What Is Email Deliverability? The Key to Successful Email Marketing

What Is Email Deliverability?

Do you usually need help with the deliverability of your Email? and wish to have in-depth knowledge of email deliverability?

Studies show that 78% of firms experience email deliverability problems. This is quite challenging since, no matter how amazing your emails are. It doesn’t matter if your subscribers never see them.

Most marketers generally concentrate on developing distinctive email content. Or designing an intriguing headline.

But one essential point that most marketers do not know. Will the Email they send reach the recipient’s mailbox? Or has it bounced or landed in the spam/spam bucket? The results only succeed if you spend a lot on email marketing. It’s time to learn about email deliverability.

The finest email campaigns can only succeed with understanding everything this article teaches. In today’s post, we will learn more about this area. It will just take 5 minutes or less to read and understand. You will realize that efficient email marketing is easy.

First, let’s start with the essentials.

What Is The Definition Of Email Deliverability?

Email deliverability is the proportion of emails you send that reach the recipients’ inboxes. A low email delivery rate might occur when bounced or put in the spam bin.

Laws are tougher, and spam filters are growing more complicated. Consequently, even if you are a genuine marketer, things might still happen that can stop your email from reaching the inbox.

 These aspects will be discussed in greater detail in this article. 

Email Delivery Vs. Email Deliverability

What do you mean by email delivery?

Email delivery is when an email is successfully sent to the receiving server. 

What do you mean by deliverability?

Email deliverability is when an email successfully reaches the receiver’s inbox.

While considering email deliverability, remember that delivery rates differ from Inbox rates. For example, a 99% delivery rate means that 99% of emails sent are bounced or refused by the recipient. Of these, 33% of emails go into spam. The Inbox rate is 66%. (Source)

Why Is Email Deliverability Important?

Monitoring email deliverability is crucial for a variety of reasons:

To know if subscribers get emails.

By monitoring deliverability, senders identify who opened an email and when it was opened. Over time, marketers might collect a lot of important information. Example: Find out the most active subscribers on the list; Learn the variables that generate engagement….

Decide whether the prospect is “Hot.”

Deliverability monitoring helps discover the most qualified leads and those needing nurturing. From there, a more practical and acceptable approach plan is offered. For example, the “Hot” leads will be sent to the sales department. The “need to nurture” group is referred to as the marketing department.

To know what’s wrong.

Monitoring deliverability helps marketers determine the source of unsubscribes. For example, if the number of cancellations surges, monitoring the campaign helps to find frequent reasons such as Broken email insert links, difficulty with content, topic, etc.

Assess if the material works.

Deliverability also indicates how subscribers engage with the sender’s marketing.

Factors Affecting Email Deliverability

Reputation, infrastructure, and authenticity majorly impact deliverability. Let’s look at each of these aspects in depth.

Sender Reputation

Mailbox providers do a reputation check for all Emails sent out around the globe. ( Mailbox providers such as Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook, etc. ) Senders have a renowned reputation when sending emails, and the ability to reach the recipient’s mailbox is greater. At the same time, those with a bad reputation have a big danger of sliding into the spam bin or possibly being denied at the gate.

Sender Reputation is the score that the transmitting source email address receives. Here are some strategies for preserving a good reputation:

  • • Send emails on a regular and consistent schedule depending on subscriber interests.
  • Maintain a clean email list to decrease bounce rate.
  • Stay clear from spam traps ( Spam traps).
  • Keep the complaint rate (Spam) low. And increase delivery by employing trustworthy servers. For example, servers Amazon SES, Mailchimp, Sendgrid, Getrespone….

• Does not appear on the block list.

Recommended: How to create a good professional email address.

The infrastructure

For time-sensitive and bulk-sending campaigns, separate infrastructure should be established and maintained. It is not recommended to send manually directly from Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook mailboxes. Because these providers only support mainly to exchange of communication information. Not for bulk marketing.


Another issue that also comes into play is genuineness. It refers to the procedure through which mailbox providers check if the sender’s IP address has the authorization to send an Email. Its authenticity indicates: The sender has agreed to the ESPs sending the Email to them.

Ways to set up an email authenticity

The 2 key criteria to set it up are:

•        Sender Policy Framework (SPF): This email authentication mechanism prevents spam. By confirming the IP address used by the sender.

•        Domain Key Identified Mail (DKIM): It shows that a certain company owns a particular email address.

SPF and DKIM are used together to increase delivery rates and decrease spam.

17 Things To Know To Avoid Spam Emails And Improve Email Marketing Deliverability

  1. How can deliverability issues be avoided?

1 – Do not purchase or rent email lists

Purchase or rent lists comprise persons who do not want or do not subscribe to get information from you. Hence, sending email marketing to this group would be against the agreements of email service providers. Because these units solely give services for marketers to provide information to their genuine consumers.

Additionally, many purchase or rent listings will label you as spam. This causes most emails in the campaign to wind up in the spam box. As so, you are lowering your email deliverability.

Recommended: The risk of buying an email list.

2 – Do not send emails that have bounced several times

Bounced Email is the outcome of sending to receivers that do not exist, are malformed, or have ceased operating. 

These emails need to be sent successfully. And they are all returned to the transmitting source. This condition is termed Hard Bounce. This is one of the key characteristics internet service providers (ISPs) use to assess an email sender’s Reputation. If the bounce rate is significant, ISPs will influence your Email. For example, they will shift them all to everyone’s spam box.

To increase email deliverability, maintain your Bounce rate constantly around 5%.

Find out more about bounced Emails here.

3 – Do not use all capitals anywhere in the Email — particularly the subject line

Utilizing all capitals in the subject line might attract the recipient’s attention. This form is only accessible in sales marketing emails. Due to this easy-to-recognize indicator, capitalized emails go immediately into the advertising or spam box.

Moreover, over 85% of receivers prefer lowercase subject lines to all capitals. (Source)

4 – Avoid using numerous exclamation marks !!!!!

A string of successive exclamation points. Sadly, spam filters are not receptive to this form. Employing several exclamation marks has become rather widespread in email marketing efforts.

See also: Guidelines for designing good email marketing subject lines.

5 – Do not include video, Flash or JavaScript in emails

By default, most email programs do not provide multimedia viewing capabilities like Flash or embedded video. Instead, snap a photo of the video player. Then put the video-linked picture into the content as shown below.

For JavaScript and other dynamic files, most email clients won’t allow these files to operate even after passing past the spam filter. Hence, they should not be utilized at all.

6 – Avoid utilizing spam trigger words

One of the simplest strategies to bypass spam filters is to consider utilizing the proper terms in your emails. Conducting email marketing also has its guidelines to assure success. 

You may check out our guide to see the trigger words to input into your Email.

7 – Do not use red fonts while producing content

Employing lots of red typefaces is a popular practice that spammers are acquainted with. Therefore spam filters carefully evaluate this aspect.

Among the top 10 unpleasant email design trends, four relate to typefaces. More than 60% of respondents are not sympathetic to an email that employs varied text sizes, colors, or typefaces. Almost 70% of respondents prefer typefaces of the same size.

8 – Do not repeat too many keywords in the email body

A lot of marketers presume that content comprises as many keywords as possible. What is the reason why Google ranks lower for keyword stuffing sites? Because it’s awful for the user experience. No one wants to read robot-optimized material.

To enhance email open rates and prevent being labeled as spam or emails delivered via advertising. Concentrate on developing material for humans, not machines.

Avoid repeating the behavior too much: Brand name, product or service name, business name … etc. Any sentence that occurs too often will have the opposite impact. Too much will be spam, just enough to accomplish efficient marketing.

9 – Do not put too many photos or big image sizes

Use just one huge picture as the full email body. When adding too many photographs, the image size is too large….etc. All of these cause the Email to go into the recipient’s spam folder.

For a high inbox rate, always maintain a consistent rate for email marketing: 20% pictures – 80% text.

B – How to improve email deliverability

10 – Check email list updates after each ad campaign

Even if genuine subscribers wholly own the list. You still face the danger of being called “Spammer” if you don’t handle your data appropriately. Why? Because internet service providers (ISPs) constantly measure active user complaint rates, not based on total subscriptions.

In addition, expired email addresses might become SPAM traps (Spam Traps) (Spam Traps). That is, even if the subscriber’s email address is valid, the customer is deprecated after a period of time. Then this email address ceased functioning. Instantly, it will be utilized by spam filters to transform into spam traps. If somebody sends to these addresses, they are most likely spammers.

Always refresh the list of clients after each marketing campaign. You can discover inactive subscribers and expired email addresses using analytics like Opens, clicks, and more.

Read our guide on Email list hygiene.

11 – Check if you can re-engage dormant or inactive subscribers

In this respect, we refer to the receiver’s level of engagement. Usually, subscribers gradually reduce interaction with your Email after some time. Some even delete emails as soon as they are sent.

 In this case, your Email is not considered spam. But engagement can impact email deliverability in general. If this rate is low, ISPs and email service providers can filter incoming Emails straight into spam.

Therefore, be objective and remember to monitor inactive subscribers. Plan re-engagement campaigns with this group.

For example, you can set up a resend timer since the last customer interacted. Send them an exclusive offer or coupon to rekindle the excitement. Or, take a quick survey to understand what they want from your Email….

12 – Utilize opt-in functionality in email marketing

Opt-In implies double opt-in. Particularly, once someone subscribes to your email list, you will email them a confirmation link. 

The aim is to ensure they actually want to receive your email correspondence. With the opt-in option, the email list will be of better quality. At the same time, subscribers are also more engaged.

13 – An unsubscribe link should be provided to enhance email deliverability

Enabling users to unsubscribe is vital to list preservation. By inserting an unsubscribe CTA button at the bottom of the email. This helps to create a better user experience.

Then honor unsubscribes by removing them from the email list.

14 – Employ a recognizable sender name mixed with email personalization

Most individuals shy away from opening emails from unexpected senders. Particularly today, people are disturbed by many promotional messages. Consequently, employ recognized brand names when talking with consumers.

Moreover, email deliverability is considerably more successful when personalization is added. This way, spam filters know that you truly understand the recipient. In addition, personalization also helps increase customer engagement rates with content.

Recommended: How to personalize your Email.

15 – Verify Email before sending

Today, there are many email clients for marketers to learn to design content. Because the same Email, but the level of compatibility when displayed on the app will be different.

The top 5 applications that users regularly check Email are:

  • • Apple iPhone’s Mail app (28% of users)
  • Gmail (16% of users)
  • Apple iPad Mail app (11% of users)
  • Google Android Mail App (9% of users)
  • Outlook (9% of users)

Though it may take time to test for all email clients, make sure it’s always on your to-do list because no one wants to read an email that is misrepresented or has lost font formatting.

You should also send tests before shipping to the client to ensure it works properly.

16 – Check the Reputation of the transmitting IP address to enhance email deliverability

Your email deliverability depends largely on your IP address reputation. Suppose you are sending an Email from an IP address with a poor reputation. The probability of a successful Email being sent to the recipient’s inbox will be lower.

17- Provide intriguing wording in the Email.

Make sure the content of your Email engages the reader. Is your subject line clever and intriguing, like these examples?

Your email subscribers already support your business. As a result, your consumers will enjoy using Email just as much as they do everything else.

Best Practices To Increase Email To Inbox

In order to prevent emails from ending up in the spam folder, consider the following advice:

1. Never purchase email lists.

2. Make use of the double opt-in signup process.

3. Check your mailing list.

4. Divide lists into categories to ensure campaigns provide recipients with the most value possible.

5. Conduct frequent email campaigns depending on subscriber interests.

6. Consistently review email marketing campaign reports.

7. Regularly review the list for spam traps and erroneous addresses to keep it clean.

8. Set up DKIM and create an SPF record.


Email deliverability is a vital aspect in the success of any email marketing strategy. By knowing what email deliverability is and the elements that impact it, organizations can take actions to enhance their email deliverability and raise the odds of their messages reaching their subscribers’ inboxes.

 By adopting best practices and consistently monitoring email analytics, organizations may create a strong email reputation and achieve high email deliverability rates, resulting in higher engagement and conversions


Why are my emails going to the spam folder?

A. If the recipient’s email software or ISP identifies your emails as spam, they can end up in the spam folder. Make sure your email content is relevant and interesting, and stay away from spam trigger phrases.

What is a good email deliverability rate?

A. A good email deliverability rate is normally over 95%.

How can I avoid being marked as spam?

A. To prevent being labeled as spam, make sure that your emails are relevant, interesting, and beneficial to your readers. Additionally, use email marketing best practices and avoid utilizing trigger phrases in your subject line and email content.

What is good email deliverability?

A. A good email deliverability rate is normally over 95%. This signifies that at least 95% of your emails are successfully reaching the recipient’s mailbox.

How do you measure email deliverability?

A. Email deliverability may be determined by monitoring email data such as open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and spam complaint rates.

How do I check email deliverability?

A. Various tools are available to verify email deliverability, such as Email on Acid, Litmus, and GlockApps. These tools may give insights into how your emails function and recommend strategies to increase deliverability.

What is the deliverability rate in Email?

A. Deliverability rate in Email refers to the proportion of emails that successfully reach the recipient’s inbox. It’s a measure of the efficacy of your email marketing in terms of reaching your target audience.

What does an email deliverability specialist do?

A. An email deliverability expert is responsible for ensuring that email campaigns reach the target audience’s inbox. They attempt to discover and fix any deliverability problems and optimize email messages for optimal efficacy.

How do I fix mail delivery failure?

A. Mail delivery failure may occur owing to numerous factors, such as erroneous email addresses or spam filters. To solve mail delivery failure, verify that you have the proper email addresses, implement email marketing best practices, and utilize a competent email service provider.

What is the overview of the email deliverability process?

A. The email deliverability process comprises numerous processes, including list growth, email authentication, content generation, testing, and tracking. Each step is critical in ensuring your emails reach the target recipients’ inboxes.

Does Email tracking affect deliverability?

A. Email tracking may hinder deliverability since certain email providers consider it a spamming strategy. Yet, most email monitoring technologies are intended to conform with email marketing best practices and not compromise deliverability.

How does email file size affect deliverability?

A. Email file size could influence deliverability since bigger files take longer to load, leading to a bad user experience. To maintain the best deliverability, keep your email file size minimal and optimize photos and other information.

What hurts email deliverability?

A. Many reasons might impact email deliverability, such as employing spam trigger phrases, sending emails to inactive or invalid email addresses, and not following email marketing best practices.

What is a delivery failure?

A. Delivery failure happens when an email fails to reach its intended destination. This might happen due to numerous causes, such as erroneous email addresses, spam filters, or a full mailbox.

What is Email inboxing?

A. Email inboxing refers to ensuring that your emails are sent to the recipient’s inbox instead of their spam bin. It requires numerous stages, such as list cleanliness, email authentication, and following email marketing best practices.