Mistakes to Avoid In Real Estate Email Marketing: Find Out

Mistakes To Avoid In Real Estate Email Marketing

Looking to boost your real estate email marketing? Before hitting send on your next campaign, make sure you know these mistakes to avoid in real estate email marketing that can sabotage your efforts.

 Using a bad email source, spamming subject lines, not segmenting your email list, omitting to customize your emails, and failing to give good content are all blunders that may lead to bad outcomes.

Many specialists in real estate advertising platforms highly acknowledge email marketing. Recognized as a cost-efficient and highly successful advertising channel, many marketers still need to make the proper tactics for this channel.

In this article, I will explore the most common mistakes made in real estate email marketing, tips on how to avoid them, how to increase your open rate in real estate email marketing, and many other tips to turn you into a pro real estate email marketing.

If that’s what interest you, let’s dive in.

Suppose you’re yet to get started with real estate email marketing. Here is a step-by-step guide on everything you need to know to get started with real estate email marketing.

Common Mistakes to Avoid In Real Estate Email Marketing

Mistakes When Doing Real Estate Marketing: Utilizing a bad email data source

Numerous marketers depend on data sources via scanning on forums, purchasing from friends, buying from third parties, etc., rather than building a quality email list.

Mistakes When Doing Real Estate Marketing: Email content is not relevant

Another mistake to avoid is paying attention to giving quality content. Your email subscribers seek content relevant to their interests and requirements. Customers may rapidly lose interest in your firm if your emails are excessively promotional or lack depth. 

Instead, concentrate on giving helpful suggestions, industry news, or instructional material that your readers will find valuable and entertaining. For example, the email open rate will be poor with a subject line that doesn’t fit the customer’s demands.

Mistakes When Doing Real Estate Marketing: Sammy headlines

One of the most prevalent mistakes in real estate email marketing is using spam headlines. These subject lines may activate spam filters and prevent your email from reaching your readers’ inboxes.

 In addition, spamming subject lines may be a significant turnoff for prospective customers, and they may even unsubscribe from your email list.

Read: How to create a catchy headline.

Mistakes When Doing Real Estate Marketing: Not segmenting your email list

Another mistake to avoid is not segmenting your email list. Segmenting your list implies splitting your subscribers into separate groups depending on specified criteria, such as region, demographics, or hobbies. 

By doing so, you can personalize your email marketing to each group’s individual requirements and interests, which may lead to increased engagement and conversion rates.

Mistakes When Doing Real Estate Marketing: Personalization

More than paying attention to personalize your emails is also a common mistake in real estate email marketing. 

Personalization may be as easy as utilizing your subscriber’s first name in the email or as sophisticated as developing personalized material based on their prior contacts with your organization. Customized emails help develop trust and improve connections with prospective customers.

Read: how to personalize your email content.

Mistakes When Doing Real Estate Marketing: There is no precise strategy

After generating email content, many marketers let the program automatically send tens of thousands of emails without a defined strategy. Real estate email marketing is a simple implementation channel, but each marketer has to acquire expertise, patience, etc., to obtain the desired results. 

Refrain from rushing to send to many consumers. Instead, spend time researching, producing content, and planning. One excellent email is still more effective than 1000 “trash” ones.

Using untrusted applications

When conducting real estate email marketing with an untrustworthy tool, your emails will largely slip into the Spam of consumers.

 This will be harmful if the consumer does not accept receiving your letters. Refrain from spamming consumer mail too much, and select the proper application and time to achieve maximum efficiency in the campaign.

Mistakes When Doing Real Estate Marketing: Not Focusing on Relationship Marketing 

Another mistake real estate email marketers make is concentrating more on creating a relationship with their subscribers. Instead, they may send you many emails focused only on advertising their listings and services.

Although it is crucial to market your services and listings, delivering value to your subscribers is as important. This involves delivering useful suggestions and advice pertaining to purchasing or selling real estate, providing them with local market updates, and sharing fascinating industry news.

See also: How to build a relationship with customers through email marketing.

Misconceptions about Real Estate Email Marketing

Email marketing in real estate wants to be effective. It needs time, effort, and attention to accomplish. These are the email marketing secrets that real estate brokers need to know before executing their plan:

1. If the subject line isn’t enticing, don’t expect the buyer to read it

2. Don’t utilize email marketing if your email content is not distinctive, has a purpose, and produces value

3. Email marketing is more complex. You don’t have to do it to be successful. Need to endure, change and accumulate

4. Email marketing demands a specialized campaign, a clear strategy

5. Don’t spam consumer mail too much. Select the proper moment with a fair message content

Tips for Effective Real Estate Marketing Emails

Build a quality data source.

There are several sources of client data that many marketers mistakenly neglect, such as:

Old customers: this is the top priority source of customers

New customers: data sources obtained from different deployment channels. Ensure sure these clients are part of your campaign’s target audience.

Read our guide on how to build a quality email list for real estate businesses.

Plan a real estate email marketing strategy.

Campaign aim: we need to link the goal for this deployment channel with the goal of the campaign.

Target customers: who are they, how do they purchase projects, what are they interested in, etc.?

Implementation time: the time to implement each item must be scheduled in detail, such as time for account deployment, data collecting, content preparation, email delivery time, etc.

Projected budget: marketers need to create a budget for this rollout to guarantee a smooth, planned deployment.

Develop content for real estate email marketing.

The subject line is the key to the customer’s choice to open an email. Therefore make it brief, simple, beautiful, and sensitive to the customer’s demands. Utilizing visuals that mix bright and suitable may utilize infographics and videos to make your emails more professional and exciting.

See also: How to write a quality real estate email marketing content

In the real estate sector, in addition to offering projects and influencing consumers to come to a purchase choice, etc. have email analysis, quality evaluation, market assessment, etc., to assist clients in building trust with your company with your project.

For real estate marketers to acquire quality email content, advertisers need to constantly develop their knowledge of the market, project status, legality, etc., to get from there. Emails that satisfy client demands and are very compelling.

Expect consumers to refrain from replying to you on the first email. For real estate email marketing, marketers need to have patience and tenacity to amass expertise and gain “sweet fruit” in executing the campaign in the next email.

How to Increase Real Estate Email Open Rate

Here are tips on how to increase the open rate of any email you send.

Real estate marketing email topic

Many marketers concentrate on the content and appearance of email marketing but need to remember that the real estate email topic matter is considerably more crucial.

Only when the title is interesting enough and inspires the recipient to open will the effort you spend on the content work. It would be best if you comprehended the ideas and criteria of how to create email subject lines.

What should not be in a headline?

  • Make sure the title is concise.
  • Refrain from concentrating on positive headlines. Negative components attract readers.
  • Don’t focus on positive headlines. Negative elements attract readers
  • Stay away from terms that “seem” to be a SPAM message

What should not be in a headline?

  • Create humor, fun
  • Bring something unexpected
  • Use questions that generate curiosity
  • Urgent email subject
  • Give an order

Call-to-action content

If your email content is outstanding, but the engagement and purchase conversion rates still need to be as planned, then the call-to-action content may need to be more forceful, making the reader decide. They are decided—no need to be overly verbose. The arguments to urge consumers to take action should be simple and compelling.

Email content

It would be fantastic if, after reading, email marketing is loved by consumers to share with their contacts. That will be a highly powerful marketing avenue for you. And it’s pretty easy for you to make a viral real estate email marketing.

See also: How to write email content.

Motivate consumers to share real estate emails.

First, concentrate on producing real estate emails with interesting content. It is crucial to include helpful real estate information. Additionally, remember to build basic and innovative emails that get readers enthusiastic.

Next, advise them to share this email with their loved ones, even naming someone in particular. Such as:

  • Family and life partner. Let’s enjoy this pleasant and elegant residence with them!
  • Close friends and coworkers. Help your friends own these wonderful flats at the greatest prices.
  • The “someone” who the customer knows has a need for real estate.

Minimize digression while drafting Email content.

To persuade readers while sending real estate emails, you should avoid rambling with needless information. Compose a primary point you must deliver to the recipient and highlight that.

Too little valuable information and extensive material will damage the quality of your email content. Additionally, knowing how to lead the message and drafting an outline in preparation can help you have cohesive and persuasive email marketing content without spending too much time.

Double-check your email carefully.

After writing the text, you need to review it carefully before submitting it. First, ensure the email is clear of typos and display issues on mobile devices. In particular, pay attention to the campaign test-sending stage to verify whether the email was delivered to Spam.

Real estate email marketing campaign ideas

Real estate is a profitable business. There is a 34% increase in homebuyers (source)

A robust email marketing strategy is needed to stay up with this trend. In particular, brief, direct, and customized emails are successful forms of communication.

Let’s check out the newest real estate email marketing campaign ideas you can use.

Email to send as a realtor?

Email for after-sales care

Whether the event participants are random people stopping by out of curiosity or a true lead, it’s still a wise idea to send them a follow-up email following the sale. The chain of email marketing drips delivered to consumers will develop a positive connection for your firm.

Email customer care after the sale event

In that email, thank them for their time in the sale and remind them of the attractions of your project. Then tell a bit about another amazing apartment, just enough to spark their interest so they’ll subsequently want to study it online.

Area specialist email

No one likes to feel rushed into purchasing a property or hiring a certain broker. Hence, in this email, in addition to the house you believe the consumer is interested in, present additional possibilities in the same neighborhood.

Area expert email

There is no need to proclaim openly: “I am the finest in this profession. You will regret not working with me”. But recommend to them your competence. And you were eager to deliver the best-suited solution for consumers, not attempting to sell like other brokers.

Email notice of home sold

This email often frustrates buyers, so it’s crucial to express the issue (this house is no longer for sale) and move rapidly to a solution (I have more wonderful possibilities for you). ).

In addition, let’s include a line that recognizes the competition in the market to convey a feeling of urgency and urgency for clients to make a choice rapidly. At the same time, it also exhibits your expertise in the real estate market in the region.

New real estate listing email

Consumers may quickly obtain new houses on websites, so make an effort to make these communications exciting and helpful. Don’t simply utilize stock photos or papers. You need captivating images and content that clients can’t get anywhere else.

Low-interest email

This email is wonderful when used to reconnect with former clients or nurture new ones. This email requires impartiality. Avoid conveying a selling vibe. Before collecting a fair price for the vendor, personalize it with local news or events.

Customer retention email

73% of purchasers say they would deal with their broker again or suggest it to a friend. Nevertheless, 70% of purchasers must remember their realtor within a year.

Thus, if you can’t be a buddy in a customer’s life, leave something in their inbox, like a clever email, to remind them of you.

The information about the apartment’s worth, and the sale of their local home services, will remind consumers of you every time they want to move or refer to friends and colleagues.

Email confirmation

Purchasing a house is an experience intimately related to emotions. To tap into such impulses, be cautious when picking an email that attests to the quality of service from one of your favorite clients.

Most consumers will be pleased to offer you a satisfied review after they have a suitable flat. Utilizing authentic and impartial evaluations in your testimonial emails can show your consumers how terrific you are. Additionally, it also helps to establish trust with future clients.

Lead nurturing email template.

Modify your email template to nurture your leads and infuse fresh vitality.

  • Avoid ambiguous remarks like: “People are interested in your home” or “There has never been a better time to sell.”
  • Instead, present convincing statistics about why now is the time to sell and make it simple for them to discover more.

On the other side, prospective real estate investors provide detailed data and information to enable them to come to an instant investment choice in an interesting project.

Thank you for an email about the real estate

Homebuyers have a broad range of flats and real estate agents – and they choose you! A simple present, such as a bouquet, a bottle of wine, a complimentary supper, etc., to express your thanks can help develop a lasting connection with the client.


To sum up, email marketing is an effective tool for real estate brokers to connect with prospective customers and create enduring bonds with current ones.

Your email campaigns’ efficacy might be harmed by a number of frequent blunders. Be sure to customize your emails, segment your audience, provide worthwhile information, stay away from spammy language, and test your emails for the best outcomes if you want to avoid making these errors. 

You can build email campaigns that connect with your audience and support your real estate marketing objectives by adhering to these best practices. Always keep in mind that being intelligent, strategic, and customer-focused are the keys to success in email marketing.