What is a good click to open rate? (Find Out)

What is a good click to open rate?

Did you send an email and check out the outcome of your campaign, and you see a great open rate and a click, but you are still wondering, “what is a good click to open rate.”

A good CTOR is the percentage of your email open rate and the click in your email. However, a “good” CTOR will vary depending on your specific subscriber list and your objectives,

Read more about what is a high open rate.

Let’s discuss more about what a Good click to open rate is, What’s the difference between an open rate and a click-to-open rate, What is considered a successful CTOR?, How to measure your CTOR success

click-to-open rate formula, How do you calculate the click-to-open rate? And How to improve your CTOR in this tutorial.

Make yourself a cup of tea, for this will be a comprehensive tutorial on a good CTOR.

Let’s get started.

What is a click to open rate?

The click-to-open rate (CTOR) is an essential metric for email marketers to use to evaluate the success of their campaigns. It represents the number of clicks divided by the number of unique opens for a specific email as a percentage.

In other words, the CTOR indicates how successfully the subject line and other email elements, such as the call-to-action, encouraged the recipient to engage with the content.

A high CTOR implies that the email was relevant and compelling to the recipient, who felt convinced to act.

This metric is especially important in today’s digital age since customers get a high quantity of emails every day.

A high CTOR shows that the subject line aroused the recipient’s interest but that the receiver was also engaged enough with the content to take the intended action.

It’s a great way to evaluate the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts and make modifications as required.

In a nutshell, the click-to-open rate is a crucial indication for email marketers to identify how well their emails are interacting with their audience and how they can improve their campaigns.

What is the average click-to-open-rate?

The average click-to-open rate is a tricky metric to calculate since it varies widely based on various factors, including the industry you’re in, the sort of email you’re sending, your target demographic, and the general quality of your email content. 

However, as a general rule of thumb. A study carried out by campaignmonitor shows that the average CTOR is approximately 10.5%. 

However, for very effective email marketing, this figure may vary from the low single digits to well over 50%.

It’s critical to remember that the average CTOR is not a one-size-fits-all standard that you should aspire towards. 

Because each email campaign is distinct and may have various aims and target audiences, it’s best to compare your CTOR to your own historical statistics to determine whether there has been any progress or reduction over time.

 This allows you to understand better how your email campaigns are functioning and make necessary modifications.

What’s the difference between open rate and click-to-open rate

Understanding the difference between the open rate and the click-to-open rate is critical for accurately analyzing the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts and implementing data-driven modifications to increase engagement and conversions.

Although the open rate and click-to-open rate are both important performance metrics in email marketing, they serve distinct functions and give different insights into your efforts.

Open rate

Your email’s open rate indicates how effectively you captured the recipient’s attention and convinced them to open it. 

It reflects how effectively your subject line, sender name, and other aspects of your email message are connected with the receiver.

Read more about how the open rate is measured.

A greater open rate indicates that your email was well-received, relevant, and engaging to the receiver and that they were compelled to read it.

click-to-open rate,

Conversely, the click-to-open rate goes a step further by determining the efficacy of your email content and call-to-action.

CTOR divides the number of unique openings by the number of clicks on a single email to determine how many recipients were inspired to take action after opening the email.

A high CTOR implies that your email content was helpful and relevant to the receiver and that your call-to-action was clear and compelling enough to convince them to act.

The open rate measures the success of getting people to open your email, while CTOR measures the success of getting them to interact with your content and take action once they have opened it.

Both metrics are critical for measuring the success of your email marketing and may be used to make data-driven modifications to your plan.

What is considered a successful CTOR?

What defines a “successful” click-to-open rate is influenced by the industry, target audience, and marketing goals (CTOR). According to a studya successful CTOR, on the other hand, is estimated to be between 10 and 15%.

It’s worth noting that there is no general definition of what constitutes a successful CTOR since involvement levels vary among businesses and campaigns.

For example, a CTOR for email marketing for a new product launch may be cheaper than a CTOR for a non-profit organization targeting a highly engaged audience.

Furthermore, compare your CTOR to your historical data on a regular basis and develop your own objectives and benchmarks based on your own campaigns.

This allows you to track the effectiveness of your efforts over time and make modifications to increase engagement and conversions.

In short, a successful CTOR might vary significantly based on the sector, target audience, and email marketing goals.

To successfully assess your efforts and generate engagement and conversions, you must compare your CTOR to historical data and set your own benchmarks.

How to measure your CTOR success

Measuring your click-to-open rate (CTOR) is a critical component of any good email marketing campaign.

By monitoring this measure, you may receive vital insights into how your efforts are connecting with your target audience and how you can improve to generate more engagement and conversions.

1. Track your CTOR:

It is critical to be methodical and analytical while measuring your CTOR.

Begin by monitoring your CTOR using the analytics tools provided by your email marketing provider. This will provide you with an accurate and up-to-date view of how your efforts are faring.

2. Calculate your CTOR:

Next, divide the number of clicks in your email by the number of unique opens to arrive at your CTOR.

This will provide you with a decent idea of how many individuals have responded to your email.

3. Create objectives and benchmarks:

Based on your own historical data, it’s also a good idea to set goals and benchmarks for your CTOR.

This will allow you to monitor your progress and find areas for development over time.

 For example, if you’ve been seeing a CTOR of 15% in the past, you may set a target of increasing it to 20% in the future.

4. Compare to industry benchmarks:

It’s also a good idea to compare your CTOR to industry benchmarks to see how you stack up against others in your field.

 However, remember that these are merely averages, and your personal targets and benchmarks should be based on your specific facts and efforts.

5. Continuously analyze and improve:

Finally, be sure to examine your CTOR on a regular basis and make data-driven modifications to your email campaigns.

This may include trying out various subject lines, tweaking your call-to-action, or making other adjustments to increase engagement and conversions.

In short, assessing your CTOR is essential to any effective email marketing campaign.

You may acquire useful insights into your email performance and generate more significant outcomes by measuring, calculating, establishing objectives and benchmarks. Comparing to industry norms, and continually evaluating and optimizing your campaigns.

How do you calculate click to open rate?

The CTOR is calculated using a simple formula:

click-to-open rate formula

 (number of clicks/number of unique openings) * 100. 

This formula returns a percentage representing the number of persons that opened your email and performed a specified action, such as clicking a link.

For example: Assume you send an email to 100 persons and have 20 unique opens and 10 clicks.

To compute the CTOR. Divide the number of clicks (10) by the number of unique openings (20), then multiply by 100:

CTOR = (ten clicks / twenty unique openings) * 100 = 50%

In this case. A CTOR of 50% means that half of the individuals who read your email also clicked on a link or performed some other specified action.

It’s worth noting that the CTOR is just one of various indicators you may use to assess the performance of your email marketing.

Other metrics, such as bounce rate, open rate, and conversion rate, should be tracked to gain a holistic view of your email performance.

How to improve your CTOR

Improving your click-to-open rate (CTOR) is an important part of any successful email marketing plan. 

Here are some innovative and educated ideas to assist you in increasing your CTOR and successfully engaging your audience:

1. Create interesting subject lines: 

Because your subject line is the first thing your subscribers see, creating a good first impression is critical. 

Make your subject line catchy, relevant, and instructive. A/B tests various subject lines to see which ones work best with your target audience.

Read our comprehensive guide on how to go about  A/B testing in email marketing.

2. Personalize your emails: 

Personalization may help you improve your CTOR significantly. Create a more customized and engaging experience using your subscribers’ initial name, location, or personal information.

3. Make your call-to-actions stand out:

 Your call to action (CTA) should be clear, simple, and visually appealing. Make your CTA stand out visually by using bright, contrasting colors. 

Make sure your CTA is relevant and encourages your subscribers to do something particular, such as click a link.

4. Segment your email list:

 Segmentation is an effective method for sending more targeted and relevant emails. 

You may send emails to your subscribers that are more likely to engage them and enhance your CTOR by categorizing them based on their behavior, preferences, or other variables.

5. Test and optimize: 

Continuous testing and adjustment are essential for enhancing your CTOR. 

Subject lines, content, graphics, and calls to action should all be tested in your email. Analyze your outcomes and make data-driven marketing modifications.

6. Give your subscribers valuable and relevant material: 

Your email content should be valuable and relevant to them. Give them important information, recommendations, or resources that they will appreciate. This will assist in enhancing engagement and CTOR.

Increasing CTOR requires a systematic strategy that includes attractive subject lines, personalization, clear calls-to-action, segmentation, testing, and excellent content. 

By following these guidelines, you can build more interesting and successful email campaigns that will result in more significant outcomes for your company.


Now that you’ve learned all there is to know about a good click to open rate.

It is vital to remember that a decent click-to-open rate (CTOR) varies depending on the sector, kind of email, and target demography.

A CTOR of 20% or greater, on the other hand, is regarded as excellent for most firms.

It is critical to remember that a high CTOR is the consequence of a well-executed email marketing plan that includes personalization, relevant content, clear calls to action, and ongoing monitoring. Optimization.

You can strive to achieve a good CTOR and drive better results from your email marketing efforts by continuously testing and improving your email campaigns.

Please read our guide on how to measure the success of email marketing.

Wish you a successful email campaign.