Should You Create A Business Blog Or A Personal Blog?

Should You Create A Business Blog Or A Personal Blog

Should you create a business blog or a personal blog? What’s the difference between a business blog and a personal blog? If you are beginning a business, should you concentrate on your personal or business blogs?

Chances are, this is a question many of you are asking, particularly those of you who are “incubating” a startup idea.

From a personal perspective, I think that if you are planning to start up a blog of ​​your own, it is necessary to start creating a personal blog right away. 

Because of the growing trend of personalization on the internet, we always want to connect with more real people.

Don’t just follow my words for it. It’s essential to understand whether to start a business blog or a personal blog. It’s crucial to understand the primary goals and purposes of each. 

Here’s a breakdown to help you decide: 

Since you’re starting a blog in the future, you should learn: How to blog without stress.

What Is The Most Common Type Of Blog?

What is the most common type of Blog? It all began with personal blogs where each individual wrote about their everyday experiences. But the word “blog” has now exploded, along with its use.

Many individuals are now generating money writing on their blogs, whether they are business, personal, or any type of Blog. 

Here are 3 most common types of Blogs:

Personal Blogs (Personal Blogs)

The “Personal” Blog. It was someone’s (“a “blogger”) online personal space where they shared (“blogged”) their thoughts on sports, politics, books, etc., or simply personal ones, without having any specific goals or product, marketing, monetization, or business strategy in mind.

Personal blogs still exist, of course, and they perform the function of online diaries and have many followers. 

If you feel like writing and blogging, simply get started without thinking about achieving a huge audience or selling anything. 

Business/Company/Corporate Blogs

Over time, blogs have shown to be effective for companies to interact with their customers, establish communities, and attract new consumers.

Some organizations use blogs to make news about product launches, the projects they are working on, impending releases, competitions, etc. 

Blogs allow organizations to enhance their website traffic and improve their conversion rate via content marketing.

There are other businesses that utilize blogs to present their professional voice to their target audience and community by creating great content independent of their business profile. 

In this manner, their Blog becomes a publication with authority in their field. This is a solid long-term technique and an effective method to market your services over the long run.

Read more about corporate blogs HERE!

Lifestyle Blogs

Lifestyle blogs include a larger array of topics, from productivity to health, exercise, nutrition, and other facets of a better life. 

Besides, lifestyle blogs are also popular since people continually seek guidance on fashionable, efficient, and practical solutions for great living. 

That’s why there are so many lifestyle bloggers.

What Is The Difference Between A Business Blog And A Personal Blog?

The main difference between a business blog and a personal blog that most of us quickly perceive is that a business blog is operated by a business (marketing department), and a personal blog is run by an individual (blogger). 

However, there are more differences to it:

Differences in connection and interaction

In a personal blog, you will sense a personal connection. You connect with the blog owner as a friend.

You know precisely who is behind that Blog; it’s like you’re reading this post and know exactly who is typing the things you’re reading.

Individuality is highly visible in a personal blog    

In a business blog, you normally see information on goods and services and don’t know (or sometimes don’t care) who writes the content. 

You just come to the Blog of the business only because you need to read product information need to get a particular understanding.

Business blogs are more for user manuals and product/service launches.

The difference in freedom of content & plot

On a personal Blog, you will be able to write about anything; you can also convey your narrative in the content itself. 

You can write about your family, talk about the dog, the cat… whatever you like

You have complete control and choice because you are the blog owner.

In contrast to a business blog.

Your business Blog is only a content generator. that will confront various constraints and requirements. 

You can only create posts per one industry; for example, if your business offers beauty items, you cannot publish an article on computer science.

You also can’t write about your interests, tell a tale, or voice a personal viewpoint on a business blog. 

Should You Create A Personal Or Business Blog?

Now here comes the question of the day. “Should you create a personal blog or business blog?” 

This is a really nice question with a different answer for everyone. Maybe I should explain with specific examples.

Perhaps you already know Neil Patel, the founder of NpDigital.

Neil Patel started with a personal blog first before he began with the SEO service business.

You will notice that Neil Patel’s personal Blog is radically different from NpDigital’s site. 

The major difference here is the private connection; in Neil Patel’s Blog, we sense the connection between persons and individuals.

But still, the same information when we visit NpDigital’s site, we will sense the knowledge; in addition, we will not gain a personal connection. 

Of course, the effect of Neil Patel’s personal Blog and belief and connection is what makes us trust NpDigital’s Blog.

Personal or Business Blog?

Therefore, from the above explanation, I repeat that, it is vital to start a personal blog right immediately. Because of the rising trend of personalization on the internet, we constantly want to interact with more actual people.

It is easy for us to accept, sympathize, and place our faith in a personal brand than in a corporate brand.

Hasan Aboul Hasan, commonly known as H-Educate, started with a personal blog and grew into a business offering SEO services now.

Just a few more instances, Ryan Robinson is a Marketing genius, and he began with his personal Blog,, but aside from that, he utilizes his own personal Blog and brand and builds his business.

Besides you will also meet Pat Flynn, who launched his Blog,, to generate money online and develop a passive income source as an individual blogger.

However, gradually with growth, this personal Blog has become an internet business with a group of executive members it is now.

Of course, as his personal Blog became a business, the flexibility in how to create content was eventually curtailed. That’s why he has to create a personal blog at, where he may write about anything.

Protect your brand first.

All goods and services can be replicated. Only the brand is not!

So no matter who you are, whether you are in business or just a regular blogger, creating a personal brand is still an immensely vital thing.

A personal blog, nevertheless, enables you to write about issues relating to your industry or business. 

But on the contrary, you still have your own “corner” on that Blog. You can tell more tales; you can have greater flexibility in generating content. 

And it is your own personal tales and sharing that are the “strings” that help link you with clients.

Once you run a personal blog and have a decent personal brand in a given profession or business, launching a business will be a lot simpler.

Does your business really require a blog?

In my view: Yes, Very vital!

Blogging is the greatest method to assist people and help them solve the difficulties they are seeking, which can later lead to trust and turn into a prospective customer.

When you blog, you create content, and in the long term, you will have the potential to have an instant presence on Google for free.

Unfortunately, many small businesses and people running online and offline enterprises are hardly aware of the relevance of a blog in their business.

Marketing trends have changed dramatically in recent years. In the time before the 2000s, you could be lured by advertising on TV, on the elevator screen… 

But today, do you recall any such commercial?

The current tendency is to create content and make your content worthy of attention. Then transform those who notice your content into buyers organically.  This phrase is also known as Inbound Marketing.

And according to numerous data, to execute the greatest Inbound Marketing, blogging is the easiest, most successful, and most durable way.

Is It Worth It To Create A Personal Blog?

Whoever you are, whatever you do, you should create a personal blog. It will bring unexpected benefits that you can’t expect!

Here are the advantages of having a personal blog:

  • You can share your passion and expertise on a topic.
  • You can build your own business and earn money with your Blog.
  • Creating a Blog will give you a place to share your information, stories, and creative ideas.
  • You can build your personal brand and increase your awareness.
  • Owning a Blog makes a difference for you.
  • With a series of blog posts, I believe you will hone your writing and presentation skills.
  • Besides, it will also help you have more online sales experience. Moreover, you can also expand your business and promote your products and brands effectively.
  • Professional and academic articles on the Blog also help you to have a voice in your field of activity.

Blogging is really beneficial that delivers numerous advantages to help you grow and build your profession. 

Moreover, blogging is entirely free; you can sign up for a free blog at

See also: How to start a blog for free.

Can A Personal Blog Be A Business?

If you are wondering, “Can a personal blog be a business?” Yes, a personal blog can be a business

In fact, many successful bloggers have transformed their personal blogs into full-time enterprises, as I explained earlier.

Turning your Blog into a business means finding a method to monetize your site

There are a number of methods you can use to achieve this: 

  • Selling your own or others’ items or services
  • Affiliate marketing 
  • Advertising, 
  • Promoting other people’s products and services. 
  • Etc.

In order to transform your personal Blog into a business, you need to create high-quality and relevant material that attracts readers and keeps them coming back. 

If you’re prepared to put in the effort, there’s no reason why you can’t transform your personal Blog into a thriving business. 

Establishing a lucrative blog normally requires time, work, and devotion. But with dedication and the correct methods, a personal blog can blossom into a profitable and satisfying business.

Read more: How to turn your Blog into a profitable business.

Do Personal Bloggers Earn Money?

Personal blogs are fertile ground for profit. However, you need to know how to exploit it properly if you don’t want to waste time. Some common ways personal bloggers can make money include:

Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing implies that you earn money by promoting items for companies and suppliers and, from there, get a commission from 20% to 80% when someone buys a product. 

Affiliate marketing is a sort of significant growth in the area of earning money online (MMO) nowadays.

Learn more: How to get started with affiliate marketing on your Blog.

Make money through Google Adsense.

Google Adsense is the world’s biggest advertising network at the moment, established by Google. It is a bridge between individuals who wish to post advertising and those who place ads. 

Google Adsense enables marketers to display adverts (including text banners, photos, and videos …) on blogs and pay each time the user clicks on the ad and watches the ad.

Sell advertisements on the website.   

Selling advertisements on the website is also one of the methods to generate money from a personal blog, often known as Selling advertisements.

 If your Blog has large and regular traffic or specializes in a given subject, you can sell places on the website to display banner advertising for partners in need. 

Online selling

If you are selling online, have an online business, or have any things that can be sold online, make use of your personal Blog to advertise and sell products. 

Other methods to generate money as a personal blogger is:

  • Digital Products.
  • Membership or Subscription Model
  • Consulting or Coaching
  • Public Speaking and Events
  • Selling Physical Products: 
  • And Many more…

You may read our comprehensive guide to understand how to generate money as a personal blogger.

How Can I Develop My Blog Into A Business?

You can absolutely grow your Blog into a business. But with one condition, you must not consider it as a personal blog, but step by step transform it into an online business! 

Growing your Blog into a business demands a planned strategy and persistent commitment.

So that’s how to launch a business blog. 

  • You should set up your Blog, 
  • Do some research 
  • Choose a viewpoint that will interest readers, 
  • Create a content strategy and editorial schedule.

The next step,

  • Is to start developing that material. 
  • Stick to your strategy, and attempt to structure your postings in advance so you don’t have any gaps. 
  • Remember to take the time to communicate with your readers and answer any comments you receive. 

One of the advantages of a business blog is that it makes your business look approachable, 

It is crucial to promote articles as much as possible on social media as part of your entire content marketing approach. 

Having a unified picture or video and a nice title helps a lot with this. This is also fantastic if you can learn to pick out the aspects of a post that will catch attention or create discussions on social media.

Read our full guide on how to turn a blog into a business.


Hopefully, through this post, you have learned the difference between a personal blog and a business blog. 

Thereby, I hope that you also know when to concentrate on personal blogs and when to have a business blog,

I believe that we should start with a personal blog initially, then gradually expand the business and create a blog for that business. 

Very few individuals start with a business blog, write a blog for the firm, become a CEO, and then create their own personal Blog.