What Is The Best Time To Publish A Blog? (Find Out)

What Is The Best Time To Publish A Blog

Do you want to find the best spot in which you can publish a blog and receive the maximum traffic and engagement? Then, you must know the answer to the question, “What is the best time to publish a blog?

There are several contradicting answers to question topics floating around the Internet. Several studies have been conducted throughout the years, with the results still contradicting each other.

According to my study and what works best for my blog, the best time to publish a blog to draw the most readers, comments, social shares, and backlinks is about 11 am EST.

But what is the best day of the week to publish this blog to get the most views?

In this article, I’ll go over crucial data to help you choose the best time and day to publish a blog and post on social media.

Let’s get started, shall we?

See also: How and where to write a blog.

When Is The Best Time To Publish A Blog Post?

A blog article requires a significant amount of time and work to create. However, after you’ve done that, you must consider how to get it in front of the desired audience’s eyes.

After you’ve done everything you can to improve the SEO of your content, you should consider the best time to publish it. And now I’ll tell you something you already know: there are no hard and fast rules.

You should make a strictly selfish judgment about when to publish. The time should be when it works best into your schedule. A niche blog usually has evergreen content. That is everlasting content. It never gets too old.

Seen in that view, it is not so important when you publish it. The audience will only read it if they need the content. They are not waiting for every new word you write with bated breath.

As a result, you must select a time that both promotes your personal growth and is most productive in your work.

Regardless of what others say, you should publish when it is best for you.

However, there are times when statistics show that it is best to publish your post, and you should strive to do so.

  • First thing in the morning (7–9 am): People frequently check their email and social media first thing in the morning, so writing your blog article around this time might enhance the likelihood that it will be noticed.
  • Midday (11 am-1 pm): This is a time when people are usually taking a break from work or school, so they may have more time to read your blog article.
  • Late afternoon/early evening (4–6 pm): People may be seeking something to read to pass the time while going home from work or school around this time.

What Is The Best Day To Publish A Blog Post For Traffic

Once we’ve determined the best time to publish a blog post, we can move on to the next major question: what are the best days to publish a blog for traffic?

And guess what? There is no obvious answer to it, as well.

According to most research, the best days are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday – possibly because Friday is a weekend.

  • Monday: Because this is a day when individuals check their email and catch up on work, they are more likely to notice your blog post.
  • Wednesday: Because this is frequently seen as the “hump day” of the week, individuals may be seeking anything to read to break up the monotony.
  • Thursday is an excellent day to publish blog entries about current events or trends since people are likely to be looking for information on these topics.

Experiment with different posting times and days to determine what works best for your target audience. Analytics tools may be used to measure your blog traffic and determine which days and hours generate the most views and interaction.

At the same time, most readers like to read blogs in the morning and evening, so you don’t have to publish in the middle of the day.

What Is The Best Time To Post On Social Media?

After knowing the best time that suits your work schedule to post, you should take the time to promote your blog content on Social Media.

Internet consumers have diverse preferences in the areas of social media. This means that in order to optimize your social media impact, you must consider the social media in which you are attempting to build influence.

What is the best time to post on Facebook?

When it comes to Facebook, it appears that the majority of users visit the social network during the workday, in the morning and early afternoon.

 In general, the best time to post on Facebook is every weekday from 9:00 am to 13.00 pmwith Wednesdays seeing the highest traffic.

Weekends, particularly Saturdays, and late and early morning hours on all days are likely to perform poorly for Facebook postings.

What is the best time to post on Twitter?

Twitter is similar to Facebook, but it has more interactions during the week (particularly midweek mornings) and even fewer on weekends than Facebook.

Twitter conversations, on the other hand, are more common on Sundays, particularly Wednesdays.

When is the best time to post on LinkedIn?

As far as LinkedIn is concerned, it should come as no surprise that the social network is the unofficial recruiting tool, as weekdays – especially weekday mornings – are again your best bet.

After all, depending on the profession they perform, it may be the only social network they are encouraged to use at work. During the weekend, however, LinkedIn posts receive the fewest engagements.

When is the best time for Instagram posting?

 Instagram appears to appeal to a smaller number of early adopters. Still, weekdays appear to perform best, particularly from 11 am until early afternoon. On Sundays, Instagram postings receive the least attention.

When is it best to post on Reddit?

 The same is true for Reddit: Redditors like to access the social network first thing in the morning, especially on weekends.

Whatever social networks you utilize, bear in mind that they frequently come with their own analytics tools that you may use to organize your social media activity.

 In the case of Facebook and Instagram, they are referred to as insights, although most other networks refer to them as analytics.

This is also a good time to remind you that while organizing your postings, you should keep your intended audience’s time zone in mind.

When Is The Best Time To Publish A Blog On WordPress?

There is no specific answer to when is the best time to publish a blog post on WordPress since the best time will vary based on your target audience and the niche of your blog.

However, since your blog is built on the WordPress platform, you will have even more options at your disposal to determine the best time to post on your blog by installing the Monsterinsights plugin on your WordPress blog.

MonsterInsights makes it incredibly simple to add custom dimensions to your website and begin tracking custom data in Google Analytics.

You can precisely understand when is the best time to publish a blog with its Custom Dimensions Addon. Not only that, but you can also track specific writers, post kinds, categories, and more.

How Many Times A Day Should You Post On A Blog?

When it comes to how many times a day you should post on your blog. 1-2 times per day is a decent standard for most blogs.

However, the most important consideration to have in mind when determining the number of posts to publish on a blog daily is QUALITY!

There’s a lot to say about search engines and how they function. The trend in search engine optimization is toward quality content that humans want rather than stuff that bots favor.

 In fact, creating content expressly for search engine bots is a black hat SEO approach.

One quality blog post is preferable to four poor ones.

You’re doing great (SEO) if you can maintain a weekly schedule of three to four quality postings.

How Many Times A Day Should You Post On Social Media?

Also, when it comes to promoting your blog on social media, things may become a little more challenging.

Again, quality is the key.

Avoid bombarding your social media followers with stuff. Most social media platforms have anti-spam procedures in place, and you will be penalized if you post more than a few times each day or in short succession.

However, this is not universal: you may, for example, tweet as much as you want on Twitter without consequence.

Do Bloggers Post Every Day?

Do bloggers post new content every day? No! Not every blogger posts every day.

Some bloggers, however, do update every day, but this is not the standard. Most bloggers update between 1 and 5 times each week, with some posting as frequently as 2-3 times per week.

The only bloggers who should post every day are those who:

  • Possess the time and means to write and publish a post every day
  • Find blogging to be a pleasurable activity
  • Are content marketers with an abundance of blog post ideas?

By blogging regularly, you can keep your readers interested and returning for more.

Although blogging every day will not increase traffic to your site, posting every day on a new blog will increase traffic and backlinks to the blog.

You may improve your exposure on search engines and other websites by updating on a frequent basis. However, keep in mind that Quantity cannot replace Quality.

Does Blog Posting Time Matter?

Absolutely. Yes, blog posting time does matter.

According to research, writing blog content at specific times of day increases traffic and engagement. My blogs are living evidence of this. 

The best time to publish a post for maximum traffic is Monday around 11 am EST. Also, the best time to publish a blog post for maximum social media shares is Thursday around 9 am EST.

It is crucial to note, however, that these are only averages. Depending on your target audience and blog genre, the best time to publish your blog entries will differ.


That’s all there is to it!

You now understand how to choose the best time to publish your blog entries.

So, what have you learned about the best time to post on your blog or social media? 

It is not enough to simply cater to the tastes of your intended target audience. You must take into account their habits if you want to reach them.

It may not be as important as your content to know when your audience is awake, when they like to use their gadgets to access the Internet, and which social networks they like, but if you want your website to succeed, you cannot afford to ignore it.