Time Management For Bloggers (How To Make Time To Blog)

Time Management For Bloggers

This is one of the queries I receive most often: Time management for bloggers

Blogging takes a lot of time, that’s for sure! This bothers a lot of bloggers, as well as those who would want to start blogging but are held back by the legendary quote, “I don’t have time!”

I battle against the clock every day, and finding the time to commit to writing a blog is frequently tough… “I also do not have time.” 

Yes, even though blogging has many benefits, such as drawing new consumers to you and creating more cash, it can sometimes be time-consuming.

So to avoid spending hours blogging, here are my 8 favorite techniques to assist you in being more effective and saving a lot of time on a daily basis.

See also: How to blog without stress.

What Is Blogging Time Management?

Time management blogging refers to the practice of effectively allocating and organizing your time to run a blog and generate content efficiently.

Regardless of what you already have on your marketing plate. It will not be complete without effective time management. 

Spending longer hours on your blog does not equal being more effective or productive. Therefore, efficient time management at work is crucial.

Time management may be as easy as setting a timetable. And find out when the time of day you’re most productive.     

The so-called Time management comprises planning, organizing, and executing activities to reduce lost time and enhance efficiency.

Why Is Blogging Time Management Important?

Time is limited. No matter how we split it, there are only 24 hours in a day, and it is vital to know how to manage them if we want to be effective and productive in our professional lives and feel energetic and happy personally, something that boosts our quality of life.

Between keyword research, copywriting, search engine optimization, social media, email marketing, and editorial strategy, bloggers wear many hats. 

If you’re working part-time on top of all that, the pressure is on since you have so much work to accomplish on your blog in a lot less time. All of this makes understanding time management for bloggers vital if you want to reap the advantages of content marketing and blogging in general.

Time management is important in blogging since it enables us to be more successful and productive in our everyday responsibilities. It helps us to prioritize our activities, establish realistic deadlines, and manage our time more effectively.

 Additionally, time management helps us minimize stress and worry, which may benefit our mental and physical health.

How To Make Time To Blog

Choose the best time to blog.

This first piece of advice on how to make time to blog comes with a basic observation from our path: we are not always in the right energy to generate content. 

The solution: Discover times when you are on the job of producing when your mind is bursting with wonderful ideas, and optimize them!

It might be: 

  • Early in the morning, 
  • In the early afternoon, 
  • In the evening, 
  • In the night   

Timing is unique to everyone, so try and learn what works best for you to blog successfully!

Write effectively and quickly. 

After knowing the specific time that works best for you, you need to know how to write fast before you lose your momentum. Here are some tips to help you write faster:

  • Have a plan before writing; this will help you to keep to your common thread! 
  • Write now and correct/edit later. Don’t make the mistake of writing and editing at the same time. It is vital that you create your content in the most intuitive manner possible; the revisions will follow afterward. 
  • Write the end of your post first! Yes, that may seem unusual, but it will allow you to know where you want to go without getting lost. You will thus write the introduction last because the first words count; you will have to take care of them to engage as many people as possible from the start of your post!
  • Associate keywords to enhance SEO
  • Put a timer to restrict distraction, so you will concentrate totally on writing it without distraction (yes, we switch off Facebook, Twitter, or others during our blogging moment 😉)
  • Why not use voice input on “google Docs”? It’s a huge time saving that Google gives you with this new option! How does it work? Simply start a new google doc file, dictate orally everything you want to see in writing, and in just a few minutes, your article is produced! More than a decent copy/paste on Overblog, a nice layout, and you’re done! 

Forget the desire to create the “perfect” article.

Your blog is not to win the award for the best writing, but above all for enjoyment, to share your hobbies, and to learn with your followers. 

Don’t attempt to create your article with stylistic perfection! You certainly have to take care of that latter, but if you concentrate too much on each detail, you will undoubtedly lose a big lot of time. 

Our advice? Write your content in one go, read it once, and make your modifications later. Do two or three more proofreads and post it without hesitation! 

Use batching to save time in blogging.

Do you know batching or batch-working? It is simple: you combine numerous related jobs at the same time to save time.

In the context of blogging, it may look like this: 

  • Create the images for all your publications, 
  • Write content for all your articles,      
  • Editing all your content, 
  • Promoting everything…

Doing the same sort of work over and over again trains your brain and helps you save time in your content production.

Doing this helps you keep your attention from wandering back and forth between these numerous procedures to be carried out. Not bad right? 

Have an editorial schedule.

If there’s one crucial tool in your content development process, it’s the editorial calendar! 

What is the editorial schedule in a nutshell?

It’s a planning tool that lets you manage all your content throughout a certain time, whether it’s a week, a month, or even a year.

It allows you to be regular and to have a global picture of your content strategy, in addition to saving you time in your content development.

It is in your editorial calendar that you will: 

  • Define your content marketing strategy, 
  • List your content ideas, 
  • Plan your publications, 
  • Prepare post descriptions, 
  • Etc.
  • As for the software you may use to make your editorial calendar, it’s up to you to select according to your tastes and your choice of usage. But here are some I prefer: 
  • Notion, 
  • Trello, 
  • Excel or google sheets file, 
  • An agenda, 
  • Just paper…

Use ready-to-use templates to save time.

My sixth professional advice for time management for bloggers: Do not hesitate to employ ready-made templates for your publications.

This is a strategy that I enjoy to save time in my content development

Why is it effective? 

Because the material is already formed, all you have to do is alter your colors and finish with your text! (In a 100% customized manner) 

Imagine all the time you can save

So if you want to have a more cohesive feed with beautiful looks while saving a lot of work, I can only propose that you have a ready-to-use template!

Recycle to save time in blogging.

Another approach to saving time in blogging is: recycling

No, it’s not about sorting cardboard and glass but rather about reusing content that you have already made earlier.

“But isn’t that a bit of cheating? And what happens if our audience understands that we are reusing the same content?”

First, you should recognize that not everyone in your audience consumes all of your content… They always miss out on some things (and that’s a great tragedy!), so there is no trouble reiterating when it’s vital.

Not to mention the new subscribers who subscribe to your account and who have not necessarily viewed everything in your content.

Second, I’m not instructing you to republish the exact same information! However, you can: 

  • Work more specifically on a notion treated superficially in a carousel,
  • Make a post on a subject you have spoken about in an article or newsletter, 
  • Insist on an essential point by adjusting the visual, 
  • Etc.

This strategy has proven itself multiple times; therefore, it’s up to you to try.

Read more: How to republish old content on your blog.

Programming content 

A blog is not simply about writing content. You have to promote it, nourish it, and make it live! And this is largely due to sharing on social networks, your reactions to the numerous comments written by your readers, to exchanges with bloggers.

Once one of your pieces is published, if you want it to be read, you must disseminate the word. Don’t assume it’s going to take you all day!  

10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the evening: that’s all you need to follow your blog every day and make it renowned.

Go to your social networks every morning, publish a picture, an article, or a video… in short, be active. Go to other blogs, swap, and share with them. 

Do not hesitate to plan posts on social networks to save even more time: for example, a Facebook post at lunchtime and one in the evening. When you are not accessible, your blog continues to live! 

And at the end of the day, repeat the same for roughly 10 minutes! 

All this enables you to make your blog truly alive, and the investment in terms of time is minimal! 

How Do I Stay Motivated To Blog?

Staying motivated might be tough when using time management over the long term. Here are some strategies for remaining motivated:

Celebrate successes

Celebrating your victories, even the little ones, is a great way to keep motivated with time management. This helps us remain focused on our long-term objectives and pushes us to keep going.

Finding a system that works for you

Everyone is different. Therefore it’s crucial to discover a time management strategy that works for us and our particular demands. This helps us remain motivated and dedicated to our time management techniques.

How to Overcome Blogging Fatigue

Blogging can be challenging, especially under stressful times. Here are some strategies to overcome fatigue in these situations:

  • Breathe and relax: Taking a few seconds to breathe deeply and relax might help alleviate tension and anxiety. This permits us to accomplish our jobs more effectively and efficiently.
  • Prioritize our tasks: In stressful conditions, it is crucial to prioritize our duties and establish realistic deadlines to prevent overload. This helps us concentrate on what is actually essential and prevent procrastination.
  • Ask for support if necessary: In stressful conditions, it may be tough to remain focused and productive. If necessary, don’t hesitate to ask friends, family, or coworkers for aid to alleviate the strain and maintain time management successfully.

Read our full guide on How to blog without stress.


Don’t forget to have fun blogging! And indeed, this is my most important advice.

Blogging should be a moment of fun and not of responsibility! No one is forcing you to blog; it’s you who choose it; you are not slaves to your writings.

Managing a blog can take you a little time, but if you do it with joy above all, the time spent writing will no longer appear like a large task. But, on the contrary, like a moment of leisure and pleasure! 

Time management is a crucial ability that may help us become more productive, effective, and successful in business and in our personal life. 

We can optimize our time and accomplish our long-term objectives by adopting tactics like planning, prioritizing, and avoiding distractions. 

I hope that these few recommendations will assist you to organize yourself better and save time!

There are no miracles; sustaining a blog involves a little commitment, but in the end, it’s still fantastic to be able to share all this on the web, isn’t it? 

Happy blogging to you all!