When Should Businesses Use Email Marketing: What You Should Know

When Should Businesses Use Email Marketing

Understanding when businesses should use email marketing can make you accomplish all your marketing objectives.

 With so many marketing channels accessible today, organizations must carefully examine if email marketing is the correct method.

In this blog post, I will explain when businesses should use email marketing and why they should use it. I will also highlight some important points to assist you in determining whether email marketing is the appropriate match for your organization.

Please read our guide on how to write an email for marketing a product.

Let’s have a quick look at what email marketing is before we dive into today’s topic.

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a kind of digital marketing that entails sending your target audience emails with company news, discounts, promotions, coupons, and other pertinent information updates. The term “ecosystem” refers to a group of people who work in the construction industry.

What types of email marketing are there?

You’ll notice that there are several forms of email to support your marketing plan after you have a basic understanding of what email marketing is.

• Email marketing in the form of news: to update clients on services, projects, or new products… to offer knowledge and insights that benefit clients. Businesses may maintain consistent consumer contact with the aid of this email format.

• Promotional email: This form of email is sent when a new product is released or on a particular occasion…

• Sales email: use email to introduce products and call customers to buy. Every marketing initiatives must be mobile and desktop responsive.

To get the greatest results, take into account variables like the campaign type, target market, and market segment when creating an email marketing campaign.

Please read our full guide on email marketing.

When Should Businesses Use Email Marketing Campaigns?

Email marketing may be used in a variety of ways. An email campaign may be used for a variety of things, including:

1.   When there is a new product

You can create an email marketing campaign to notify customers when a product is launched or a new item is imported. This is to create interest and attention of your target customers in your new product.

Please read our guide on how to get customers to open your email.

Please send short, clear, attractive messages introducing the outstanding advantages of the product. Along with that is the incentive for customers to buy the product or pre-order the product. This helps drive visitors to your website or to place an early order for your new product.

2.   Advertise products and services.

Many companies use email marketing to reach potential customers and advertise their products and services. You can collect leads and customer email information in many ways, and then send emails introducing your products and services. Companies such as real estate, training, travel, spa, and beauty salon often use email to advertise products and services. Thereby finding new customers for your business.

See also: How to write email marketing to market products.

3.   Announcement of special offers and promotions

For those who have signed up to receive email newsletters or old customers, businesses can use email channels to send notifications about existing or upcoming offers and promotions.

This helps increase the connection between the target audience and the business and increases the chances of a sale. Email is very commonly used by businesses for this purpose.

4.   Nurturing potential customers

You can create email chains to take care of potential customers who are interested and likely to buy your products or services. Delight your customers with content that helps them succeed in their goals.

For example, create emails that provide knowledge about business, management or marketing… Many educational centers and trainers regularly send customers emails with instructions on useful skills. Thereby making potential customers impressed with the professional knowledge of the trainer and participating in courses when needed.

5.   Send newsletters

Businesses can use email to create electronic newsletters (newsletters). Create an email sequence to share relevant content on your business blog or useful content with your potential customers. In this newsletter, you can also announce outstanding events of the business to build brand images, such as charity activities, sponsorships, receiving trophies, certificates of merit or opening a new store or factory.

6.   To increase brand awareness

Email can help increase brand awareness. If you can create email sequences with useful content, send them as often as weekly for the long term. This will attract attention, make potential customers remember and pay more attention to your brand.

You can also send PR articles to polish your brand image through charity images, sponsorships, certificates and trophies, and awards the business receives. This can increase engagement between potential customers and your business, as well as brand image.

7.   Relationship building, customer care

Email can help build connections through personalized interactions. You should send emails with the full name of each customer, not send them as a general greeting. This makes them feel more respected.

Many businesses use email to take care of loyal customers and build relationships with loyal consumers. Please send emails congratulating birthday and company establishment day… to each customer/partner, accompanied by gift vouchers and discount codes when purchasing. This will make your customers happier and more engaged with your business.

See also: How to build a relationship with customers through email marketing.

Why Should Businesses Use Email Marketing?

Email marketing has grown in popularity and effectiveness as a means for businesses to reach out to their consumers.  If you want to know more about how to use email as part of your digital marketing strategy, check out these examples.

Why email marketing is important for businesses

1.      Everyone (almost) uses email

An Optinmonster survey found that 92% of customers use email. It should be plenty to persuade you to investigate this tool. Using email in marketing can be a great opportunity to reach a large number of potential customers. Not only can you offer them discounts, special offers, new product announcements, etc., but viewers can share and forward those emails to whoever they want.

Encourage consumers to share your content and specials with as many people as they can. This is an effective email marketing approach. That will help more customers know your information. You need an eye-catching email design to attract and make customers and increase brand awareness.

2.      Stay in touch with your customers.

An email has the ability to notify your customers. Consumers can check their email at a time that is convenient for them. When you receive an email, it will give the recipient the feeling that you are interested in them. If after a customer makes a purchase, you only contact them for a short time, it may cause customers to forget your brand.

Simple emails like “Hi, long time no see you back to purchase from us, here is a wonderful deal I have for you!” may help you stay in contact with your clients. or “Here’s a summary of current corporate news that’s occurred.” The people who joined your email list have agreed to receive these messages. These emails will probably be well received by your subscribers as long as you provide them information that is worthwhile reading, which will increase customer interaction.

3.      Generate sales effectively

Email marketing is extremely effective at attracting new customers and encouraging old customers to buy more. Email your customers when there is a promotion or new shipment entry. You can use email marketing to drive traffic to your website, which engages consumers in your sales funnel.

4.      Email brings a high conversion rate.

The main purpose of marketing is to convert potential customers into paying customers for your products or services.

When it comes to conversions, email channels are highly effective and much cheaper than other channels.

On average, an email campaign’s actual click-through rate is around 3% (Source). As for tweets, the average click-through rate is around 0.86%. (Source)

The numbers above mean that the email channel’s ability to get recipients to click on your website is 3.4 times that of Twitter.

In addition, you can use email to track the customer journey, track what time email recipients open, what links they click, or what content they are interested in on your website. From there, businesses can better understand customer needs so that they can adjust their strategies more appropriately.

5.      Email marketing prices are extremely affordable.

Email marketing is one of the cheapest forms of outreach for a small business today. The advantage of email marketing is that you can send customers the same information and elements of direct mail.

However, the customer will quickly or almost immediately receive your letter. You can also optimize delivery times without the cost of printing and postage. You can send a series of thousands of emails to your entire customer list for free or for less than the price of a lunch.

6.      Email is an open platform.

In the past few years, many brands have spent millions of dollars to invest in social media channels to develop brands to attract more customers to their brands.

However, Facebook regularly updates the algorithm to reduce the number of business posts. To increase this number, businesses have to spend more money to run ads.

Channels like Facebook and Twitter are owned and controlled by 3rd parties. Therefore, Marketers are completely passive, having to depend on their changes.

Email is not owned or controlled by anyone. This is an open platform. It has a lot of services that allow access to send and receive email.

7.      Personalized audience marketing

According to Campaignmonitor, when you mention recipients’ names in the subject line, they open emails 26% more than not personalizing the emails.

A good email subject line is just the first step to making the email feel like a personal message instead of spam. Here are some other ways your small business can encourage customers to open their mail:

  • Send a specific email to subscribers on their birthday or anniversaries with your company.
  • Offer a product or discount related to their previous purchases with your business.
  • Send emails that include topics and items that interest your subscribers.
  • With a well-crafted email, you can automate this process to benefit your brand without investing a lot of time.

Please read our guide on how to write an email that stands out and gets read.

8.      Segments are useful for email marketing.

One fantastic aspect of email marketing is how simple it is to create segmented, grouped lists for communications to certain recipients. These email contact lists are excellent for ensuring that you send your audience relevant emails since they can be made depending on variables like geographic area or involvement.

You can also group emails to customers who are interested in a particular product, loyal customers or potential customers. Segmented emails not only make messages feel more personal and relevant to consumers, but they also increase your email click-through rates.

9.      Emails provide value to your customers

Email marketing needs to provide value to the reader to be truly successful. You can create multiple email campaigns that provide valuable content to your readers. Bring out your creative side and give useful information.

For example, consider combining entertaining or informative emails with your promotional emails to keep your content fun and engaging. This tells subscribers that your email is valuable in many ways.

10. Increase brand awareness

When you own the email address of a customer or potential customer, it means that the customer has shown a level of interest in your business, then they will leave their personal information and email address. Email marketing gives you the ability to increase brand awareness and interest by always keeping users’ attention, making them always remember your brand. By constantly and regularly sending emails to customers, they may not notice at first, but in the long run, customers will remember your brand and products.

This doesn’t mean sending four emails daily to each customer. It’s really the fastest way to make your customers hate you… Learn to have a reasonable frequency of sending emails to customers weekly. You should not only focus on sales, only sales in emails that can provide relevant and useful information to customers. This way, you can build trust and get customers to love and remember your brand.

11. Enable your brand to reach mobile users

Recent years have seen a massive increase in mobile use, and email marketing gives you a means to connect with them. Around 61.6% of consumers read their emails on a mobile device, according to a report from  Easysendy. This is why a small company development plan must include email marketing as a key element. It effectively communicates your message to prospective consumers.

12.  You can survey your consumers.

Many businesses benefit from using email for consumer surveys. You can create a survey email campaign to collect customer feedback. Surveys are an easy way to get customer insight into what’s working and what’s not. It can help you tailor your products, services, and future marketing campaigns to the needs of your consumers.

13. Provide quantifiable outcomes

With email marketing, you can track your outcomes more precisely than with other types of advertising. You may also test several email marketing strategies to see which has the most effect on your subscribers.

Other types of sponsored promotion are often more costly and may not provide similar benefits. The largest benefit email marketing gives small firms may be the capacity to customize messages to each client.

14. Maintain customer loyalty

Email drives customer loyalty at every buyer journey stage: lead acquisition, conversion, referrals, and retention. Additionally, email marketing is an essential tool to use in conjunction with a sales or customer care CRM system.

15. Email is sustainable.

The largest social network in the world from 2005 to 2008 was MySpace. By June 2006, it surpassed Google to become the most visited website in the United States. But where is MySpace now?

The promotional email was first sent in 1978, with a number of 400 sent out and increasing continuously, stably and sustainably until today.

With the great development of technology, today’s email is not simply sent manually, which takes a lot of time and effort. The emergence of automation systems (like Mautic) brings many outstanding benefits, especially to senders. Those are features such as unlimited Contacts storage, tracking of read and click rates, scoring according to customer interactions, etc. Bringing a very new approach to customers. This has brought business email to more people, making Email Marketing highly effective.

The Best Email Marketing Services For Businesses

If you want to find a professional email service with many features and accept monthly fees, here are some of the best software for your reference:

  • Mailchimp
  • GetResponse
  • Converkit
  • MailerLite
  • Drip
  • Constant Contact
  • Sendinblue

Mailchimp, the most commonly used email marketing software

The lowest price for using the above software is Mailchimp, at $9.99/month, and the highest is Convertkit, at $25/month.

Usually, you have to pay an annual usage fee. These are the lowest prices. There are other prices depending on the basic plan or premium for business.


For businesses looking to communicate with their target market, promote their products or services, and ultimately boost sales, email marketing might be a highly effective strategy. Yet, it is essential to use email marketing strategically and to make sure that the recipient will find the content useful.

Businesses may use email marketing to strengthen customer relationships and boost their bottom line if they put in the work to develop a quality email list and write interesting newsletters. In the end, when used wisely and correctly, email marketing may significantly enhance any company’s marketing strategy.