What Are The Best Email Campaign Open Rates?

what are the best email campaign open rates?

Do you wish to know what are the best email campaign open rates?

After tons of research I carried out, I found out that the best campaign open rates are 17-28%. Though this can vary a lot because it depends on the type of industry you are in

 An essential part of any successful email campaign is the open rate, which measures the number of recipients who have opened your email.

Please read our guide on why your email campaign open rates are declining.

 In this article, we will explore the best practices for increasing your email campaign open rates and provide you with tips and tricks to help you boost your results.

 Therefore, relax, grab a cup of coffee, and dive into email marketing.

What are email campaign open rates?

Let’s take a quick look at an email campaign’s open rates.

An email campaign’s open rate is a statistic that divides the number of recipients that opened an email campaign by the total number of emails sent, excluding bounced emails.

 It is given as a percentage and used to evaluate an email campaign’s effectiveness in terms of audience involvement.

Let me explain better with an example, if you send an email campaign to 100 people and 30 of them open it, your open rate is 30%.

A high open rate indicates that your target audience is interested in your message and is more likely to take the desired action, such as clicking a link, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter.

A low open rate, on the other hand, shows that your message may not be relevant or intriguing enough to pique your target audience’s interest.

I get asked this question: “Do email open rates matter?”. Check out my answer here

What are the best email campaign open rates

After knowing full well what an email campaign open rates is. Let’s get back to our main question “What are the best email campaign open rates.

Having said this earlier. The best email campaign open rates depend on various criteria, including the industry, target audience, and kind of email. However, according to Statistics, the best open rate for an email campaign is estimated to be about 17-28% on average.

Let’s take a quick look at how email campaigns vary in each industry.

Email campaign open rate benchmark

Here are some benchmark open rates for various industries according to research carried out by Mailchimp.

IndustryAverage Open Rate
All non-labeled accounts22.71%
Agriculture and Food Services23.31%
Architecture and Construction22.51%
Arts and Artists26.27%
Beauty and Personal Care16.65%
Business and Finance21.56%
Computers and Electronics19.29%
Creative Services/Agency21.39%
Daily Deals/E-Coupons15.06%
Education and Training23.42%
Entertainment and Events20.51%
Health and Fitness21.48%
Home and Garden21.60%
Marketing and Advertising17.38%
Media and Publishing22.15%
Medical, Dental, and Healthcare21.72%
Music and Musicians21.88%
Photo and Video23.24%
Professional Service21.94%
Public Relations21.02%
Real Estate19.17%
Recruitment and Staffing21.14%
Restaurant and Venue20.39%
Social Networks and Online Communities21.06%
Software and Web App21.29%
Travel and Transportation20.44%
Vitamin Supplements
Averages Totals21.33%

It’s crucial to remember that these are merely averages, and your real open rates may vary based on your particular audience and email campaign.

It’s also vital to track your unique open rate over time and compare it to your previous performance to determine whether you’re making improvements.

Tips for email campaign open rates

When we started this tutorial, I promised to give you tips and tricks for your email marketing campaigns.

So Here are some tips that might assist in enhancing your email marketing open rates:

1. Segment your email list:

 Segmenting your email list into smaller, focused groups based on characteristics such as demographics, interests, and purchase history will help guarantee that your content is relevant and appealing to your audience.

2. Craft engaging headlines:

A headline is the first thing a recipient sees when they get an email, and it’s frequently what decides whether or not they will open it. Make sure your subject lines are precise, simple, and intriguing.

3. Personalize your emails:

 Personalized emails tend to have greater open and click-through rates compared to generic ones. Use the recipient’s name, region, or prior behavior to build a personal connection with your audience.

4. Timing:

The optimum time to send an email might vary based on your audience, but it’s normally better to avoid sending emails on weekends or holidays when people are less likely to check their inboxes.

5. Optimize for mobile:

A huge number of email openings occur on mobile devices, so make sure your emails are suited for tiny displays. Use a responsive design, keep the text concise, and ensure the call to action is simple to press on a mobile device.

6. Test, test, test:

Regularly testing various components of your emails, such as subject lines, sender names, and email content will help you find what works best for your audience and increase your open rates over time.

7. Provide useful content:

Provide value in your emails by giving unique bargains, interesting insights, or helpful information. Your audience should feel that they are getting something of value in return for their time and attention.

Using the above said tricks. I can assure you of a high open rate in your email campaign because that’s what I use for my mailing campaign, and they work perfectly like magic.

You may read our full guide for full knowledge on how to increase your email open rate.

But Remember, raising your email campaign open rates is not simply about following a set of rules but also about knowing your audience and consistently testing and refining your strategy.


Now that we’ve learned what the best email campaign open is.

You must note that the best email campaign open rates are always dependent on various factors: the industry, target audience, and type of email.

Moreover, the best email campaign open rate is around 17-28%. By following and practicing the tips, I gave earlier, such as segmenting your email list, crafting compelling subject lines, personalizing your emails, optimizing for mobile, and providing valuable content.

I can assure you of an increase in your open rate, and there are chances of capturing your audience’s attention and boosting your open rates.

Check out our guide on “What is a good click-to-open rate.”

Happy Emailing

Frequently Asked Question

How many subscribers do you need for email marketing?

The number of email subscribers needed for email marketing may vary based on your objectives and overall email marketing strategy.

 However, as a general rule, it’s a good idea to have a minimum of 100-200 subscribers before commencing an email marketing campaign.

This way, you have a significant sample size to evaluate your strategy and make educated conclusions about what works best for your audience.

What is a bad open rate?

A bad open rate, otherwise known as a low open rate, is often defined as one that is lower than the industry average for your particular niche or target audience.

What is a good open rate for MailChimp

A good Mailchimp open rate might vary based on variables such as the industry, target audience, and kind of email.

 However, Mailchimp data shows that the average open rate across all sectors is 21.33%.


Mailchimp. “Email Marketing Benchmarks.” Mailchimp, 2022, mailchimp.com/en-gb/resources/email-marketing-benchmarks/