Is Blogging Still Profitable? (Find Out)

Is Blogging Still Profitable?

A few days ago, I got a really intriguing comment on one of my blog posts: “Is Blogging still profitable?”. I found this question so significant that I believed the best approach to address this question was to create a blog post out of it.

It is true that there is a rising trend to consider that Blogging is dead and that blog posts are less and less read by users. 

But those are just misconceptions about blogging people spread, which is never true.

If I am asked this question a million times, I will keep saying YES! Blogging is still a profitable business. 

Let’s explore the ins and outs of how one can monetize and make a profit from a blog.

Related article: Can Blogging make me rich?

Is Blogging Still Profitable?

Is Blogging still profitable? For me, Yes

The best approach to answer this question is to provide you with solid statistics that prove Blogging is still profitable. Believe me, you will not be disappointed if you get started with Blogging.

“Before making a purchasing choice, 47% of consumers interact with 3 to 5 pieces of content.” (Source)

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I advocate the power of content marketing on the development and profitability of a business. 

For me, nothing is better than creating content around your expertise to naturally attract your ideal client, get new clients, and generate more sales. 

The blog is a very excellent technique to create content and answer in a precise and particular manner the difficulties of our audience surrounding our area of activity. 

Suppose a reader finds answers to their difficult demands and questions in a blog. It is then a reader who trusts the author. He will thus be more willing to purchase premium content/products/services from this same individual.

“More than 409 million people view more than 20 billion pages every month.” (Source)

This data is the last thing I will share with you in this first part of this article and which, for me, perfectly verifies the assertion that I told you at the beginning of the article. 

Blogging is not dead, and yes, Blogging is still a profitable business

Users continue to consume blog articles. Because as this expression states so well, “Google is our friend.” 

Indeed, as soon as we seek a response to any queries, for most of us, our first inclination will be to run a search on Google and read the answers to our questions. 

In short, this is to say that Blogging will always remain profitable.

Is It Still Possible To Make Money With A Blog Today?

Is it still possible to make money with a blog today? Yes, yes and yes! I have been researching blogging niches for about 2 years. I can promise you that there are still a lot of niches in Blogging with great potential. 

Either there are no blogs in these niches yet, or the existing blogs are poor in terms of quality (and I am convinced that they still manage to generate interesting income). 

So the answer is yes, it is possible, and it will still be possible to make money on this model in the next 30 years. I’m dying of it.

Start-up costs are very low. Blogging can be done anywhere, anytime, which allows you to adapt your schedule if you already have an activity. At least 20 hours of work per week will work perfectly for a blog. 

That said, even part-time bloggers can earn good extra income, as I have been doing for the past year here. I am a web marketing manager by day and a blogger in the evenings/weekends. 

Is Blogging Saturated?

Some will tell you that it’s too late to start Blogging, that the market is saturated, and so on. To be perfectly honest, Yes! Blogging is saturated. 

It appears that everyone and their friends (literally) refer to themselves as bloggers. Blogging is a saturated market, but starting a successful blog in a saturated market does not mean failure. 

However, success in Blogging will need consistent work, attention, and patience.

Is It Worth Having A Blog?

Is it worth having a blog? Yes! Blogging is one of the simplest and most convenient methods to launch your own business and make money online (from any location in the world).

 You don’t have to be a professional web writer or developer, and you don’t need qualifications, years of experience in your field, or a degree to be successful. 

You can start blogging no matter your age, location, or experience level while still working or studying.

Is There A Future In Blogging?

So, taking everything into consideration, I do think and believe that there is a future in Blogging. Because people are going to continue consulting Google, we are going to need to find answers to our queries. 

Blogging will be the solution that someone else needs.

That being said, the question now is: WHAT FORMAT WILL BE THE ONE THAT HAS THE FUTURE? 

Are we going to continue consuming written blogs, or will the future be Instagram posts? They allow up to 1200 characters, and that is already enough (the new thing is #microblogging). Or will the future be vlogging? That is, the posts are in video format. 

The Internet and social networks have opened the doors to creating content. Now, anyone can become a YouTuber, blogger, and influencer. And this is not bad. It only increases the competition.

So, In the traditional way, Blogging will be the most used format in the future, while in the practical way, video blogging is the most attractive format.

So, I don’t think Blogging will die in the near future, but I’m sure I’ll include more and more videos here.

Why Do Bloggers Quit?

By recognizing the fundamental causes of why bloggers quit and making proactive efforts to avoid it. New bloggers can accomplish their objectives and enjoy long-term success.

Bloggers quit because they have NO passion.

Passion inspires bloggers to generate content, engage readers, and grow platforms.

Without passion, writing may seem like hard work, and eventually, this lack of excitement and desire can lead to burnout.

Bloggers quit due to unrealistic hopes.

Setting unreasonable expectations is a typical error that leads to blogger fatigue.

When bloggers set themselves unreasonable objectives, they might rapidly get overwhelmed and dissatisfied, resulting in emotions of discouragement and finally quitting.

Unrealistic hopes can also lead to a loss of enthusiasm and diminished efficacy, which can be damaging to the success of your blog.

Bloggers quit due to monetization pressure.

Monetizing a blog seems to be the main objective of many bloggers, yet the strain of making a site monetizable can severely affect your motivation and general enjoyment.

Some Bloggers start writing content for the sole aim of earning cash, which leads to a deterioration in quality and a lack of love for their subject.

Additionally, bloggers may feel disheartened if they don’t see rapid financial rewards, causing them to burn out and possibly quit completely.

Bloggers quit due to The comparison trap.

Among the largest pitfalls bloggers fall into is the comparison trap, when you continuously compare yourself to other bloggers.

When bloggers are continuously looking at what others are doing, it’s easy to feel that they’re not doing enough or that they’re not as successful as they should be.

This may rise to emotions of worry, overwhelm, and self-doubt, which can sometimes lead to quitting.

Related Article: How to blog without stress.

Can I Blog Anonymously?

Yes, you can build a blog anonymously. You can start, promote, and monetize a blog using a pen name rather than your actual name and avoid revealing personal information that might identify you.

There are no restrictions mandating bloggers to make their personal information public. Anonymous blogs are more common out there than you would expect. 

Anonymous Blogging is a superb way to express oneself without concern of being judged or punished.

However, it is vital to write quality content and to choose a profitable niche.

Why Should I Be A Blogger?

The fact that you need to be creative and tell the world all you have inside about a given topic does not totally matter in your being a blogger. 

If you are an entrepreneur, operate a business or a small corporation, and have a blog as part of your content strategy. Being a blogger helps you position yourself:

  • On Google, since Google loves live sites, which are expanding. And because in your blog posts, you add keywords that enable you to get discovered when someone searches for what you provide on Google.
  • As an expert in a subject. With your articles, you may demonstrate what you know about a topic. You give a solution to a particular issue or need (whether it’s a fast recipe for a family dinner, how to build a backup of your website, or a sewing pattern for a hooded poncho).

What Are The Most Profitable Blog Topics?

There are many different views regarding the most profitable blog topics.

Some experts will urge you: “Follow your passions!”

While some will advise you: “Analyze the search volume for certain keywords.”

Instead of engaging in this discussion between passion and popularity, I want to provide you with 6 blog topics that are still profitable and will always be.

Make money online  

One of the most profitable topics of a blog is discussing how to make money on the Internet.

This sort of topic is quite profitable. If you explain how to generate more money, you can demand greater prices on the sale of digital items.

Personal Finance

Personal finance blogs are also about MONEY. They teach how to save, how to manage your money, and how to be financially independent.

LifeStyle Influencers

This topic of the LifeStyle blogger or influencer is super profitable for individuals who have millions of subscribers and followers…

On a blog, an Instagram account, or a YouTube channel, people are drawn to YOU and your lifestyle more than anything else.

If you gain enough followers, you can work with businesses that will be prepared to pay you to be featured on their blog, Instagram account, etc.


The fashion topic is certainly the most popular in the blogosphere. This is the subject that is most frequently addressed.

Many fashion bloggers also fall into the “lifestyle” category, as they also write about cosmetics, nutrition, etc. It’s fairly reasonable since, in addition to the clothing, you have to address the topic of beauty.

When it comes to fashion bloggers, those who are highly successful can develop their own online shop or even their own brand.


People adore their pets. It is a market which has had remarkable development over the past 10 years and which has a promising future. It represents 4.7 billion dollars in total in the State.

This topic has huge potential.


Being a parent is one of the most wonderful experiences in life, but it is not necessarily intuitive. Parent blogs provide guidance and anecdotes about family life.

Raising a kid may be difficult. This is why the topic of parenting is one of the most profitable to build a blog.

How Do Blogs Make Money?

Now that I have shared with you some fascinating and important facts on Blogging, let’s take a little more depth at the numerous options for you to monetize and make a profitable blog.

Make money on your blog through Adsence adverts.

For my part, when I started blogging, I took it as a side hustle. Adsense adverts were my only source of income. I had put up these advertisements so that I could at least pay the expenses of my blog. 

Adsense advertising, for me, is the easiest method to make a blog profitable.

Make money on your blog through affiliates.  

Another fairly simple way to put in place to monetize your blog is affiliate marketing! This is a good means for monetization, depending on your blog niche. 

If you present products, books, or others, you can add affiliate links to your blog. By using these links, you have the opportunity to be paid a commission if a customer purchases the item.     

Make money on your blog by offering services or developing a digital product around your skills.

A long-term strategy to make your blog profitable that might take a lot of effort in terms of time and work is to offer a service or build a digital product around your expertise.

Obviously, you have to register and construct your company to conduct things legally.

Make money on your blog through partnership.

Another approach to making money on your blog is to make partnerships and paid collaborations with businesses. 

Make money on your blog by selling an ebook or a small digital product.

Depending on the topic, the theme of your blog, and any skill you may have, you may monetize your blog by producing an ebook that you can sell on your internet shop.

For example, if you provide culinary recipes, you may produce an ebook in which you share unique recipes with tiny extras and practical papers.

Make money on your blog by adding a paid newsletter.

Another approach that may also be applicable is to develop a paid newsletter in the form of a monthly subscription. You could make an ebook here for people to get your newsletter, but they have to pay.

Obviously, to achieve this, your newsletter must be of actual interest to your target consumer.

How Long Does It Take To Get Results From My Blog?

To begin, keep in mind that Blogging is a long-term endeavor. It is quite uncommon to see people get results from their blogs fast.

In most circumstances, it will take MANY months before you begin to get considerable results for your blog.

Usually, it takes between 6 and 12 months to get results from search engines. If you choose a low-competition keyword, however, you may achieve results sooner.


Well, we have come to the conclusion of our short trip of investigating whether Blogging is still profitable.

So, to summarize, Is Blogging still profitable?

Absolutely. Blogging is profitable. However, It relies on you, your topic, your communication, Blogging, and marketing abilities, and your predisposition to start a company.

Does this sound tough to you? Well, in a sense, it is. If it were simple, everyone would be a blogger, right?

But with the correct determination, optimism, and drive to achieve, you will realize that it will be a genuinely fantastic trip, studded with goal after goal fulfillment.

So it just remains for me to wish you Happy Blogging!