SMS Open Rate vs. Email: Which is Better for Marketing?

SMS Open Rate vs. Email

Are you really interested in knowing the difference between the sms open rate vs. email?

When talking about marketing, email and SMS are the most popular modes of communication with customers.

While both channels have been shown to be efficient in reaching consumers, there is a slight difference in their open rates that differentiate the two from each other.

 In this post, I will explore SMS Open Rate vs. Email deeper. We’ll look into the merits and downsides of each platform and give insights into what could be more beneficial for your unique company requirements.

Please read our full guide on how to combine SMS and email marketing for marketing.

This article will give you the essential knowledge to help you make educated choices regarding your marketing communication approach.

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

What Is SMS Open Rate And Email Open Rate?

Sms Open Rate

SMS open rate refers to the percentage of individuals that get your text message and open it to read its contents. It’s a way to evaluate the success of your marketing campaign by keeping track of how many recipients of your messages are responding to them.

SMS open rates can vary depending on the message’s quality when it was sent and how pertinent it is to the recipient, among other factors. People are more likely to open a message if it offers a great deal or discount, but they may be less likely to do so if it is irrelevant or overly promotional.

An increase in SMS open rates generally indicates that your campaign is having an impact on your target audience and that your messages are working to keep their attention. SMS marketing can be a useful tool for communicating with customers in a direct, personal way.

Email Open Rate

Email open rate is the proportion of subscribers who open a certain email out of your total number of subscribers. It is an essential statistic for analyzing the performance of email marketing efforts. It can give significant insights into how effectively your message is connecting with your target audience.

A high open rate suggests that your subject line and preheader text successfully attract your readers’ attention. In contrast, a low open rate may indicate that your email content or list quality needs to be improved.

It’s important to note that not all email openings are correctly tracked due to various reasons, such as image filtering, preview windows, and email clients that don’t load tracking pixels. As a consequence, email open rates may be a poor measure of engagement and should be used in combination with other data, like click-through rates and conversions, to acquire a more thorough insight into your email campaigns’ efficacy.

Since you’ve freshened your mind on what Sms and Email open rate is. Let’s check the Sms and Email statistics to know the one that will be great to use.

Sms Vs. Email Statistics

SMS and email are both frequently used communication channels in digital marketing. But according to statistics, they differ in various areas, including open rates and engagement levels. Here are some numbers to give you a feel of the differences:

1. Open Rates:

SMS has a substantially greater open rate than email. Statistics found that SMS messages had an average open rate of 98%, whereas email open rates often hover around 20%.

2. Response Rates:

SMS also has a greater response rate than email. Research also indicated that SMS texts had a response rate of 45%, whereas email had a response rate of only 10%.

3. Engagement Levels:

While SMS communications have better open and response rates, email tends to create higher overall engagement levels. In fact, email marketing yields an average ROI of $36 for every $1 invested (source), compared to SMS, which yields an average ROI of $7.

4. Conversion Rates:

In terms of converting leads into customers, email is frequently the favored method. According to research I carried out in Financebode, email marketing had a conversion rate of 2.3%, compared to merely 0.9% for SMS.

 Email marketing has a greater conversion rate than SMS marketing, especially for lengthier sales cycles when buyers want more information before making a purchase. This is due to the fact that emails provide more detailed communications and visual material, and buyers may click over to a website or landing page to learn more and make a purchase.

Overall, both SMS and email may be successful methods for communicating with clients, but they have distinct strengths and disadvantages. SMS is wonderful for contacting clients fast and getting rapid answers, whereas email is better for establishing connections over time and turning leads into customers. Depending on your aims and demographic, it may make sense to employ one or both of these channels as part of your digital marketing plan.

Please read our full guide on how to combine SMS and email marketing for marketing.

What Is The Open Rate For SMS?

The open rate for SMS (Short Message Service) is often high compared to other digital communication channels. According to industry research, the average SMS open rate is 98%. Also, research indicated that over 85% of respondents prefer SMS over other modes of communication, including email. And almost 90% of individuals will open an SMS within three minutes of getting it. Compare that to over 55% of those who get emails, never reading them and opting to delete them instead.

 Meaning that almost all text messages are read and responded to by their recipients. This is partly because SMS messages are often sent straight to a user’s mobile device, where they are more likely to be seen and read immediately away. Many people also always have their mobile devices with them, which increases the likelihood that they will read their messages right away.

Despite the high open rate of SMS, response rates may vary depending on a number of factors, including the message’s content and timeliness, the quality of the recipient list, and the particulars of the call to action. For communicating with customers and having in-the-moment dialogues with them, SMS is still a highly effective medium. Whether employed for targeted outreach or as part of a wider marketing campaign, SMS can be a powerful tool for building customer relationships and accomplishing business objectives.

What Is The Open Rate For Email?

The open rate for an email, on average, is roughly 21%, according to industry standards. This indicates that out of 100 emails sent, roughly 21 get opened by the receivers.

It’s worth mentioning that email open rates may be impacted by a variety of variables, including the quality of the email list, the sender’s reputation, the subject line and preheader content, and the timing and frequency of the emails. In addition, certain email clients and devices may not load tracking pixels, which might result in undercounting email openings.

While email open rates are not a perfect measure of engagement, they are nevertheless a helpful indicator for analyzing the efficiency of email campaigns and making modifications to enhance performance. When paired with other data, such as click-through rates and conversions, email open rates may give useful insights into how well a specific email connects with its target audience and help direct future email marketing efforts.

Please read our guide on how to increase the open rate in email marketing.

Now that we know better about email and sms open rates. Let’s check out which is most effective between the two marketing campaigns.

Is SMS More Effective Than Email?

Whether SMS (Short Message Service) is more effective than email relies on various variables, including the main aims of a marketing campaign, the target demographic, and the message being delivered.

SMS offers various benefits over email, making it more successful for specific forms of communication. SMS messages have a substantially higher open rate, often over 98%, compared to email open rates, which normally range from 20-25%. This implies that SMS messages are more likely to be read quickly and produce prompt reactions.

In addition, SMS messages are transmitted directly to a user’s mobile phone, where they are more likely to be recognized promptly. This may be especially helpful for time-sensitive messaging, such as event reminders, appointment confirmations, or flash promotions.

However, email may still be a very successful tool for creating connections with clients and generating business outcomes. Email marketing has a considerably greater reach than SMS since it can be used to deliver more comprehensive messages, promotions, newsletters, and other sorts of material to a huge audience. Email marketing may also be automated, which can save time and help companies remain in contact with their clients over time.

In short, SMS and email are both useful means of communication, but their effectiveness relies on the unique demands and goals of a marketing effort. The ideal method is to utilize both media in combination as part of an overall marketing plan.

SMS Vs. Email: Which Is Better For Marketing?

While SMS messages have a greater open rate than email, there are benefits and downsides to each medium. Here are a few things to take into account when choosing the channel to use for your marketing campaign:

1. Message Length:

SMS messages are restricted to 160 characters, which may be both an advantage and a negative. On the positive side, it requires you to be short and to the point, which may be helpful for conveying a rapid message or advertising. The negative side, expressing a detailed message or giving a lot of information in such a tiny area might not be easy.

On the other hand, emails have no character restriction and may be more descriptive and informative.

2. Visual Material:

 Emails enable you to incorporate visual content such as photographs, videos, and graphics, which may help make your message more engaging and memorable.

On the other hand, SMS messages are confined to text alone, which might make it tougher to express a message in a visually attractive manner.

3. Opt-in vs. Opt-out:

SMS marketing needs receivers to opt-in to receive messages. This indicates that your SMS audience is likely more engaged and interested in your business,

whereas email marketing often requires recipients to opt out. This indicates that your email list may comprise more casual users who are less inclined to participate.

4. Cost:

SMS texts might be more costly than email, particularly if you have a huge readership. However, the increased open rate and engagement might make SMS marketing more cost-effective in the long term.


Now that you’ve learned the difference between SMS and email open rates. You must note that SMS and email are both significant marketing media with their own distinct benefits and limits.

SMS messages offer the advantage of being delivered immediately and having larger open rates, while emails allow for more specific and targeted content that may lead to better conversion rates. The option of whichever channel to utilize ultimately rests on the context of the campaign, the audience, and the marketer’s goals.

When it comes to open rates, SMS messages normally have a larger open rate than emails, but it’s crucial to understand that SMS messaging is subject to carrier charges and limits and may be more intrusive to some recipients. On the other hand, email marketing may have a lower open rate, but it allows for more creative and intriguing content and may be more effective for longer-term campaigns.

However, the most effective marketing strategy to employ is to combine both SMS and email, as well as other marketing channels, to reach and connect with customers across numerous platforms and devices. By monitoring the results of each channel and altering marketing tactics appropriately, organizations can make data-driven choices on how to improve their marketing efforts and reach their targeted objectives.

Please read our full guide on how to increase your email marketing open rate.


Frequently Asked Question

Do Texts Have A 99% Open Rate?

NO. Text messages do not have a 99% open rate. While some sources claim SMS open rates of up to 99% open. The rate needs to be universally acknowledged and reliable.

What Is The Open Rate Of Whatsapp?

Because the platform does not give open rate analytics for business accounts. It is impossible to know the open rate of WhatsApp messages precisely. On the other hand. Businesses may assess the efficacy of their WhatsApp marketing activities using various indicators such as message delivery and response rates.

Is Email Cheaper Than SMS?

Generally, email is cheaper than SMS (Short Message Service). While the cost of email marketing varies according to the size of the email list and the email marketing provider utilized. It is usually less costly than SMS.

Does SMS Have A 98% Open Rate Compared To Email Marketing?

YES. SMS (Short Message Service) marketing has a 98% greater open rate than email marketing. Industry studies show that whereas email open rates vary from 20 to 25% depending on the firm and target marke. SMS messages have an average open rate of more than 98%.

One reason for this high SMS open rate is that SMS messages are often transmitted to a user’s mobile phone. Where they are more likely to be noticed and read immediately. They are also more likely to check their messages on time, as many individuals always carry their phones with them.

Can You Measure Open Rates For SMS?

Yes, it is possible to measure SMS open rates (Short Message Service). The open rate is a statistic that calculates the proportion of SMS messages that were read by the receiver. To calculate it. Divide the total number of sent messages by the total number of opened messages, then multiply the result by 100.

SMS open rates might be more difficult to measure effectively than email open rates. Since SMS messages are sometimes sent immediately to the recipient’s device without needing them to do any extra activities. As a consequence, determining whether or not a message has been opened might be more challenging. Some SMS marketing systems may estimate open rates using indications such as URL click-throughs or responses. However, these may not necessarily give a comprehensive or accurate picture of message success.

Can SMS Open Rate Be Tracked?

YES, SMS (Short Message Service) open rates may be evaluated and tracked. SMS can be tracked using a variety of approaches.

Include a tracking link or URL in the message to monitor SMS open rates. When the receiver clicks the link, an opening may be recorded. This approach can predict SMS open rates quite well.

A unique tracking number inside the message is another way to measure SMS open rates. The unique tracking number is activated when the message is opened and may be logged as open.

This approach may not provide as precise statistics as the tracking link method. But it may still provide organizations with an idea of how many messages are being opened.