What is the most appropriate time to send email marketing?

What Is The Best Time To Send Email Marketing Messages

What is the best time to send email marketing?” – This is most likely one of your queries while sending Email Marketing because sending timing is also a key aspect in establishing a successful campaign.

If done correctly, email marketing will be a very powerful marketing tool. Email marketing can help organizations generate more leads, raise brand awareness, create relationships, and retain consumers.

To reap the full benefits of email marketing, however, you must ensure that your campaign is executed effectively, including sending emails at the appropriate times.

Learn the optimal time to send email marketing (including day and time) and create an ideal timetable for contacting your leads in this post.

See also: When to send an email newsletter.

Why Is Email Marketing Timing Important?

Time is of the utmost importance in email marketing. Marketers must send marketing emails at the right moment for them to have the desired impact. 

Each person receives a specific amount of emails per day. Only 65% of emails received by objects performing office tasks will be immediately interacted with, with the remainder being destroyed or not opened.

According to a study, the email open rate reduces to roughly 1% within 24 hours of being delivered to the inbox. This means that if your email recipients do not open your emails within the first day, they are unlikely to read them again. This rate does not include emails that the spam filter of the email service provider has filtered out.

With so many rivals in the market and recipients’ inboxes constantly filled with numerous marketing emails, marketers must send emails at the proper time of day/week, when recipients are most likely to open and read.

The most effective time to send an email is the one that works best for your specific target. Each email is tailored to a specific group of recipients with varying Internet usage habits. In short, your best email marketing timing may differ from that of another marketer with a different target demographic.

What Is The Best Time To Send Email Marketing Messages?

What time is the best time to send emails? This question has no definitive answer. The “best” timing is entirely subjective. And it is based on the following factors:

• Your range

• Who is the intended recipient?

• How do you categorize your customers?

• What is the marketing campaign’s goal?

However, while running a standard email campaign with a non-specific field, you should keep the following times in mind:

What Time Is the Best Day to Send Email Marketing?

Another crucial consideration in determining the best time to send email marketing campaigns is the time of day. Sending during office hours is often the most effective because more people are online and will be more proactive in checking their inboxes. However, this might also be affected by the weekdays.

The following are the best times of day to send emails:

•     Early morning (7 am to 10 am): This is the best time to send email marketing if the brand wants to catch someone’s attention as they begin a new work day or check email from the night before.

•     Midday (11 am to 1 pm): This is ideal because everyone has a lunch break. Depending on the client’s work patterns, someone will return to work in the afternoon and focus on eating lunch and checking email, while others will work past noon and continue to check incoming email. Regardless of their habits, people are willing to read email marketing during their lunch break.

•     Afternoon (3 pm to 5 pm): This is the best time to send email marketing if you want to get someone’s attention at the conclusion of the workday when things are settling down. Many people have completed their tasks for the day or begun planning for the next, so sending marketing emails now can be an excellent alternative.

•     Evening/Night (6 pm-9 pm): This is the best time to send email marketing if you want to reach out to your readers after hours. People still check their email after work. If clients are used to receiving emails after office hours, this is a wonderful opportunity to send out marketing emails.

What day is the best day of the week for email marketing 

Many marketing professionals believe that sending email marketing on any day of the week is a good idea, but this is only sometimes the case.

 Analyzing how our consumers and we work each day can assist brands in determining which days are truly the best to send marketing emails. Here’s a breakdown of the week’s specific days:

•     Monday: We usually begin a new work week after a weekend vacation. As a result, processing speeds will be slower, and on Mondays, people will prioritize checking emails from colleagues and customers. This also explains why many marketing or promotional emails are quickly skimmed, unopened, or deleted. Recent research reveals, however, that Monday may not be a bad day since open rates generally match other days of the week.

•     Tuesdays through Thursdays: Marketers believe that these are the greatest days for sending marketing emails. Why? Individuals who have settled into weekly employment will consequently check email more frequently, increasing their likelihood of opening and clicking on any commercial email sent.

•     Friday: Because many people are preparing for the weekend, certain work tasks or projects do not begin on this day. Many individuals consider Friday to be a day to finish off unfinished tasks or work or to have a comfortable working day with few interruptions from meetings. According to recent data, open and click rates on this day are commensurate with those on other days of the week.

•     Saturday and Sunday: Many people do not check email on weekends and instead focus on their personal or family lives. This pattern, however, can vary depending on the work culture, geographic region, and type of job.

When Is The Best Time To Send a Promotional Campaign

With promotional campaigns, promotions should be sent 5-7 days before the time of the program. 

Direct marketing is not the same as email marketing. Email marketing is today’s most courteous marketing channel. And you can’t do things quickly or urgently if you want to be very effective.

 If you’re talking about offers, send them out roughly 7 days ahead of time and repeat the message as needed.

What to consider when sending promotional email

•     Determine the customer’s email usage habits. 

•     Time zone: If you have clients in multiple time zones, make sure to send communications at a time that corresponds to their time zone.

•     Gain a better understanding of rival behavior: Subscribing to large industry players allows you to learn how they send emails.

•     Try new things: Your opponent’s strategy might not work for you. You could perhaps try something different. To identify the ideal option for your organization, you must examine the open rate and send emails at various times.

How Many Emails Should Be Sent In A Day?

Once you’ve determined the best time to send emails, you should devise a strategy. How many emails per day should be sent?

The amount of emails sent each day is usually not limited by email marketing software or services. However, in order to achieve higher Inbox rates, you must maintain a regular email frequency. Changing email frequency might increase spam rates. See also: Why is an email sent to spam?

About the number of emails, you should send: It is best to separate the email list for marketing purposes for a few days. Send at most 3,000 emails with a single piece of content. After that, please update the content (at least a 30% renewal) and send it again.

However, the problem is that you will not be able to send many emails in one day, so the campaign’s effectiveness will be low. To solve this problem, you need the help of bulk email software. With software from reputable professional providers, the number of sending emails is unlimited, up to millions of emails per day.

Things To Consider When Choosing The Time To Send Email Marketing

Based on the data, I’ve examined the best days and times to send email marketing. However, each business’s goals and clients are distinct.

Consider the following considerations when determining the best time to send email marketing:

Customer demographics and behavior

Understanding your target population and demographics is critical when it comes to email marketing timing. They are two distinct individuals with distinct habits. The best time to email one group may not be the best time to email another.

As a result, marketers must carefully observe and research the behavior of clients in various geographical places.

• For example, sending emails on Sundays is often discouraged due to low open rates. However, if you are targeting Arab countries, sending emails on Sunday will benefit you because Sunday is a working day there.

The goods and services you provide

This is another critical consideration in determining when to send your emails. Tuesday is an excellent day for B2B solution providers. However, Fridays or weekends are preferable if you work in the entertainment sector.

The subject line of an email

The subject line is sometimes the single determinant of whether or not an email is opened.

You should not ignore this element if you do not want to be a loser in the marketing game with your competition. A captivating subject line will pique the reader’s interest and persuade them to click to read the email.

Frequency of Email Marketing

Too many emails may annoy your readers, while too few may not have the desired effect. According to research, users want to get marketing emails at least once a week. Make sure you plan emails at the appropriate frequency for your firm.

User experience

After a user opens and reads your email, their experience will influence whether or not they open your email again in the future.

Emails should be user-friendly, with appealing visuals and simple language. It should also be mobile-friendly, as mobile devices are used to open and read 42% of emails.

See also: How to optimize email for the mobile device.

Things To Keep In Mind While Sending Email Marketing

Determining when to send emails is simply the first step; you must do more to obtain the intended results.

Time is only sometimes important.

Aside from sending emails during the “golden hours,” you can combine and employ a few other actions to dramatically boost efficiency:

• Statistics and filter the email customer list, removing email customers who have not interacted in a long time.

• Change and design the title and content to be more appealing to customers based on client input.

• Think about modifying your weekly emailing frequency. You can change the frequency of your emailing by day and week.

Emotions and content.

The other thing that contributes to your success in email marketing is the content and emotions that you display. If your content produces a great impression, readers are more likely to become “fans.”

As a result, you must make sure that you: • Provide valuable material to customers.

  • Create a sense of communication between two people, making customers feel cared for.
  • Send email reminders about promotions and company anniversaries, or wish consumers a happy birthday.

You are steadily acquiring the love of your clients with each step. However, if you don’t want them to feel uncomfortable, don’t overdo it.


Knowing when to send email marketing is critical for increasing open rates and conversions. It depends on several aspects, such as audience behavior, industry, and content. To determine the most successful time to send emails, it is necessary to test multiple times and days and segment your audience based on their interests.

Remember, email marketing is an ongoing activity that involves constant testing, tweaking, and development. By adopting the suggestions and techniques suggested in this article, you may increase your email marketing and reach your goals. So, go ahead and try them out!

Best wishes!