What’s The Difference Between Email And Spam Email? (Find Out)

What's The Difference Between Email And Spam Email?

I have been asked, “What’s the difference between Email Marketing and Spam Email?” 

We should understand first that Email marketing and spam email are both forms of electronic communication. 

But Email marketing is a legitimate form, while Spam email, on the other hand, is unsolicited and often contains harmful content.

 When talking about Email Marketing, quite a few individuals wrongly understand the role of this internet advertising channel.

 They say that email marketing is adequate merely to send subscribers a series of promotional emails. Exactly what they are talking about is Email Spam, not Email Marketing. 

Although they have the same form, these two shapes are radically distinct. Both in terms of execution and efficiency. 

So what’s the difference between email marketing and email spam? Let’s take a clear look at this in today’s article.

 Is Email Marketing Spam?

 It can be claimed that email marketing is seen as one of the innovative types of strategic marketing in which organizations can directly approach prospective clients fast and efficiently. 

But once it comes to Email Marketing, many individuals are now mistaking the notion and comparing it with Email Spam. 

Email marketing itself is not Spam, but if you utilize this marketing channel wrongly, it will be Spam.

Why Are Emails Spam? (Criteria Of A Spam Email)

These criteria are selected based on the two “big” Google and Yahoo algorithms. The most common reason why emails are classified as Spam is the “Spam Point” algorithm, which has the following process: 

Step 1: ESP (Email provider) will filter out Top Spam terms – the most utilized terms in Email Spam (identified as Spam by consumers globally).

Step 2: ESP will offer a “Spam” Score for each term. For example, terms like “promotion,” “attractive,” and “discount” typically have a rather high “Spam” score, often up to 1 point. 

Step 3: When each Email sends out, ESP will scan the Email content and collect “Spam” points. The maximum Spam scale is 5. 

If an Email has a “Spam” score of < 2/5, the rate of entering the Inbox is relatively high, and > 3/5; on the contrary, a high rate is in the Spam box. 

For example: If you send out emails with the subject “Very attractive promotion: 30% discount for old members.”

Google will compute “promotion” (1 point) and “attractive” (1 point). ) “discount” (1 point) = 3/5 Spam points. 

That’s why your Email is so simple to enter Spam Box. 

A few more elements also determine whether your email marketing is Spam. To prevent bulk-mail or malware attacks.

If there are too many Emails with the same content arriving from one IP address in a short period, ESP will block all those Emails. 

What’s The Difference Between Email And Spam Email By Definition

What is meant by email marketing?

Email marketing is a sort of internet advertising that employs Email as a way of connecting with an audience. 

In a wider sense, the word is sometimes used to refer to email marketing with the objective of building a company’s connection with current or new consumers.

The objective is to foster consumer loyalty. Thereby fostering repeat business. 

What is Email Spam? 

Email Spam’s full acronym is Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages Email.

This is a broad word that refers to the topic of sending a series of emails to numerous persons. The content contained is of no use or commercial in nature. 

In particular, the sent Email is not authorized by the recipient. The subject has no desire to receive emails like this.

What’s The Difference Between Email And Spam Email?

Difference in content

Email marketing is the Email consumers desire to receive since the information we give is beneficial to them. Customers will gladly open it, click the link, or save it to their Inbox. 

And spam emails are emails with content that most people don’t care about. They feel upset and frustrated when they get such messages. 

Many individuals do not need to know what is written in the Email but delete it quickly. 

Difference in communicating

Email marketing is the emails we create to consumers, send them privately, make them believe that we are talking with them, and make them respond to us. 

And spam emails are emails that are sent to thousands of individuals at once, and we don’t care what the customer’s view is. 

We keep attempting to shove a boatload of information we want to impart to them and don’t care how they feel. 

Difference in respect

Email marketing concerns consumer freedom. We shall respect the will of our audience, whether they want it or not, and not impose it. 

Meanwhile, email spam is like a forced transmission. We do not care whether the receiver wants to receive the information. 

Sender difference

 Email marketing helps us keep in contact with our target audience, push them to act, get back in touch with us with helpful information, and finally become our loyal clients.

 And spam email is a technology that enables us to convey information to many individuals at the same time, but only a handful of those thousands of people care about what we send.

 The difference in monitoring Performance

With email marketing, we can monitor the performance of the campaign we create, how many people read the letter, how many people click, how many comments favorably, etc.

 And spam emails, we only know how many messages are sent, how many are opened, and how many individuals do not open. 

Difference in relationship

Email marketing will follow clients, provide communications that meet their desires, and build a quality relationship with the audience, not necessarily advertising stuff, such as offering beneficial information. 

Spam emails solely aim to send and re-send product introduction, advertising, and promotion information. There’s no relationship between spam emails.

The difference in outcomes

Email Marketing: Helps you locate prospective customers for your company. And the next is to inspire them to become your clients. 

We continue to take care of clients via email marketing from that customer source. And convert them into devoted consumers. 

Spam email: Spam relies more on the element of luck. Because you deliver communications to a group of people.

 In that succession of receivers, if fortunate, with thousands of recipients. There may be a few persons interested in your products/services. 

Distinguish email marketing from spam emails for successful marketing.

  • Email Marketing helps businesses connect with potential customers; Build loyalty with old customers; properly implement the communication goals of the business’s brand, products, and services.
  • Email Spam is like a game of chance. It’s okay to have it. The effect is extremely low, even nothing.

So now that you have an overview to distinguish Email Marketing and Email Spam. Hope can help you set up the proper way of promotion. 

Let’s figure out how to create a successful email marketing campaign. 

Email Marketing is an integral aspect of marketing initiatives. But businesses have not truly used this resource or do not know how to build appeal. Follow this post as we educate you on how to construct a successful Email Marketing campaign. 

How To Create An Effective Email Marketing

 If you regularly check your email, you will easily notice a lot of emails in your Inbox. However, most of it will go to Spam. 

Therefore, you must prepare the content carefully to have an effective email campaign. Let’s see how to get it done:

Create a quality customer email list.

The first step in developing an efficient email marketing campaign is to create a quality email list of your target audience.

Instead of investing money to purchase email lists that may not offer you a solid consumer database, their wants may not necessarily be relevant to your product/service.

It’s advisable to build your email list to gather target customers’ information, 

Learn more: How to create a quality email list.

Write Emails to attract readers.

Writing emails is the Email’s main content that determines the recipient’s action. Either they will delete it or put it in the spam folder. Or click read it and follow the actions in the Email the way the sender wants. 

Therefore, you must pay particular attention to how to compose an enticing email that will be opened:

How to write emails to attract readers

Writing an appealing title:

This is the first aspect that readers pay attention to determining whether to continue reading; the title should be brief, simple, and not include more than 50 characters. 

To spark the recipient’s interest, the title should also incorporate terms such as PRIVATE, GIFT, …..  

Read more: How to write a catchy email headline.

Contain Logo and images:

The Logo of the company should be put above and in the right corner so that consumers can readily recognize it; even if customers have not opened it, they will know that it’s your business. 

The maximum width of the picture is 600px; Images must be of good quality and convey the idea you want to get over to the customer.

Read more: How to design images in email marketing.


It should be as brief as possible, concentrate directly on the important material that must be stated, speak about the advantages clients will obtain, and avoid rambling to make readers uncomfortable. 

Read more: How to write email content that stands out.


The portion of the customer’s call-to-action button may be a quick access to another link that clearly reveals additional specifics about the program content you want to offer to the consumer. Each Email should have just one call-to-action button. 

Read more: How to design email call to action to increase conversion.

Pay attention to Email sending timing and frequency. 

The interaction rate will be highest and achieve the best effect at the time (from 8 am to 10 am). In the afternoon, it should be from 3 to 4 pm.

 According to studies, at that time, the rate of people opening to check the work was very high, so the rate of our customers clicking and reading was about six times higher than the average time. Usually different during the day.

We should avoid sending on Friday afternoons and evenings, or Saturdays and Sundays, as this is the weekend for most people. 

In addition, the first Monday of the week is also not a reasonable time to send because it is the first weekday. Everyone will be busy with meetings as well as work plans for the whole week, so most will not check and be interested in the advertising mail. 

In addition, sending at these times easily causes your Email to be pushed down by other messages.

See more: The best time to send an email.

Email Marketing Best Practices

As a marketer or email marketing sender, you also don’t expect mail sent to recipients to be blocked or marked as Spam.

 You want mail to reach the recipient’s mailbox perfectly and achieve high send and read rates. You must follow the following guidelines in order to achieve that:

  •  Don’t mislead recipients with fake titles, sender names, content
  •  Let customers choose “Continue – Stop” to receive mail with the Unsubscribe button.
  •  You must refrain from sending consumers any emails with the same subject line for at least 30 days after the suspension of mail receipt.
  •  Avoid using phrases that are easily marked as Spam: Promotion, Discount, Shock Price, Unique Opportunity…
  •  Using too many special characters: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  •  Send to many recipients in the same company (the company’s email firewall will assume it’s a spam attack).
  •  Apply bold colors (red, bright yellow…) too much in one mail…

Effective email marketing helps automatically take care of customers with pre-set email marketing scripts and builds customers’ trust in the company’s products, thereby increasing loyalty and sales.


For a marketing campaign, the ultimate goal is always to maintain a connection with potential customers, make them future customers of the business, and maintain the loyalty of existing customers. At, care and bring benefits to customers.

Meanwhile, email spam brings too unpredictable consequences, it is easy for businesses to create a bad image in the eyes of users, and of course, there will be a very high risk of “losing money, bringing disability” Your business will have no good results after such email spam campaigns.

Distinguishing email marketing and spam emails will help you save time and effort to implement an effective email marketing campaign, optimizing your business. 

Wish you will implement successful and effective email marketing campaigns.