Why Do My Emails Get Ignored? (13 Major Reasons)

Why do my emails get ignored

Has your email marketing campaign lately been waiting for a response? Very low open rate? And you are wondering, “Why do my emails get ignored? 

Your email might be ignored if they are irrelevant to the recipient, not personalized, and also if they are long or too complicated, to mention but few.

Even with that, there are ways to re-examine your email marketing technique to ensure your audience always notices them. 

In this guide, I would like to give significant information that many marketers commonly seek. Top 9 reasons why clients frequently ignored email marketing. And also a solution on how to make them interactive with your emails.

Reasons Why Your Emails Get Ignored

Unattractive subject line

The customer’s opinion of your Email starts with the email subject line. An attractive headline should be at most 50 characters.

 Refrain from attempting to produce dull copy, all capitals, or overuse exclamation points. And, of course, that includes the term misleading.

See also: How to craft an attractive email subject line.


Do A/B test for all titles? Then pick out the headline that works best. But notice, they should properly reflect the issue and carry the value of the stuff you wish to express.

lengthy email content

Is your Email dry, lengthy, or monotonous? Customers don’t have a full year to examine and interpret your every word! You only have one opportunity, don’t squander it!


 Feel free to exhibit diverse things; touch people’s emotions. Or enjoyable and not too casual. Don’t create fiction here; call to action as swiftly as possible.

Email getting into your Spam inbox.

There are various reasons why your email slips into the Spam inbox that you occasionally need to pay attention to. 

There are a few criteria, such as the content you send is recognized as Spam by customers, the Email you send has been designated as Spam by Google, or your IP address has been marked as Spam many times and listed by Google. Dark.

Read more: How to get your email delivered to your inbox.

Forgot to review the display content

You must examine your content design before sending it out. Then remember to do that before sending out an email.


Before sending the Email to the recipient, double-check what they’ll see. Remember to do it on mobile as well!

See also: How to design an email for mobile devices.

Natural degradation

Due to natural list degradation, a certain amount of email addresses organizations cannot supply.

If the monthly hire/fire rate is 4.5% and you don’t email a certain list in 3 months, there’s a 12.9% chance your contacts may have departed the organization. That’s where your next Email is sent.


Always ensure to keep your email clean at all times. See our guide on how to keep your email clean.

Excessive exaggeration

Do not lie or exaggerate excessively in Email Marketing. You claim the discount chance for clients this time is “once in a thousand years”? 

That’s interesting! But what if they still see you providing the same price a few weeks later?

What to do: 

You’re developing a long-term connection, not overnight. Don’t go overboard if you don’t truly mean it. Because ultimately, the buyer will find out.

No personalization

Email personalization is incredibly crucial. You will grab the sympathies and attention of clients who call their names in the content and headlines. 

And what if not? There is up to 40% risk; your Email may wind up in the trash.

What to do: 

When building the database, put the client name in the message (if any). This option will assist in raising email open rates by up to 70%.

See also: How to personalize your email content.

Mention money too quickly.

Email is not a place to make sales – just like going out to dinner and asking your companion to pay while both still eat the appetizer.

Many individuals read emails in a hurry, busy, or waiting for coffee. Email is a great chance to connect with consumers or tell them about your products/services. 

Don’t be greedy; address their needs first.

What to do: 

Wait to mention costs in emails. Replacing it with a free trial offer or a unique discount might preserve your emails from being removed.

Temporarily unable to receive Email

This answer happens when the server rejects the Email because the inbox is full, the connection cannot be created, or the Email is too big.

Most email systems will try to resend bounce emails. 

For example, Hubspot will try to resend bounced emails for up to 72 hours until the message is delivered successfully or the issue is permanent.

Invalid email address

The message bounced back to the sender because the recipient’s address was invalid. Failure to receive emails might arise because the domain name does not exist or the receiver is unknown.

There is no spell check for emails, although typographical mistakes often occur. 

The individual user may have made a mistake while joining up, the salesman may have put the erroneous address in the company CSM, or the email list you obtained from a 3rd party may need to be corrected.

Excessive Storytelling

Customers don’t need to know your workplace is being refurbished. Or how the firm is celebrating its 14th anniversary. 

Keep the knowledge to show off on blogs or social networks…, or contact your buddies.

What to do: 

Focus on your consumers. The message must be meaningful and relevant to what they care about or will care about.

Criticizing your opponent

Criticizing others will only make your image worse in the eyes of consumers. 

As a competent marketer, you should only present the pros and negatives of your product for buyers to assess and decide for themselves.

What to do: 

Go on your path. If you are improved, the outcomes will confirm it all.

Valueless content

Creating ties and relationships is the goal of email marketing. And over time, toward a trade.

  • Don’t send many emails on issues that clients are not interested in,
  • Do not transmit the same stuff over and over again. 
  • Avoid providing anything they have seen on websites or social media.

What to do: 

Send the message the receiver needs, different from what you are.

How Do You Write An Email That Doesn’t Get Ignored?

If your recipient ignores your emails, I know how much it hurts. But here are tips have used and worked like miracles for me:

Overcome Fear (FOMO)

Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO for short) is one of the key motivators for customers to respond to your email. 

Grasping the psychology of consumers is that they will check emails because they do not want to be excluded from intriguing, unique, or fresh information or offers.

Thus, if you can generate surprise and pleasure for your customers, register for exceptional chances and material, and they will participate. 

However, like every method, there are disadvantages; 

  • FOMO may also drive individuals to unsubscribe 
  • They may disregard most of your communications.

Pay attention to the email topic.

Email marketing subject lines are like your first glimpse at people; whether they are sympathetic to opening the email or not is influenced by 70% of the subject line.

 Therefore, it is vital to devote effort to crafting email marketing subject lines. Ignore this step if you want your Email to go directly to the trash and not be viewed by consumers.

The content sent must be relevant to the client.

To achieve so, you need to remember the content of which consumers will help your customers. 

The more relevant the message body is for particular customer groups, the greater the successful performance of the marketing campaign. 

This also involves the expertise of splitting email lists depending on particular features.

For example, you may split your mail receivers by The amount of money they spent purchasing from you, by always reading the mail you send, Or by what themes they are interested in in the information you share?….

Also, try alternative forms of segmentation. 

You will generate advertising messages that are more enticing and relevant to the receiver. This helps enhance sales prospects for you while conducting company via Email Marketing.

What To Do If Emails Are Being Ignored?

So what to do if emails are being ignored? There’s nothing much; keep sending a follow-up email to check them regularly. 

Having your emails ignored is unpleasant and disappointing. Always remember that an email’s subject line has the greatest impact on how recipients will respond to it.

 You made the email subject line so dull, uninteresting, or ambiguous that they needed more drive to read it.

Should I Email Again If There Is No Reply?

Suppose you are wondering if you should email again if there is no reply from your audience. It’s simple: You should email again.

Replying is critical since it considerably boosts your chances of obtaining a response.

Sending an email again if there is no reply might seem unpleasant – particularly if you have to do it often. 

But just because someone hasn’t replied to your first request doesn’t imply their response is “no.”

Even if the situation appears dismal, it’s crucial to continue following up after no answer.

Research reveals that including just one additional follow-up email can raise your average reply rate by eleven percentage points.

 Those eleven percentage points may appear modest, but they differ between a yes and a no.

So don’t neglect following up because it might cost you a closed-won sale.


Now that you’ve fully understood why your email gets ignored. It’s important that you prevent this from happening, or what’s the importance of writing an email that gets ignored?

 Create a quality email list; if you have a credible Web site, you should make use of it by asking for information from clients and encouraging them to leave email addresses.

You should frequently filter the list of Emails. Fully update the information to prevent dull material.

 Running a good email marketing campaign is a rigorous, thorough process of research, improvement, learning, and planning.

Test alternative Email templates on a small sample of loyal users if you are contemplating modifying your format or design to see how people respond to changes in Email design, subject line, or content.

This can assist you in assessing whether marketing, content, and designs fit your aims successfully.

Similarly, attempt to discover the optimal time to send marketing emails: the time you send emails directly influences your campaigns’ open and response rates. 

Customers generally check their email at 8 am or 4 pm; therefore, send messages at the proper time when they are likely to check Email.