Is Email Marketing Dead? Unveiling the Truth About Email Marketing

Is Email Marketing Dead

This question has been asked for years. Many people wonder: Is Email Marketing dead in the marketing medium?

In reality, as of 2023, over 347.3 billion emails are sent daily from approximately 251 Email software, obtaining an open rate of up to 31% and earning 46 million per 1 million. Expenditure. (Source)

So how can such a successful tactic be dead?

At first, I, too, questioned whether email marketing was becoming outdated. But then I recalled a story from a friend who operates a small company. Despite her doubt about email marketing, she decided to try it. And to her surprise, it became one of the most efficient methods for reaching and communicating with her consumers.

This made me wonder if email marketing wasn’t dead after all. It may have to be addressed differently in today’s digital age. To finally find an explanation, I researched, examined market statistics, and spoke with specialists.

So In this article, I’ll share my findings and explain why email marketing is still a powerful tool for marketers. And how to make the most out of your email campaigns. 

So, let’s settle the debate once and for all: is email marketing dead or alive?

Is Email Marketing Dead Or Alive?

I’ve seen that email marketing has been the most popular marketing approach for many years. Yet, with the emergence of newer marketing channels, such as social media and influencer marketing.

Many individuals have begun to wonder if email marketing is still an efficient method to contact clients.

Hence the question:

 “Is email marketing dead?”

That is it? Dead? Is it languishing, worn out, set to slip into the basement of everyone’s collective memory? After all, email has been around since the 1970s, founded by Ray Tomlinson (a name we don’t frequently hear either).

Now, before you make any judgments, you should examine this first: To this day, everyone’s online presence begins with an email account.

Do you want to download and utilize an app? Maybe, you wish to become a member of an online community. Maybe, like many others, you require electronic access to your bank account. You need to give an email address to those people.

Do you wish to pay bills and obtain official papers (e.g., visas, transcripts, etc.) and e-tickets/vouchers online? Where do they send them if you don’t have an email address?

This describes you as basically a digital ghost with no email address. So, in short, I am sure you can answer the question yourself now.

Email marketing is far from dead.

 In fact, it remains a vital tool for marketers looking to connect with their audience and drive results.

Is Email Marketing Dying

With the explanation, I made earlier. I’m sure you will agree with me. No, email marketing is not dying. In fact, it will continue to be a popular and effective way for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience.

Despite the advent of social media and other digital marketing channels, email marketing remains an useful tool for companies of all kinds, and Neil Patel has referred to it as the king of marketing.

According to recent studies, email marketing has one of the highest return on investment (ROI) rates of any marketing channel, with an average ROI of around $46 for every dollar spent.

Will Email Go Away?

Although it’s impossible to say what will happen in the future with confidence,

 it’s very improbable that email will go away anytime soon. An email has been a cornerstone of communication for nearly four decades, and it continues to change and adapt to evolving technology and user habits.

According to OptinMonster, 99% of email users check their email every day. Some of them even check their mailbox as much as 20 times a day. 

There is hardly anyone without an email address, and we have all built online on email. Also, we can see the continuous integration of email with other communication channels, such as social media and messaging applications. So there is a high possibility that email will not go away. You can mark my word.

In fact, according to Statista, the number of global email users is predicted to climb to over 4.6 billion by 2025.

Do You Really Need Email Marketing?

YES, more than 90% of people still consider email as a vital and effective communication and collaboration tool. So as a marketer, you should make use of this marketing tool. These are 5 significant reasons why you really need email marketing:

1. Cost effective

Compared to other forms, email is the cheapest marketing medium with the power to promote the brand worldwide. It might be claimed that the cost of sending an email can really be as cheap as $0 with a very high ROI (return on investment) potential.

2. Good success rate

You can email anybody on the globe as long as they have an email account. With the broad expansion of the internet and the popularity of email, the success rate of email marketing is quite high.

3. Basic measurement

Monitoring and assessing the performance of your email campaign is considered as straightforward. It is totally feasible for you to guarantee that your email is not routed to the spam or spam box and is viewed by the recipient.

4. Simple to use

Conducting an email campaign has never been simpler. You may plan and automate numerous processes with platform tools like HubSpot, MailChimp, and SendGrid…

5. Integrated Social Media

You can quickly embed social media icons in your emails and enable social sharing integration as part of your email marketing plan and boost your campaign exposure. Your translation more broadly.

You may read our full guide on why you really need email marketing and the possible disadvantages HERE.

Benefits of email marketing

Here is a short list of the most important:

  • No printing costs
  • No or very low shipping costs
  • Shipping within a very short time
  • Personalization (salutation etc., possible)
  • Clear success control through statistics such as opening rates etc.
  • Interactive – with one click, the recipient can find the advertised product in the online shop or on the website with the relevant information
  • Automatable – automatic sending of email series at certain intervals, after purchase in the online shop, or when visiting certain content pages – many things are possible.
  • Attention – delivery directly to the inbox of the recipient, whether on a mobile phone, tablet, or computer

Is Email Marketing Still Worth It?

To answer the core of our blog post directly: YES! Email marketing is current and still one of the essential marketing channels of all. The secret is to create it in such a manner that…

1. the information is truly intriguing and relevant to the readers

2. the emails don’t get lost in the flow of information

3. Added values are displayed, and buying intentions are led

Pretty easy, right? And email marketing is already worthwhile. If you do everything correctly in this marketing discipline, you may achieve unimagined success since there is scarcely a more direct approach to contacting your clients directly – and that knowingly and purposefully in your own mailbox.

Does Email Have A Future?

Yes, email marketing does have a future. Emailing is one of the main marketing channels that you should not and never consider dead.

 There are still numerous services that you cannot do without registering by email. Programs, services, news servers, or e-shops utilize email as the foundation for their communication. As a consequence, it frequently becomes the sole instrument for contact with the consumer.


To conclude, YES, email marketing is alive and thriving

Although it’s true that email marketing has suffered some hurdles over the years, it is far from dead. In fact, it remains one of the most successful and cost-efficient methods to reach your target demographic and generate conversions. 

With the correct approach in place, email marketing can help you develop closer connections with your consumers, enhance brand recognition, and eventually expand your company. 

Yet, it’s crucial to stay up with the current trends and best practices, such as personalization, segmentation, and mobile optimization, in order to guarantee your email campaigns continue to provide results. 

Thus, if you haven’t already tried out email marketing, it’s time to give email marketing another try and see how it might assist your company.

Make sure you Read our guide on how to make a successful email campaign before you get started.