Why Is My Blog Not Getting Any Views? And How To Fix It

Why Is My Blog Not Getting Any Views

Have you ever questioned, “Why is my blog not getting any views?” Even if you have optimized the SEO criteria, You have a website with a good design, but the blog still needs a view. Now you are beginning to realize that it is more challenging than they painted it to be.

You have to work, but the good news is that if you know which way to go, you can get results in less than you think. 

The reason why your blog does not have visits could be due to technical problems related to indexing, 404 errors, or search engine robots that do not track the URLs. 

But it may also have to do with a positioning problem due to needing to work on SEO, content, link building, or simply not being competitive.

In this post, I will give you some ways to analyze your situation.

See also: 3 Easy Ways to increase blog traffic.

Why Are Page Views Important?

Finally, let’s begin this article. Are page views important for a blog or not? The quick answer is, Yes, they do. 

Page views are an essential indication to assess the quality of content and the capacity to rank websites. It is used to visualize the traffic between websites and display the value of traffic every time someone visits any page on the site

Increasing page views is the objective of website administrators who want to enhance the status of the services they offer and monetize in return.

So, let’s explore the reason why most blogs are not getting any views.

Why Is My Blog Not Getting Any Views?

You have just created your blog. 

Usually, newly launched blogs will get few views; the reason is that no one knows about your blog/website. Moreover, search engines also take some time to promote your post to the top of search engines. 

So if you’ve just launched a blog for a few days, take your time; most likely, people don’t know about your blog.

Do you have no readers yet?

Some senior authors have dedicated followers reading their sites every day, every week. For a fresh writer, it is reasonable if there are no readers or no blog views. 

Therefore, you need to target your audience by generating suitable content. Also, apply clever blog marketing methods on numerous platforms so that your visitors may access your stuff.

Boring, Duplicate Content

Your site has ugly content; your postings are so monotonous and duplicate that other seasoned bloggers have written a lot about. 

So now, re-read the complete content on your site.

Or think about this: Has anybody written in your selected niche or the subject you want to write about? What can you do to make that difference?

  • Your material is too superficial, without depth, written in a generic and shallow style only to have enough words. Remember that people are increasingly educated and want to read great, in-depth content.
  • Unclear information is also a negative score. If communicating information on your blog is confusing, readers are not interested in reading more content on the blog.
  • Imposing content will also make readers gradually move away from your blog. Writing in a natural, sincere way and integrating stories/experiences, the article will be much more vivid and convincing than phrases like “you should,” “you need to”,…

See also: How to write your first blog post.

Unattractive style

The title of the article and the introductory paragraph are attractive styles that decide whether readers will click on the article and read the following section or not. 

For reference: Read the requirements for creating titles

In addition, the image is also an essential component; the image has the job of establishing the initial impression on the eyes. 

Therefore, while picking thumbnail photographs, you should use beautiful and exceptional colors. Canva and free stock pictures like Unsplash and Pixabay provide distinctive photographs.

Related article: Can I use a free image on a blog?

Not posting frequently

Google usually favors websites whose content is updated continually and often. Therefore, you should publish weekly posts. 

Readers will also love visiting websites that offer fresh content every week, and no one wants to go to a wild garden full of weeds. 

Therefore, you need to pay attention to updating the content periodically; the frequency might be 1 post/week or 2 articles/month, depending on your time budget.

See also: How to republish old blog post.

The article has not been indexed.

Indexing, also known as indexing for articles, means that search engines will scan and verify your website/blog’s existence at the same time. 

Once your website/blog is indexed, new people may locate your blog/web. Conversely, when your blog is not indexed, users of Google, Yahoo, Coccoc, etc., cannot locate your blog and your posts.

Whether you’ve been operating your blog for 3-5 months (with great content) and still haven’t gained visits from search engines, now verify whether your site is indexed. 

If the article is not indexed, it is difficult for readers to locate you. 

URLs are not crawled by search engine robots.

The « web spider » might be a problem if the robots do not explore your URLs. The major culprit is generally that you have multiple URLs that do not provide any value and to which the robots are allocating time that they might allocate to those that are interesting.

Your website has navigation errors. 

The reason that your web page does not have visitors also has to do with the disregard of faults arising from the navigation and usability of the user. 

We are talking about the normal 404 issues, a website that is not responsive, coding difficulties, or any other hindrance to successful navigation. 

This leads the person who comes to your website to feel upset and depart quickly, substantially diminishing the likelihood that they will return.

No social media

Publishing blog post on social media is a really successful technique to have more views. Friends, family, or individuals who are interested in you will become your readers or distribute your content to additional people.

 Also, making use of social networks to boost traffic to blogs/websites is also helpful for SEO.

However, while posting content on social networks, you should take into mind the following: 

  • – Do not share continually since it is simple to report spam. You should spread the frequency sensibly, for example, 2 or 3 posts/month.
  • – It is advisable to publish articles and attach the article link inside the comment area instead of posting each link (link).

You Aren’t Doing Keyword Research

One of the most significant components of gaining traffic to your new blog is doing keyword research. 

Keyword research is a core SEO operation that entails discovering popular terms and phrases that visitors type into search engines.

When you know what people are looking for, you know what themes will connect with them. You can get a better position in search engine results pages (SERPs) based on such keyword themes and establish yourself as a reliable information source.

Use a relevant keyword a few times across your site, where it naturally fits – in the title, headers, paragraphs, and/or meta description.

See also: Easy ways to conduct keyword research for blogging.

Not optimizing for SEO requirements.

If your blog has a beautiful design and eye-catching images and also shares a lot on social media, but the views still do not increase, then review the SEO optimization area. 

A blog/website with strong traffic must be a mix of solid content, beautiful form, and optimized SEO requirements to be friendly to search engines.

For example, the keywords are in the appropriate spot, the links in the article are excellent, the ALT tags of the images are accurate, etc. 

  Learn more: How to optimize your blog for search engines.

The website loading speed is too slow.

Imagine if you went to a blog and it took more than 30 seconds for the first page to display. Would you have the patience to read further content? So are your readers

When the initial experience is not pleasant, people will decide whether to return to the blog again or not or maybe “one go, no return.” 

Pay greater attention to the reader’s experience by verifying whether your blog is steady. 

Not reaching the proper reader insights.

Insight is a regularly used phrase in the realm of Marketing. Insight is considered the tacit truth, the secret concealed deep within the client, and has the function of influencing purchase behavior. 

In blogging, knowing the insights of your readers helps you develop the right content. As a consequence, readers will be more drawn, compassionate or understanding, fully involved, and supportive of your site.

Investigate reader insights. It is not a simple task. You need time to investigate, understand, and even poll to find out the insights of your readers. 

How Can I Increase My Blog Views?

Provide valuable content

I have talked a lot about how to produce great content; you can read it here. Always remember, people always want to read good, helpful content that can assist them in solving issues instead of long 2000 3000 words but nothing.

To achieve this, you need strong writing abilities. That implies you need to know how to create an appealing title, cohesive and logical body, fascinating conclusion, etc. 

Besides, you need to create a long-term strategy for the website and take the time. Research and deepen the subject to be written to communicate numerous valuable values. 

Make use of social networks.

It is no surprise that in the first month of starting this blog, I was able to garner 1,300 views. It all stems from the fact that I make full use of social networks from my own Facebook.

Thanks to successful sharing, I obtain a huge number of readers from social networks.

Read our guide on How to increase shares on your blog.

Implement on-page SEO

As writers, we don’t need to know SEO as extensively as technical experts, but it doesn’t mean we ignore this phase. 

The website must be optimized for SEO requirements to have a chance to rank high on search engines (primarily Google). 

The task you need to complete involves keyword research, precise planning, and composing typical SEO articles.

Then you need to execute on-page SEO for your website. 

On-page SEO includes optimizing the content on the website, such as optimizing content (containing title, opening paragraph, picture, …), optimizing route (also known as link or URL), adding links internally, etc. 

In addition, you should pay attention to the page load speed, user-friendly/Google-friendly website structure, and appropriate adjustments. 

Implement off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is optimization done outside of the website. After doing on-page SEO, you should undertake an off-page SEO effort to improve trust in the website. 

One of the most prevalent techniques of off-page SEO is backlinks. The phrase “backlink” is recognized as linking your website to some other website, so your website will be known more.

Interact with readers

Useful posts can grab the attention of readers, whether it is a thank you or a question. Never neglect your readers; react to every comment, even if it’s only a “thank you.” 

Creating a connection with your readers is also a technique to transform visitors into devoted readers (and potentially future clients if you provide a product/service).

Refer to our guide on How to get more comments on your blog?

How Long Does It Take For A Blog To Get Traffic?

Ahrefs went into the data to identify the age of most of the sites that rank on the first page of Google. They observed that, on average, most of the sites in the top 10 in Google are more than 3 years old. 

However, the average of this rating doesn’t reveal the complete picture. And in reality, there are numerous websites that can reach Page 1 sooner than that. 

Specifically, the content began ranking roughly a month after it was released and has climbed in ranks for a variety of keywords in the months thereafter.

And Ahrefs study has indicated that roughly 5.7% of results start ranking in less than a year, mainly within 61-182 days after being released. 

And there’s more good news: if you start ranking for one keyword, there’s a larger likelihood that you’ll start ranking for other related phrases as well. 

Further research by Ahefs indicated that a website that gained the top place for a keyword would often rank in the top 10 for anywhere from 400 to 1,000 other keywords.

How Many Blog Posts Do You Need To Generate Traffic?

How many blog posts do you need to generate traffic? There’s no general answer to these questions, but have at least 10 to 15 posts in order to bring in traffic.

Of course, that’s just to start your blog. You probably won’t reach the top in a day, but you will eventually, provided you’re devoted to a gradual and steady ascent. Once you have more than 40, you’ll be able to boost traffic by 77%.

Generating traffic fast on your blog relies on a number of things, including Producing quality content that answers issues people ask and how effectively you promote your site.

How Many Blog Posts Per Week To Get Traffic?

This is a question with no conclusive solution. The truth is: how many blog posts you should publish on your blog to get traffic relies on a number of variables like your blog age, your blog subject, how much information you have to offer, how frequently you can generate new content, and the objective of your content.

But if you want to blog extensively for traffic. Then you should keep in mind that– Quality prevails in this scenario; according to Google’s quality vs quantity argument, quality comes before quantity. 

Also, uploading Once or twice post per week is an excellent aim to get traffic. As long as you publish once or twice a week, you should have no issue achieving the criteria.

Depending on your demands, you can publish every other day, every five days, or every seven days.

What Type Of Blog Gets The Most Traffic?

The type of blog that generates the most traffic depends on trends, audience preferences, and content quality. However, there are particular sorts of blogs that tend to generate larger amounts of visitors owing to their universal popularity.

These types of blogs are lifestyle, How-To Guides and Tutorials, and Fitness blogs. This type of blog has a diversity of viewers interested in a diverse area of the content.

This allows the blog to have a broad selection of topics to discuss, making it easy to organize their content strategy. 

Lifestyle and fitness bloggers have the opportunity to be an influencer, write for other publications, become a speaker, and collaborate with companies that are striving to make a difference in society.

How Many Views Per Day Is Good For A Blog?

There is no definite formula for calculating how many pageviews per day is good for a blog, but – based on aggregated statistics and the testimony of other bloggers – we can obtain a broad notion of what you might anticipate every day on pageview levels. 

A new blog can start out with 0 – 100 views, while blogs ready for monetization should get more than 1,000 views per day.

Your traffic will rely upon what you are giving, how you are promoting, and if you are purchasing visitors.

If you are aiming to monetize your blog, attracting more than 1,000 unique visitors per day is a fantastic objective – anything below that becomes increasingly difficult to monetize. 


Now, attempt to examine and see if your site has any faults out of the reasons why your blog is not getting page views I outlined above. 

The content in this post is based totally on my experience – as a blogger focused on generating great content

So if you are a writer, and have a blog/website, then this lesson is for you. Conversely, if you are operating a business/brand, then you need an SEO team (both technical and content) to assist your website in obtaining more effective views.