Reasons NOT To Create A BLOG: 11 Ugly Truth

Reasons not To Create A Blog

There are numerous reasons not to create a blog. There are also tons of reasons to create a blog. A blog involves work and devotion.

 Are you ready for this?

The initial blogs were merely updated components of regular websites. However, the emergence of tools that eased the creation and maintenance of online articles published and sorted chronologically meant that the publication process could be aimed towards many more individuals, not necessarily those with technical skills.

Lately, this has led to the fact that there are now many processes for posting blogs. For example, some form of browser-based software is a typical element of blogging nowadays. Star tools, you have the well-known WordPress; however, there are numerous free platforms with which you may establish and maintain a blog.

In any event, giving you the history of blogging is not the aim of this post. We wanted to consider how essential they have been and will be in the future (although some wish to kill them early), like writing about a topic that might provoke disagreement.

Most likely, when you have read » 10 reasons NOT to build your blog or become a blogger «, you have asked why certain professionals, who are committed to blogging, write about why not be a blogger.

The response is neither easy nor short, so we have decided to put it into a post. In fact, due to the vast number of requests we receive daily regarding blogs, blogging, and bloggers from friends, acquaintances, and clients, we have chosen to make numerous thoughts (our own) public so that you do not take this step and look at other choices. Why not establish a blog? We will explain it to you

Reasons Not To Start A Blog

We do not wish to frighten you, but having a solid blog, well positioned, a standard in its area, and lucrative is a tough job that you should know in full before contemplating developing it. Many tasks must be done every day to attain results, while it is true that the payoff is considerable. Therefore, before continuing with your concept of ​​creating your blog, please pay attention to why we do not advocate continuing.

#1 You cannot get labor and sacrifice

You read it correctly, if you can’t get labor and sacrifice, forget about starting your blog. A blog requires one to be “on top constantly” and not know about diseases or family troubles. Suppose we take this to the point of making money from the blog or living directly from it. In that case, this demands a much larger capacity for labor and sacrifice since it already impacts your wallet now, and you have a series of crucial daily duties.

For example, in our situation, if we are going to go on vacation for two weeks, as bloggers, we cannot simply go before we have to prepare the contents of the blog (or blogs) of that period. At this point, we are confident that we will have some naysayers. However, from Google’s point of view, it is preferable not to skip a week (although here, you can always employ content upgrades and other tactics so that nothing occurs). Think that you are becoming accustomed to a particular number of things every month, and it is best not to fail in that duty (especially at the initial stage).

You cannot build a blog and believe it will operate by itself. You must spend time on the content, the platform, and the community.

That one month, you want to toss the home out the window and do nothing? Honestly, if you’re going to take your blog seriously, we don’t encourage it (because, apart from the content, the whole community is around it). You can “fail” a few weeks a year, but you should repair it afterward. If you are a blogger who enjoys his job, we are confident that you will have in mind that you need to commit many hours a day to a blog.

Having an updated and 100% functional blog will absorb you more than 3 hours a day. It is not a simple question of releasing material. In addition, there is the research effort to identify new themes, administration of the editorial schedule, distribution, and marketing content, respond to comments and forms, upgrade the platform, generate backup copies, and much more.

When you feel like enjoying your spare time more, an excellent method is to salvage old content, fix them up and republish them as fresh. This increases the SEO of your articles and improves their exposure. In addition, you will benefit your readers by delivering current information that they will appreciate very lot.

#2 You want rapid and lasting results

Even though we will discuss it in almost every section, it is in this where we want you to comprehend it very thoroughly. This argument should be the first. Let’s be clear so that there is no space for misunderstandings: creating, developing, managing, optimizing, marketing, and monetizing are not simple. It demands a lot of work capacity and sacrifice (as we have already shown you in the previous point).

It’s reasonable to expect speedy results, but don’t look for them in blogging. Getting a “wage” demands a profound understanding of site positioning, copywriting, and WordPress and a minimum time of 1 year.

Although the issue of monetization of the blog is something that we will cover a bit below, it is good that you realize that it is a gradual process. Although you may have read an article in which some guru has earned hundreds of euros in a few months, it is ideal that you walk down to the ground and put your feet on it. This does not imply that you have read falsehoods. Still, they are generally individuals with a budget, tremendous expertise, and solid relationships inside the field, something you probably do not have.

If you want to develop a blog or relaunch the one you currently have to make a career with, it is advisable to start cautiously and with decent handwriting. The results ultimately arrive, and if you are consistent, they come to stay. Of course, you will have to work hard to satisfy the standards of a successful blog, and even so, no one can claim that you will accomplish it.

Whoever establishes a blog in pursuit of immediate results is misguided. The procedure is slow and, if it works, needs ongoing upkeep. This depends on the competitiveness that the market segment you picked has, as positioning for a keyword with 100 monthly searches is not the same as one with 200,000.

#3 You don’t have time to publish frequently

Suppose you have a personal or commercial blog and are not primarily concerned with statistics and its placement in search engines. In that case, you may acquire fascinating traffic and exposure (in market areas with little or no rivalry ), even writing from time to time, quite sporadically. But is that your goal? Have you started or planned to build a blog to write whenever you feel like it?

Wouldn’t it be preferable to have a content strategy in your marketing mix to use the labor and effort you put into the blog? If you’ve written to appear in search results, receive more exposure for your brand or company, and outperform your competitors, regularity isn’t crucial. It’s critical and one of the cornerstones of any blog.

Posting frequently is particularly significant for freshly started blogs. It would help if you got accustomed to search engines repeatedly combing your blog for fresh index material.

The most acknowledged guideline by the industry is that the more your publishing frequency, the shorter your content should be, and vice versa. There are indeed many individuals who, owing to their restricted time, do not have time to read lampposts daily; therefore, if you update daily, short articles might make sense. This publishing style tends to accrue more link juice as you continually produce fresh material.

However, it doesn’t imply you can execute a 180-degree turn and follow your own rules. In contemporary times, while some have been declaring the death of blogs for years, blogs are highly valued by users, as they bring a high added value. This value might indeed change from one user to another, but, after all, it is still near to the positive (this is the reason why it is tough to develop a popular blog(

It’s impossible to know every single requirement of every one of your readers, but by keeping your posting frequency regular, you may (over time) start to make some assumptions. From this data, we discover that we have to publish at least seven times a week, with 3 being the maximum number. In reality, this subject drives us crazy since, whether we publish more or less, we observe many differences in the SERPs in Google.

Be extremely cautious about the frequency of blog posting. It is nearly more significant than the content itself, as it is a criterion that search engines consider to position and index you. Therefore, part of the basis is that you should publish at least one time every 15 days. However, it would be better to extend it to 2 times. In this approach, you become familiar with the search engine spider (crawler) and browse over your blog from time to time.

#4 You don’t want to obey the law or be truthful with the user

Blogs are one of the most popular platforms on the Internet to post about a particular issue and express thoughts, ideas, and other problems. You may have a tiny network area through these blogs that you can use at will. But how can it be different? This does not free you from some obligations, in this instance, which, if you do not address them adequately, might turn against you.

Creating and keeping a blog has some rather severe legal ramifications, and sadly they are frequently disregarded. This lazy or passive attitude (because I don’t know what it is or don’t grasp it, I’ll let it go) might make you slip into legal conflicts, litigation, and other scenarios nobody seeks or desires. Therefore, it is necessary to know the law that acts on blogs and all the rules or regulations that control them as much as possible.

Having a blog also demands that you comply with the law. Therefore, while it varies based on the theme you pick, the material you post, and the location where you carry out the activity, ensure you are clear with the user.

Several laws may have an influence, in one way or another, on a blog. Of course, this changes based on the topic you pick, the material you post, and the nation where you carry out the activity (usually several simultaneously). The worldwide regulation of blogs is mainly centered around topics such as freedom of speech, copyright, the right to privacy, and data protection.

You must comprehend what a blog is in the light of the law. Everything might differ according to local jurisdictions. Thus, in the United States, you have to refer to specific US legal papers like the Organic Data Protection Law and the Law on Electronic commerce and information society services. Blogs or blogs are covered based on Law 34/2002 on Electronic Commerce and Services for the Information Society.

While some people still don’t want to see them, blogs are under the law’s magnifying lens. In truth, blogs and bloggers are being inspected more and more in search of necessary aspects (cookie notices, legal notices, etc.). Instead of discussing unfamiliar phrases that will get you further embroiled, it is better that you examine this entire legal information from the site

A blog can bring you problems if you work in large companies. I can make your superior doubt whether you are correctly attending to your obligations (even if you do it professionally and promptly)

#5 You don’t want to hurt your career and professional growth possibilities

At this time, we feel entirely identified. It’s crucial to remember that for some individuals, blogging gets a poor reputation. So if you want to become a blogger (or are currently one), you may have an issue with some firms. In truth, giant firms are highly concerned about risk management (by risk, I mean the ” danger ” caused by workers). An employee having a blog is in danger to the company’s reputation.

Who knows what you may say about your firm on your blog? And, if we go even further, your bosses might get “hesitant” if you spend the day working on your daily chores (of the firm) or reviewing your blog activity. This has occurred to us directly, as we have been generating blogs for more than ten years, which has not prohibited us from working for a few firms. If, at any point, people find you glancing at anything other than your job, they may start to think adversely and doubt your professionalism (even if you subsequently deliver your work in a timely way)

our situation, there is no question that the blog substantially impacted the economic and professional potential of specific firms (of a certain size). The explanation is not evident, however, since there was always the concern that if we did anything other than our obligatory daily activities, the combination erupted someplace and ended up hurting our image. Keep this feature in mind since it might bring adverse events and circumstances into your life (even if you are one of the finest performing the job)

We don’t want to become mushy, either. Still, some of the things that most motivated us to press ahead. Fighting for what made us happy, was the lack of confidence on the part of specific superiors. And their parsimony when it came to offering explanations.

#6 You want to live from your blog at all costs

We don’t want to pull out the guns. But I believe it’s better that you know now than strike a wall later. Most bloggers start their first blog for the love of art, for some activist cause, or as a creative outlet. We are not the exception, as the first reason was the one we selected to start giving blogging a go.

Let’s set a fictitious situation and pretend you succeed. You have tens of thousands of readers. People queue up to leave comments, and you keep receiving messages telling you how wonderful you are at work.

 At this point (sometimes sooner, it depends on your industry and blog) when you understand how time intensive it is to run a blog. Everything’s a lot of daily effort to maintain the steady stream of stuff I stated above up to date and make sure it functions properly. Particularly if you add a full-time job (which is very common).

If you could receive $1/month from each of your followers, you could commit yourself to your blog full-time. If it were true, you might retire early. But, because that’s not generally the case, you must find a strategy to monetize your blog. In this process, you realize that getting money on the Internet is not as simple as others depict it. The truth is that there aren’t too many methods to earn money blogging.

Getting your blog to be your primary source of revenue is not simple. The most excellent part is that you start with the foundation, Adsense. And add choices such as sponsored articles and your goods and services.

The first one that many bloggers pay attention to is Google Adsense. It is undoubtedly the most straightforward strategy to generate money, but it is less rewarding. With a CTR (Click-through rate, % of clicks on the banners) that is now impossible to reach 1%. And with an RPM (Revenue per minute, return per 1,000 visits) that costs a lot to increase from $1. So you only have to do the arithmetic to discover how many stops you need to gain any money.

For example, with 1,000 visitors a day, you would collect $0.50 on average (place yourself in a worse scenario). In a month, it would cost $15 ($0.50 * 30). The fact is that Google Adsense takes many visits and excellent optimization to raise the number of click. Becoming very lucrative. Even then, there comes a moment when blog maintenance expenses make it preferable to utilize alternative techniques. Advertising.

Doing the opposite account, that is, if we wish to make $1,000 per month. You would require 66,000 visitors per day. ($1,000 / 30 = $33 / day. $33 / $0.50 * 1,000 visits = 66,000 visits) with an RPM of $0.50. The positive thing about Google Adsense is that it is straightforward to apply (you only have to copy and paste the code it offers). But it is a horrible method to earn money with your blog without incurring spam or activities beyond the limit of legality. You merely have to look at the leading newspapers with millions of visits: none have Google Adsense as advertising.

When searching for the ideal affiliate program for your blog. You will agree to give connections to the goods of particular firms. In exchange, they will pay you for each buyer who purchases after clicking on your link. Affiliate marketing is nothing more than a specific sort of CPA advertising. Which the action that the user needs to do is to purchase anything. That is, you function as a commercial, advertising a product or service from another firm on your blog. Which pays you a commission each time you produce a sale. Affiliate platforms function as follows:

You register as an affiliate, supplying details such as name, surname, address, ID, and SSNin certain situations.

Through the platform, you build customized links with your identifier, which go to the product or service’s website to be advertised.

You integrate the links on your website, blog, or online shop (in banners, text links, etc.) (banners, text links, etc.).

A reader clicks on any of those links and purchases in the following X days (X depending on the firm) and earns a commission.

All commissions will be transferred to your bank account at the end of the month (this varies on the platform).

The first affiliate program in history was that of Amazon. But now there are many more in almost all industries: travel, telephone, digital items, and a lengthy etc. To locate them, you only have to search Google for the name of the firm followed by the phrase ” affiliates ” or ” affiliates. ” Sometimes it is the firms themselves that run their affiliate programs. But the most typical is that they do it via affiliate networks. These are some of the most important:

The amount of the commission varies depending on the firm and ranges from 3-5% of the selling price. In the case of physical items and 50-70% in the case of digital products. The key to affiliation success is capturing people amid the purchase process and bringing them to your blog. The most frequent method to achieve this is by creating articles about offers or product evaluations. And ranking them on Google for phrases commercials.

If someone searches Google for the term ” coffee pot,” you don’t know what they mean. Maybe they want to purchase a coffee maker. Or perhaps they already have one, and it’s broken, or maybe they are teens seeking photographs of coffee makers for a school project. However, if a person looks for a “purchase coffee machine.” You know that they are thinking of purchasing a coffee machine, and consequently. It is far more probable that they will end up producing a sale. This second sort of person is the one who want to visit your website and at whom you have to direct all your firepower.

#7 You have nothing interesting to write about

We have often said that you will call me irritating, but I will be an exception this time. Better commit yourself to anything else if you don’t have something fascinating to write about or nothing to offer. If, when you register, you are bored or not interested in the outcome. Your readers will probably finish up thinking precisely the same way. Some blogs cover the same issue over and over again. Therefore, your audience is likewise in a loop.

We are talking about when you struggle with your ideas. There are situations when you do not receive any good reaction, or your audience does not grow. In addition to your blog being stuck and beginning to be repetitive. In this scenario. It is better to reconsider becoming a blogger since you may end up highly burnt. As nobody wants to labor to earn nothing, right? (think about it).

What you find intriguing may not be attractive to other people. It is essential to study the industry and the potential audience.

#8 You have problems focusing and finding your creativity

Creativity is a great attribute that organizations need so much. Creative people fully understand what it takes to concentrate and focus on developing or enhancing anything. In the case of blogging, various phases demand this inventiveness. Among the most significant are design and content. When it comes to design. Every blogger who has begun from zero and has been upgrading the design and the look & feel of the site understands that it is a complex process. There are many hours that you have to spend thinking about the colors, the forms and a lengthy, etc. So that, in the end, you acquire a product that you enjoy, but also your readers.

Creativity is a process in which you have to spend time. And with which you may separate yourself from your competition.

Regarding the contents, this element pushes the problem of focus and creativity to another level. Although to produce excellent content. You must base yourself on the past study, identifying, developing, and disseminating distinctive material is a real art. A perfect example of this is Nancy, a friend of mine who is a blogger. Who knows how to differentiate herself very well in writing (you have to read one of her articles to see what I mean). She knows how to be creative with the type of content she publishes and how to create engagement with her readers and followers.

Creativity, although not needed to create a successful blog. Helps you stand out from competitors (other bloggers) and quickly catches consumers’ interest.

#9 You do not enjoy persistence or desire greatness

Users, whether they are your readers or not, prefer consistency. If you’re going to post three times a week, do it and let people know. We base this justification for not launching a blog on our experience as bloggers, particularly from the point of view of the persistence that we have had in the previous years.

Although we’ve been blogging for over a decade, we’ve been consistent over the past six years. The method to view it is pretty simple. Just look at the weekly publishing frequency, which we have established at 1 item per week for a few years and which we have honored throughout time (raising it to 2 in extraordinary situations) (and increasing it to 2 in exceptional cases).

Writing is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. This says that a skilled writer begins with a fast burst of invention and spends the rest of the time developing and editing those early thoughts.

On this occasion, we would like to mention Brian and his intriguing blog. If you look at his posting days, he publishes once a month, generally on a Monday. You may look back and notice that this ceremony has seldom been missed. Therefore, if you are a fan of his, you know when the following item is coming, and you may “want it.” This is done by staying continuous in your publishing process and offering material that assists your viewers.

Another topic in the quest for perfection. What do we mean? Very straightforward to the opportunity to develop your blog consistently. You have to recognize that the material of a blog can never cease updating and expanding. This key is crucial to not simply placement in Google but retaining that position over time. When you acquire attention to your posts, please choose the most popular ones and refine them over time.

Be consistent and truthful with your audience. If you’re going to publish once a week, say so and stick to it. Also, make sure you take care of the most popular topics and maintain them correctly updated.

#10 You are not interested in establishing relationships with your followers and other bloggers

Users that like to follow and read blogs also want to comment on them. Therefore, those individuals who comment on your site desire to see the reaction to their remarks. We stop reading and commenting on some sites when the author does not react to all comments. This is one of the worst blunders you can do as a blogger.

Suppose you’re genuinely not interested in discussing, in a two-way dialogue with your readers, or in replying to blog comments. In that case, you’re better off finding another pastime or hobby or switching off the comment section as we do. If you want to broadcast but don’t want to join in the two-way dialogue. We don’t believe blogging is for you. You will lose readers quicker than it takes to attract them, and it will never fill you fully personally or professionally.

Another difficulty is not wanting to cooperate with other bloggers. If you consider similar topic blogs as your competitors and wish to stay away, constantly maintaining a safe distance (lest you be struck with anything). Then we don’t think blogging is a good idea for you. You definitely can’t ” beat ” the most successful blogger in your business. However, if you don’t want to participate in the system, talk to them, guest post, link to their content, and leave comments. It would be savvier to stop.

If you want to have an “independent” blog. It is better to give up on  ​​creating a blog since it is typical that you have to answer many comments a day and attend industry events from time to time.

#11 You have no understanding of blogging

Although developing the framework of a blog is fast and straightforward. It is enough to employ any of the web hosting services we have suggested, and with just one click, you will have WordPress installed and ready to work. The trouble arises ” whenever you need to get it.” What do we mean by this? When you truly have to start setting, maintaining, and optimizing WordPress and your content. Although you don’t have to be an expert in WordPress, SEO, and copywriting. It is vital to have some knowledge that is the base for your project. Before this is achieved:

Doing it yourself and learning from your errors: If you’re going down the path, you will make many mistakes. This is wonderful since it is the most fantastic way to learn. But the learning curve is lengthy and often heavy (mainly when things don’t work out).

Doing a blogging course that gives you the path: The alternative option is training. This is the option that we advocate, as if you don’t know at least the essentials, your blog will not expand until a few months have gone by (a circumstance that many inexperienced bloggers take advantage of to throw up the towel). There are various courses (free and commercial) that you may depend on to discover the most excellent blogging strategies.

When your automobile breaks down, you take it to the mechanic. The explanation is that you don’t have the expertise to solve it yourself. When you establish a blog from scratch. If you want it to be successful, you must learn to do it correctly from the beginning. If you join a blogging course, know about the errors that others have made and not repeat them yourself. For this reason.

To start a blog and lead it to success. It is necessary to do it with a knowledge base. Therefore, whether you believe you know how to start a blog or don’t, educate yourself and spend money on your blogging skills.

Read our complete guide on “Why You Should Start a Blog in 2023.”


If you do not employ a blog in your digital strategy, you miss things

What do you think of all these explanations and reasons for not starting your blog? If any of these reasons run through your thoughts (or your heart). It is because it is not the time to start your blog.

There are so many things to accomplish on a blog. That we are sure that we have fallen short of in this article. It is a beautiful tool for:

  • Improve Personal Branding: Creating a blog and continuous maintenance, promotion, and diffusion helps you develop and improve an evident and powerful personal brand on the Internet.
  • Position yourself as an Expert: By blogging and generating the content, you offer your expertise and experience on numerous subjects. Which helps you position yourself as an authority in that field.
  • Connect with other professionals: A blog makes connecting and networking with other bloggers and firms in the field easy. In this manner, you may go to events relating to your subject.
  • Produce and sell items: With a blog, besides posting content for your readers. You may create digital products (ebooks, audio courses, video courses), sell them, assist many people and make money.
  • Attract more consumers: A blog helps you connect with your customers and prospects, provide them value and better communication, and “predispose” them to purchase your goods or services.
  • Get a decent job: Yes, having an excellent blog might make organizations desire to employ your services. To achieve this, do not forget to include a part where you reveal something about yourself.

Do you want to end up resentful or fed up with your blog? So don’t start any blog since the world might perceive it otherwise, even if your goal is the greatest. The blog might represent a change in your life, so if you start one, at least you know. There is much work for you to do. And you should know of The Best Blogging Platforms you should start with. The final thing we ask is that you write a remark informing me about your experience. It does not matter whether it is a query or a simple thank you on our Facebook group.