout the article.
  • Finish the article, then choose an appropriate title.

Personally, I don’t follow a precise method in creating a title. Sometimes I select an impressive title from the start and follow it throughout the blog post. But there are instances when I will do the reverse with my other blog pieces.

Nowadays, numerous websites utilize clickbait titles to catch users’ attention. However, this strategy is not advisable. 

Writing headlines for blog articles is an art. To come up with captivating headlines, I propose figuring out what works best for your audience.

Suppose the majority of your readers want to learn about certain ideas or how to manage certain instruments, for example. Make the important part appear in your headlines.

Write the content of your blog.

After knowing the title, you should give your blog post. Now you are ready to write content for your blog.

Similar to the title, there are 2 major approaches to writing a blog post. 

  • You may sit down and write your whole blog post in one go. 
  • Or you write a little bit every day.

There is no right or incorrect answer here. You only need to select the ideal writing strategy that you believe works for you.

However, I still urge that you write as much in one seat as possible. This will make it easy for you to concentrate on the issue. 

It also helps you remember essential facts. It also helps you to correct your errors quickly.

Even if you are more productive by writing a bit each day, try writing as much as possible at a time. 

The more you do it, the more you have to read and re-read the preceding part and attempt to follow the flow of the blog post. 

Like other talents, writing gets simpler and more natural the more you do it frequently.

When you’re starting out, you may discover that writing a post takes you a week or more. But you can really complete them in a few hours.

Note: There are a lot of people that typically spend too much time, in the beginning, wondering where to start. The fantastic idea is to write this part last. Focus on the main body of the content instead than the introduction.

Use images to improve your posts.

Creating content for a website is entirely different from creating an article for print. 

Often, readers will only have the time, will, and capacity to concentrate on lengthy blog posts with a little visual stimulation.

Even if your post is neatly structured, if they merely consist of text and text, the reader will be bored instantly. 

Therefore, the presence of images in the content is significant.

Why are images important in blog posts?

  • Images make your posts more useful.

One of the most significant reasons to use images in your blog articles is to break up the text. A post with graphics sprinkled throughout the text will be better and more interesting.

  • Images speak

Choosing the appropriate image help lighten the tone of your post. Funny visuals can help the reader feel more comfortable. This is particularly useful if you are writing about a dry or uninteresting subject.

  • Images make things simpler to grasp

Keep in mind that technical and several other technical issues are the toughest topics to understand for readers. 

That is why images are an essential part of your blogging toolkit if you want to provide maximum value to your audience.

Diagrams, charts, infographics, and tables can help your readers understand complex or difficult concepts. And capture the point that you are attempting to strive towards.

Edit your blog post.

Writing blog posts is challenging; editing them is much more challenging. Many individuals wrongly feel that editing blog articles is only addressing simple language and grammatical problems.

But editing is not that straightforward. 

You need to examine the article as a whole. Sometimes you have to be ready to remove paragraphs that previously took you hours to write. 

That makes the article more cohesive and connected to each other. I won’t speak about checking spelling and punctuation.

They are quite simple for you. However, I will provide you with some self-editing methods to tighten up the language and make them more clear and more cohesive. All of these factors will assist the postings in getting closer to the readers.

How to edit a blog post

Avoiding repetition 

Repetition of particular words or phrases can bring discomfort to the reader after finishing writing the content of the blog post. Read through, verify, and use alternate terms to eliminate repetition.     

Read the article aloud to check  

This is a tactic utilized by many authors. If a piece of work needs to be read out loud, it may wind up floundering in your reader’s head.

This looks weird. But encourage yourself to read your post out loud to look for words that aren’t smooth.

Ask people to read your posts.

This is incredibly crucial and required for newbie bloggers. Ask a friend or colleague of yours to double-check the article. It is neither an admission of weakness nor a sign of failure. 

That’s how to make your blog as thorough as possible.

Ideally, get someone with expertise in editing to read your blog post. They also help you check for spelling and punctuation mistakes. Listen to what people think about the coherence of the article.

  1. Is your article information valuable?
  2. How contentious are the issues in your writing?
  3. Does the work make the reader ponder or alter his view about something?
  4. Is your counsel worth it?”

These are questions that the person assisting you to read the blog post can answer.

Keep sentences brief and paragraphs shorter.

There is nothing more aggravating for readers than enormous walls of text. It’s a relatively typical error for unskilled and unprofessional bloggers. This mistake you might find pretty regularly in blog posts.

The fewer the sentences, the better since they make it easy for readers to follow.

Paragraphs should also be brief and cohesive. The shorter the paragraph, the more likely your readers are to stay reading. 

Such as my case. Most of my phrases are at most 20 words. A paragraph should be at most 3 sentences in order to prevent the article is chock full of words.

Accept your blog post will never be perfect.

There is no such thing as a perfect article. The sooner you understand this, the better.       

I don’t advocate writing sloppy posts. Nor am I proposing that you stop paying attention to minor things. However, the postings that you believe are the greatest may grow better with time.   

Make each of your articles the best they can be. Learn from your previous experience, and then keep trying.

Don’t be scared to cut postings.

After completing an article and re-reading it for revision, you discover that several lines or paragraphs in the article become repetitive and add no value.

Feel free to delete them from your post unless there is some crucial information to put in the post at the request of a supervisor or a client. 

Otherwise, you have the right to remove them if you feel they are unsuitable.

How Lengthy Should A First Blog Post Be?

300, 500, 1,000, or even 3,000 words: How lengthy should a blog post be? This question keeps new bloggers and copywriters busy. 

According to Team Yoast (the developers of Yoast SEO):

  • A blog post should be at least 300 words to rank at all. This is also precisely the length that your plugin advises as a minimum.
  • Longer articles with more than 1,500 words have a larger probability of a good ranking position. More content means Google can better comprehend what your post is about. This is precisely what will lead Google to place the post better.

However, the length of your first blog post should rely on these requirements:

  • What is the intention of your target audience?
  • What are your readers looking for?
  • What will your readers learn from your blog post?
  • How do you help them further?
  • What do you want to achieve with your text?

How Do You Structure A Blog Post?

A blog post structure is simple: title, introduction, body, graphic elements, conclusion, and call-to-action. 

Every effective blog post follows this formula.

The headline

Short! Direct! In a nutshell! The title is typically the first (and too often the only) thing the receiver sees about your blog content. Therefore, it must draw attention and interest.

The introduction

Many authors need to pay more attention to the beginning. This is mostly responsible for whether a receiver reads the article or not. It must consequently have a particular pull effect and stimulate interest.

Writing an engaging beginning is more complicated. Small tales, unexpected data, quips, and proverbs are perfectly matched.

The body

Paragraphs, subheadings, enumerations, and lists

Endless text tires readers and make them want to leave your blog. 


  • Make sure that no paragraph is longer than 4-5 lines and that each line breaks after a maximum of 70 to 90 characters. 
  • Use subheadings and visual elements to enable easy orientation. 
  • Lists, enumerations, examples, and quote boxes also help structure your article and make the content easier to scan. 

This is extremely important, especially with long-form content.

Visual Elements

Have you completed writing your blog post, but it seems boring? Just loosen him up. Images, infographics, or videos not only increase the quality of the text but also give diversity while reading.

Visual elements are the salt in the soup. They assist the user in capturing the content of the blog article. 

However, if photographs and graphics do not fit into the context, they mislead the user. It is consequently crucial that you investigate the significance of each individual visual element.

The conclusion

In addition to a great introduction, it is also crucial to create a well-rounded conclusion in which you summarize the content and get to the heart of the primary message. 

You might finish your blog post with a question or prompt to achieve greater involvement.

Call to Action (CTA)

In order to retain readers in the blog for as long as possible or to convert them, calls to action ( call-to-actions ) are important. 

But the offer must be compelling and relevant. 

No one will not immediately order some when researching fertilizers. So ensure smooth conversions. Sometimes the newsletter or a download checklist is a better deal.


The first blog post (or the first blog post in a long time) is definitely no small matter. But you don’t have to be afraid of it either. Nothing bad can actually happen. On the contrary: with each article, it will become easier.

Just dare. The only mistake you can make is to wait to start. 

Suppose you follow our little tips and tricks. With a structured, optimized blog article, you can attract the attention of potential customers, convey your authority and retain customers in the long term. Use the potential and benefit from the mentioned advantages.