What to blog about? 32 guaranteed ideas for beginners

What to blog about

You must first decide on what to blog about. Before you begin blogging

. Some blog about their favorite business, and some blog about personal stories and experiences.

Marketers write to promote the site and business, while others blog about their favorite companies and share personal stories and experiences.

We’ll teach you how to choose a topic and make your Blog fantastic, lively, and appreciated by thousands of readers or viewers, whether you’re a passionate writer, an expert, or seeking ideas for a corporate blog.

Let’s get started.

What should I blog about?

Yes, it was a complex subject, and I struggled to find the perfect blog topic.

I wanted to write about family-friendly topics such as cuisine, travel, lifestyle, and activities.

Our Blog debuted in 2017 as a family and lifestyle blog. However, we only recognized how broad the notion of family was after some time had passed.

Only in retrospect did I see the significance of narrowing down and writing in a good niche.

If you want to start blogging and generate money but don’t know what to write about, here are some topic ideas to get you started.

1.   Health

A healthy lifestyle has become a popular choice. Popular topics include sports, appropriate diet, and disease prevention. And it’s no surprise: there is no such thing as too much health.

However, we must remember that simply starting to go to the gym and memorizing the magic formula “chicken-buckwheat” is insufficient to educate people about a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is a topic close to medicine, and you must be well versed in it as well as maintain your ear to the ground, following current research in this area.

Of course, your abs will speak for you if you’re athletic and relaxed. Take a photo, Instagram blogger, and use your unique body to encourage others. Sport is beneficial.

However, it would help if you discussed trauma and the appropriate technique. Otherwise, you will endanger someone.

An example of a fitness blogger is Nerd Fitness.

 Read also: “Why Blogging is Worth it.

2.   Cooking

New trendy diets emerge all the time. For example, the ideal diet for 2023 was recently identified in the United States.

 Let us not linger: Mediterranean cuisine is famous (little red meat, lots of fruits, vegetables, and nuts). But that’s not the point.

Culinary studies, in general, are viral. Because of their visibility, video blogs are trendy. They are frequently dedicated to a specific issue, such as vegetarianism or, on the other hand, harsh “masculine cuisine” with many meat dishes recipes. Ramsay Gordon’s video blog is a fantastic example of a food channel. He’s also a stand-up comedian.

Remember to pay close attention to images when it comes to food. Improve your food photography skills. Many gourmet blogs suffer from confusing, muddy photographs taken with a smartphone. Food should seem appealing enough that you want to eat it right off the screen.

Providing an accurate recipe description and a gorgeous photo of the finished dish is essential.

3.   List articles,

 Like any other form of content marketing, list articles have advantages and disadvantages: people enjoy reading them, but many sites provide tedious, repeating ratings.

For example, the top ten finest films or books, chosen according to an illogical principle, may be reposted. But, as the glance passes, everything is awful and sad, and one list is copied and pasted by another.

Consider compilation carefully. It is not sufficient to collect 15 American comedies in a single text. You must be able to pique the user’s interest. Read these 100 books on psychology and provide extensive, meaningful commentary on each. Try all the mailing services available, and do not deceive the reader. Blogging is hard labor. And not by repeatedly pressing Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

These lists, rankings, and compilations are animated by a distinct look, a severe expert approach, and personal cases. Approach the subject with your heart and soul.

4.   How-to guide

The majority of people despise reading instructions. When was the last time you sat in your armchair with a bottle of wine and the toaster instructions?

How do people learn how to accomplish things? They look it up. WikiHow grew in popularity only because of its guide articles.

You’d be astonished at how diverse the audience’s interests are. Your Blog will be famous if you can locate your niche audience and fulfill their curiosity.

Create many types of how-to guides—step-by-step guidelines for novices, such as our entire beginner’s guide to monetizing blogging.

If you are a specialist in a certain area, you can share your knowledge and develop more comprehensive instructions for advanced users. For individuals unfamiliar with site construction tools, you may create a guide to selecting an “engine” for a site.

It’s worth noting that you don’t have to rewrite someone else’s instructions. Take a well-known topic, animate it with presentation and personal experience, and describe the guide in as much detail as possible, and people will undoubtedly like your work.

5.    Government and politics

Politics is usually a hot issue, especially during local and state election season. Snob magazine, for example, maintains a political blog.

However, being famous is not easy: blogging about politics is time-consuming.

 Of course, you can start a platform in which you shake your fist in the air, reprimand the rich, and verbally give their fortune to the needy. However, this is insufficient for a decent political blog.

We are all involved in this hot topic to some extent, which is why, in addition to emotions, it is vital to nurture the ability to evaluate, separate communism from anarchism, comprehend the law a little bit, and navigate informational events swiftly.

 But be careful: prepare for holidays even if you are perfectly proper and restrained. They will undoubtedly become entangled in the comments.

6.    Interview.

Engaging specific people-clients, professionals, experts, and executives is a terrific approach to giving your blog personality and persuasiveness.

Using personal information such as images, interviews, and quotes on occasion helps create a more personal connection with the audience.

 The most effective approach to differentiate yourself from other bloggers is to publish interviews with specialists in the subject, both from your team and from representatives of other companies. For example, I was discussing with Elon Musk, the co-founder of Tesla.

In this day and technology, an interview does not have to be conducted in life and with a dictaphone.

Many journalists have already acclimated to scheduling meetings through Skype. You can also confine yourself to correspondence, although she won’t convey intonation, and you won’t be able to take a selfie with the interviewee either.

But believe me when I say that a simple conversation with an exciting and cool media person is enough for interesting and excellent material.

7.   Charity and social activity

Are you involved? Do you agree with any of the petitions? Do you care about the environment? Have you planned a project? It’s not shameful to bring it up.

People are drawn in when you speak out loud about vital issues in vivid and engaging language. Aside from that, someone will pick up your baton and carry it on.

Also, while not everyone can voice their opinion verbally, most people can support and enjoy it. And with the help of a large group of individuals, your initiatives will proceed much more quickly.

8.    Reviews

This post theme is for you if you want to monetize your Blog as soon as feasible. You can monetize your Blog only through product evaluations using affiliate systems such as Amazon Affiliates. Post your reviews solely on sites that your target audience trusts. Blogger Warlord, for example, reviews and uploads videos of LEGO sets to YouTube.

Check out this comprehensive guide for a more in-depth look at “How To Monetize Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing.”

9.   Series

TV shows have long ceased to be a source of amusement for homemakers. The series is now not only filmed at a much higher quality level but also attracts large audiences of admirers.

 Can you spend hours debating whether or not to work in The Witcher, whether the new Sabrina is better than the old one, and how adorable little Will Smith’s son is in The Karate kid? Write about it on your Blog, please. Sci-fi-news, for example, is devoted to both series and movies.

10.                     News

News from primary sources is an excellent way to capture the audience’s attention. They were popular even before the Internet when paper newspapers reigned supreme, and news consumers still valued them.

However, keep in mind that the competition in the news industry is fierce, so you must carefully select and present the news along with your commentary. On the Internet, news blogs are typically represented by entire portals,

11.                     Personal experience

Have you relocated to another nation, begun horse breeding, or resolved to lose 30 kilograms? Share your thoughts on your Blog.

The happenings in such a blog are exciting to readers since they occur almost in real-time. In this situation, an author is a specific person who makes mistakes and advances and tells his audience about them.

12.                     Dispelling Myths

Every domain has facts and myths, which is why popular shows like Dispelling Myths exist.

It is sacred to eradicate stereotypes and stories that impede life, deceive the mind, and just harm. Of all, titanic wars and public outrage will always erupt, but you can help subscribers acquire critical thinking skills.

TrashSmash, for example, exposes and breaks preconceptions.

What to blog about
What to blog about

13.                      Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and technology

Digital technologies’ popularity will expand over the years. According to a 2019 KPMG research, 21% of world businesses use VR/Ai technologies. That’s all there is to it.

Intelligent machines, complex algorithms, and neural networks surround us. It’s even a little frightening.

And starting a blog on this subject is much more critical in our day and age. If you know what’s going on, assist others in figuring it out.

14.                     Economy and budget

If you can spot minor movements on the stock exchange once or twice, know how to make two million rubles out of two rubles, plan everything to the penny, and navigate currency rates with your eyes closed, this is the path for you.

Discuss bitcoin, Karl Marx, and loans. Money is an endless topic. However, they are, sadly, quite exhaustible.

With a decent strategy, you will not have to be concerned about a shortage of subscribers.

Ilya Birman, for example, writes articles about the economy.

15.                     Automation

Automation is a big trend in the B2B space. Thus blogs about it are a treasure on the Internet. The term “automation” refers to a broad idea. You must decide which types of automatic articles will bring you the most helpful traffic. The Arus blog, for example, discusses automating the restaurant industry.

16.                     Tips & Practical tricks

Lifehacker and other similar websites have grown in popularity due to their wealth of helpful information. Readers value such advice, regardless of the subject.

People desire to achieve more in less time. Therefore they are constantly looking for tools, strategies, or valuable hints to assist them. The popularity of many blogs can be attributed to practical tricks.

17.                     Travel

Travel will always be a popular topic of online searches, no matter how much the Internet brings us together. People travel frequently, or at least wish to.

Readers will enjoy it if you can advise them on how to visit intriguing and unusual areas for less money. Sergey Dolya runs an exciting travel blog.

18.                     Historical context

History lessons are an excellent method to populate your blog with relevant and fascinating content.

 However, too much freedom with facts and daring theories must be avoided in this case. It is one thing to tell an engaging story about this or that historical period.

The Youtube channel ” History of Everything ” touches, among other things, on probabilities: for example, which countries would appear after the First World War.

19.                       Beauty

Beauty blogs are becoming increasingly popular. They consist of new product reviews, makeup tutorials, and beauty advice.

 Brands enjoy promoting their products by sending them to renowned bloggers for review and even commissioning them to develop limited-edition collections. Zoe, the top British beauty blogger, is a cheery and lovely young lady.

20.                     Amusing stories

Humor is always in style. On social media, the most shared posts are those that are humorous.

As a result, sites with this content are among the most popular on the Internet.

What are life without memes, comics, and pies? So empower yourself with a sense of humor and laugh as if it were the last time.

 And let your audience’s smiles brighten the planet, the grasshopper will sing on the violin, and the following cat image will have a new clever inscription.

21.                     Parental Advice

Advice written expressly for parents will always be appealing. And now, more and more, honest, conscientious, courageous parenthood is emerging.

 Not just pink heels and the joys of maternity, but also involved fatherhood, nonviolent rearing, attachment theory, and a sensible attitude to health.

Since we’re on the subject of honesty, it’s worth highlighting the honest media for parents called “No, it’s okay.”

22.                     Upcoming events

The announcement of an important upcoming event always generates a lot of attention and conversation in the blogosphere.

Whether it’s the Olympics, which the entire world will be watching, or a local concert, search engines will be overwhelmed with inquiries for an upcoming event.

For example, the Cinemaholics website still has its ” Dubious Poster ” section for movie buffs.

23.                     Internet Celebrities

Collaboration with bloggers attracts new readers. Therefore many content creators are collaborating to stay competitive. So, if you still don’t know who Beyonce is, it’s time to figure it out.

24.                     Needlework

Needlework is suitable for anyone with hands extending past their shoulders.

 If you weave with beads, cross-stitch, knit scarves, or sculpt with clay, make, photograph, and share! It’s fantastic when someone knows how to make something and is passionate about it.

But, once again, keep in mind that the sphere is visual: you’ll need a robust camera and the ability to avoid filling up the horizon. “Lightroom” doesn’t hurt, either.

“Handmade planet” is an example of such a portal.

25.                     Pets

Pet blogs have a large following. Grumpy Cat, who died on May 14, 2019, but managed to become an actual Internet celebrity, is one of the most remarkable examples among popular animals.

She not only became a meme, but she also appeared in advertisements and had two books written about her that sold quite well throughout the world.

According to reports, Grumpy Cat has earned his owner more than $100 million.

26.                     Management and business

How do you select a remote employee? Which startup should I spend a million dollars in? How can you avoid being torn apart while choosing a CRM system? How long will the actors have fun? To whom should everything in the world be delegated?

In general, there are a plethora of topics that can be addressed. Business is an art, a sport, and a headache all rolled into one.

Blogtrepreneur is a blog for entrepreneurs.

27.                     Psychology and self-development

This is a comprehensive issue. You might approach it from a practical standpoint or a psychological perspective.

However, if you lack the necessary education, try to position yourself as someone with certain significant opinions about this rather than a professional psychologist who teaches you how to treat phobias or establish a relationship.

 Incompetence is readily apparent. Taking on someone else’s role will not boost your reputation.

Despite this minor limitation, everyone in this region knows where to turn around. Tell us about your experiences overcoming fears, dealing with anxiety, and sleeping better. Such stories ring true because they are relatable to everyone.

28.                     Creativity

Do you prefer to compose poetry or prose? Do you create fantastic artwork? Then you don’t have to think about the subject.

Set aside your reservations and eventually start a blog with your creations. And there you are, looking for a print run.

29.                     Freelance

Why look for clients on exchanges when you can gradually attract them to blog posts?

Demonstrate your knowledge. If you’re a copywriter, you should produce essays on texts. Display your creative design abilities.

Remember that content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint, but the payoff is well worth it. Don’t give up; consistent, high-quality posting works miracles.

30.                      IT

Teach the young and green how to code correctly. Examine your antivirus software. Finally, create the app. It is an infinite field continually evolving and always has something to say. There would be a strong urge.

31.                     Education

If you’re enthusiastic about your technique of learning Korean, it could be time to consider becoming a teacher.

Mathematics for the humanities, physics for beginners, American with those pesky commas before “how,”… but you never know what you can teach?

 The most important thing is to grasp the issue thoroughly and to be able to communicate the relevant material in an organized and dynamic manner.

32.                       HTA and FAQ?

Be aware that even if you answer all the frequently asked questions, people will continue to ask them. The FAQ area is standard on business websites but uncommon on blogs.

This part is critical because the Google algorithm incorporates FAQs and other popular subjects into its knowledge graph. As a result, if you’re fortunate, you’ll rank considerably higher in the SERPs.

Are you ready to create a blog? 

 You can set up a blog with Hostpoint * or another service provider. It’s simple and doesn’t take long. After that, the work begins.

I can confidently recommend Bluehost as a web hosting Provider. The customer support is pleasant and prompt, and the page speeds are excellent—one of the best decisions I’ve made as a blogger was switching to Bluehost.

I’ve only had excellent experiences with this organization, and I appreciate how simple it is for new bloggers to get started.

It is acceptable to change your mind.

I created a blog because I couldn’t work because of family obligations.

 With a baby and a toddler at home, I was completely disoriented. In addition to caring for children, cooking food, and changing diapers, I yearned for a more challenging job. At the time, I thought a family blog would be suitable.

When I made my first money from my Blog five months later, it marked a significant shift in my thinking.

 I instantly realized what it is to have your project, to work towards a goal, and how crucial it is to have the right environment and mindset to move forward.

This was followed by more social media and internet marketing training. That’s how I got started writing on personal growth and change.

Many post ideas occur to me naturally or as a result of inspiration from other bloggers and reports, making what I do not feel like work at all!

Please don’t be hesitant to attempt something new, whether it’s beginning a new blog or changing the direction of an existing one.

Finding out what makes you happy and considering how you may help others is one of the secrets to writing a successful blog!

I hope I not only provided you with many ideas but also encouraged you to start your Blog.

What blog topic ideas have you found most inspiring? Comment on our Facebook group! With your favorite blogging subjects!

Did I leave something out? Then please let me know that as well.

Let’s Blog