Why are my open rates declining? (Things You Should Know)

Why are my open rates declining

Are you wondering the question, “Why are my open rates declining?”

A decline in open rates can result from several factors, including changes in the email recipient’s habits, increased competition for attention in their inbox, issues with the subject line, sender reputation, or content of the email itself.

It’s crucial to understand the underlying causes of declining open rates in order to take the necessary steps to improve the success of your email campaigns.

Having been an email marketer for 7 years after working for several companies. I remember the day I almost lost a client because the email I sent to my client audience had a low open rate.

This made me understand the reasons, and I had to learn and practice how to increase my declining open rate.

In this blog post, I’m going to share with you the secret I discovered on What to do if your open rate is declining and the possible reason why your email open rate is declining.

Learn how to increase your email open rate here!

Let’s get started.

Why are my open rates declining?

Let’s take a look at the several elements of your email that may be causing your email open rate to decrease,

1. Email Fatigue:

Email fatigue, also known as email overload, happens when an email receiver gets an excessive number of emails in a short period of time, resulting in burnout and a decrease in engagement with the messages.

As subscribers continue to disregard or delete emails without ever seeing them, open rates, click-through rates, and conversions may suffer.

Email fatigue is caused by a number of circumstances, including:

Excessive email frequency:

 If your subscribers get too many emails from you, they may become overwhelmed and disregard your communications. This is particularly true if your communications are irrelevant or of little value to the receiver.

 Inadequately targeted messages:

 If your emails aren’t relevant to your readers, they’ll lose interest and quit opening them.

 Lack of variety:

If all of your emails have the same structure and style, readers may lose interest over time. Experiment with other forms, such as text-only emails, HTML emails, or multimedia emails.

Uninteresting or irrelevant content:

 If your emails’ content is uninteresting or irrelevant, subscribers may lose interest and stop opening them. Review your material on a regular basis to ensure that it is still relevant and entertaining to your audience.

To avoid email fatigue, lower the frequency of your emails, categorize your audience so that you only send relevant messages, and make sure your communications are interesting and relevant.

Additionally, evaluating your email data on a frequent basis and making adjustments as required will help you prevent email fatigue and guarantee that your messages continue to reach your target demographic successfully.

2. Lack of Personalization:

Personalization is the practice of tailoring your email content and subject lines to the individual recipient. When done correctly, personalization can increase engagement and conversions, as subscribers feel that the message was specifically for them.

Lack of personalization can lead to a decline in open rates for several reasons, including:

Lack of relevance:

 The message may feel generic and uninteresting if your emails don’t address the recipient by name or mention their specific interests. Personalizing your emails can help make the message more relevant and engaging.

Poorly targeted messages:

 If your emails are not targeted to the recipient’s specific interests or behaviors, they may lose interest and stop opening them. Personalizing your emails based on subscriber data can help increase relevance and engagement.

Missed opportunities:

 Personalization allows you to include relevant content and offers based on the recipient’s interests and behavior. A lack of personalization means you may be missing opportunities to increase engagement and conversions.

To ensure effective personalization, it’s important to collect and use subscriber data to tailor your emails. This can include information such as the recipient’s name, location, past purchases, or other relevant information. Additionally, regularly reviewing and updating your subscriber data can help ensure that your messages remain relevant and engaging.

3. Poor subject lines:

A subject line is a quick summary that shows in the inbox of an email recipient and is one of the first things they see when choosing whether or not to open an email. A bad subject line may cause receivers to miss or disregard the message, resulting in a low open rate.

Some of the most prevalent causes of terrible subject lines are:

Vague or deceptive subject line:

 If the subject line does not adequately represent the substance of the email, recipients may get confused and lose faith in your communications. Ensure that your subject lines are clear and appropriately represent the email’s content.

Boring or uninteresting subject line:

 If the subject line is boring or uninteresting, receivers may ignore the mail or delete it without opening it. To enhance open rates, make your subject lines entertaining and attention-grabbing.

Excessive length:

 Long subject lines may be trimmed in the recipient’s inbox, leaving vital information out. Keep your subject lines brief and to the point to guarantee that the whole message is shown in the inbox.

Excessively promotional:

 If your subject line is too promotional or sales-oriented, recipients may be turned off and disregard the communication. Try blending advertising information with instructional or useful content in your subject lines.

Ignoring best practices:

Certain terms and phrases might set off spam filters, causing your emails to be filtered into the spam folder or banned entirely. Check that you’re using recommended practices for avoiding the spam folder, such as not using all capitals, excessive punctuation, or trigger words.

Consider trying alternative tactics and analyzing your email data on a regular basis to find what works best for your audience. Additionally, keep your email campaign’s objectives in mind when you create your subject lines to reflect the content of the email and engage your target audience.

4. Sender reputation:

Sender reputation relates to how email providers perceive your email address and domain, and it might affect the delivery of your emails which might make the opening rate decline.

A high sender reputation is critical for ensuring that your emails are delivered to your subscribers’ inboxes rather than being filtered into the spam bin or banned entirely.

Some of the elements that might have an influence on your sender’s reputation are as follows:

Bounce rate:

 Suppose a significant proportion of your emails are returned as undeliverable. Email providers may conclude that your communications are irrelevant or valuable to your subscribers, resulting in a worse sender reputation and will surely reduce your opening rate.

Spam complaint rate:

Many of your subscribers marking your emails as spam might suggest that your communications are undesirable, resulting in a worse sender reputation.

Please read our guide on how to prevent your email from going to spam.

List quality:

Your email list’s quality might affect your sender’s reputation since email providers are more likely to filter or prohibit emails sent to inactive or invalid email addresses.

Make sure your emails are relevant and beneficial to your subscribers to boost your sender reputation, and constantly check your email list to eliminate inactive or invalid addresses.

 In addition, keep an eye on your email data and make modifications as appropriate to boost engagement while decreasing bounces and spam complaints.

You can guarantee that your emails reach your subscribers’ inboxes and successfully engage with your target audience by keeping a good sender reputation.

5. Irrelevant content:

Irrelevant content in your emails might lead to poor open rates and lower engagement since subscribers may not find the material interesting and opt to ignore or unsubscribe from your communications.

Relevant material could include:

Off-topic material

 If the content of your emails does not fit with your subscribers’ interests or expectations, they may lose interest and opt not to receive your communications

Obsolete material:

 If the information in your emails is outdated or irrelevant, subscribers may opt out of receiving them. Please review and update the content of your emails on a regular basis to ensure that it stays relevant and up to date.

 Excessive material:

If your emails include excessive substance, subscribers may get overwhelmed and opt not to connect with your communications. Keep your emails brief and to the point, and emphasize the most critical information.

Repetitive material:

Subscribers may lose interest and opt not to interact if your emails include repetitive information or address issues that have previously been covered in earlier communications. Make certain that your emails address new and relevant themes and attempt to give entertaining and original information.

To ensure that your content is relevant, examine your email stats and subscriber comments on a regular basis and make adjustments as required to boost interaction and ensure that your messages are aligned with the interests and expectations of your target audience.

Consider segmenting your email list so that you may provide customized and relevant information to various groups of subscribers depending on their interests and habits.

 6. Technical Issues:

Technical difficulties might have an influence on email deliverability and result in poor open rates. Among the most prevalent technical concerns are the following:

 Spam filters:

Spam filters may mark your emails as spam, direct them to the spam bin, or block them entirely.

To stay out of the spam folder, adopt best practices for avoiding trigger words and material that might be tagged as spam.

Email client compatibility:

Email clients such as Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook may display your emails differently, and some may block or filter your communications.

Consider testing your emails on several platforms and making necessary tweaks to verify that they are compatible with different email clients.

Broken links or photos:

Broken links or images in your emails might lead to a poor user experience and lower engagement. Review and test your emails on a regular basis to verify that all links and graphics are operating correctly.

Email deliverability:

A range of technical difficulties, such as wrong email setups, blocklists, and DNS issues, may influence email deliverability.

Monitor your email analytics regularly and make any required modifications to increase deliverability and guarantee that your emails get into your subscribers’ inboxes.

To handle technical difficulties, ensure you follow email marketing best practices and frequently monitor your email analytics to discover and repair any technical issues.

 Consider collaborating with an email service provider or technical specialist to verify that your emails are properly set up and optimized for deliverability.

By fixing technical concerns, you can increase email deliverability and guarantee that your messages reach your subscribers’ inboxes.

What to do if my open rate is declining

If your email open rates are declining, there are numerous things you may do to increase the performance of your email campaigns:

1. Examine your subject lines:

Subject lines are critical to the effectiveness of your email marketing. Here are some pointers for writing catchy topic lines:

 Keep it short and sweet:

 Aim for subject lines that are brief and to the point, no more than 50 characters. Subject lines with fewer words are more likely to be read and have a greater open rate.

Be precise and concise:

 Make sure your subject line expresses the aim of your email properly. Avoid ambiguous or deceptive subject lines, which may lead to poor open rates and engagement.

Make it personal:

Making your emails more personal may enhance engagement and make them seem more relevant to your readers. Include the recipient’s name, location, or other pertinent information in your subject line.

Instill a sense of urgency:

Subject lines that instill a feeling of urgency might increase open rates since subscribers are more inclined to respond swiftly to prevent losing out on a limited-time offer or an essential update.

Avoid spam trigger words:

 Certain terms and phrases, such as “Free,” “100% Satisfaction Guarantee,” or “Winner,” might cause spam filters to kick in, resulting in reduced open rates. Avoid or use these terms sparingly and with care in your topic lines.

Test and optimize:

Test multiple subject lines on a regular basis to discover what connects with your subscribers, and then adjust your subject lines appropriately. Consider A/B testing various subject lines to see which ones get the most opens.

You can enhance the efficiency of your subject lines and raise your email open rates by following these guidelines. Remember that subject lines are the first thing your subscribers see, so take the time to write subject lines that will pique their interest and entice them to read your emails.

2.     Personalize your emails:

Personalization is a strong technique for increasing engagement and relevancy in email messages. Here are some email personalization tips:

Include the recipient’s name in your emails:

Including the recipient’s name in your emails may make them seem more personal and relevant. The recipient’s name may be included in your welcome or throughout the body of your email.

Segment your email list:

By segmenting your email list, you may provide customized and relevant material to various groups of subscribers depending on their interests and behaviors.

You might, for example, build different email lists for consumers who have just bought a certain product or subscribers who have demonstrated interest in a specific subject.

Use subscriber data:

 Consider leveraging subscriber data, such as location, preferences, and purchase history, to customize and improve the relevance of your emails. You might, for example, send an email announcing a deal in the subscriber’s region or recommend goods based on recent purchases.

Make it seem like a conversation:

 Using a conversational tone in your emails may make them feel more personable and engaging. Instead of writing in a formal or corporate tone, write as though you’re communicating directly to the receiver.

Test and optimize:

 Test and optimize your customized emails on a regular basis to determine what connects with your readers. Consider A/B testing components like subject lines, greetings, and content to see what works best and make adjustments as required.

Customizing your emails may enhance engagement and relevancy and develop closer connections with your readers. Personalization requires time and effort, but the benefits in terms of improved engagement and conversions make the investment worthwhile.

3.     Segment your email list:

Segmenting your email list is splitting your subscribers into smaller groups based on particular criteria such as behavior, demographics, or hobbies. Segmenting your email list has various advantages, including:

. More relevant material:

You can give each group more relevant and enjoyable information by segmenting your subscribers into smaller, more focused groups. This could lead to better engagement and conversions.

Better targeting:

 Rather than sending a generic message to your full email list, segmentation enables you to deliver personalized, relevant messages to particular groups of subscribers. This could make your emails more relevant and successful.

 Improved deliverability:

 By giving relevant, tailored material to your readers, you may lessen the possibility of your emails being branded as spam. This may assist in increasing email deliverability and guarantee that your messages are delivered to your subscribers.

Increased engagement

: Segmented email campaigns have greater open and click-through rates because subscribers are more inclined to interact with relevant and interesting material.

First, to segment your email list, collect information about your members, such as their location, interests, habits, and demographics. This data may then be leveraged to develop customized email messages that are relevant and attractive to each group.

Remember that segmentation takes time and effort, but the results in greater relevance, engagement, and conversions warrant the investment. Consider segmenting your email list regularly and collecting and analyzing data to ensure that your segments are up-to-date and effective.

4.     Test and optimize your emails:

Email testing and optimization are critical components of any email marketing plan. Regular testing and tweaking enable you to enhance the efficacy of your email campaigns and boost engagement and conversions. Here are some pointers for email testing and optimization:

A/B testing:

 A/B testing is sending two versions of your email to a subset of your email list and comparing the results to see which version performs the best. Subject lines, content, calls to action, and personalization are all factors that should be test out.

 Data collection and analysis

: Measure and monitor the effectiveness of your email campaigns on a regular basis, utilizing measures like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. This information may assist you in identifying areas for improvement and making educated choices regarding future optimizations.

Make data-driven judgments:

 Make educated decisions regarding your email marketing based on the outcomes of your tests and data analysis. Consider changing aspects like subject lines, content, and calls to action depending on the results of your A/B testing.

Consistent testing and optimization:

 Consistent testing and optimization are essential for continuously increasing the success of your email marketing. Consider testing and optimizing your emails regularly, and make adjustments depending on your data and results as appropriate.

Adapt to changes

 Keep up with changes in email marketing best practices, technology, and subscriber behavior, and alter your email campaigns appropriately. Regular testing and optimization may assist you in identifying and addressing any changes in email performance over time.

You can increase your email campaigns’ relevance, engagement, and efficacy and produce better outcomes for your organization by testing and refining your emails.

5.     Monitor your email metrics:

Monitoring email metrics is an essential component of any email marketing plan. Regular monitoring helps you to track the success of your email marketing and make educated choices regarding future improvements.

Here are some crucial email metrics to keep an eye on:

 Open rates:

Open rates are calculated by dividing the number of subscribers that opened your email by the total number of emails sent. The open rate indicates the relevancy and attraction of your subject line and content.

Click-through rates:

The calculation of Click-through rates is by dividing the number of clicks in your email by the total number of emails opened. The click-through rate indicates the efficacy of your calls to action and content.

Conversion rates:

 Conversion rates are a percentage of the total number of emails received and measure the number of subscribers who have completed a desired action, such as completing a purchase or filling out a form. It Conversion rates indicate the effectiveness of your email efforts in meeting your business objectives.

Bounce rates:

Bounce rates are the number of emails that did not reach their intended destination, either due to an incorrect email address or because the recipient’s mailbox was full. It indicate the quality of your email list and the deliverability of your emails.

Unsubscribe rates:

 The calculation of unsubscribe rate is by dividing the number of subscribers who have opted out of your email list by the total number of emails delivered. Unsubscribe rates indicate the usefulness and attractiveness of your email content and frequency.

You may acquire useful insights into the effectiveness of your email campaigns and make educated choices regarding future improvements by monitoring your email stats. Consider automating monitoring and reporting to guarantee that you have current, reliable data on the success of your email marketing.

6.     Clean your email list:

Maintaining the quality and efficacy of your email marketing initiatives requires cleaning your email list. Here are some important ways to clean up your email list:

Delete inactive subscribers:

Review your email list regularly and remove subscribers who have not opened or clicked on your emails in a certain period. This might aid in increasing the relevancy and engagement of your email marketing.

Delete incorrect email addresses:

Check your email list on a regular basis for incorrect email addresses and remove them. Incorrect email addresses might harm your email deliverability and sender reputation.

Remove duplicate email addresses:

 Remove duplicate email addresses from your email list to guarantee that each subscriber gets your emails only once. Duplicates may inflate and mislead your email stats.

Segment your email list:

Based on subscriber behavior, preferences, and interests, segment your email list and design your email messages appropriately. This might aid in increasing the relevancy and engagement of your email marketing.

Encourage engagement

: Encourage subscribers to interact with your emails by giving excellent and relevant material and offering rewards for participation, such as special offers and discounts. This might assist you in increasing the relevancy and engagement of your email marketing while decreasing the number of inactive subscribers.

You may increase the quality and relevancy of your email messages and produce better results for your company by cleaning your email list. Consider including email list cleansing in your normal email marketing process to keep your email list current and effective.

7.     Monitor your sender reputation:

Monitoring your sender’s reputation is critical for ensuring the deliverability of your email messages. Your sender reputation reflects the level of trust and credibility that your email domains and IP addresses have gained in the eyes of email providers and ISPs.

A strong sender reputation is required to ensure that your emails are delivered to your subscribers’ inboxes. While a poor sender reputation might result in your emails being in the spam bin.

Here are some ways to help you keep track of your sender’s reputation:

 Track your delivery rates:

 Monitor your email delivery rates and discover any patterns or trends that might suggest an issue with your sender’s reputation. For example. A dramatic decline in delivery rates might signal that your emails are being stopped or filtered.

Check your bounce rates:

 Monitor your bounce rates and take steps to fix any problems that may be damaging your sender’s reputation. A high bounce rate, for example, might suggest that your email list is out of current or includes incorrect email addresses.

Use email reputation monitoring tools

Use email reputation monitoring tools, such as SenderScore, to watch your sender reputation and get notifications when it changes.

Monitor your IP addresses:

 Keep an eye on the IP addresses you use to send emails and take steps to remedy any concerns impacting your sender’s reputation. If one of your IP addresses is banned, you may need to update it or solve the problem that triggered the blocklisting.

Monitor your email domains:

Keep an eye on the domains of your email accounts and take steps to remedy any concerns that may be impacting your sender’s reputation. For example, if your domain is being used for spam, you may need to establish tougher email validation methods.

By checking your sender’s reputation. You can guarantee that your emails are delivered to your subscribers’ inboxes and that your email campaigns are effective and successful. Regular monitoring and improvements may help you keep your sender reputation high and produce greater outcomes for your company.

By implementing these steps, you may increase your email marketing performance and communicate with your target audience more effectively. Consider consulting with an email marketing specialist or email service provider to assist in optimizing your email campaigns and increasing open rates.


Several variables may complicate declining open rates. Understanding the underlying reason for your email campaigns’ declining open rates is the first step toward finding a solution and increasing their effectiveness.

Email fatigue, a lack of personalization, weak subject lines, sender reputation, irrelevant content, and technical challenges are all common causes of declining open rates.

To increase email open rates, examine your subject lines, customize your emails, segment your email list, test and optimize your emails, monitor your email analytics, clean your email list, and track your sender reputation.

You can raise your email open rates and produce better outcomes for your organization. By following these measures and actively monitoring and improving your email marketing efforts.