Who Pays Bloggers (How to get paid for Blogging?)

Who Pays Bloggers

Why does Blogging make money? Who pays bloggers? How do you make money blogging?… These are questions that I receive every day, every hour, from new friends.

Well, Bloggers are paid by various individuals and organizations. They get their money from the company when they undertake affiliate marketing or advertising on their site, and many more.

And to be honest, getting money via Blogging is still very new. Very few people do it, and among those who do, the percentage of individuals who succeed is even less.

If you’re still wondering how to get paid Blogging, this article will cover the numerous methods you can use to convert your blog into a source of income.

Let’s find out…

See also: Is Blogging still profitable?

Who Pays Bloggers

The first and biggest thing to keep in mind before we discuss “who pays bloggers” is to know that Blogging takes time. It may take a month or six months before you can get paid. 

Let’s look at the many monetization strategies accessible to bloggers and to which platforms and sites bloggers are going to be paid.

Advertising agencies pay bloggers.

Advertisement agencies are one of the most popular businesses that pay bloggers. 

They pay bloggers to show advertisements on their blogs or create sponsored pieces promoting a certain product or service.

Ad agencies pay depending on how many views and page impressions a blog has. A fee for every 1,000 views determines the amount.

Ad agencies like Google Adsense and Ezoic… operate as the intermediary or contact between brands and corporations wishing to promote online and the bloggers ready to ‘rent’ their blogs for them to do so. 

Bloggers register to join the ad program, and the ad network chooses the most acceptable ad content to show and pays bloggers in return.

Readers pay Bloggers

Readers who visit the blog article might also be among those who paid bloggers via memberships and subscriptions.

Subscriptions are payments by the reader for content, whether it’s all content or some extra content. 

Bloggers that offer paid subscriptions generally offer a mix of free and paid content for their readers. 

One common way through which readers pay bloggers is through a subscription to the premium newsletter, usually with much more exclusive or detailed content. 

Some bloggers also offer the first few paragraphs of an article for free, but they require payment from the readers in order to see the entire article.

Affiliate marketing networks pay bloggers.

Affiliate marketing networks are also part of brands that are ready to pay bloggers to promote their products or services.

Brands and corporations pay commissions to bloggers every time one of their followers makes a purchase or performs a desired action as a consequence of the blogger’s advice or through their affiliate link. 

Affiliate marketing is one of the most common ways in which bloggers get paid nowadays.

Direct sponsors pay bloggers.

Some bloggers may be able to get paid from brands or corporations through direct sponsorships.

This implies that the blogger will be paid directly by the sponsor rather than via an intermediary like an advertising agency, freelance platform, or affiliate marketing network.

The sponsor pays for the actual content provided, implying ownership rights to the photographs and videos made by the blogger. 

Sponsor brands may pay for even more things, including exclusivity, which implies that the blogger won’t write about a rival for a specified length of time. It’s everything managed by contract, so it’s negotiable.

Freelance platforms pay bloggers.

Freelancing and sponsored articles are extremely similar, yet they work for quite different blogs. 

Freelance bloggers may ghostwrite, guest post, and sell their content to the highest bidder. In contrast, sponsored bloggers are paid to write pieces tailored toward a brand or corporation. 

Either way, freelance platforms act as an intermediary to pay bloggers to write for clients, and this manner is satisfying and successful. 

How Do Bloggers Recieve Their Money?

Now that we’ve discussed who pays bloggers let’s check how bloggers receive their money from this entity.

Many organizations prefer to make payments through bank transfer as it is the least costly alternative. People employ bank transfers for local transactions due to this. It’s acceptable and inexpensive.

Bloggers receive money through PayPal.

Paypal is the most common electronic payment method that most bloggers use to receive their money from.

 When companies utilize PayPal to transmit money, a fee is imposed, which is normal, in order to receive both local and international money. 

 All that is needed for bloggers to receive money via PayPal is their email address.

Bloggers receive money through Payoneer: 

Another service comparable to PayPal is Payoneer. Simply send a link to your consumers and ask them to pay using Payoneer. 

It’s straightforward to set up, and you can even transmit the money to your local bank in a day or two. 

To join up with Payoneer, click here. Whenever you collect your first payment after utilizing my referral link, you will earn $25. I will also receive $25 as a result of this. 

Bloggers receive money through Checks. 

Another way through which bloggers receive their money is through checks.

Some firms still utilize checks to make payments. But if you don’t have any other technical options, you should absolutely take it into mind.

How Much Money Do Bloggers Make?

This is a really tough question to answer. 

Fundamentally, the degree of money each blog will make relies on many aspects, such as the quality of the blog and if the blog subject is of interest to many people. 

 Generally, bloggers could expect to make between $0 – $1,000,000 per month

Let me offer you a few instances of individual Blogging to make money:

  • • The Smart Passive Income blog was founded by owner Pat Flynn while he was jobless in 2008 when the economic crisis struck. And up to today, according to the revenue report, this blog pulls in an average of roughly $130,000 every month.
  • • Or blogger Jon Morrow, a completely disabled guy (literally), developed the Smart Blogger blog and presently produces an average monthly income of $100,000.
  • •      Mike Sagman developed the site Dog Food Advisor, a blog specialized in Blogging about dog food. Currently, the website has an average of more than 1 million views every month and earns substantial cash.
  • •      … A lot more!

There are also many individuals who are blogging full-time and view Blogging as a job that offers solid income. 

What Is Blogging To Make Money?

Blogging is not difficult, but blogging to make money is not something everyone can do. 

Blogging to make money is the procedure when the blog owner creates valuable content and offers expertise, experience, and intriguing information in order to secure visits from readers or have a position in the leading search engines to have a source of income, such as posting adverts, affiliate links, etc. 

Therefore, if you have an understanding of the Basics of Blogging, SEO, and how to operate on the Internet, you can make money blogging.

How Do People Make Money With Blogging?

Actually, all of those blogs that make money with Blogging have one thing in common. They will:

  • • Choose a highly profitable niche (e.g., beauty, food, marketing, etc.)
  • • Then, they generate a lot of excellent content to attract readers, helping users discover answers to address their difficulties.

They will then apply the various ways to make money through Blogging. Let’s see the ways to make money through Blogging.

Ways To Make Money Through Blogging:

Actually, if you are new to the blogging industry, it will be quite tough for you to notice the approaches bloggers are using to make money on a blog. However, I will show you ways Blogging helps you to make money online.

Make money blogging through advertising.

Blogging and making money by posting adverts is the most popular and also the most passive way to create revenue from a blog.

Google put an ad in the blog article text. This is called the Adsense advertising network that we commonly hear about. Of course, not every blog or website may install adsense advertising since it has to be authorized by Google.

Most bloggers that make money with advertising will concentrate on generating really helpful and valuable content for readers. 

Gradually, their blog will be highly valued by Google, and at that point, they may apply for the AdSense advertising program. When Google approves, they will be able to start generating money.

In addition to the AdSense advertising network, there are numerous additional advertising networks that blog owners may join, such as Mgid, Adnow… 

However, up to the present, Adsense is still a trustworthy advertising network and has many blogs and websites. 

Make money blogging by enabling partners to display advertising or sponsor blog content.

This is also a way to make money through Blogging. Normally, if your blog is excellent and has a lot of traffic, you will get offers from partners.

For example, if your site is about the beauty business, there will be businesses that want to advertise their goods or pay you to write reviews to promote their newly announced items.

They will even compose articles and demand to pay you to have their writings put on your blog. Individuals routinely get offers, as well as gain a little cash via grant writing.

In brief, Having a blog with excellent content and steady traffic, a highly popular option for generating money is through advertising, renting banner space, and sponsoring posts.

It’s like having a home on a street with numerous pedestrians, and you may rent out rooms or premises.

Make money by selling your own products/services on the site.

Previously, Blogging was primarily considered a tool to preserve personal recollections, but lately, bloggers have begun writing for business.  

They may publish blogs to assist their company and sell things. For example, a lady who loves beauty may develop a blog focusing on providing beauty advice and then add a store section to offer handcrafted lipstick or cosmetics.

Blogs here play a very excellent part in delivering relevant information, reaching target clients, developing trust, and converting them into devoted customers.

In addition, a blog may also help you develop a personal brand, from which you can give services such as consulting, selling e-books, or online courses (this is the business of selling items). 

Make money blogging by selling blog subscriptions.

When your blog has a huge number of dedicated readers who constantly want to know more information, subjects, articles, etc., that you provide, you may offer blog subscription packages to create cash. 

Readers will pay a set price each day, week, month, or year to register as a member of the blog. After purchasing, readers have the right to access, preview, or use the text, photographs, videos, etc. that you share.

Make money blogging through Affiliate Marketing.

What if you blog but don’t have any products/services to sell, nor any sponsored brand? Is there any way to make money from blogs like this?

Don’t worry. There is even a better way to make money. That is generating money by implementing Affiliate Marketing to your blog.

Very simply, Affiliate Marketing is when you create content and then promote other people’s products using your affiliate link to make a commission.

The approach of getting money with Affiliate Marketing is a strategy that many bloggers want to employ because:

  • • You will not need to pay capital to import items
  • • You will also require customer care and delivery
  • • Don’t worry about inventory difficulties

Your task is straightforward: to write valuable content, then encourage them to click on your affiliate link. When they purchase the product/service, you will be paid a commission by the provider.

The intriguing thing about generating money with affiliate marketing on a blog is that it is highly passive, and if you know how, with just one post, you can make significant revenue.   

4 Essential Skills Needed To Succeed As A Blogger

Every successful person in every business has numerous skills that make them successful.

With my many years of experience as a blogger, I believe there are 4 skills that “you must definitely learn” if you want to become a successful blogger.

Website making skill

If you want to blog, you must start a blog on a platform that enables generating websites.

You don’t have to be a guru in designing websites or an expert in coding. Little knowledge is enough to get you started.

I always recommend you learn how to make a website using WordPress. It’s extremely simple; you can practice, and in half a day, you can build your own personal blog based on this source code.

Making a website with WordPress is one of the easiest and most minimal information a blogger has to acquire.

Keyword research skills

Preparing an appropriate list of keywords is the next step once you have hosting, domain, and basic WordPress website installation.

Keyword research can assist you in choosing the appropriate topic for your blog’s content series. 

From there, it will assist in getting visitors from Google searches right from the earliest days of Blogging, provided you have solid keyword research abilities.

Content writing skills

Writing content for a blog is a highly crucial skill since readers visit your site with the primary objective of getting the information and content they need.

Without this skill, it’s impossible for any blogger to become successful. Content writing skill is the foundation of Blogging.

Refer to our article on the 4 simple tips on how to write high-quality content.

Marketing Skills

If you have solid content and a nice blog, now is the time to find a strategy to “show off” it to the correct audience.

Among traffic attraction channels, SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) is the first skill you need to acquire, then social media.

See also: 3 easy ways to drive traffic to a blog for free.


Wow! The article is rather lengthy. I hope it doesn’t make you confused and feel disheartened at the beginning while reading. 

Blogging to make money is definitely not a simple profession. It demands commitment, dedication, and a very precise plan.

Therefore, I advise that you evaluate all the things described in this post.

Actually, the last thing that I want to emphasize to help you have more confidence in Blogging to make money is that you need to create good, valuable content, attract traffic, and create conversions that turn readers into customers through persuasion and giving them a reason why they should buy the product. The product you are promoting.

This is the simplest fundamental strategy to make money blogging!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the wealthiest blogger in the world?

It’s Tim Sykes who makes more than a million dollars every month due to his blog! 

Its niche: trading penny stocks, a specific form of market capitalization. This is a fantastic example of the diversity of payment channels: he utilizes advertising on his site, offers online training, establishes a paid newsletter, and practices affiliation. 

Do bloggers have to pay taxes on their income?

Yes, Bloggers do pay taxes, but It also depends on the country or state in which they reside

To find out if there are taxes on Blogging in your country, do some research and contact the tax authorities.