What is a high open rate? (Find Out)

What is a high open rate?

Have you ever sent an email and waited to see how many recipients opened it? Wondering within you What is a high open rate?

You’re not alone. Marketers have debated and analyzed the holy grail of email marketing metrics for decades: a high open rate. But what precisely is a high open rate, and why is it so important?

A high open rate means that the email is successfully reaching its target audience and that the subject line and sender information are enticing enough to entice readers to open the email.

Continue reading as we go further into the issue of open rates and present suggestions and tactics for raising your open rate so you can obtain more significant results from your email marketing efforts.

Read about the 25 types of newsletters in email marketing here.

Let’s begin.

What does a high open rate mean?

An email marketing campaign’s high open rate is a crucial indicator for determining the success of an email campaign. According to benchmarkemail, High open rates imply that your subject lines entice people to open the email.

It is derived by dividing the total number of unique openings by the total number of emails sent minus bounces.

 A high open rate implies that the majority of your target audience is interested in and actively engaged with your email content.

Having a high open rate might indicate a quality email subject line, a good sender reputation, and a well-defined target audience.

 It also implies that the content of your email is relevant and important to the receiver, prompting them to open and read the email.

However, a high open rate does not ensure that the receiver will do the intended action, such as clicking a link or making a purchase.

To completely assess the performance of an email marketing campaign. Other data such as click-through rate and conversion rate must be examined.

How is the open rate important?

An email marketing campaign’s open rate is similar to the pulse of your connection with your audience.

 It’s an important indicator that informs you how effectively you’re interacting with your subscribers and if your message is getting through to them.

A high open rate is a solid sign that your emails create an impression, attract attention, and pique curiosity.

For example: Consider the open rate to be the equivalent of a handshake in the realm of email marketing.

When someone reads your email, it’s a virtual nod of approval. Indicating that they’re interested in what you have to say.

 The greater your open rate, the more “handshakes” you get and the deeper your connection with your subscribers.

On the other hand, a low open rate might be a warning indication that your message is falling on deaf ears. 

It might be because your subject line is unattractive, your sender name is unfamiliar, or your content is irrelevant to your readers.

 But don’t give up! Low open rates serve as a wake-up call that it’s time to shake things up and try something fresh.

For numerous reasons, the open rate is an important metric in email marketing.

Email participation: 

The open rate indicates how interested your target audience is in your email marketing. A high open rate suggests that receivers are interested in your emails’ content and are taking the time to open and read them.

Sender credibility:

A high open rate contributes to a favorable sender reputation. And increases the likelihood that future emails will be sent to the recipient’s inbox. A low open rate may signal that your email is deemed spam by your audience. And subsequent emails may be routed to the spam folder as a consequence.

Campaign performance: 

The open rate may offer a fast picture of an email marketing campaign’s overall success. If the open rate is poor, there is something wrong with the subject line, sender reputation, or targeting.

Improving email content: 

The open rate may be utilized to enhance email content and strategy over time. If open rates are poor, subsequent efforts may need to rethink the subject line, content, or targeting to engage the audience better.

Campaign efficacy 

An email marketing campaign’s open rate determines the campaign’s success by calculating the number of recipients that opened the email. A high open rate implies that the email campaign was received well and is likely to result in conversions and engagement.

Identify opportunities for improvement:

A low open rate may aid in identifying areas for improvement in an email marketing plan. To make the email more interesting and relevant to the recipient, revise the subject line, sender name, or preheader content.

Optimize email content: 

A high open rate reveals what types of material are popular with the target demographic. Marketers may improve future email campaigns’ open rate and receiver engagement by studying the open rate and recipient engagement.

Improve customer relationships: 

A high open rate indicates that the email campaign was well-received and that the content was relevant and interesting to the target demographic. This helps to strengthen client connections, which may lead to greater loyalty and repeat business.

How do you measure the open rate?

The email open rate is an important indicator for determining the effectiveness of an email marketing campaign since it indicates how engaged your target audience is with your content.

 It is measured by dividing the total number of unique openings by the number of emails sent, minus any emails that were returned as undeliverable. Here’s a more in-depth explanation of how to calculate the email open rate:

Unique openings:

 The number of unique people that opened the email. This is often monitored by putting a tiny, invisible picture within the email, known as a tracking pixel, which records every time the email is opened.

 The tracking pixel is often linked to a unique identifier. Such as a cookie or an email address to guarantee that the same receiver is not tallied numerous times.

Emails sent: 

This is the total number of emails delivered in a campaign minus those that were returned as undeliverable. The email marketing software used to deliver the email often provides this data.


The email open rate is then determined as a percentage by dividing the total number of openings by the total number of emails sent.

For example, if you sent out 1,000 emails and 200 different people opened each one, your open rate would be 20% (200/1,000 x 100).

It’s vital to remember that various variables affect the accuracy of the open rate statistic, including email client settings, email content, and email deliverability.

Some email clients, such as Gmail, may automatically block graphics. Resulting in the tracking pixel not recording an opening even though the receiver has read the email.

 Several email marketing agencies employ different monitoring techniques to more precisely evaluate the open rate, such as tracking clicks on links inside the email.

Can an open rate be above 100%?

An open rate above 100% is not possible and is typically the consequence of a data error or miscalculation.

A score greater than 100% would imply that more unique openings were recorded than the total number of emails sent. Which is not possible.

 For example. If an open rate is 120%, this will imply 120 unique openings for every 100 emails received, which is impossible.

There are various reasons why an open rate may seem to be more than 100%, including problems in data collection and computation and inaccurate email addresses in the recipient list.

 To maintain the accuracy of the open rate. It is critical to monitor and check the data used to compute the open rate on a regular basis. As well as to employ dependable and robust methods for monitoring and analyzing email interaction.

How do people get high open rates?

Obtaining high open rates in email marketing may take time and effort, using a few essential methods and best practices. You can boost the likelihood of recipients opening your emails and reading them as well. Here are some tips on how people do get high open rates:

Segmentation is the method of breaking up your email list into smaller groupings. Based on shared criteria such as geography, demographics, or hobbies. This enables you to deliver more interesting and relevant communications. Increasing the likelihood that they will be opened and read.

Personalization: Including the recipient’s name in emails. And highlighting a recent purchase or connection with your company boosts the perceived relevancy of the message and leads to more excellent open rates.

Subject lines that capture attention: The subject line is typically the first thing a recipient sees. It may determine whether or not they open the email. Keep the subject line brief, concise, and to the point, and ensure that it appropriately represents the email’s content.

Sender reputation: Make sure your emails originate from a reputable and trustworthy sender and avoid sending spammy or irrelevant emails. This may help you maintain a good sender reputation. And boost the likelihood of your emails being delivered and opened.

Timing is essential in email marketing. And sending emails at the right moment may boost the likelihood of the recipient opening them. When determining the optimum time to send emails, consider the recipient’s time zone, work schedule, and other habits.

Mobile optimization: With the rising usage of mobile devices for email, it’s critical to ensure that your emails are mobile-friendly. This involves using responsive design, writing concisely, and limiting the usage of graphics and heavy media assets.

What day has the highest email open rate?

When determining the best day to send emails, there’s no day that fits all answers. However, research has shown that mid-week days, such as Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, had greater open rates.

 This is likely due to individuals resuming their workweek and being more inclined to check their mailbox during these days.

However, the time of day is as essential as the day of the week. Early birds may like to check their emails first thing in the morning. While night owls may check their inbox later in the day.

 According to researchthe best time for email open rates is between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.. Because individuals are more inclined to take breaks and check their email during these hours.

It’s important to remember that every customer is different, and what works for one firm may not work for another.

Continuously monitoring and analyze your open rates. This is the most effective approach to discovering the optimum day and time for your email campaign.

Please read our guide on When to send a newsletter email.

Monitor the success of your emails and alter your sending schedule appropriately. If your open rates are greater on Wednesday mornings, send emails at that time in the future.

Test your email to get the most out of it here.


Now that you understand what a high open rate implies in email marketing. Keep in mind that a high open rate is a crucial metric for measuring the success of an email marketing campaign. 

It is the proportion of recipients who open an email out of the total number of emails sent

A high open rate indicates that your subject lines and email content are interesting to your target demographic. And that your subscribers are actively getting engage with your business. 

To increase your open rate, categorize your audience, tailor your emails, and keep your subject lines brief and to the point. 

You can increase the performance of your email marketing efforts and produce better outcomes for your organization by analyzing and optimizing your open rate.

Learn more about how to measure email success here.