What Is The Difference Between Email Clicks And Unique Clicks?

What Is The Difference Between Email Clicks And Unique Clicks

Did you send out an email and check out your campaign result, and you wondered what is the difference between email clicks and unique clicks?

Both email clicks and unique clicks are measured every time someone clicks on a link from your campaign. 

But, Email Clicks are all clicks for a tracking link, while unique clicks are the number of unique people who click on a tracking link of your campaign. If a single user clicks five times on a link, the servers will record five clicks and one unique click.

Do you comprehend that!!! If not, read on for a more extensive explanation.

Check out our guide on the difference between Email click-through rate to email click-to-open rate.

In this blog article, I’m going to explore more about what email clicks are, what unique clicks mean, and the difference between both.

So without any further do, let’s get started.

What Is Email Clicks

Email Clicks are an email marketing measure that counts the total number of times your email recipients click each link in your Email.

In short. When you click on a link or a button in an email, that’s called an email click!

But how is it calculated?

How To Calculate Email Clicks

Now that we have clarified what the email click rate is, it’s time to move on to the formula for calculating this metric:

If you’re lucky, your email marketing service provider will calculate it.

However, you need to understand where this information comes from in order to understand its value.

CTR= (Number of clicks on the email/Number of Emails sent – Email bounced) X 100

As we have anticipated just above, the CTR is the percentage of the number of clicks obtained in the Email compared to the number of Emails sent to the recipient excluding the bounced emails.

What Do Unique Clicks Mean In Email?

The term “unique email clicks” means the number of distinct individuals who have clicked on at least one of the Email’s links.

To explain better, if a receiver clicks many links in a single email, only one click will be recorded since the clicks are coming from the same individual.

For instance, no matter how many links each recipient clicked, if an email is sent to 100 recipients and 30 of them click on at least one link, then the number of unique clicks will be 30.

Let’s check out how to calculate unique clicks in emails.

How To Calculate Unique Clicks

Now that we have clarified what the email unique click rate is. Here is how to compute unique Email clicks.

UCTR= (Numbers of clicks – Number of multiple clicks (clicks from the same individual).)

For example, if there are 100 total clicks and 20 multiple clicks, the unique clicks are 80 (100 – 20 = 80).

Why Emails Unique & Clicks Are Important?

The unique and total clicks are important indicators for knowing the efficiency of a marketing campaign. Here are why:

Relevant: Unique Email clicks and email clicks help you gauge the size of your audience and the number of people who find your email relevant and are interested in your content.

Engagement: Total clicks count all times a certain link has been clicked. This is essential because it allows you to gauge how recipients are engaging with your Email.

Conversion monitoring: You may monitor conversions by tracking both unique and total clicks. Conversions are the actions you want users to take on your website, such as purchasing something, completing a form, or signing up for a subscription. By tracking conversions, you can measure your marketing campaign’s success and identify improvement areas.

In short, unique and total clicks are very important metrics for gauging the effectiveness of your marketing. They aid in email relevance comprehension, engagement monitoring, and conversion tracking.

What Is The Difference Between Email Total Clicks And Unique Clicks?

Total clicks and unique clicks. They are both click metrics that are used to analyze email campaign success. They are both quite similar because they are measured every time someone clicks on a link from your campaign.

Here are the slight difference in Email Total Clicks And Unique Clicks:

As said earlier. Total clicks refer to the total number of clicks that a link in your Email got. This includes numerous clicks from the same user. For example, if a person clicks a link three times, it would count as three total clicks.

On the other hand, unique clicks measure the number of individuals who click on a link in your Email. This measure only counts the first click from each unique user. Hence, if the same user hits a link three times, it would only count as one unique click.

To simplify it more. Total clicks represent the overall number of clicks, whereas unique clicks represent the number of distinct persons. Unique clicks may be a more relevant indicator for assessing the reach and engagement of your email campaign since it offers a better picture of the number of individuals who were interested enough to click on a link.

Since you’ve understood the difference between Email total clicks and unique clicks, let’s check out how to get more email clicks.

How Do I Get More Email Clicks?

Here are some helpful tips and techniques on how to get more clicks on your Email: 

Improve your subject line: Your subject line is the first thing recipients will see in their inboxes. Make sure it is attention-grabbing and related to the content of your Email. Employ action-oriented language and convey a clear advantage to urge readers to open your Email.

Customize your emails: Customization may enhance engagement and make your communications more relevant to the receiver. Employ dynamic content to put the recipient’s name or other personal information in your Email.

Segment your email list: Segmenting your email list helps you to deliver more targeted messages to certain groups of users. This may raise the relevancy of your communications and improve interaction.

Employ clear calls-to-action (CTAs): A clear and appealing CTA urges recipients to take action. Make sure your CTAs are displayed and employ action-oriented wording.

Make your emails mobile-friendly: According to statistics. More and more consumers are reading their emails on mobile devices. Make sure your emails are optimized for mobile consumption by adopting a responsive design and keeping your message brief.

Test and improve your emails: Frequently testing and tweaking your email campaigns will help you understand what works best for your audience. Test multiple subject lines, CTAs, and content to determine what connects with your readers.

Applying these ideas may enhance the chance of generating more clicks from your email campaigns and improve the overall success of your email marketing operations. But if you wish to learn more about how to improve your clicks I have a well-detailed post waiting for you here.


Now that we’ve learnt the difference between email clicks and unique clicks. Email clicks and unique clicks are both significant metrics for analyzing the efficacy of your email marketing initiatives. Although total clicks represent the overall interaction with a link or CTA in your Email, unique clicks show the number of unique people who clicked on that link.

Knowing the difference between the two may help you better assess your email campaigns’ performance, find development areas, and optimize your email marketing approach. By applying the best techniques for growing email clicks and unique clicks, you can enhance the performance of your email campaigns and eventually generate more conversions and revenue for your organization.

Please read our guide on how to write an email that stands out.