Is Blogging A Profession? What Is Blogging? 

Is Blogging A Profession

You often hear the word blogging in life, right? But if you were to ask a bunch of people if blogging is a profession, you’d probably have a hard time finding the right answer. 

So now, let’s explore if blogging is a profession through the article below!

Yes! Blogging is a profession. That might seem unusual at first, and honestly, you might not even know what blogging is supposed to be about as a job. 

What do I do as a full-time blogger throughout the day? How many hours a day do I spend on the blog or Instagram, and can what I do be termed work?

I have officially been working from home since July 2020, entirely independently and without maternity leave.

 I have chosen to offer you a little insight into my daily life and the most commonly asked questions (Is blogging a profession) to explain my job? 

By the way, I am using the word profession here on purpose, even though some people cannot comprehend it: 

Working as a blogger is a job you perform at impossible hours 24/7 without a break. But let’s start from the beginning…

Is Blogging A Job?

Definitely, Blogging is more than just writing. It’s a job! – Even though everyone is talking about blogs at the moment. Many individuals still need help understanding precisely what a professional blogger does all day. 

As a blogger, you need not just be able to write wonderfully.

  • Finding a topic and research 
  • Creating an editorial plan 
  • Customer acquisition 
  • Making and processing inquiries (writing emails, making phone calls, etc.) 
  • Active networking (online and offline) 
  • Writing articles 
  • Illustrating articles (shooting photographs) 
  • Intensive upkeep of multiple social channels 
  • Maintaining one’s own blog 
  • Editing comments (approving and reacting) 
  • Marketing for the blog

In general, it can be claimed that blogging is a job that demands an incredibly high degree of organization, discipline, and coordination. 

By now, it should be evident that the ideal career of a blogger is not for everyone.

If you want to acquire a footing in blogging and be successful, you have to be a marketer, internet journalist, social media manager, communications specialist, and office clerk all in one. 

Never underestimate the hurdles that will await you in regular blogging.

Running a successful blog needs a lot of time. Above all, areas like that are frequently disguised and then guarantee that the fantasy of carefree blogging rapidly becomes demanding full-time work.

See also: Is it worth starting a blog?

Why Blogging Is A Legitimate Job That Requires Professional Skills

Many may not be aware of this, but professional blogging is really called content marketing. 

It’s something huge firms pay people to do to advertise their company and enhance brand recognition.

Because of this, writers (Bloggers) work Monday — Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., just like any other employment. 

Even if someone operates their own blog and promotes their own company, it’s still a serious profession that demands a lot of time and work.

A blog and a brand don’t develop overnight. Generating revenue requires time and hard effort. 

Also, for a blog to seem professional, you need to have solid writing, marketing, digital, and graphic design abilities. 

Recommendation: Learn how to write blog content HERE!!!

What Does A Blogger (M/F/D) Do?

Bloggers maintain websites and routinely populate them with fresh content. 

To achieve this, they have to pick a subject, arrange when which piece will be published, and, of course, compose the articles. 

Most bloggers maintain their websites themselves and may simply publish the pieces online. But that’s not all: In order for the blog to be read, bloggers have to conduct extra promotions. 

A competent blogger can not only write, take images and identify intriguing themes; she must also be conversant with marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and site design.

The name blog originally derives from the English word weblog, which denotes a form of journal on the web. 

The early bloggers began the same way: by blogging about themselves and their life in their blogs. Today, most blogs are no longer so private, and writers frequently specialize in a specific spectrum of themes, such as travel, beauty, or sustainability.

Blogger (human) – Bloggers are persons who operate a weblog for private or commercial purposes and publish articles called “posts” there at regular intervals. 

Where Do You Work As A Blogger?

Above all, to work as a blogger, you need an Internet-enabled device to operate – a PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone… practically everything is now appropriate for blogging. 

Depending on the issue, you either work a lot from home or are frequently on the road. Some bloggers even hire an office to operate more professionally from there.

This is especially vital if you require a studio to shoot or recruit personnel who also need a workplace. 

The wonderful part is that as a blogger, you can also work temporarily or entirely from overseas. So a hammock in Bali is not altogether impractical as a workplace.

How Much Do Bloggers Make?

How much do bloggers make? Bloggers may earn anything from $0 to well over $10 million per year.

Based totally on HOW they handle their blogs.

It’s quite simple to generate an additional $500 – $1,500 per month of blogging in your first year. And then, in the coming years, you can considerably raise your monthly blog earnings.   

 Glassdoor claims that the average blogger’s earning is around $ 47,000 – 50,000 or more per year. Others earn nothing at all.

Many of the great full-time bloggers that I know are able to earn over $200,000 per year and work between 10-30 hours each week. 

You can actually earn   

  • $25,000-$50,000 your first year blogging, 
  • $100,000+ your second year, 
  • $250,000+ in your third year of blogging, 
  • $500,000+ in your fourth year.

How much money you may earn depends on how much traffic you are receiving and how vast your email list is.

How Does A Blogger Make Money?

How you earn as a blogger relies on how effectively you write and advertise it. 

You will normally generate money via:

  • Advertising: Displaying advertising on their blog and generating cash depending on impressions or clicks.
  • Sponsored Content: Collaborating with businesses to generate sponsored blog pieces, reviews, or endorsements.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Promoting goods or services and receiving a commission for every sale or referral.
  • Digital Products: Selling e-books, online courses, or digital downloads relating to their blog’s specialization.
  • Freelancing: Offering specific services depending on their skill, such as writing, consulting, or design.

And many more.

If your blog is renowned enough to have a big reach, firms may even contact you directly to become a brand ambassador. 

You may also take the initiative yourself and enquire about cooperation possibilities with your favorite businesses.

Tip: If you opt to monetize your blog via sponsored content, make sure you pick the things and services you wish to advertise that are related to your site’s content.

Sponsored postings generally comprise test or experience reports as well as product reviews or demos. 

The beautiful thing about this sort of blog monetization is that Sponsored Posts are commissioned directly from you, so you know precisely how much you’re generating from your blog article.

How Long Does It Take To Make Money From A Blog?

Do you want to know the truth about how long it takes to make money from blogging? 

The Truth About Making Money Blogging – It takes time to make money from a blog.

 I want to be honest with you: If you want to make a few dollars fast, then blogging is the incorrect approach. 

If you want to earn fast money, go to the casino or simply go to work. Then blogging is not for you. It takes time for you to generate money from blogging and patience. 

How much time does it take? How long do you have to wait until you earn your first dollar blogging? It takes about 3 to 6 months. 

So you have to be willing to blog for half a year without earning any money. 

Why so long? Because generating money with blogging comprises two building blocks: audience + product, I suppose you may probably guess: each construction block takes time.

How To Treat Your Blog Like A Real Business Project

Once you know that blogging is not a simple thing and that it needs genuine expertise and work to create cash, you need one more thing. 

If you’re asking what more is required to make your blog into a profitable business, the answer is Discipline. 

To become a successful blogger, you invest all your time and effort into the site from which you wish to generate an income. 

You need to be able to write even while you’re on vacation, even if you don’t have the motivation or the time. 

Otherwise, you won’t see any outcomes, and this will never be your sort of work since you don’t perceive it as such. 

Every job takes work and sacrifice, and you should make yours so that you and your business can grow.

So stop giving excuses and give it your best! Over time you will watch your blog and revenue rise. 

Whether it’s your full-time work or part-time employment, with the correct discipline, you’ll realize how lovely it is to enjoy the results of your effort.


Blogging is an excellent job, but only for those who have patience.

However, like any business, blogging is a long-term job that develops at its own pace.

Many assume that merely opening a blog or website is enough to see the money streaming in instantly without putting any work into it. 

Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

To be able to make big sums, you have to spend a lot of love and amazing devotion, particularly at the beginning of the trip.

Only when we work regularly and publish excellent articles and posts people look for on the internet will we see progress.

FAQs About Blogging As A Profession

Is blogging a full-time profession?

Blogging is a full-time job for those who put their time and effort into it. However, many bloggers start part-time and eventually convert into full-time blogging as they increase their readership and monetize their site via different channels such as advertising, sponsored material, or selling products/services.

Can anybody start a blog?                                                                                              

Absolutely! Anyone with access to the internet can, and I advise you should, start a blog.

 Creating a blog has become reasonably straightforward and accessible. However, creating a successful blog that attracts and keeps an audience takes a mix of quality content, efficient promotion, and regular work.

What are the difficulties of becoming a blogger?

Blogging comes with its own set of obstacles, including:

  • Consistency: Maintaining a regular publishing schedule and regularly providing good material may be tough.
  • Competition: The blogosphere is very competitive, and distinguishing out in a crowded sector may be tough.
  • Time Management: Blogging needs to balance numerous duties, such as content generation, promotion, and interaction, which may be time-consuming.
  • Adaptability: Bloggers need to keep up with shifting trends, technology, and algorithms to be relevant and sustain their readership.