What Color Is Best For Email Marketing And How To Use It

What Color Is Best For Email Marketing And How To Use It

Are you about to write an email and wondering what color is best for email marketing? Though There is no “best” color for email marketing, the best color will vary depending on the industry and the target audience of your email.

But with my experience in email marketing, the best color that works best for me is a dark color (black) with a combination of bright ones (orange/yellow) 

In an email marketing campaign, every aspect influences overall success. And the color combination has a significant influence on the subconscious of the buyer. 

Each color indicates a special message. Marketers must grasp the Significance of colors to pick a good email template for their email marketing. 

This makes the message more enticing, converting prospective clients more readily.

In today’s post, I’ll explore more on how many colors you should use in an email, How to pick and combine colors when developing email marketing, and What color for the CTA button to improve conversions.

Please spend 5 minutes to study about this expertise because 85% of people are significantly impacted by the color of a product when they decide to purchase it.

First, we shall learn about the term Color Psychology.

See also: Why does email marketing fail?

What Is Color Psychology?

Color psychology is the study that explores how colors impact human behavior. 

When our eyes detect a hue, they transmit messages to the brain, to the region responsible for our moods, emotions, and, eventually, our actions.

Researchers have been studying the psychological impact of color on people for many years.

If you can impact your subscribers’ emotions with color, you can influence their conduct too.

Misconceptions Regarding Color Psychology

Color impacts human psychology and behavior. That’s what many people know. However, many individuals misinterpret the Significance of color. 

For example, color affects purchase choices. But not all colors operate the same way for everyone. It depends on each individual’s age, culture, and level;… 

I noticed some websites saying that one color works well with all sorts of strategies of a corporation. 

They need to be more factual.

 For each phase, you must adequately study the target audience to determine the colors of advertising and marketing publications accordingly.

Where Should We Utilize Color?

 You may use color in your emails, social media postings, pamphlets, brochures, websites, etc. In general, color psychology applies to every part of your sales cycle.

You must select the right colors and the right combinations.

What Is The Effect Of Color Psychology On Email Marketing Design

1.   Impact on Engagement and Conversions

Color may dramatically affect your conversion rates through:

2.   Brand awareness

Your brand is highly crucial to your company. That means your logo too. 

Using the right colors in your logos and email designs helps motivate your audience. It also raises brand awareness by 80%.

In certain circumstances, businesses even trademark distinctive hues.

3.   Promotion of product

Color is the key reason 85% of people purchase a product. Overall, the packaging is the most essential aspect of their judgments.

4.   Click-through rate

A famous A/B test from a few years ago evaluated how color influences button clicks. The test looked at green and red CTA buttons that led to the identical landing page.

The green button receives 21% more clicks than the red button.

With a substantial effect on consumer choices, color psychology plays a crucial part in influencing your customers. It permeates every facet of a company’s marketing operations.

What Email Marketing Color Is Best For Women And Men

The choice of color varies substantially between women and men. Men tend to favor lighter hues. And women frequently opt for softer tones.

As such, how you pick your colors will need to fit your target and email marketing campaign. And as we indicated previously, each color should convey a special message. 

Therefore, you must understand what each color denotes before choosing a color.

The Best Color For Email Marketing Design

Here is a list of colors that best suit email marketing and a quick explanation of what they mean:

White: Purity and Independence

This color always has a good sign, indicating purity, cleanliness, and innocence. For many, it is also connected with fresh beginnings.

If white is applied right, you may quickly generate a sensation of simplicity and security.

However, misuse may lead to emotions of emptiness, lack of inventiveness, boredom, and incompleteness. That’s why, although successful, plain-text emails are frequently seen as dull and uninspired.

Tips for using white color in email marketing

The white backdrop may be paired with any color. However, white lettering on a white or light gray background should not be utilized.

 It will get muddled up and appear like spam with the ESPs. Also, reading it is challenging and eye-strain.

Black: Power and Luxury

Black signifies strength, prestige, richness, and elegance. That’s why this color is typically linked with luxury products, like vehicles.

But if there’s too much of it, this color might induce thoughts of ambiguity and unpleasant implications. So utilize it carefully so as not to overwhelm your viewers.

How to pick a black color for email marketing design

Use black to showcase the goods’ elegance, grandeur, or power. This color, like white, has a diagonal function and shines out with opposing colors.

However, a black backdrop should not be utilized because it makes the contrasted text in the deep field illegible.

Red: CTA and Urgency

Red has many diverse connotations, both good and bad. 

On the positive side, it indicates energy, power, and resolve. In the negative aspect, red is connected with blood and danger. 

This is why traffic signs often include the color red. Also saw a lot of Buy Now or Click Here buttons.

This bright hue has outstanding visibility and is suitable for generating accents in simple text and backgrounds. The idea is to motivate individuals to make quick judgments.

According to Hubspot A/B testing, red improves conversions by 21%. However, it must only be applied to text that fits with the overall color scheme of an email. If all email text is red, it won’t assist your CTA.

Tips for utilizing red in a design

Use red to make the CTA stand out among the other color schemes. Red works well when mixed with primary colors like white and hues of gray.

Blue: Confidentiality and Trust

Blue has a relaxing effect. It largely symbolizes sentiments of tranquility, security, trustworthiness, confidence, and stability.

However, depending on how the color of the company is selected, utilizing blue might be detrimental. Example: Blue is not utilized in food since it decreases appetite.

 But it is a terrific choice for high-tech items and anything related to intelligence.

Besides, blue has proved to be the most preferred hue for both women and men. So don’t be hesitant to employ it in your email marketing color decision.

How to design email marketing using blue color

Use blue if you want to pacify your consumers and encourage them to trust you. 

But use it cautiously. Too much will generate sentiments of coldness and unfriendliness.

Green: Tranquility and Peace 

Green, together with blue and white, denotes serenity and tranquillity. Additionally, it conveys protection, development, and freshness. 

This hue, which goes by the moniker “green,” is often employed to market products connected to health.

Green is the color of nature, has a relaxing impact, promotes happy connections, and even influences depression. 

In addition, this color is widely utilized in finance, indicating prosperity and progress.

Tips for utilizing green in email

Pay attention to gradations since a slight variation in color shade or shade may produce a whole new meaning. 

For example, green with yellow is related to sickness and bewilderment; Dark green signifies avarice and impatience. 

If you want to wow and attract conversions, calm your receivers with green.

Yellow: Happiness and Savings

         As the one explained above, shades of orange are commonly combined. Because in the approach of picking a general color, not only email marketing, they have similar cheerful hues.

 Both produce a happy mood and may be utilized for many of the same objectives. They convey a sense of warmth and joy, inventiveness and excitement, zest and vitality.

How to use yellow color in designing email marketing

These colors are vibrant and work nicely on dark backgrounds. That’s why many traffic signs are created in these hues. They will concentrate the reader’s attention on the most crucial items in your message.

But be cautious with their colors.

 They may produce emotions of deceit and disease. Besides, yellow is often regarded as a childlike hue and unstable. So be cautious when using this hue to market premium things.

Use bright yellow and orange to catch attention or showcase affordability, enticing impulsive shoppers.

Purple: Luxury and inventiveness

Purple is an artificial color. It was used for the garments of rulers to signify supremacy. This is why it frequently signifies luxury and monarchy, beauty and prosperity.

However, purple also has another sense of inventiveness. If your firm has a distinctive brand, employ this color scheme for the company. 

At the same time, this color decision also makes email marketing templates simpler to recognize.

How to use purple color in designing email marketing

To underline the exclusivity and status of the brand, blend purple with yellow or golden brown. Traditionally, this is the royal color combination.

Use purple to relax and quiet your audience. It also helps give the appearance of royal service. Avoid using deep purple since it provokes disappointment, emotions of nostalgia, and despair.

How To Choose Colors That Increase Email Marketing Conversion Rates

Color psychology is a significant idea that every marketer must know. To drive maximum conversions, you’ll need to keep a couple more realistic color choices in mind.

1.  Your colors must match the brand.

Align the email color scheme with your brand colors as much as feasible because color plays a big part in brand identification.

Differences in brand colors might mislead registrants. They may be cautious about the validity of the email template you send.

2.  Do not overuse color choice in email marketing.

Remember, subscribers, are waiting for information from you, not artwork. Therefore, it is important to keep things basic and neat.

Usually, three colors are adequate. Too much color makes your email appear chaotic. This may prevent subscribers from seeing your message.

3.  Combine contrasting colors

Use contrasting colors to boost reach for email marketing. It is also highly suited for persons with poor eyesight. 

However, do not use too many clashing hues. Design just one main color for your CTA and links to stand out.

4.  Choose colors for certain objectives.

Use bright, vibrant hues to attract the reader’s attention and create a reaction. Use neutral and dark shades to relax.

5.  A/B testing to see which colors perform best

Testing is a vital aspect of every marketing effort. Because individuals have various personal tastes when it comes to color, you must select which color scheme best matches the topic. 

Do various email color schemes, and you’ll have an insight into the color group that produces the most conversions.

What Are The Best Colors For Good Email Campaigns?

The most crucial component of picking the color scheme for your email template is making sure the colors fit your brand. Maintaining brand consistency is your primary responsibility. 

We may start thinking about how to utilize color to impact the mood and preferences of our target audience.

Let’s look at three samples of various email formats and the proper colors to fit our message.

Use red to boost urgency and clicks.

Let’s use an email campaign from MAC for an explanation. MAC email has a delicate white backdrop and plain black writing; they employed vibrant red to showcase their message. 

They utilize the same red hue below in the CTA button to portray a feeling of urgency and attract subscribers to click through to their website.

Lesson learned: Use red sparingly to promote email content subscribers’ purchase behavior.

Use yellow to produce a sensation of renewal and stimulate activity.

The bright yellow creates a feeling of excitement and sunlight.

Email blends vibrant colors with a neutral palette to tone the communication. Too much bright yellow in itself might induce emotions of worry instead of feelings of lightness and pleasure.

Lesson learned: Use bright yellow to make your message jump with vitality. Remember to combine yellow with something more neutral to prevent your message from entering the anxiety area.

Use black to demonstrate elegance in my emails.

Email designers should utilize white to accentuate the Chanel brand and message while using darker content to create a feeling of mystery.

Lesson learned: Use black to convey a feeling of richness and refinement to your email marketing. Use contrasting colors to make your message stand out.

What Are Some Best Practices For Utilizing Color In An Accessible Way?

If readers can’t see the blue hue, can they figure out where the links in your email are located?

It might be easier for folks with specific color vision problems to determine what text is clickable if it has a distinct font or underlining. And if your subscribers can’t see the link, they can’t click and connect with your email. This idea applies to every content in your email. If you’re using colors to differentiate certain text from others, remember that not all subscribers can see those colors.

When creating and developing your email, remember that color is not the sole distinctive attribute of a link. Use underlining, bold typeface, the sign (>), or buttons to denote clickable content.  

How To Use Color To Increase Accessibility?

Besides utilizing color to highlight your email campaigns and preserve your identity, you may boost email accessibility by picking the proper contrasting hues.

1.3 billion individuals worldwide suffer from some degree of vision impairment, according to the World Health Organization. About 217 million of them have moderate to severe visual impairment. 

Below, we’ll discover how to boost your email marketing reach by utilizing the proper contrast ratio and some best practices for choosing particular colors important to your email marketing. Visual impairment.

What Are Some Recommended Practices For Utilizing Color In Emails?

Here are some basic guidelines for incorporating color in your emails:

  •  Always use contrasting colors to increase email accessibility for readers with poor vision. But don’t use too many clashing hues. Choose a main color for your CTA and links to stand out.
  •  This not only promotes brand identification but also saves you from having to establish a new color palette for each new campaign.
  •  Use bright, vibrant colors to attract the reader’s attention and create a reaction. Use neutral and dark hues to relax.
  •  At Email On Acid, we always advocate testing everything. As for colors, it’s necessary to examine deliverability, accessibility, and whether your color is the proper hue. In addition to reviewing email previews for color and layout errors, we also suggest A/B testing your palette to make sure it’s operating correctly.

Remember, everything relies on your target audience. Build your visual brand identity with your target audience in mind, and build your color palette to represent your subscriber base and intended message. 


Choosing colors and using them wisely is one of the core elements of an email marketing strategy. Don’t forget to run A/B tests to find the best design. Only then your campaigns become a real work of art.

Good luck!