Is It Worth Creating A Blog In 2023? Important Tips

Is It Worth Creating A Blog

Is it worth creating a blog in 2023? Are blogs still lucrative today? Do people still read blogs?

If you’ve thought about creating a blog, you’ve probably thought about these issues. Being a blogger, doing what you love the most, and making money sounds impressive, but is it achievable in 2023?

In this post, we are going to address all these questions. We will tell you which blogs are no longer operating in 2023, why you should build your blog, and much more.

Let’s Go for it!

What is a blog

A blog is a collection of periodical articles where a firm may share material with people over the web. By creating excellent content for the consumer and answering their demands, these articles are positioned in Google and help generate organic traffic to your website.

Are there still people who read blogs?

Statistics from WordPress, the world’s biggest content management platform, reveal that more than 409 million individuals see more than 20 billion pages per month.

Also, on the same website, it is said that roughly 70 million new articles are generated every month, and there are 77 million new blog comments every month.

So the answer is YES. Countless people still read blogs regularly.

The fact that so many new posts are generated every month and the fact that there are so many visitors to blogs prove that blogs are not dead in 2023. They continue to operate exceptionally well.

Even yet, it would be best to realize that not every form of the blog might be successful nowadays; in fact, several have been dying in recent years.

Types of blogs that no longer operate in 2023

1. Personal blogs

Personal blogs, daily, no longer operate. Think about it, currently, if you want to know about a cousin, a friend, or even a superstar, where do you go hunting for information?

On social networks.

The phenomenal rise of social networks, particularly in recent years, has left personal blogs in the shadows. Nowadays, individuals find it quicker to open their social networks than to visit a blog to acquire the newest information about a person.

Users only visit blogs when they are seeking detailed information.

Even yet, this does not imply that you cannot build a personal blog. Of course, you may make a location to share your views and experiences. But such a blog is unlikely to rank in search engines or be monetized.

2. Blogs that concentrate more on quantity than quality

Many years ago, when there weren’t many blogs yet, it was how bloggers competed with each other.

 The more material they submitted to their blogs, the more visitors they drew, and the better they rated.

Nowadays, things have changed, and publishing fewer materials of exceptional quality is preferable to creating hundreds and thousands of pieces that do not bring value to your viewers.

So, it is preferable to generate one or two posts a week, which gives long-term value, than to publish a daily post that does not add anything to your readers and does not keep them hooked.

3. Blogs that write everything for everyone

Another form of a blog that no longer operates in 2023 is a blog in which articles are produced on several distinct themes for all audiences. If you build a blog and address the entire world, no one will feel associated with your material.

What you have to do for your blog to function is to identify the niche of your blog extremely clearly and be clear about who precisely you are going to reach. Your articles have to tackle a particular issue that your target customer has.

And so that you better understand what we are talking about,

Read our full guide on ” The 11 Ugly Truths of Blogging.”

Reasons to begin a blog in 2023

If you have wanted to build a blog for a long time but are putting it off and have not yet decided, we will give you some reasons why you should do it NOW.

1. You learn new things every day

Blogging is for you if you’re a person who enjoys learning new things all the time. When you have a blog, you know many new things, and here we are not only talking about how to design a web page or write an article.

Working on a blog, you learn things you would never anticipate, such as marketing, photography, graphic design, accountancy, and many more. When you’re starting, chances are you can’t afford to have a crew handle these tasks for you. Therefore you will have to perform things yourself and learn to do a bit of everything.

2. You assist others

It would help if you started a blog to assist people and offer your trim to the world. Through blogging, you can assist others, and contrary to what people often assume, you don’t have to be an expert in your subject to be able to help others.

As long as you have more expertise than the norm in a particular sector or subject, you may already aid others with your material.

3. You may work from anywhere in the globe

Working on a blog Blogging can be done from anywhere and doesn’t require a lot of resources.

You may work on your blog from your home living room or a Caribbean beach bar. Because sure, it is entirely feasible to live traveling while you work on your blog.

4. You may convert your passion into a thriving digital company

You must develop a blog if you have always dreamt of working and doing what you enjoy the most. If you have a dull job in an office but want to snap photographs, travel, dance, or do anything creative that work does not allow you to do, do not hesitate.

Create a blog and turn your passion into your company!

make money blogging

If you want to discover how you can create the life of your dreams thanks to professional blogging, check out our free class in which we explain to you how to uncover your biggest passion, how to assist people with your expertise and how to earn money with it so you can construct the life you have always dreamt of.

Read our complete guide on “How To Monetize Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing.”

5. You meet a lot of individuals with the same ambitions as you

When you have a blog, you are more present on social networks, in groups linked to the topic of your blog, and on numerous platforms where you may meet individuals with similar ambitions and objectives.

Besides interacting with many individuals who understand what you want to achieve, you may also receive inspiration from them and learn a lot of new things.

Suppose you wish to meet others like you. Those who are creating their professional blogs join our community. We just started a new community on Facebook. We are Financebode.

6. It is a business that takes very minimal investment

Unlike a regular company where you have to pay the rent of premises, energy bills, water, and others, creating a blog takes a minimal investment.

To start, you will have to acquire a name and hire hosting. To give you an idea, this will cost you roughly $5.99/per month. As you proceed with your project, you will need more design tools, email marketing, etc., but don’t worry about that.

7. It opens doors for you

A blog is like an online résumé; it may open many doors for you. To offer you a particular example, we develop various web pages for firms due to our blog.

We don’t have any site design expertise, but we have a lot of experience and fantastic blogs. And that is more than enough to build websites for other individuals or corporations.

And this is only one example. They may employ you to take images if you’re excellent at it, write articles, conduct reviews, manage Facebook Ads campaigns, and much more. A blog provides you with numerous chances that you would not have had without it.

Are blogs still lucrative today?

Of course! But you have to have an intelligent approach.

First, forget about all your restricting notions and all the old-fashioned blogging tactics and concentrate entirely on giving value to your readers. You have to find a niche that interests you, in which you have expertise and experience, and transform it into a resource for a particular set of individuals seeking information on this issue.

Second, consider what you know about this area that novices or individuals who are a step behind you may not know. Make a strategy and methodically deliver valuable and quality information to aid them.

And finally, make sure your blog and strategy work and start creating goods and services so you can monetize your blog and convert your passion into a viable company.

How to be successful with blogging


As I always say, consistency is the key. If you start a blog, don’t expect to receive a response in three days or weeks. It will take many months.

 So much so that I have nicknamed this period “The Desert Crossing.” In reality, it’s hard to remain patient for six months or one year before you get the first traffic traces from Google, especially when information is developed daily.

Read our complete guide on “22 Best Blogging Tools.”

 It’s a significant era of uncertainty, and it’s pretty normal to remark at some point, “my website is not attracting anybody. Is it worth it? In truth, it is worth it, but you have to be steady and patient.


I will not offer you any knowledge about patience since I am naturally incredibly impatient. But you should realize that with this form of the company if you have a blog.

You have to be patient, particularly initially. The patient doesn’t imply passive, of course. You only have to be conscious that natural referencing takes time before you receive results.

The aim is to arrive at a specific point at which a snowball effect happens. When you reach this fundamental level, acquiring exposure will be much simpler. People will go immediately since they know your blog, and you will acquire backlinks more effortlessly. So the objective is to attain this actual size as quickly as feasible.

Form a team

If you have a corporate blog, I propose that you organize a small team or attempt to outsource the site’s writing. Why? Because, once again, consistency is the key.

blogging team

However, when you have a company, you do not always have the chance to spend time creating content, while the ideal would be to do so. Unfortunately, this is hardly a perfect world! But in general, it is pretty vital to have a small crew to generate material consistently.

Closeness and courtesy

Another point is to strive to develop a blog where you ultimately create closeness with your readers. For example, you may write using “I,” “you,” and “you.” In short, genuinely attempt to build a cordial connection with your guests. More than a tale, a blog is a discussion that you will have.

Personally, for my Financebode agency, I also have a blog. When I write articles, I merely remind myself:

  • What might you say to a buddy who is about to undertake?
  • What are the suggestions I could provide?
  • And what are the tips too?

I seek anything conversational to prevent it from becoming scholarly and ponderous! So the objective is actually to popularize without simplifying and have a tight approach.

The relevance of structure

It would be best to realize that a blog on the Internet is not read in the same manner as a book.

In a book, you start on the first page and conclude on the last. This is not how you read on the Internet. You scan the material. You look at the piece, including the headers and subheadings, to see how it is arranged.

And when there is a title or subtitle that genuinely gets our interest, we may start reading. So I spent a lot of effort, title-wise, trying to improve them, to make them as compelling as possible.

I discovered some numbers on the subject:

  • 8 out of 10 individuals will read your headlines
  • 2 out of 10 individuals will read the text

So you can see how vital it is to establish meaningful headers and subheadings.

Consistency in the content

So another critical aspect of the success of a blog is uniformity.

When you create a blog, I suggest that you start with a niche. Once you establish a following and become renowned with that speciality, you might start expanding into other themes. But beginning small is a terrific approach to recognizing yourself as a subject matter expert.

Target your audience

It is crucial to have a well-targeted audience in the beginning because the danger, in the front, is wanting to accomplish everything and dealing with all the concerns.

In this scenario, you risk moving in all directions in the development of your content. For example, if you are in B2B and have a service or product you wish to market.

Ultimately, if you write about everything, you may receive some traffic, but it won’t qualify and won’t convert. Therefore, the goal is to ensure that your content will result in conversion more or less straightforwardly.

Read our complete guide on”The Best Blogging Platforms For Beginners.

Content conversion

So the second aspect is really at the level of “content conversion,” what we call in French the reconversion of material.

The notion is relatively simple. When you have an article that succeeds, feel free to re-exploit this excellent concept in numerous media. For example, if you have an article that works well, why not attempt converting it into a video? A podcast? An infographic?

 It is much more fascinating since it will enable you to reach people who do not ingest the material in the same manner.

Some want to learn by reading, for example, blog posts. Others are more visual so an infographic may be excellent; for others who like to listen to the knowledge to remember it, a podcast can too. It can be effective.

Know your industry

When you start to write your blog entries, you must know your sector and your industry. Whether you’re doing B to C or B to B,

I’m inclined to argue that having a blog is one marketing tool you shouldn’t be without. From my point of view, having a B to C blog is vital. Having a B-to-B blog is critical.

So if you have a company and are talking to other firms, having a blog is crucial. It will get exposure and authority.

 The key to running a blog is consistency and quality. Without these two elements, there is a little chance that you will be able to start your blog and bring regular organic traffic to your website.

If you have problems writing, turn to expert writers. But generally, if you’re on your own, consider outsourcing. Some individuals have high writing talents, so it may be essential worldwide to move towards this stuff because we are not all equal in our writing capacity.

Market your content

Know that while creating a blog, there is a creativity component and a marketing part: 20% of the time is spent on creation and 80% on marketing.

From my point of view, I believe it’s a lot, but the notion is still there. So consider spending time on invention and advertising, particularly at the beginning.

If you are not recognized, it is always tough to obtain exposure. That is why it is necessary to commit time to advertise. I usually work in the following ratio: 80% creative time and 20% marketing time. 20%/80% sounds like a lot to me.

Read our full guide on “The Best Mobile Apps for Bloggers.”


This article concludes now. I hope you are interested. In any case, I hope you would have understood the question.

Should we continue to have a blog today?

The answer for me is “YES.” Sometimes you might encounter stuff that indicates that “blogs are dead”…

 Not for me! Organic traffic creation is still heavily driven by blogs. Therefore, producing excellent material is crucial. Also, be consistent. This is a vital part.

And then, with your blog, you’ll obtain a type of authoritative position, and it’ll be much simpler to convert your visitors into leads.

Another part is that if you have a blog, you are the master of your fate. You do not have a type of sword of Damocles over your head, as you do with social networks. With algorithm modifications, from one day to the next, you might find yourself utterly “out of the game.”

While with your blog, you are accountable for your posts. You have your website, the hosting you selected, and the domain name you acquired.

In summary, your fate is yours. Therefore, you are free to generate the material you want and to proceed in the editorial direction you desire. When you are going to make blog articles, attempt to do it in the register of closeness. Regard it as a form of discussion with strangers.

I know that the advice I can provide on my blog is advice I could give to my friends or family.

Finally, remember to reuse content when you have something that works on your blog. Feel free to modify the format at any moment and transform it into something different. It may be a blog post, a video, a podcast, or an infographic.

 I’m done with it. Thus you are free to develop the material you want and to move in the editorial direction you desire.

Let’s blog