How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing on Your Blog

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing on Your Blog

You have probably heard about affiliate marketing as a way to monetize a blog several times.

 However, you may not completely comprehend how it works or how it might assist you in earning money so that you can convert your blog into a business.

We have been utilizing affiliate marketing to monetize our blogs for several years, and we think it’s the best way to make money online in a “passive” way.

This post explains affiliate marketing in detail, including how to use it, what it is, how it functions, where to discover affiliate programs, what kinds of goods and services you can endorse, and how much money you can make.

Let’s begin!

How does affiliate marketing work?

An internet marketing tactic called affiliate marketing is promoting goods or services from other businesses on your blog in return for a commission.

Affiliate Marketing

Companies allow bloggers to join their affiliate programs and earn a commission for promoting them to advertise on various blogs to reach a wider audience than they would have by doing it on their websites.

Affiliate marketing often includes 3–4 parties:

  • Brands that wish to publicize their goods and services are known as advertisers.
  • Blogs or websites that promote the goods and services of advertisers are known as affiliates.
  • Companies that connect marketers and affiliates are known as affiliate platforms.
  • Customers are those who purchase the suggested item or service.

History of affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing was created in 1989 by a businessman called William J. Tolbin. However, Amazon gained popularity with it nearly ten years later.

Tolbin established Prodigy, a program to attract members who would post adverts for his shop on other websites. Tolbin had built PC Flowers & Gifts, one of the first eCommerce firms to flourish.

PC Flowers&Gifts receives a commission on every purchase made via a subscriber’s website.

With the help of this technique, Tolbin started charging millions within a few years. That simple?

Well, not as much these days. We better keep going with our conversation.

How does affiliate marketing work?

The following is how this blog monetization technique operates with affiliate marketing:

  • The advertiser introduces a new product or service.
  • The affiliate who wishes to advertise it is given a unique link to the item, which they must post on their website or blog to spread the word. This hyperlink typically stores an affiliate cookie in the browser of the user.
  • The consumer uses the affiliate link to purchase the item or service.
  • The revenue from the sale goes to the advertiser.
  • The advertiser gives the affiliate a commission.

How can affiliate marketing be used?

Let’s use one of the most well-known affiliate programs in the world from a brand that almost everyone is familiar with: Amazon.

You have probably purchased anything from this company’s website before, are acquainted with their products, and have a general understanding of what they do for a living.

As follows is how the Amazon affiliate program operates:

  • You register on their website as an affiliate.
  • With a unique code, they enable you to generate affiliate links.
  • Please include this link in your post when you discuss a product you liked so that your readers may notice it and go to the Amazon website.
  • You get a commission when a consumer purchases the item you have suggested.
Affiliate Marketing

We will provide a more specific example to help you better grasp what we are talking about.

You may promote a robot in one of your blog posts or pages if you run a culinary blog and use it because you love it and believe it will help your viewers cook quicker or better.

Imagine you publish a recipe for vegan meatballs using the food processor you use, and someone sees it, enjoys the food processor, and chooses to purchase it.

He may see and purchase the item on Amazon by clicking your link, which directs him there.

 However, a unique code included when you created your affiliate links is kept in the link, so Amazon knows that this transaction originated from your blog.

So, they’ll give you a commission.

This is not limited to Amazon. No matter what the topic of your blog is, there are a ton of brands and businesses that have affiliate programs that you can join.

What are the benefits of affiliate marketing?

At this stage, you should be aware that you don’t really sell anything. You are only a middleman who suggests a product or service supplied by another company which will benefit you in several ways.

  • Not to stock. You forget about product storage.
  • You get rid of transportation. Boasting an excellent logistics system is expensive.
  • Your blog makes money as soon as you include an affiliate link in one of your entries.
  • You make no initial investment since you don’t produce or purchase goods. It is wise to compare several brands to see which works best.
  • There has been a subject for some time. Finding the themes for your website won’t be challenging since most industries use affiliate marketing to achieve success.

More passive money is always welcome. This method will eventually grow to the size of a full piggy bank, almost unnoticeable. Users may visit your website 24/7 since it is fully set up and the suggestions in your articles have already been published.

Challenges affiliate bloggers are likely to encounter

All that glitters is not gold. Thus, our marketing firm enlightens you about the harmful elements that emerge from this strategy so extensively utilized in digital marketing.

  • When promoting the product or service of another brand, the profit margin is reduced. The commission typically levied is between 5 and 20% of the sale.
  • You cannot keep customers or establish a portfolio. You do not have the user’s registration nor the purchase if it is done. Thus you cannot develop strategies to suggest them. Again the product if you don’t purchase comparable items.

The seven fundamentals of affiliate marketing

I have been working on affiliate marketing on my other site for many years, and before discussing how you may apply it to your blog, I want you to know the seven rules that govern this approach.

Without these, it will be of little use to apply the remainder.


It would help if you suggested things that are relevant to your audience.

If you have a blog about how to start a company and sell a product like a diet or an online war game, you will not raise any interest in your audience.

The danger is twofold if you do not segment your offers: you will not sell anything and will lose readers. It’s a double miss for you.

Never would I promote ideas that have no connection with what my audience wants..


I, as an affiliate, only promote the things that I use. But not just once, but the ones that I utilize in the everyday operations of my blog.

In truth, I only usually suggest vendors or items I have used for months or years in many situations.

For example, when proposing a plugin to attract subscribers, I suggest Thrive Leads since it is the one we now use at Financebode and offers us the most outstanding results.

But at the same time, I also propose SumoMe since it is a fantastic free choice for starting individuals.

Why do I provide two options?

From what I was teaching you earlier about relevancy. Although Thrive Leads is a beautiful plugin, not all of my viewers can afford it. There are distinct needs.

The same thing occurred to me with the WordPress SEO plugin. I began with the All in One SEO bundle but now prefer Yoast SEO. Both answers are legitimate. However, according to my current standards, one is preferable.

Since the market is changing, my advice has to adapt too. The offer must constantly be modified.

But what I can’t do is endorse stuff I know nothing about. This is not offering value and assisting but attempting to mislead to gain a little money.

My reputation is the most precious commodity I have, and I don’t want to sacrifice it for a fee of a few euros. It wouldn’t make sense to me.


To close sales when you engage with affiliate marketing, you should never advise somebody to purchase product “X” or service “Y” because you promote it.

What value does this have? Whether you haven’t tested the product/service yourself, how do you know if it’s the deal you’re presenting?

Most importantly, you concentrate on explaining how you utilize this product and its value for your company. Working with informative video lessons is considerably more instructional and efficient at the affiliate marketing level.

Please don’t be hesitant to highlight the boundaries of a product or service and declare very clearly who the thing you advertise is for and who it is NOT for. This method enables the individual to determine whether that product will be able to aid them.


Forget animated banners, flash or invasive pop-ups to sell affiliate marketing items.

In my case (and trust me, I’m not the only blogger in this position), deep links work best, which occur organically in a blog article.

Also, do not use plugins that automatically translate terms into affiliate links.

Remember tip No. 1. Relevancy is the key. No one is better than a human person to maximize the natural integration of an affiliate link in a post. The work pays off; if you do it, you will watch how the conversion results soar through the sky.

Do not go too far with the number of links you put into your article. A link above, one in the centre and one at the conclusion, are more than enough.

In addition, in this manner, you will spare your visitors from potential discomfort, as too many links reflect a certain lack of concern. It seems like you don’t want to create a long-term connection but rather sell short.

And you will also avoid severe difficulties with Google, which does not appreciate blogs full of advertising and affiliate links.


When they deliver scientific lectures at the conferences in which they participate, physicians are responsible for declaring any conflicts of interest. For example, they collaborate with a pharmaceutical laboratory to introduce a new medicine connected to the highlighted issue.

Do the same. Reveal your conflicts of interest, and be upfront and honest.

In addition, in the US, it is necessary that if you are promoting an affiliate product or performing paid promotion of a product, you tell it. Don’t breach the rule for your readers and your own.


You may attempt to finalize a sale following the arrival of a new visitor. Or you may also deliver free material for a couple of weeks and pitch your offer when you have already created a trusted connection with the reader.

Use an autoresponder system. You will not regret being patient before you want to strive for a deal.


Although the autoresponder is excellent since it works alone and without whining, It will not help you if you have 100 subscribers.

You need at least 1,000. And if you have 1,000 and want to increase your income, you will need 10,000

How to find affiliate programs?

1. Through affiliate platforms

Several platforms like Tradedoubler, Commission Junction or Impact, among many others, are responsible for bringing brands and enterprises in touch with affiliates.

Register as an affiliate on their website and fill out a form with your and your blog’s data.

IMPORTANT! You have to have the blog developed before applying to affiliate programs since most firms want you to mention the URL of your blog.

And this is typical since they want to see what you do, what material you create, what goods you promote, etc.

When you have the blog established and live, you can join up as an affiliate on some of the platforms that we have listed, and there you can do the following:

  • discover which firms are seeking affiliates
  • select ones that interest you and are linked to your niche
  • apply to their affiliate programs

If they approve you, they will provide you with affiliate links with which you may promote their goods or services on your blog and social networks.

2. Doing a Google search

If you search on Google for ” affiliate program of…(company) “, in the results, you will discover the sites where you may register as an affiliate, either on the company’s website or on an affiliate platform.

3. Directly on the websites of the brands

The majority of businesses and companies that offer affiliate programs have a page on their site that allows you to learn more about the program and sign up. Usually, the URL of this page is accessible at the bottom of the web page (footer).

What product can be advertised using affiliate marketing?

There are affiliate networks for every product or service you can imagine and, indeed, for any niche. Some examples may be:

  • Beauty goods
  • Tourist accommodation
  • Car rental
  • Web design tools
  • Clothes and accessories
  • Baby products
  • Garden products
  • Etc.

It is vitally crucial that you only suggest things that you have tried, that you liked and that you know are of quality.

 You can’t promote a product you’ve never tasted before because if your readers purchase it, and it turns out to come home, and it doesn’t function or fulfil their expectations, they’ll quit trusting you and possibly never come back to your blog.

It is also crucial to exclusively promote items and services linked to the speciality of your blog.

For example, suppose you operate a food blog; you can’t promote a laptop or a lawn mower since it doesn’t make sense.

You may suggest the kitchen robot we were talking about earlier, some silicone utensils, moulds for cupcakes, etc.

If you wish, you may go a little farther and propose the camera to use to capture the photographs with which you accompany the articles on your blog, but your recommendations always have to have anything to do with your site.

How you can monetize your blog via affiliate marketing?

Now that you have selected which area you will work, it is time to examine what you offer.

What everyone does— ‘is choose just the things for which they will charge the highest commission.’

I insist on the previous argument: this is total foolishness as the only items I sell are the helpful ones, not the ones with the most excellent price.

To pick the goods to sell, you must look at these five aspects.


When it comes to gaining profits from the sale of things, you have two alternative options to follow:

  • Products at a low price and sell numerous units.
  • Products with a high price and sell fewer units.

I propose the 2nd alternative for a fundamental issue of reason. Imagine that you sell a $200 product with a 50% commission per sale.

With 100 visits and a 1% conversion, you would make $100.

However, see what would happen with a product of $10 and the same commission amount. With those same 100 visitors, even if we boosted the conversion to 10% (nearly impossible when you start), you would charge $50.

But I never tire of stating it. These calculations will not make sense if you choose the items without checking whether they are appropriate for your audience. In such a situation, it will not matter whether they are cheap or costly. You will not sell anything.


Your consumer attraction method is founded on the content you can provide about the product.

If you select a product that can only be written ten articles, you will be restricted when acquiring awareness.

Do a little study on Google to check the previously written text. You will need approximately 5 minutes to grasp the route that the product may have.

Tip: If it matches your target, consider things that have various accessories. So you may also write about them.

Read our full guide on “The Worth of Creating a Blog in 2023


Remember what I told you before: your purpose should target previously mature markets. And among these, you have to choose the things you know are already functioning.

To discover, you have three options:

A) Amazon
Amazon Affiliate

Amazon is one of the fantastic beasts of e-commerce and one of the best-known affiliate networks in the world. To find out what the best-selling things are, you have it pretty easy.

You merely have to access the “all departments” option, and there, click on “best sellers”. And voilà.

affiliate marketing on amazon

In the snapshot, you are viewing the best-selling goods of the health (market) subject. But as you can see, you have different subdivisions (niches) from which to pull information.

B. ClickBank
ClickBank affiliate marketing

One of the largest and most well-known affiliate networks is ClickBank, which enables you to market a variety of products on numerous topics.

To view all the articles, you only have to explore the categories. It’s going to show you that a product is enjoyable.

The gravity.

Gravity is ClickBank’s metric that informs you how many affiliates have sold that product in the previous three months. This information is relevant for two reasons:

  • It is an item that has already been sold.
  • The amount of competition that may occur.

Do not cease studying your niche on ClickBank, as it will help you to have a worldwide perspective of everything that is marketed in your industry and what works.

C. Udemy
Affiliate marketing

is an e-learning portal evidence that the Internet knowledge business is in full swing.

Like the other 2, you will be able to observe which topics are most in demand in each speciality. Choose your category, and discover the “Most popular paid courses in…”.

In addition to the stars, you will also see the number of votes they have earned, which will show the demand. If you are thinking of establishing an info product, Udemy will also be quite valuable for you to get ideas.


One of the most effective techniques to determine if a product is in demand is Google itself.

The first step is to discover the most relevant keywords in your sector. For this, you have several tools:

Google Keyword Planner



Answer the Public


You will have to verify their search volume when you already have a reasonably substantial list of keywords.

Read our full guide on ” The Best Blogging Tool in 2023

Keep in mind that the notion is continually repeated: the more merchants or more searches you have, the bigger the competition will also be.


One of the main issues you encounter as an affiliate is competition for organic traffic.

To find out whether you have alternatives to rank for a product, you must evaluate the rest of the websites against which you will struggle to acquire Google’s affection.

To accomplish it straightforwardly without understanding anything about SEO, you only have to download an extension in your browser: Mozbar.

This addon is quite handy, as each time you search, it will indicate the following information:

  • DA: shows how much authority the whole web has.
  • PA: displays the power of the page against which you will compete.
  • The number of inbound links: how many links are referring to that page?

For a blog just starting, fighting against a website with a PA and links of more than 20 would be pretty tough to beat.

“SEO analysis” is quite generic. If you want to undertake a deeper SEO study, I suggest this article by Josh Steimle.


By now, you have not only identified your niche, but you also know what things you are going to offer according to these three criteria:

Relevance to your audience.


SEO competition.

With this knowledge, you already have everything to start mounting your project. And if I say nearly, it is because you still lack one key detail to becoming an affiliate.

To do so, you have three options:

  1. Membership platform.
  2. Direct affiliation of a corporation.
  3. Affiliate programs like Amazon or eBay.


These are businesses where you may obtain many items on many subjects. We have spoken about ClickBank previously, but there are many others:

  • ShareASale.
  • Zanox
  • Commission Junction
  • Public Ideas

Some are even specialized in particular themes.

What should you take into consideration while picking one or the other?
  • Brands they market: Some exclusively distribute lesser-known brands, which suggests a more incredible difficulty in selling.
  • Payment methods: they might demand you to have achieved minimum sales to produce an invoice and get the money.
  • When it is charged: many pay within 30 days, but others even reach 60. Also, examine the comments of other affiliates because many of these firms are late with payments.
  • Entry criteria: Some platforms need the blog to have a specific age or a certain quantity of visitors to enable you to register.
  • Resources: the platforms supply you with specific resources to aid the sale, such as banners. In some, you have numerous resources, while in others, there are virtually any.

Before picking one, investigate which one provides you with the finest conditions according to the things you have selected to sell.


Many firms already have their affiliate network, enabling you to promote their items quickly and efficiently.

For example, it is pretty typical to suggest the hosting service where your blog is housed in the world of blogging. And all these firms allow you to market their services when you become their customer.

But that is not the only example. Numerous tools give compensation for sales. They might be themes for WordPress, software to manage social networks or plugins to generate forms that boost conversion.

Almost all of these firms have their affiliate marketing scheme.

Of course, do not forget that you must know your proposal well. There is no more considerable error than delivering something that produces a terrible outcome. Your hard-earned credibility would be gone in an instant.


Without a doubt, Amazon and eBay are the two main affiliate programs, particularly the first one.

The benefits of working with Amazon are tremendous.
  • It’s not only because the product catalogue is extensive, but you know that their customer service is excellent. If someone buys anything via your blog and it turns out to be faulty, you may be comfortable that Amazon will reply.
  • Also, although other platforms need a minimum number of visits to register, you don’t have that difficulty on Amazon or eBay.
The cons of marketing Amazon product

But everything has its B-side, and Amazon has it too. The primary one is in the commissions you pay.

  • The commissions of some of the most enticing things to sell (technology) have reduced and are approximately 3.5%…


In this article, you have all the essential information to be able to build your blog, so now we are simply going to conduct a Fast Track of everything you need:

  • Domain ( Namecheap )
  • Hosting ( Bluehost )
  • WordPress ( )
  • WordPress template ( Studiopress )
  • Email Marketing Platform ( Mailchimp )

And that’s it.

You have all the infrastructure you need to launch your blog and start squeezing your affiliate connections.

Read our full guide on “The Best Blogging Platforms for Beginners.”


When studying your competitors, you already recognized that you would have to exercise all your punch in your struggle to gain organic traffic.

How To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing On Your Blog

To optimize sales with affiliate marketing, you must increase your placement to the fullest. For that, you have to fiddle with three variables:


These are all the resources that you may optimize inside the page itself. Every time Google spiders visit you, they examine whether your blog fulfils several conditions.

Some of the most significant include the following:

  • Load speed.
  • Website architecture.
  • User experience.
  • Internal link.

All this already relies just on you. Therefore, it’s time to get down to work and convince Google to offer you an honours degree on your first test.


Within SEO On Page, how the contents of your blog are also written is affected. Although your emphasis should always be on your viewers, it doesn’t harm that you also learn to entice Google with your words.

However, the text is a critical component not just for SEO but also for affiliate sales. To endorse a product and persuade others to purchase it, you must create a terrific lesson about it.

Never forget to combine all these points:

  • For whom it is fascinating and for whom it is not.
  • Its benefits and downsides.
  • Advantages over other related goods.
  • Your experience with the product (this is best on video) (this is better on video).
  • Testimonials from other individuals who have used it.

Read our full guide on “The Best Mobile Apps for Bloggers.”

Your primary objective when writing a product review should always be to give as much helpful information as possible.

Do not lose focus on your client’s requirement and demonstrate all its advantages in connection to it.


On this side, we have all the external aspects that affect your blog, which mostly boils down to the inbound links you have received.

Please do not purchase link bundles on Fiverr or equivalent. Before you know it, Google will throw you into SEO darkness.

Posting guest articles is a 100% legal and white hat technique to obtain links. When you write a guest essay, you can insert a link to your website, increasing your SEO.

Check out this comprehensive guide for a more in-depth look on “How to start up a blog.


Now you do have your complete platform.

Your blog is up and running, it’s SEO optimized, and you already know which goods are perfect for your audience. It appears like you don’t need anything else anymore, right?

Mistake: You are missing one of the most critical issues: strategy.

To sell using affiliate marketing without losing focus, you need to be clear about your roadmap:


Your initial aim on this road is to attain a Minimum Viable Audience. One hundred daily visits of qualified traffic.

Why is this so important?

Until you hit that amount, you won’t be able to collect enough input from your readers to know their requirements. And without it, the chances of providing a product that does not interest you are incredibly high.


A reader who does not subscribe is a person with whom you cannot create a connection. You can’t speak to her and ask her what her difficulties are.

And as you may have already thought, it means you cannot give a solution either. You can’t sell him.

But also, when a reader subscribes to your blog, you can show them that you can still give additional content. Thanks to email marketing and sales funnels, you will acquire their confidence.

This implies that when you promote a product, you will have enough credibility for people to respect your viewpoint.


Here you have your untiring salesperson. The autoresponder is the one who never sleeps, never stops smiling and always responds to the consumer what you want.

Combining a sales funnel with an automated email sequence is the most efficient way to sell affiliate items.


Of course. Do not forget that the individual who has previously purchased from you is the one with whom you have the most alternatives to sell again.

Do not cease adding complimentary items and developing new sales funnels using autoresponders.


Since I don’t want to see any of my readers become a Mr Z, I’m going to educate you on the foundations of what a great email marketing campaign is.

Do not get confused, and remember the money is on the list.


When preparing your email sequence, you must be clear about what emails you may experiment with. Here I describe four variants:

  • Newsletter: make sure you know him. This is the regular reminder email in which they describe what has transpired in those days on the blog. They usually send one a week.
  • Compilation of your most excellent emails: in addition to boosting attention to those postings, it is a method to display all you know about your issue. Bit by little, you will establish yourself as an authority in your area.
  • Soft selling: 95% of the content of the email is focused on delivering value. However, in the end, you already present a “spot” about the product. It is about beginning to advertise the piece, not sealing a transaction.
  • Hard selling: here we are going for the sale. The individual has to recognize that what he needs to fix his issue is what you are providing him in that email.

Although it appears to you that the essential thing is this final email, the fact is that if with your previous emails, you have not provided anything of value or won their confidence, you will not sell anything at all.


Copywriting is selling due to words. If you are not skilled at writing, engaging a professional to develop your email sequence is ideal.

However, I leave you with several ideas to boost purchases with your emails.

Benefits and not characteristics: it does not matter whether you sell affiliate items or your own. What the customer wants to know is how you are going to enhance their life or to what degree you are going to solve their issue. Forget about detailing characteristics. Concentrate on the value that the person will obtain.

Urgency: “I have this, it’s extremely excellent, and I’m just going to remove it for 3 hours.” Emphasize it with a clock with a countdown.

Social proof: Post testimonials from individuals who have previously used the product and describe how it benefitted them.


As I told you previously, the potential of an autoresponder is endless as long as you do it well.

So that you have a reference with which to start working, I will show you one of the funnels that I have utilized.

  • Day 1: email presentation. You explain why you founded the blog and how you can assist.
  • Day 2 to 5: emails where you provide value. The purpose of these emails is for you to acquire the reader’s confidence and to be able to create a connection with him. It is also crucial that the topic of these emails centres around some of the advantages of the product you wish to promote.
  • Day 6/7: begin soft sell emails, but do not forget that today’s purpose is not to sell. This is something more subtle. You are “warming up” the transaction.
  • Day 8: This has always worked exceptionally well for me. It is about issuing frequently asked questions before the final sales email. Here you may clarify several potential concerns and create trust.
  • Day 9: the moment for sale has come. In this email, you have to apply what we have seen about copywriting.

Another problem that works well is sending a reminder email two days following the sales email. It is a perfect time for you to enhance the feeling of urgency.


No, you’re not done yet.

Imagine that with all of the above, your affiliate marketing campaign was a success, does this guarantee that the next one will be too? No way.

When you have built a technique, your aim becomes to enhance the outcomes you have achieved in each stage. I’ll reveal it to you:

  1. Increase traffic: this needs to be a constant at this stage. New visitors are new subscribers and new prospective clients. Resume networking if you have parked it, do not stop posting guest pieces on other sites and boost your SEO even more.
  2. Improve Conversion: Create conversion-optimized squeeze and landing pages with Thrive Content Builder. Another highly efficient way to boost the acquisition of subscribers is to design forms using Thrive Leads.
  3. Sell ​​more than one product: You have previously seen that with affiliate marketing, you have access to much content that might be valuable to your audience. Review which items may complement your offer and design new subscription forms and sales funnels.
  4. Sell ​​your products: why earn a commission when you can obtain the entire piece of the pie? You have already done the most challenging thing. You know your speciality and the demands of your audience. With that clear, you need seven days to produce and put an info product on the market. The rest are excuses.
  5. Replicate the method: yep, you have succeeded, and your affiliate marketing has blossomed. So why not use all you’ve learnt in a different sector? Of course, outsourcing some of the jobs is key to this phase.

Each of these five alternatives allows you to increase your outcomes, but what is lovely is that they have no limit there will never be a time when everything is perfect.

Therefore you always have growth opportunities.

How much can you earn with affiliate marketing?

This is the most often asked question among bloggers who want to utilize affiliate marketing to monetize their websites.

And the answer is that it depends. And it depends on several things:

  • How many posts have you written on your blog
  • How many people view your material
  • What type of items or services do you recommend?
  • How much trust have you generated with your community
  • , how much time and effort you invest


The more posts you publish, the more viewers your blog will attract and the more likely they will click on your affiliate links and purchase the items and services you promote.

The cost of the products or services you offer is another factor to take into account.. Promoting a $7 ebook as a $10,000 watch is different.

Your income will also rely on the commissions the firms you pick to pay for each sale. Some affiliate programs pay as little as 20 cents for each transaction and may pay up to thousands of dollars per service or product sold.

Also, the more time and effort you devote to developing fresh material and marketing businesses or services, the more money you make.

Here we provide you with a handful of examples of sites that generate a lot of money with affiliate marketing: – $17,228.68 in March 2021 – $2,631.22 in June 2020 – $2,406 in June 2021

It is not particularly popular for bloggers to make their revenue public. Still, if you want to see more instances, you may search Google for affiliate income reports to obtain monthly reports from other bloggers.

Final Tips for Affiliate Marketing

1. Be cautious about what you suggest or who you recommend

With affiliate marketing, your brand is at risk.

Keep in mind that you propose it will immediately affect your brand positioning.

Therefore, suggest what you know and trust that is relevant to your purpose, vision and values.

You cannot be a sustainable brand and promote things packed in plastic. It would be a significant discrepancy and undoubtedly generate a reputational crisis that would be impossible to justify.

Always test what you propose, and do not jeopardize your brand for more revenue.

If you’re on the opposite side, keep an eye on your affiliates’ practices. His malpractice will be yours too.

2. Analyze and monitor your links

In this method, you will know the click and conversion rates to respond appropriately.

3. Make sure you get paid or be a good payer

If they promote your items, be explicit with the requirements and follow your promise.

As an affiliate, check for references and comments and find out about the payout circumstances. You will not be the first individual who performs his part and then does not charge.


We hope that you have learnt a lot from this post and that it motivates you to register as an affiliate with firms in your industry as soon as possible. If you want us to publish an article on affiliate marketing on a particular topic, let us know on our Facebook page.

Let’s blog!