What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable? 20 Best Niches

Today we are going to see what blog niches are most profitable.

One of the first stages in creating a successful professional blog is selecting the ideal Niche for your blog.

Before you choose a name for your blog, begin designing the pages, and produce the material, you must first choose your blog niche.

If you are unclear about it, your new blog will not stand out among the millions of blogs that have already been created.

You can’t just create a blog, start writing about anything, and hope that someone reads it.

No, this would imply failure before you even begin. As a result, you must be extremely clear about things and choose the perfect Niche for your blog.

If you’re new to blogging, you’re probably unaware of what a niche is or what it’s used for, so let’s start with an explanation.

Then I’ll explain how to choose the perfect Niche for your blog. And lastly, we’ll provide you with 19 profitable niche options to select the best one for you and your blog.

Let’s Start!

What is a blog’s Niche?

A niche is a tiny part of a market with a group of passionate individuals about a single issue.

What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable?

 In the case of blogs, the Niche is the blog topic that assists a particular set of individuals in solving a problem or need.

The difference between Niche and Market

It is critical to understand how to distinguish a niche from a market.

The marketplaces are incredibly vast and include many different types of individuals searching for various answers.

 Niches are tiny sections of vast marketplaces where individuals may seek highly particular answers.

For example, travel, marketing, and fashion are massive marketplaces where you may discover individuals interested in any travel.

But in niches, people are interested in more specific topics like traveling to a particular country, selling online, or women’s fashion.

Do you see the difference?

In addition, the niches can be even more specific than that and cover a much more specific demand. Continuing with the clear examples of travel, marketing, and fashion, some particular niches (also called microniches ) can be trips to Japan for newlyweds, the sale of digital products through Instagram, or style for curvy girls.

Hopefully, you now know better what this niche thing is and what it is used for.

Now, let’s look at how you may choose the finest Niche for your blog.

How to choose the best Niche for a blog?

To begin, you must understand that to develop a professional blog and turn it into a profitable company, every material you post on your blog must answer a particular issue or need that your audience has.

As a result, you must be clear about the issue or need you to want to tackle with your blog and choose a highly specialized niche to reach individuals who need your assistance.

Think about activities you enjoy, things you’re excellent at, and talents you’ve recently learned. And the information you have that might assist other people in solving their issues or need to determine the perfect Niche for your blog.

This exercise should give you some ideas for your Niche, and you can become more specific in locating a profitable micro-niche for your blog.

When selecting your micro-niche, remember that the topic you chose for your blog must be something you picture yourself talking about in 5 or 10 years, not simply something trendy.

If you do not desire to share your expertise with others, you will most likely stop your blog within a few months.

Now that you’re aware of all of this let’s look at some examples of genuine blogs with extremely distinct niches that make them profitable.

We’ve included some more general niche ideas you can make into micro niches by adding your expertise or personal experience and some fantastic micro niche ideas.

Furthermore, we have organized all of these ideas by the market to make it simpler for you to pick a niche if you already know what industry you want to focus on.

 If you want to start a blog but aren’t sure what to write about, we propose that you carefully evaluate these examples so that you may choose the most appealing to you.

You should select the ideal Niche for your blog among all these examples, so take a pen and paper and jot down all of the ideas that come to your mind as you read so that you can choose your micro-niche at the end.

Types of blogs Niche that is profitable

First, you may ask what kind of blogs make money.

In reality, every form of blog produces a substantial amount of money.

I’ve been a blogger for many years and have seen wacky topics monetized, earning a real paycheck at the end of the month.

Making money blogging seems to be more about creativity and problem-solving abilities than picking a specific topic.

But if you’ve genuinely thought about it, I know precisely what you’re looking for: “What are the most profitable blogging niches?”

Blog niches are certain subjects or foci on which a blog is focused.

The most profitable niches have a significant audience interested in the issue and eager to spend money on related items or services.

To find the most profitable niches, it is necessary to do market research and identify areas with strong demand and potential for development.

The 20 most profitable blog niches

I’ve created a list based on a few factors, such as proven successful blogging models, cost per click on Google, and personal experiences.

I might be a bit biased, but here’s a description of what I can accomplish as a professional blogger.

First, I’ll give you a basic overview of the blog niches that make the most money, which we’ll dig into as the article progresses:

  • make money online
  • financial advice
  • Investments
  • Relationships
  • lifestyles
  • Health
  • Business & Marketing
  • Technology
  • Gaming
  • fashion
  • Cooking &Recipes
  • Diverse blogs
  • Beauty
  • DIY
  • Travel
  • Fitness
  • Programming
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Youtube

Check out our full guide on.”The 32 Ideas to blog about.”

1.   Make money online

You are currently on a blog that educates new and veteran bloggers on how to earn money using various approaches, whether making money with affiliates, making money from Pinterest, or making money with a blog.

make money online
What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable


This does not imply that you must begin with the “making money online” Niche.

Before teaching others how to earn money online via my blog, I had a blog in a different area where I made a lot of money.

As a result, I MADE MONEY with a completely different niche blog.

It is deceptive and dishonest to teach how to earn money online before you have done it.

Check out this comprehensive guide for a more in-depth look at “How To Monetize Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing.”

2.   Financial Advice

financial advice
What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable

This Niche comes in second, in my opinion, since it is about spending and deliberately saving money and is as near to producing money as you can get.

We can come up with a thousand different methods to spend our money. But how many ways can we think of to earn it? Few, correct?

People seem to starve for money in this sector, and TONS of financial writers earn an easy $10,000 each month. SQUEEZING IT!

3.   Investing (Stocks)

This is similar to a financial handbook, although most finance bloggers focus on how to save money rather than how to invest it.

What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable

Stock market blogs, for example, have generated millionaires such as Tim Sykes.

For individuals interested in this investment, incorporating Blockchain technology, there is also a significant upside prospect in the trading industry.

And although this is a more sensitive subject, given the volatility of trade, I think that more success stories with significant returns will emerge shortly.

4.   Relationships

You might categorize (nearly) all of the niches or subjects of interest for starting a blog into three broad categories:

What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable
What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable

Money, love, and health.

Nothing else is needed.

Most of your niches or ideas will come from one of these three.

Well, there is one that I find profitable, at least for me, and it has nothing to do with any of them, and that is the situation of hobbies.

I’ve previously discussed money and health; hobbies, I’ll save for the final point; now, let’s speak about love and relationships.

The “market” for love or romantic relationships is HUGE. It has a lot to offer, other sub-topics of interest, and smaller or more specialized niches that you may investigate if the competition is too intense.

This is another evergreen niche.

If you write about how to conquer someone or forget your ex, you will notice that individuals always want to read what you have to say.

So it’s worthwhile to put forth the effort.

A fantastic strategy to market your blog and content is to target two sites with a lot of interesting traffic:

I’m referring to YouTube and Pinterest.

Both sites would be excellent choices for converting your content into a movie or a simple infographic.

The cost per click is low, but significant traffic volumes are handled. That is, many people interested in this type of Niche.

Also, the affiliate potential is powerful; you may investigate networks such as Clickbank to understand what I mean.

Check out this comprehensive guide for a more in-depth look at “How To Monetize Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing.”

5.   Lifestyle (Influencers)

When I heard that Kim Kardashian earns between $300,000 and $500,000 per Instagram post, many of you (like me) probably wished you could throw your computer out the window and “hang up the keyboard.”

What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable
What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable

But I’m not here to debate the ethics of paying a single individual almost eight times the average income of a doctor. For an Instagram photo of their buttocks. I’m here to provide you with the facts.

The lifestyle/influencer model is a highly profitable new niche, and you, too, can get a piece of the pie.

This is where you openly disclose your life to become a kind of online fame.

With that, you can get specific corporations to notice you and desire to sponsor you, giving you significant sums of money to advertise on your blog or appear on it.

In case it wasn’t clear, opportunities are everywhere.

6.   Health

The health and wellness sector is one of the most profitable niches. This sector is continually expanding as more people get interested in bettering their health and well-being.

What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable
What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable

 Health and wellness bloggers may earn money by marketing items like vitamins, supplements, and exercise equipment and providing services like personal training or nutrition counseling.

  • However, there are other variations within this Niche: Vegans,
  • Crossfit,
  • Beach Body,
  • Abs,
  • Paleo
  • Diet…


 And the fact that you may mix them with the style that best fits you opens you to a world of options.

7.   Business & marketing

Business blogs are also perfect for Niche blogging ideas.

 You may share writing about any product or service on the business blog.

Business blogs help bring any firm’s services and goods to the public’s attention, and you may make money from blogging via affiliate marketing.

Check out this comprehensive guide for a more in-depth look at “How To Monetize Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing.”

Marketing blogs are a marketing approach that gives any firm an optimum internet presence.

A business and marketing blog is a blog that promotes online company growth. Blogs are also used in business and social media, direct mail, and email marketing, all of which contribute to company development.

The marketing technique uses blogs to directly and personally contact prospective buyers. As a result, delivering valuable information about your brand to customers encourages them to purchase the goods.

This marketing uses viral marketing techniques to establish an interest group based on a blog.

You may also start a blog on this blogging subject and make a career out of it. Many firms will pay you much if you offer information about their products on your blog.

8.   Hobbies

That’s true. There are certain hobbies that, in addition to being quite enjoyable, can also be highly profitable.

What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable
What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable

Some common examples are hobbies requiring specific equipment, instruments, or tools.

Such is the case with house building and crafts, as well as sports and arts, such as learning to play an instrument, painting, or sketching; there are hundreds of options and niches to explore.

The goal is to use your imagination and attempt to communicate your enthusiasm with the rest of the world.

It works much better; consider writing about something you like rather than something you believe would bring you money.


The easiest part is monetization; the difficult part is capturing an audience’s attention… and holding it.

People will readily purchase anything you recommend once they trust you and what you give via your content.

Also, as I indicated in earlier paragraphs, there are other methods to monetize and generate money with a blog. Don’t emphasize it; making money with your blog will come later.

If you’re yet to start a blog, read our complete guide on “What is a blog and how to start it up.”

Now, here is a list of hobbies that I believe are profitable to start a blog about, either because they have an enormous potential for traffic and monthly visits or because there is a broad range of things to promote:

  • Archery, I have a buddy who is heavily interested in this area and doing well.
  • Paintball. Affiliate items have a lot of promise.
  • Home repair or renovation. Several articles may compete on Google.
  • Play the guitar or the keyboard. Without a doubt, both for a blog and a YouTube channel.
  • Basketball or soccer? A vast audience might be reached.
  • Hair maintenance. There are several items and keywords to target.
  • Crafts.

And these are just a few examples of how many bloggers have turned their passion or pastime into a profitable niche.

9.   Technology

A competitive niche with excellent revenue possibilities.

You might start a blog in this industry and discover hundreds of possibilities to publish articles that rank quickly as long as you know how to execute a solid keyword search.

Furthermore, the opportunities for creating a specialized, vertical blog, that is, one that concentrates on a specific issue, are many.

For example, you might go “smaller” and specialize in camera accessories instead of attempting to break into the photography market. Instead of discussing various mobile apps, you could go online on Android, and so on.

As I previously said, the technology category enables you to concentrate on many subjects, but you may also establish an authoritative blog.

In other words, a website that speaks a little about everything, as would be the case with bad websites

Just keep in mind that establishing massive websites that you want to acquire authority over time requires more effort and attention than websites that tackle a smaller niche, such as when they solely discuss a software or application.

10.                  Gaming

 Many vloggers now play live games on YouTube, and many viewers like them.

By writing about gaming, you may write about new games, gaming PCs, gaming mice, and gaming accessories, and you can even make money by marketing gaming gear on your blog.

11.                  Fashion

I had no concept of how extensive this Niche was until I began investigating it. Surprisingly, it is one of the most popular themes in the blogging community.

I think it has to do with the fact that many people want to be fashionable. I am such a visually appealing subject.

Chriselle Lim, you’ve probably heard of her, is the most recent success story in the fashion world. She progressed from being a simple blogger to becoming the face of prominent national and international corporations, with over 1.5 million Instagram followers.

Why can’t you, if she can?

12.                   Cooking and recipes

Recipe and food blogs are more difficult to monetize (I speak from experience), but what they lack in revenue, they make up for in visitors.

What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable
What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable

My partner and I founded a pastry recipes blog, and I can promise you that, even though it is a very competitive niche, there is still an opportunity for profit.

You will achieve success with the said blog as long as it is a particular and different theme,

13. DIY

It is a specialized blog where you can share your knowledge and manual talents with other people. So creating a website and monetizing it is an intriguing option.

You may produce several formats to advertise your courses or workshops, such as tutorials, manuals, and videos.

Because it is a specialized field, you may make more money by selling a subscription service and promoting items via affiliate marketing.

Because the DIY blog is a typical instructional web page, it is frequently sought after by people looking for assistance in solving an issue.

The sub-niches are many; here are a few examples:

  • Decoration of rooms, terraces, and gardens.
  • Jewelry manufacturing
  • Design of the inside and exterior.
  • Building and restoring wooden doors, chairs, furniture, and windows.
  • Design of a painting.
  • I was cleaning the house.
  • Production of blouses, slacks, shirts, bathing suits, and other clothing items.
  • Toy and game design for children.
  • Meal planning

And so on

14.                   Diverse

Regarding blogging, you may utilize any of the themes I described above or mix and match them. Of course, they work well together.

We can create a blog with a dual niche, such as talking about money while also taking advantage of and adding a trip section, since you are talking about saving while also enjoying what you have saved.

However, discussing cryptocurrency and culinary recipes on the same blog would be incoherent since people interested in cryptocurrencies are unlikely to be interested in recipes.

15.                  beauty

Another profitable field for bloggers is the beauty business. Make money as a beauty blogger by advertising cosmetics, skincare, and hair care products and providing beauty advice and videos.

 Many beauty bloggers also make money via sponsored content and affiliate marketing, receiving a percentage of every transaction made through their blog.

16.                  Travel

The travel sector is a profitable field for bloggers as well.

What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable
What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable

Travel bloggers that promote travel items and services such as hotels, flights, and excursions may earn money. They may also make money by promoting certain places or travel experiences on their blog via sponsored content.

17.                  Fitness

It is possible that seeing this Niche within the list does not surprise you in the least, right?

The drive for men to acquire muscle and women to look skinny hasn’t altered throughout time, and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

Everyone else in the center wants to lose weight, be healthy, learn to include some physical exercise into their daily routine, and so on.

We must develop the habit of being active in some way, whether going for a stroll outdoors once in a while or joining a gym and attending every day.

That is why blogging on this subject is a safe choice; you already know there is an audience out there who could be interested in what you chose to offer in your postings.

One piece of advice I might offer you is to concentrate on a sub-niche or sub-category of fitness.


Given the current level of competitiveness, it is not a terrible notion, at least in the beginning.

You may concentrate on more “new” sports, such as Crossfit, or less popular hobbies.

Then it will be time to extend your wings and perform different tunes.

Now, I am interested in going to the top of the list for the most profitable area on the Internet today, which is

18.                  programming.

It may not be a niche market for everyone, but if this is something you’re interested in, go for it!

There aren’t many blogs these days that detail this issue or address most of the queries that newer programmers have.

Not only is their room on the web to establish your brand, but also to teach what you learn, since one of the difficulties in this talent-starved business is a lack of “manpower,” and employment possibilities exist for those who are encouraged to do so.

An online course, or even something as basic as an ebook, might be a profitable method to monetize this blog.

You will discover how providing solid advice on learning to code from the start and sharing part of your knowledge with an audience pays off in a multi-figure net profit.

Furthermore, there are hundreds of programming languages to investigate; you may concentrate on just one or attempt to create a complete blog covering various subjects.

The sky is the limit, as the saying goes.

Starting a blog in the programming area is an excellent idea for these and many more reasons.

I’m not sure what the CPC for this business is, but whatever it is, I’m sure it will continue to grow in the coming years.

There is GREAT potential for revenue via online courses and distance education, which is why platforms and organizations have been developing a lot of material on their YouTube channels and investing in Ads of all types.

In a few years, interest in this sector will grow exponentially.

I hoped that you would take a look at Google Trends data for one of the most popular programming languages nowadays (which I’m currently learning).

I’m referring to Python:

The same for other languages, and there are hundreds of instances in this sector that will transform the market.

19.                  Cryptocurrencies

Here is a window of opportunity in the vast universe of investing on which you may concentrate your efforts.

This is the Niche for you if you are interested in finances and generating money online.

You might write about the following themes on your blog:

  • Mining for cryptocurrencies.
  • Long-term commitments.
  • Bitcoin and the future currencies.
  • What is needed to get started?
  • Blockchain.

Because this is still a “new” issue, if you put in enough time and effort, you can quickly create a brand via an authoritative blog.

The following are the most successful monetization tactics you may try:

Earn CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) by directing some of your readers to platforms where they may earn bitcoin for free ad watching, joining up for X platform, and so on.

Several websites provide this sort of alternatives, such as Adbtc, Chopin, and Bitfun, to mention a few.

Participate in a virtual wallet and promote its services in some of your posts or articles, earning a commission for each download or registration.

So try a variety of various approaches.

Not to mention that you may also monetize your material in more conventional methods.

There is presently insufficient data to provide an accurate

20.                  YouTube!

Both blogging about YouTube and starting your channel would be pretty profitable.

What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable
What Blog Niches Are Most Profitable

First, the subject is popular and still “new” since there aren’t many blogs exclusively devoted to the platform.

Second, you may combine your channel and blog to rapidly divert your audience and increase traffic.

Based on my experience, I can tell you that YouTube has space for growth. Look at how my channel is expanding little by little, despite being in a niche with a lot of competition and not many monthly searches.

YouTube is a profitable niche for several reasons:

You may use Adsense to monetize the channel and your blog and disperse traffic between them.

Nowadays, growing on the platform is more straightforward and quicker than starting a blog.

The CPC for something like YouTube comes (in many circumstances) within the digital marketing area, which, as I previously said, pays nicely.

You don’t need the most advanced equipment or much filming or editing knowledge to get started.

You may explore free and straightforward options to start your channel.


So far, these are the eight most profitable blog niches. I’ll give you a brief review of the material and some extra advice.

But if you want to learn more about which niches to write about, don’t miss the following article.

I’ll discuss the most frequent errors made by new bloggers and offer recommendations for finding your blog niche.

The following are the top 20most profitable blogging niches:

  • make money online
  • financial advice
  • Investments
  • Relationships
  • lifestyles
  • Health
  • Business & Marketing
  • Technology
  • Gaming
  • fashion
  • Cooking &Recipes
  • Diverse blogs
  • Beauty
  • DIY
  • Travel
  • Fitness
  • Programming
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Youtube

What you should NOT do is:

Mistake #1. Find your passion. Your passion will find you.

Mistake #2. Find a niche blog you don’t know about or enjoy.

Mistake #3. Avoiding the competition.

What you SHOULD do is:

# 1: Choose a subject you love.

# 2: Choose 5 subtopics connected to that issue to discuss.

Step 3: Once you’ve begun, let your audience enjoy and choose your sub-topics or sub-niches.

If you liked this article, blog niche ideas, or have any questions, leave them in our Facebook group! I’d love to read you!

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