What is a Lead Magnet: Why You Need One for Your Blog

What is lead magnet

You’ve probably heard of it, and you’re probably wondering what a lead magnet is, how it’s utilized, and whether or not you need one on your blog.

If you have a blog or are planning to start one and want to monetize it and convert it into a digital company, you will need a lead magnet which means Freebie.

After many tries, errors, and learning, we can now answer the “what is the lead magnet?” and share our expertise with you.

Now that we’ve discovered the ideal lead magnet formula that works for us, we want to share it with you so you can use it on your blog.

Let’s get started!

In this article, we will explain what a lead magnet is, the advantages of having one, the wide varieties, the secrets to having an effective lead magnet, and the equipment you will need to construct your own.

What exactly is a lead magnet?

The lead magnet is often known as a freebie.

As time passes and customers evolve, so must tactics. It is tough to attract the attention of people in an age driven by information overload.

There has never been so much information to devour in history. Postings and stories on all social networks; blog posts; media news; videos; podcasts; and an infinite number of additional options.

Businesses must now develop tactics to pique consumers’ interest and persuade them to contribute their data.

Among these strategies is the Lead Magnet, which seems like the lifeboat that will save them from a shipwreck.

But hold on! ✋ What exactly is a lead magnet?

A Lead Magnet is any free valueable material we provide to the user in return for their contact information, most often their email address.

When a user decides to provide us with their information, they become a lead and join our contact list.

The person gets the Lead Magnet we produced in their mailbox in return for their information.

You’ve probably seen a few of these free content offers when surfing the web or visiting a website.

 Because it is a tactic that is already widely used in internet firms that employ inbound marketing as a lead generation approach.

What is the point of this?

 The objective is to convert websites, landing pages, or form visitors into prospective buyers.

Some of the items on our blog, such as the Blogging ebooks, are examples of lead magnets.

 Basics aspects of creating a good lead magnet

For me, the three most important parts of creating a good lead magnet are:

  • Specific: it addresses a particular need or is about a narrowly defined subject directed to a specific audience.
  • High value: it is not an issue of offering a liminal solution, but instead of delivering an honest answer or possibly the initial steps your customer needs to progress in a given area.
  • Easy to consume; it must not be too lengthy, heavy, or profound. The consumer must believe that he would profit from your material soon after downloading it.

The Advantages of Using a Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is vital for every digital organization since it provides several advantages.

This form of material is simple to develop, but it may bring you a large number of clients that are interested in your goods and services.

The Lead Magnet’s power as a resource is in the trade. Why would someone give you their contact information if they didn’t know you?

Assume you go into a bookshop in your city.

You have a look around and go through the science fiction book catalogue. After a few minutes, a salesman informs you that you may leave your information

if you wish to get updates on new products and special discounts. You’ll most likely thank them and proceed on your way.

Now picture that merchant telling you that if you leave your information, you will get an electronic book on your chosen topic as a gift. You’ll reconsider, won’t you?

As previously stated, the most appealing characteristic of the lead magnet as a resource is the exchange.

Your brand may provide beneficial material to consumers in exchange for what is most essential to you: their contact information. Everyone benefits!

However, in addition to the exchange, the Lead Magnet allows you to expand the size of your contact base.

The generation of prospective customers is an art, and the Lead Magnet is one of the primary tools for doing so.

Users who enter their email addresses agree to receive emails from your organization.

It is the start of a good connection for your company since it may signify more sales chances in the future.

A lead magnet, on the other hand, also provides additional benefits:

  • Increase qualified visitors to your website.
  • It enables you to give value to your audience and establish yourself as a leader in a particular field.
  • This boosts confidence in your goods and services.
  • It provides highly insightful insights into user wants.

What to keep in mind when making a Lead Magnet:

When designing your Lead Magnet, remember that you want it to attract a certain sort of customer interested in a specific issue.

As a result, the Lead Magnet will be a helpful resource and a filter: those interested in X subject will download it, while those who are not will not subscribe to your list.

That is why you must understand your audience’s worries, requirements, and difficulties while developing your Lead Magnet.

One approach to finding out is to look at the analytics of your material on social media to see which themes produce the most engagement and interest among your followers.

Types of lead magnets

There are many lead magnets, and you may develop one based on your niche, the goods and services you provide, and your ideal customer.

You may even develop many sorts of freebies and utilize them all at the same time to increase your subscriber base. Here are a few examples:

#1 Ebook

What is a lead magnet

This is one of the most well-known and often-used Lead Magnet examples. It is critical that you supply a solution to some actual issue of your audience for this kind of resource to function.

Furthermore, it is critical to concentrate on the design to be visually appealing to consumers and captivate their attention.

This might be one of the Lead Magnets that takes the most time and effort. There are additional examples below if you wish to start with something simpler.

#2 Checklists 


If you are looking for examples of Lead Magnets that are easy to create, checklists or verification lists are an attractive alternative.

 This is a resource that is consumed very quickly. The essence of the checklist is that it allows you to condense everything the user needs to know into one actionable list.

Also, they are straightforward to create—for example, a list with the ten elements a welcome message should have.

#3 Templates


Templates are another kind of Lead Magnet that may help you expand your contact list.

 This resource may be any document that provides the user with an overview or framework.

When you download it, the only thing you’ll have to do is fill in the spaces. For instance, consider a template for client prospecting.

#4 Online live event

Online live event

Consider giving a masterclass to address a particular issue for your audience.

This Lead Magnet training, like the webinar, is time-sensitive. In this instance, you may trade user data for complimentary seats at the online event.

The most straightforward approach to promoting this Lead Magnet is social media advertisements. You will be able to bring targeted visitors to your registration form.

#5 Webinars


We like webinars! Which person does not? It is a very effective Lead Magnet for generating leads.

These webinars have one striking feature: they are time-sensitive. The webinar is only conducted once; if the user does not register to attend, they will miss out.

This works just like a regular magnet.

Have you attended any of our webinars? Don’t pass them up!

#6 Courses


This is another resource that may take longer to develop, but it is undeniably an alternative to explore, given the interest it might cause in consumers.

If you want to get their attention, a free course might be the perfect Lead Magnet.

The most significant part about this resource is that it enables you to strengthen your connection with your lead through your email marketing plan.

As a result, you will deliver free online training to the user through a series of emails. Perhaps you might gradually lead it through the sales funnel to additional items or services.

#7 Workbook

The objective of the workbook is to “learn by doing,” like the name.

It is a Lead Magnet to download and finish that offers actual value to consumers by allowing them to use the information you discuss in a practical manner.

#8 Directions

This guide might be considered one of the earliest Lead Magnets to hit the market.

These may sometimes gather together the most fabulous blog entries or techniques.

In other circumstances, a guide might serve as a tutorial, instructing the user to accomplish a specific task step by step. The options are limitless.

We propose you use your imagination, especially because several tips are available on the internet.

#9 Toolbox

The toolkit is one of the most common Lead Magnet examples.

Why? Everyone wants to know what tools professionals in a particular field use.

This resource may help you expand your contact base and won’t take long to build.

 Just list all of the tools you use on a daily basis that might be valuable to your audience.

 Teaching customers how to utilize them in a realistic manner while also offering instances of usage would benefit them.

#10 Calendar

Calendars have become a popular material since they make the lives of many individuals in many sectors easier.

Offering this kind of resource may help you get leads quickly.

Which of these resources would you want to use to begin your lead generation strategy?

Building your Lead Magnet is not enough; you must also publicize it on your website, social media, and other channels where you have a presence.

4 Crucial Steps to Creating an Effective Lead Magnet

1.   Create high-quality material

Today, many entrepreneurs and businesses provide this free resource to new users. You must distinguish yourself from competitors by providing high-quality material.

People who offer you their email address in return for your lead magnet expect to discover a solution to a particular issue.

Make sure the information you offer is valuable, and don’t retain any knowledge to yourself even if you give it out.

Share all you know about that subject with your new subscribers.

What you want to do with this is to supply them with so much value that they want to learn more and end up purchasing your goods and services.

If your Freebie is mediocre and your ideal consumer does not get what they were searching for, they will be dissatisfied, will not return to your blog, and will most likely unsubscribe from your email list.

If, on the other hand, you provide the answer they need and your lead magnet offers important material, people will wonder: “If their free content is this amazing, what will their paid content be like?”

Which is what you’re after!

2. Ensure that your lead magnet is relevant to your goods and services.

Remember that the Freebie you provide is a tool to convert your readers into subscribers and customers.

Come on, the goal of this presentation is to sell from the start.

You can’t make a lead magnet about apples while also selling pears.

Your lead magnet must be of interest to your prospective customer and is strongly related to your brand.

 Although it is a free resource with no commercial material, it will assist you in selling your goods and services. As a result, they must all choose the same path.

3. Make a landing page for your giveaway.

The most typical strategy to publicize your lead magnet is to create a landing page containing a facsimile of the gift, some advantages it will provide to the person who downloads it, and a form where they must enter their information.

Once you have it, you must provide a link to it on all of the sites and articles that are relevant to it.

 You will be able to direct your ideal customer to the donation page and then to your email list in this manner.

4. Make forms and arrange them in appropriate locations.

In addition to the giveaway page, you should design some forms and post them strategically around your blogs, such as the main page, bottom, sidebar, or within articles and linked pages.

The more forms you provide, your ideal consumer has more chances to sign up. But don’t overburden him!

You don’t have to seem frantic to engage or bombard them with forms and popups.

Consider a plan and carefully choose the locations on your blog where you want your forms to display.

And most importantly, provide your promise so that your target customer knows what downloading your gift will bring them from the start.

Now that you understand what a lead magnet is, what sorts exist, and how to manufacture your own, we’ll look at the equipment you’ll need to produce and distribute your lead magnet.

Tools required to build and distribute your lead magnet

To develop and distribute your lead magnet, you’ll need a few tools to help you compose, design, host, and deliver your gift effortlessly. Here is a list of the tools we utilize to do these jobs.

Google Sheets

We write all of our material using Google Docs. We encourage writing your material online since it is safer than saving it on your machine.

Assume your PC fails, and you lose everything. It would be a catastrophe!


Canva is one of our favourite creative tools, and we use it for everything. To develop our lead magnets, of course. Although the worth of the information is the most crucial factor here, delivering it appealing also helps get more subscribers.

Use the proposal templates offered in Canva as a starting point for constructing your lead magnets.

Drive by Google

Once you’ve developed your lead magnet, you’ll need somewhere to host it and where your subscribers can download it. We propose transferring it to Google Drive for this purpose.

Make sure you distribute the document to everybody who has access to the URL. Your subscribers will be unable to open it if you neglect this step.


The email marketing solution we utilize to automate the lead magnet distribution process is ActiveCampaign.

This is a crucial tool to transform your blog into a digital company since it will send emails to you once established.

Elements Pro

We utilize Elementor Pro as a visual builder to construct our blog layout.

One of Elementor Pro’s numerous capabilities is the ability to construct fully configurable forms and popups to help you spread the news about your lead magnet.

Elementor Pro is a must-have tool for us, and we strongly recommend it.

Check out this comprehensive guide for a more in-depth look at “22 Best Blogging Tools.”

FAQ about lead marketing

Here are some of the most often-asked concerns by those contemplating starting a lead marketing:

What is the purpose of lead marketing?

Lead marketing is a method of introducing prospective clients to your digital strategy.

When people download or request your material, they leave their contact information so that you may contact them and move them closer to purchasing your product or service.

What is the most effective Lead Marketing content?

Several instances of lead marketing material may help you convert more effectively. Among them are:

  • templates
  • ebooks
  • Webinars,
  • Live Online Events,
  • and Calendars


Now that you have learned what a lead magnet is, what its advantages are, what sorts of lead magnets exist, how to produce them, and what equipment you have to use.

Create an appealing lead magnet that gives a lot of value, and you’ll see that the first subscribers will not be far after.

 Please leave a comment on our Facebook group or send us an email as soon as you have it. We would be delighted to join your mailing list and provide feedback.

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Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day!

Let’s Blog