Why Are Emails Sent To Spam: 8 Reasons And How To Fix It.

Why are Emails Sent To Spam

Are you interested in knowing the reasons why emails are sent to spam and how you could prevent yours from ending up there? Also, if your email marketing to customers end up in the spam bin rather than the Inbox? 

Just get a cup of coffee and read this post to learn why sending emails to spam is bad. At the same time, I will also show you how to modify an email into InboxInbox.

So, Let’s dive in!

What Exactly Is Spam Email?

In Short, Spam emails were sent to you without your consent. But why is permission needed? Whoever sends an email will receive it.

How many emails are sent every second? Around 2,600,000 messages are sent every second, totaling 156 million each minute. And about 224,000,000,000 (two hundred and twenty billion) each day.

Nevertheless, an estimated 90% of those 224 billion emails are spam (spam and unwanted). Several security corporations believe the current spam email rate is between 53% and 58%. When the global population (8.0 billion) is divided by the average amount of 123 billion spam emails (55% spam/224 billion emails). Each individual gets at least 16 emails daily and roughly 500 spam emails monthly.

Why Are Emails Classified As Spam?

While email is an extremely effective mode of communication, it is also quite inexpensive. As a result, spammers gather millions of emails and send them in bulk. A few individuals purchase the goods to pay the expense of sending millions of emails.

Thankfully, a massive wall kept the flood of spam emails at bay. The Spam Firewall (FIRE ANTI SPAM FIRE) prevents spam from accessing your primary InboxInbox.

To identify and prevent email spam, the spam firewall contains various levels of protection:

1. Blacklist

What exactly is the Blacklist? You’ve probably heard this word a lot. It is the common name for firms that specialize in looking for and tracking spamming servers. 

These companies update the advice regularly and use a variety of approaches to identify suspicious IP / Email Server addresses. They are non-profit and operate independently of any agency or government.

The Blacklist will check the email before it reaches the recipient’s InboxInbox. This procedure blocked around 85% – 90% of spam emails.

You may use the Mxtoolbox tool to see whether your IP address is on the Blacklist.

See also: What is an email blacklist?

How do you get off a blacklist?

To get your IP address removed from Blacklist. You may have to request that the mail server IP be removed from the Blacklist. But first, be sure to disable any email marketing via your email server. Because Blacklist can permanently block your IP address if the mail server continues to disseminate spam.

Check out what an email server is HERE.

You may send a takedown request to the following popular organizations on the Blacklist:

Typically, blacklist companies would remove the server IP address from the list within 7 days, or maybe longer, depending on the volume of spam transmitted.

2. Filtering

Even though the Blacklist is extensive, it will not catch all spam emails. Some still end up in your email. This is where email filters and categorization come into play. They will pick which emails get to the InboxInbox and which go to spam.

Why do emails end up in spam? Spam filters assess a wide range of parameters. These filters will assign a score to each element. Some things raise the score somewhat, and some raise the score significantly. If your score is higher than a particular level, the email will be marked as spam.

8 Main Reasons Why Incoming Emails Are Filtered To Spam

1.  Reasons for sending emails to spam – Email tracking feature

Check to determine whether tracking options are activated if you use email marketing software or services. For instance, open email monitoring, click tracking, or an unsubscribe option…

Only email campaigns to registered customers may use the tracking features. They will enhance the spam rate for the objective of excessive advertising promotion.

2.  Evaluate the brand name and the title.

Email subject lines and brand names may seem unconnected at first glance, but they are not. Those are the root causes of email spam that we must examine.

The most common errors that senders make that cause mail to wind up in the spam box are:

3.  URL link in the email body

The URL link in the text is the most potent source of email forwarded to spam because it is comparable to using email tracking tools.

Delete each link in the text, in turn, to see which link creates spam emails. Even if you merely type the website domain name, you should attempt to erase it (such as financebode.com…).

4.  Sending just one picture leads to emails being marked as spam.

Pictures are a component that might raise your spam filter score because a lot of evil folks use them to conceal harmful infections.

Inserting too many photos or sending an email with just one image increases the likelihood that your message will be sent to the spam bin.

Checkout our guide on How to design images in email marketing

5.  Content

The following are relatively frequent errors that most users make. Spam filters also prohibit the following consequences:

• Employ engaging or dynamic sentences right away. These words are often included in emails sent by phishing groups that distribute malware files. Click Here, Watch Now, Download Now, Grab Now, Click Here,…

• Employing an excessive number of exclamation points!!!!!! or unique characters%$# @ *&

 This is a typical mistake in email marketing. As a result, it will ultimately become a spam filter trigger phrase.

6.  Email data is not cleansed on a regular basis.

This is the reason for email spam that marketers must consider. An email list that is not regularly cleansed will produce the following:

All of this indicates to ISPs that you are a problematic sender. They will soon tarnish your reputation and direct your emails to the spam bin.

See also: How to clean your email list.

7.  Setup the incoming email server

One of the primary reasons for emails going to spam is that you have misconfigured the email domain with the sending server. Please examine each of the following elements in turn:

Set up SPF records

The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email assessment tool that identifies fraudulent emails. The system will examine the domain from which the email was sent. 

And whether or not this domain belongs to the domain’s administrator. In other words, Record TXT SPF is a method for increasing the dependability of your email when it is delivered.

DKIM is not set.

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) is an email authentication system that uses the sender domain’s digital signature. At the same time, the public key is often published on DNS as a TXT record. The other key is set up on the mail server.

8.  Your email was sent to the SPAM organization’s address.

You may need to be made aware of this truth. Blacklist companies often establish bulk email addresses (spam traps) to check for and identify spam IPs.

 If your email is unintentionally sent to the proper address of one of these companies, your IP address will very certainly be blacklisted.

Steps On How To Get Emails In The Inbox

Note: In the steps to edit the email to InboxInbox below, you will need to send it to other accounts. For accounts, when receiving mail to the main folder, advertising or spam, absolutely do not open the email to see. This makes the results of checking InboxInbox next time reduce the accuracy.

Step 1. Examine the email data’s quality.

The first step is to go through your email list. Data gathered from unknown sources should be disregarded. Better still, you should gather and solicit consumer input in order to generate high-quality data. Say no to buying email lists.

See also: The risk of buying email lists.

In addition, ISPs always keep track of which IP address the email is sent from and which domain they have used to distribute promotional mail. The campaign results will reflect the quality of your email sender.

Email open rate, email bounces (Bounce), and the number of people marking spam (complaints) will be signals for ESP to rank your IP and domain as trustworthy. From there, make a decision whether to allow your message to the recipient’s InboxInbox.

Step 2: Think about turning off tracking features.

Email software will include extremely tiny (1px) and transparent pictures in each email to monitor reads and clicks. As previously stated, this option is only available to individuals who have opted in.

Marketers that have data that has not been approved by the receiver should switch off this option while conducting a campaign in order to deliver emails to the InboxInbox at a high rate.

Step 3. Examine the provided data.

We give the following sending information: sending address, email to get comments, brand name, and title.

1. Sending Address: Marketers should use Gmail. Avoid using Email domains. 

2.   Brand Name: Do not write the website domain name, and do not capitalize all characters. It should be limited to 4-5 words in length.

3. Email address to receive responses: Similar to the sending address, you should also avoid using email domains.

4. Email subject: Do not write the website domain name, and do not capitalize all characters. The length should be limited to 8-10 words.

 Step 4. Examine the content

You must review the content after ensuring that the submitted information is not problematic. The quickest way to determine if the content is the cause of the email sent to spam is to write a letter with just a few simple sentences:

As an example:

– Subject: Hello

– Content: Test any type of content.

If, after sending a test, this new message arrives in the InboxInbox, it signifies that your prior email included anything flagged as spam by the spam filter. 

We have a problem to solve at this point:

1. The old content is written directly in the email client.

2. Old content is copied and pasted into the email client from any external source.

If you are writing emails under the second method, which is in charge of “copying” the content. Skip this step if you’re writing an email in method 1.

When copying text from any source, clean it up.

While writing an email, users often copy it from another source (word, website, blog, Facebook, etc.) and paste it into the email program to send. This method often results in non-standard HTML code being generated automatically. 

Specifically, it does not comply with the MIME standard – Email Quality Standard. As a consequence, spam filters will mark the email as spam.

You can make use of a text-to-HTML converter for high-quality email content. I use word2cleanhtml in this case.

  • Copy and paste the material from the external source into the word2clean program.
  • Choose the Convert to clean html option. Your information will be “cleaned.” It translates to a more straightforward, observable format. The material is in HTML format, as seen in the picture below.

Ctrl-A to select all, then Ctrl-C to copy. Instead, you may copy the whole thing by clicking Copy cleaned HTML to the clipboard in the word2clean program.

  •  Insert the following text into your email program. To utilize this conversion format, You must change the application editing mode to HTML

That’s all; you now have a clean email. To solve the problem, we begin by identifying the elements that cause the message content to move to spam.

How to detect content aspects that cause emails to be marked as spam

The two most common causes of email content being forwarded to spam are:

Please attempt to erase each of the aforementioned variables in turn and then submit a test to determine the precise problem.

Image: If the picture is causing the email content to be marked as spam. Please rename the image and try uploading it to another site to get a new URL. Google’s picture application, for example, or photo uploading websites. Please keep in mind that the picture name should be typed in correctly without accents. Avoid drafting sentences that are excessively lengthy or include too many numbers.

• Website links cause email content to be sent to spam. It is possible to say that the URL is the primary source of message spam. Remove it from your content to guarantee that emails get in your InboxInbox at a high rate.

Also, while the problem is being resolved, please evaluate why the letter is marked as spam owing to the above-mentioned content. It will assist you in swiftly identifying additional suspicious elements in order to increase your Inbox efficiency.

You may also check out our full guide on: “How to prevent email from getting to spam.”


Now that we’re aware of the possible reasons why emails are sent to spam and how you could prevent yours. It’s important you keep a fair email-sending frequency in mind. If the campaign occurs often, the receiver may start having negative feelings and might even classify you as spam.

Follow up with your subscribers to optimize your email marketing frequency. You may only submit once each week. Instead, the ideal option is to poll clients to determine when they wish to receive emails.

Moreover, the provider and email marketing software you choose might influence whether or not the email appears in the InboxInbox. Search for trusted SMTP server service providers for email marketing.

You may use terms like SendGrid, Getresponse, and so on. Offering top-quality SMTP around the globe