What is Email marketing agency? 7 Reasons to Start Collaborating

What is Email marketing agency?

What is an email marketing agency?- If you have just a little insight into what goes on in email marketing, then you are no doubt familiar with the powerful marketing forces at play. Maybe you have already moved into the jungle of flows and permissions, or you want to advance your setup to convert even more.

One thing is certain – it is effective and measurable and only works once you have found the recipe.

But even though it may seem simple, it is not just sending an email with an offer and hoping it hits the right spot. It is a time-consuming and strategic discipline that requires you to know your business, be familiar with your target group and know all the technical intricacies.

This is precisely why getting the right knowledge on the team is essential.

That is precisely why getting hold of an email marketing agency is an eminent advantage!

Everyone can write emails, so what can they do that you can’t? See, that’s exactly what I’m going to break down for you.

In this blog post, I want to give you seven major advantages that you get in the bargain when you choose to start working with an email marketing agency.

But first, let’s start from the beginning – that is, from the very beginning – and look at what an email marketing agency entails and what you can use it for.

What is an email marketing agency?

It goes a long way. Nevertheless, an email marketing agency is a business that focuses on planning, carrying out, and giving advice on email marketing.

I don’t think we need to go into detail about what email marketing is. Instead, let me briefly state that email marketing’s noblest task is to create valuable content (Lead market) that subscribers have agreed to receive so they will click on your links in the email.

The discipline requires incredible knowledge and data collection – this is where the email marketing agency comes into the picture.

They have experience in telling you what works and pointing out what doesn’t – call us a commercial filter that executes good measures and neatly lets the less good ones pass.

Each agency works differently, of course, but if we have to specify what you get out of the collaboration, let’s break it down into very small pieces:

  • Strategic advice: Concrete plans and strategy to get the company to the conversion goal.
  • Segmentation: Who are your target groups, and what makes them interact with the email?
  • Setup in correct software: MailChimp, Active Campaign? No problem. Your email specialist can work in all programs.
  • Spot on execution: You get sharp sentences and correct use of CTA and USPs, and your email will look inviting and professional.

But enough touchpoints – let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.

What can email marketing agencies help with?

Most Email marketing agencies can help you with a cavalcade of services, and then the Email specialists take care of and become proficient in specific tasks within the field.

 B2B Email marketing, Email marketing strategy, B2C Email or Copywriting and content, there are many facets and a huge number of skilled and qualified agencies and freelancers to carry out these. Finding the best one for your work is all that is required.

 It is therefore important not just to choose the first and best but to spend time finding the right match – or services, and in that way, save a lot of time and money without compromising quality when choosing your next email marketing partner!

Seven big advantages of starting collaboration

#1 You have a specialized, experienced, and competent specialist by your side.

The most obvious reason to have an agency behind you is direct access to an email marketing specialist.

The specialist has been through the mill before. And while we all want to be perceived as unique, you will find that the tasks that seem like an insurmountable mountain to climb are just another stroll down the street for an email specialist.

At the start of a collaboration, the specialist will get a clear idea of ​​what your company is about and, from this, prepare a strategy for how your email setup will convert as best as possible.

 This can be through new email flows or a better segmentation of your customers. Regardless, you will experience having a sparring partner whose main goal is that you lay out a clear strategy to realize your marketing dream.

#2 You build up loyalty to your business, which strengthens turnover.

Seeing an order tick in or receiving a lead in the inbox is the madness’s point. But it is not enough for a stable turnover if it remains at one order…

Loyalty is the golden key that pushes your ROI right through the roof, so we need customers to come to you – every time!

That kind of loyalty only comes in one way: Correct understanding of the target group via segmentation.

You probably know the feeling of receiving an email where you think, “How did they know that exactly this is relevant to me?”.

 It is precisely the magic that builds loyalty to your subscriber. It creates a narrative that you are the best choice for your customer, and in this way, you avoid fighting with the other marketeers for the place in the inbox – because you have already won the place in the customer’s memory.

Knowledge is, therefore, power to that extent! And the more you get your subscribers to interact with the email, the better your email marketing agency can target your emails and create loyalty.

#3 An email marketing agency knows the entire customer journey and is three steps ahead.

What’s better than being well-prepared? To be several steps ahead!

As mentioned earlier, when we talk about creating loyalty, it also means that your marketing agency has knowledge of the entire digital customer journey.

You can read about all the stages in the customer journey, but let’s start with a model very briefly sets out the four stages of the journey:

  • Awareness – awareness of the company
  • Interest – interest in the product
  • Desire – the desire for the product arises
  • Action – the customer buys the product.

When we look at the stages, it seems like a very organic process. But if you are a small fish in a large sea of ​​competitors, there is a tough battle to conquer in the first stages.

 In principle, anyone can buy awareness (a large wallet can buy many SEO words, PPC, and paid social activities), but interest must be established so that the rest of the stages do not expire.

And this is where segmentation comes leaping into the picture again.

As soon as potential customers are directed to your website, the specialist turns the key and starts the email marketing engine – primarily through lead generation. This is where the battle for permissions starts, so you have permission to send emails to visitors.  

Because your email marketing specialist has segmented your customers on the basis of behavior, purchase history, and interests, it is now crystal clear how you can call out potential customers.

From here, the specialist can create strategies for collecting your leads and permissions and how the email setup will present the most interest-generating content to the right customer.

#4 The specialist is firm on his fingers and has an aesthetic sense and technical understanding.

Now that the strategy has been laid and you know your target groups inside out, there are only three things left: Execution, execution, execution.

Setting up an email that embraces your company, target group data, and UX requires a person with skills that have branched far into all the nooks and crannies of an email setup.

In order for an email to be a real conversion success, it is important to have control of the pillars that make up a successful email:

The company’s DNA

A reader can immediately identify the sender of the email is crucial for your customer to keep remembering your company.

The DNA of the company consists of identity, objectives, and branding. Finding out how the company differs and what it boils down to is a lengthy process of internal soul searching, where you have to decide on the following:

  • Who the company is and what industry it is in.
  • What can the company offer that differentiates itself from its competitors?
  • What is the company’s tone of voice, and how do you communicate with the customer? Do you have a twinkle in your eye? Or maybe you want to be a trusted advisor?

If you have all the elements, you can create the ultimate foundation for a platform where the customer will immediately recognize you, regardless of the content of the email.


In relation to the executing work, your collected data about the customer will let your email weapon with, for example, knowledge of what they have looked at recently, what they were about to buy, but regretted, or whether they are looking for specific information.

Logically, you should know who you are writing to. You also wouldn’t want to write an SMS and then decide who it should be sent to – you already know that before you find your mobile phone.

Linguistically speaking, it also goes without saying that your language must adapt if you are selling fashion clothes for young women or hobby equipment for older men.


The content would be the finished main course if the two points above were the raw materials.

Full and relevant content in the email catches the eye, arouses interest, and demands action. If you are dry and boring or use the same “look here – good offer” turn of phrase, the customer loses interest and can ultimately lead to the death toll – an unsubscribe.

It is an understatement when I say that it is difficult to learn how to write well. Evil tongues will say that either you can or you can’t…

I tend to agree with them. Because if the sharp formulations do not roll easily off the tongue and the lively language is lost in everyday life, it is the steepest hill to climb when you have to execute language spells on command.

In addition, the graphics and UX (user experience).

Because how exactly should that template be built? And where should the CTA button sit for the customer to click on?

It requires aesthetic understanding and user activity experience to knit together an email that works as a whole.

With an executive email specialist, you get all the creative skills served on a silver platter. Therefore, you do not have to force a writing talent or search for freelance graphic artists to create your visuals. 

#5 You avoid the collision with a minefield of GDPR laws.

Whether you are a CMO or the owner of your company, you probably have many things on your to-do list. You probably want to pull out the big magnet and start your lead generation with as many email addresses in the bank as possible.

But here, GDPR can be your virtual stick in the wheel.

Because even if you’re not looking to steal data, you can get into a big bind if you don’t know your permission marketing inside out. In the worst case, it can be very expensive!

Although you are, of course, not facing lawyers, the specialists in marketing agencies have to know all the legal rules – that is, you don’t have to – and you, therefore, have one less potentially expensive worry.

However, always consult an actual lawyer if you need complete legal certainty.

#6 You save money in the long run.

Yes, it is an expense to sit down with a consultant or an email marketing specialist to execute your campaigns. But even though it may seem like an expensive solution initially, it is a long-term investment that will save you money.

Let’s take an example from reality:

You wish for four campaigns a year and a monthly newsletter, and you would like to set up the basic email flows. This means you do not have a balanced workload every month but rather periods when the tasks increase.

In order to meet your company’s needs, you will therefore be able to grab hold of the email marketing agency you collaborate with and knit together a plan.

Supply and demand are factors where it is important to include a flexible workforce in your strategy that can be available when you need it.

Put a little directly. This means more dollars and ears on the bottom line and more black figures in the accounts.

However, not all financial benefits lie in savings; you also get a wealth of skills because your email marketing specialist never works alone.

This brings us to the last important benefit…

#7 An email marketing agency is not just one specialist – it is a team of experts

As you can probably sense, there are a number of disciplines behind a complete email setup.

It, therefore, becomes essential to emphasize that even though you may meet and talk to one contact person, there is a team of employees behind them ready to spar, develop and execute for you.

A typical email marketing agency will often provide the following:

You’ll have your back well and truly covered – and then some. Every imaginable corner is covered with professional skills and specialized employees who can not only execute but who can also prepare a tailored strategy.

How much does email marketing cost?

It cannot be easy to find out what an email marketing service costs, as there are many factors that come into play in such a process. Task type, performance, expectation, and length are just a few parameters that must be in place before an accurate price can be calculated.

Email marketing is one of the cheaper solutions to add to your marketing mix since you usually only pay per person who is subscribed to your email list.

The prices vary from agency to agency and depend on the need and the requirements for the collaboration. This can be, for example, the type of email setup, number of texts and creatives, length of collaboration and strategic planning, etc.

In addition to a fee for the collaboration partner, paid social also requires you to put a budget for payment on the email platform used. Still, this cost is, as written, only costly when many people sign up for your email list, and during that time, the business has been quite rewarding, making Email marketing quite a good addition to your current marketing mix.

Conclusion – so, should you choose an email marketing agency?

Of course, I cannot come up with conclusions that will apply broadly to all companies – but let me say it like this anyway:

Are you a company that needs to kick-start your email setup? Or are you a company not interested in draining your financial resources to establish a broad marketing department? Then the answer to the highest degree is a resounding YES!

An email marketing agency is for you looking for flexible and professionally strong strategy development and execution (who doesn’t?), and where you request a wide range of skills combined in one package solution.

I feel like saying, think smarter, not harder.

Would you like to dive deeper into what an email marketing agency can help with? In that case, you are more than welcome to write to me in our Facebook group!