What To Do After You Publish A Blog Post? (6 Easy Things To Do)

What To Do After You Publish A Blog Post?

You just publish a new post on your Blog, but does it imply you’re done? No! Let me tell you what to do after you publish a blog post.

You need to share your content, monitor its performance, and more.

I believe many of us will prefer to rest after writing a post. Yes, resting is a great way to assist us in enhancing productivity in our next post.

Besides having your blog post published, you also need to take further actions to market it and engage your audience

And that’s what we’re going to address in today’s article. (What to do after you publish a blog post.)

See also: 3 free ways to increase your blog traffic.

What To Do After You Publish A Blog Post?   

Now let’s get straight to our tutorial. You just finished your blog post, right? Here are effective things to do in order to get the most out of your blogging efforts.

Share your post on social media after publishing your blog post.

Once you’ve written your blog article, you need to advertise it. And a great way to accomplish it is by sharing it on social media.

However, adding a social network plugin to your WordPress dashboard can make this process quicker and faster.

This saves you time and automates the publication of your content to sites like Facebook, Twitter, and the many new networks you won’t want to miss.

Send an email after publishing your blog post.

One of the reasons people join your email list is to obtain outstanding content from you. When you’ve created a wonderful blog post, you should let your readers know by sending them an email.

One key to remember is to keep your email body intriguing. Don’t just email links to your blog article. Instead, pose a question, express an interesting finding or thought, and fascinate them.

You also want to put your link at the beginning and conclusion of your email to boost the probability of individuals clicking your link and reading your content.

See also:

Interlink to additional posts after publishing your blog post

After posting a new blog post, interlink it to your previous and most popular pieces.

Linking your content is vital in keeping users on your site longer. And to assist search engines in exploring your site and uncovering all your material.

So make it a habit to link to prior blogs and connect to your current post. This way, you update your old articles to give more helpful content and generate more attention to new ones.

Reuse your post after publishing.

Your blog post aims to:

  • Build your website’s authority on a topic or topic
  • Informing the public about something
  • Prove you’re active online and more
  • Bring in the traffic
  • It appears as a search result for specific topics and more

In many aspects, your blog post content has to be in writing to have the most effect on your website. But you can still obtain value out of your content by reusing it in multiple formats.

For example, transform your blog article into a podcast subject. Or make a relevant guest post in another newspaper and link to your original piece. You may also make films, social media threads, and more.

Reusing your blog content in numerous ways can help you reach more people. For example, commuters who wish to listen to material on the move. This extra value adds to the outcome and boosts the effect of your job.

Replies to comments

Another significant strategy to promote engagement with your content is to invite people to comment on your pieces. And then reply to comments that others post.

Being active by commenting indicates to readers that you’re listening. It’s also a great chance to gather content and fresh ideas from the people reading your work.

When your audience sees you reacting to comments, you’ll build even more interaction, which also sends great signals to search engines.

If you’re not getting comments on your Blog, check out our detailed article on how to easily get readers’ comments on your Blog.

Track analysis after publishing your blog post

The data before and after you publish your post provides important insights into your postings’ effect.

Make sure to utilize a Google Analytics plugin and measure how many visits your article receives, what search phrases people use to reach your Blog, and their demographic characteristics.

This data will help you improve and adjust your content for better results in the future.

What Is The Best Place To Share A Blog Post

These are the 3 best places to share every new blog post you publish.

Share your blog post through the Email list.

Your mailing list is a collection of individuals who have signed up to receive your information. When you publish a new blog article, you should tell your readers by email.

You can do this by emailing or putting a link to your newest piece in the weekly newsletter.

Share your blog post through Social media.

You may also use social media to promote your blog content. This strategy allows you to reach out to new people interested in your blog subject. Your articles may be shared on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Use a little strategy when posting on social media.

Think about how you can attract your social media followers to become enthusiastic about reading the blog article.

For example, if you’re posting a blog piece on how to create the ideal chocolate cake, you can add a picture of the cake to your social media posts.

Educate other bloggers

Finally, you might collaborate with other bloggers in your niche to market your current blog post. Again, this needs some planning to be effective.

Ask yourself why another blogger may wish to promote your work. Think about how you can assist them too.

Here are some options for contacting other bloggers.

  • • Write a guest post on their Blog
  • • Feature them in your newest blog article
  • • Invite them to your podcast
  • • Promote one of their social media posts

If you can provide anything of value to another blogger, they will more than likely want to assist you in marketing your blog post.

When Is The Best Time To Share Your Blog Posts?

“When is the best time to share your blog posts?” There is no direct answer to this question. Consider your audience’s time zone, when they’re most active on social media, and how soon you want your postings to be seen.

Based on my experience, I suggest sharing your blog posts as soon as they appear on your website. Then share again a few days later. 

You can also share your blog post as you upload other content on your website. For example, put your current blog post in the show notes if you’re playing a podcast.

What Are The Principles Of A Blog?

If you’ve been blogging for a while now and you’ve not seen a tangible result. Then ensure to follow this principle in your blog post.

Don’t copy

It’s simple: Don’t copy, i.e., don’t Ctr+C content from other blog postings. 

Google constantly modifies its search algorithm, particularly since this individual is highly concerned with the article content, guaranteeing it is fresh and valuable to searchers.

Google is extremely unhappy with duplicating material and typically penalizes these situations significantly. Your Blog post will vanish from the search list or, worse, not be approved by Google if caught.

Use long-tail keywords

Using lengthy keywords instead of short keywords boosts Google search efficiency. In reality, since the short keywords have been utilized by the big men, the old and successful sites, you won’t be able to compete if you use the keyword.

No matter how hard you try, you won’t get anything.

Refer to our blog post on “How to find a long-tail keyword in less than 20 minutes for your blog.”

Write catchy and SEO-standard headlines.

Generating headlines that tempt visitors is a great way to make your Blog successful in the long run. You need to understand headlines to pick and arrange stunning words.

Learn more on how to craft a catchy headline HERE!

 “Content is King.”

Create valuable content for your post by creating your content (you can copy ideas) and decent writing. Try to consider what readers need from your article and provide them with.

It may be tough for you at first, but if you write carefully, your abilities will develop day by day, and you will know what you need to accomplish for each of your pieces.

Flexible length of articles

You don’t have to write lengthy articles. Write an article of suitable length depending on your theme, topic, or concept.

For example, You write a tutorial on creating a Blog for newbies, but elaborate, passive, and beautiful will not keep readers. The article just needs to ensure that the steps are fully implemented. The more detailed the post, the better.

Post regularly

Try to write and publish regularly. As I indicated earlier, Google likes fresh material. Updating your Blog content regularly; your website will rapidly rank on search engines.

Use internal linking

Add links to keywords in the article related to other articles in the series or links to other articles in your Blog. The effect is for readers to quickly find the article they need, increasing the reading on your site. 

However, do not overdo it and place too many internal links. Google will bookmark your Blog page.

What Makes A Strong Blog?

A strong blog post gives answers to your audience’s concerns in a simple, digestible approach.

To produce a strong blog post, Here are some important elements that contribute to the strength of a blog:

  • • A Compelling Headline
  • • High-Quality Content:
  • • Engaging Visuals:
  • • User-Friendly Layout
  • • Skimmable Content
  • • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • • Mobile Responsiveness
  • • A Clear Call to Action

Learn more in detail HERE!!!

Adding these features to a blog considerably boosts its prospects of becoming a useful and prominent post. Building a strong blog requires time and devotion, but the benefits of audience growth, engagement, and impact are well worth the effort.

What Is The Lifetime Of A Blog Post?

The lifetime of a blog post is not carved in stone, and great content with lasting value may occasionally transcend these lifetime deadlines.

Recent research by The Halvorson Group and IZEA discovered that the average longevity of a blog post is 2 years. This suggests that the real formula employed in the research was 1.4x, with x= the first month’s pageviews for the blog article.

That implies if the blog article you wrote last month had 100 pageviews, you might anticipate it to earn 1.4×100 = 140 pageviews during its lifespan.

What Do Successful Bloggers Do?

There are certain regularly utilized tactics that many bloggers acknowledge as being crucial to their success. Here are things that successful bloggers use to develop successful blogs.

Successful bloggers connect with their audience.

Successful bloggers know their audience. They cultivate an engaged audience from the outset. They communicate and engage with their readers and strive to comprehend their pain spots or address readers who are suffering the same challenges they overcome in their own life.

Successful bloggers are persistent and creative.

Persistence & Creativity! I genuinely want to say this 1000 times to you! Building a blog and turning it into an internet business can create HUGE earnings!

Only 1% succeed, and 99% fail! And 1% of success is the group of persistent and creative individuals!

Successful bloggers build a brand.

Successful bloggers realize that you cannot operate a successful blog without a commitment of time, effort, money, or all three. They realize that you should never establish a brand.

Creating a brand for your Blog is not easy, but it is worth the effort. When you build your brand, you also build authority in your area. If you execute it well, consumers will associate your brand with the specialty.

Successful bloggers don’t waste time.

Successful bloggers don’t waste time on chores that don’t move the needle. They are clever and know precisely what they need to spend their time and efforts on, like providing high-quality content.

Instead of attempting to gain more comments, shares, and likes.

Successful bloggers concentrate on what works.

Successful bloggers don’t only write about their preferred subjects. They acquire SEO writing abilities and apply them to increase their blogs’ online exposure.

They learn how to optimize their Blog for search engines so that they may attract more visits.

Successful bloggers create excellent ties.

There are a number of factors that help successful bloggers expand their business, but the most crucial is to network consistently.

Successful bloggers work with other bloggers and influencers since they know it’s usual for one blogger to refer another to a fresh opportunity.


As difficult as creating a blog post is, you’re only halfway through the job once your post is published.

You still need to share your content, monitor its performance, and more.

I’ve shared some key tips to help you get more out of your blogging efforts. Follow the tips here as guidelines and tick each step to increase the reach of your content.

Frequently Asked Question

What does publishing a blog post mean?

Publishing a blog post simply means publishing your content online for anyone to read. When you click ” publish ” on your blog post, it will be live-streamed on your website for the world to see.

Now, Google can start watching the content to decide where to rank for its core keyword.

What should I publish on my Blog?

The greatest approach to determining what to write about is to think about your audience. Who are you writing for? What do people want to read about?

Once you consider these criteria, it becomes easy to discover blog post ideas.

Is it free to write a blog post?

If you want to build a blog, you can try one of the free platforms accessible.

For example, you can try utilizing WordPress, Blogger, or Wix.

However, you may decide using a custom domain name makes the most sense. You must pay for hosting when using a custom domain to better control your Blog.