Why Should I Blog? 17 Reasons Why Blogging Is Worthwhile

Why Should I Blog

Whenever I talk about what a blog is and its characteristics, the question people constantly ask is: Why should I blog? And in 90% of the situations, the participants also ask: “Is blogging still worth it?”

This is not just one of the most frequently asked questions among new bloggers. But also, when I talk to self-employed people who don’t have a blog yet, exactly the same questions come up. 

Therefore, I have compiled 17 reasons why it is worth writing blogging.

I have also written down reasons why you should rather stop blogging. After all, blogging is much work. I don’t want you to regret your decision later.

So let’s get the party started.

See also: How long does it take to make money Blogging?

Is Blogging Still Worth It?

So why blog? And is it worth it?

I can only speak for hobby blogs, people who want to make money, coach, consultant, or trainer who want to develop a marketing channel that delivers you, consumers, on an ongoing basis.

Then the answer is: YES! (sorry for screaming)

Blogging is a worthy interest, but whether it’s worth the effort depends on your objectives and what you intend to accomplish. 

Blogging can help you make money, grow an audience for your work, position yourself as an expert in your subject, and many more. 

Of course, you have to decide for yourself. But I believe blogging is definitely worth it. 

There Are Too Many Blogs On My Topic

You may be saying now: “Okay, Blogging is worth it. But there are already so many blogs on my topic.” 

A new blog is simply more noise on the web. And besides, has everything yet to be said?

But I have 3 objections:

1. If there are other blogs, then it is a validation of your specialty and that people are interested in it.

2. Each reader reads more than 1 blog on a subject.

3. Every blogger and his/her experience is unique. Your individuality lends life to the blog.

17 Reasons Why You Should Blog

So, assuming you’re persuaded so far, let’s take a look at why you should blog today.

You will help many people.

You can utilize your expertise, skills, or information to help others via your blog post. Also, you can even help others with hundreds of issues surrounding your life. 

Let’s imagine you have a blog on the subject of “mothers’ health.” There are many girlfriends and moms asking for help, guidance, answers, or ideas to raise children. 

Your information or advice might be extremely vital and highly useful. Just carefree sharing and giving what you have. What you get in return is honest appreciation and respect. 

Each single blog post will benefit readers in its unique way. 

I vividly recall when I got a message from a reader stating, “The blog post is extremely helpful and honest. Thank you!” It made me smile full of joy, which I still remember today. Now!

A blog is where you PR yourself and welcome new chances.

When you have a blog, you are holding a “tool” or a “channel” to advertise yourself. With informative blog postings, you’ll appear like an expert. 

And you will be astonished at how many people start to respect you. I have met several occasions when one of the blog readers contacted the blog owner personally to offer a job or propose a partnership or joint venture.

I have also had quite a few invites to cooperate. This will open up a lot of prospective new doors for you that you may not have dared to think about right now.

Generate income to support yourself.

This is probably the largest reason people desire to start a blog. It is possible to make money blogging even when you are sleeping or even while you are not working. 

Many bloggers across the globe have demonstrated that this is possible. Of course, it’s complex. 

You will have to exchange many things. But it will be worth it. 

Suppose you know how to endure studying, working, trying, developing, and adjusting one day. In that case, you will achieve your threshold of success. 

Connect and build quality relationships.

Since I started blogging, I have made many great friends. Those are like-minded colleagues who have passed on to me knowledge and experience. 

Above all, our readers I have never met. They always cheered and encouraged me in the moments when I felt discouraged and wanted to give up. 

I am glad for all these connections. As an introvert, I am not good at chatting and meeting outdoors, particularly with strangers. 

But the individuals that I know after blogging, many of whom have never even met in person, make me feel like family members and loyal to each other. 

Improve Writing Skills

After almost a year of blogging, I have written more than 300 articles. On average, each article is about 2000 words in length. 

That’s not to mention the posts on my personal page, the forum, and the groups I join. 

Starting a blog helped me form and maintain a daily writing habit, gradually improving my writing skills. 

Although I’m not a great writer, looking back at my silly first articles, I see myself growing up a lot in writing. 

Blogs can help grow your business.

Does your business already have a blog? If not, then there is a big deficiency. Blogs communicate a lot about your organization that your partners or consumers are interested in.

For example, your prospective consumers may uncover engaging tales about your company’s success, ideas, tactics, and even new items that might convert them into regular customers.

It’s a great potential that a lot of small and major organizations need to take advantage of.

You offer your readers a reason to trust you.

When someone is new to your website, they usually see a slogan or an offer. The user learns how you can help him or what he can buy. 

This is good for the first overview, but how does the visitor actually know that you have an idea of the topics? In other words: how does the user know that he can trust you?

With a blog, you can offer your readers a taste of what you know and write about topics that interest your visitors. 

You demonstrate that you truly know what you’re doing and not just an empty promise on your website’s homepage.

Your blog is your portfolio.

I use my blog as a portfolio to demonstrate what I can accomplish: compose blog posts that are shared thousands of times and rank at the top of Google.

But it is also a portfolio in other aspects. And here, too, I can come up with an example from my speaking career. When organizers write to me, it is generally with the following words:

“We saw on your blog that you deal with XYZ. Would you like to talk about it at our summit?”

So my blog is also a portfolio in terms of content. People can get a sense of what I have skills in.

Use blogs to keep in contact.

Only some people have a lot of time to visit Facebook or engage in other discussion groups on social networks. 

Once again, a blog is a bridge that allows you to keep in touch with friends, coworkers, and loved ones. 

They can quickly read everything about your activities, ideas, and accomplishments via the blog you post. Be intelligent and utilize it as an efficient communication tool.

You can make the world a better place.

When you have a blog, you actually have a say. This implies that you will have control over many people. Whatever you like or detest, you may affect everyone. 

And those things can help you alter the world. Don’t believe it’s impossible since all the big things in this world don’t start with those simple things!

You may have seen certain blog entries or articles that went viral on Twitter, Facebook and were shared tens of thousands of times. Once they achieve that, they will garner a lot of attention.

You grow more independent of social media.

A trend I’m now noticing is as follows: More and more individuals wish to become less reliant on social media.

The data protection dilemma has been keeping us in suspense for years (keyword: GDPR). Recently, Facebook founder Marc Zuckerberg even stated that the corporation may drop out of Europe completely.

But even if that doesn’t happen (for the time being), there are just too many uncertainties: 

  • When will the next algorithm modification come?
  • Why are my postings now only viewable to 10% of my followers? 
  • Are you still authorized to utilize the networks in the future (because of data protection and such)?
  • Will my account ever be unintentionally locked? (It really happened to me once. It wasn’t pleasant, I can tell you 😱)
  • …

I enjoy social media Mostly. But I’m pleased I don’t rely on it to gain customers. During my newborn break, I wasn’t on social media for 6 months, and nevertheless, I continued receiving customer queries – because my blog was doing the job during that time.

You don’t have to worry about content since you can recycle content.

I just heard that it might take up to 30 days for the Facebook/Instagram algorithm to forgive you if you take a longer break.

But you’re already so busy; how can you make sure you’re publishing often on social media?

Of course, with your blog.

Because the blog post that you produce there may be recycled with very little work and then utilized as so-called snack content or micro-content.

And you can easily make 10-15 social media posts from one blog piece. If that doesn’t take the strain off, then I don’t know what would…

You are continuously learning and keeping on the ball.     

By the way, you may learn not only from your target audience but also from your knowledge in general.

In day-to-day work, it frequently occurs that you no longer have time for additional training or to read expert periodicals or specialist blogs for hours.

But every time you write and research a new blog article, you learn something new, even if it’s only a fresh viewpoint or a new technique to pass on information.

The blog is useful for market research.

You can use important data like page views or social media shares and identify what your viewers are most worried about. Or in other words: 

  • You may utilize your blog wonderfully to undertake affordable market research.
  • You may utilize the information to generate freebies or even launch a product.

Readers get to know you (better).

You may have heard the following phrase before People purchase from people – and not just products.

Storytelling makes you personable, and you can show your readers that you, too, are human. That you have made errors and are continuously learning new things. 

That children are crying in the background, and you attain your objectives more slowly, so you would want to have it… Whatever.

I always tell my customers to write directly from the heart. As a consequence, her personality is represented in the lyrics : 

  • Are you the straight man or the dude to joke with?
  • Do you toss technical terminology around that makes it difficult for novices to grasp, or do you explain everything in detail?
  • …

The understanding makes you more accessible and appealing. And in turn, it assists your readers in determining if they want to work with you or whether another expert could be a better match.

You will be discovered more easily on Google.

If your website only has 5 pages, then precisely 5 pages may show up in Google search results. 

What is the likelihood that exactly these 5 pages will wind up at number 1? Rather slim. (Unless you’re an SEO genius, but even then…)

However, if you produce a blog post every week, then after a year, there are at least 52 potential pages that may show up in Google searches.

To put it in a statistic: 

Blog sites have 434% more indexed pages – and a considerably greater probability of one of those pages ranking high in Google.

Of course, you can do more than “just” blogging. This raises the probability that your blog will rank high:

1. Publish blog posts frequently. It doesn’t have to be an article every week, but every 2-3 weeks would be fine.

2. Only write about things that meet your specialty.

3. Pay attention to the content of your blog posts. A badly researched article helps neither search engine optimization nor your expert standing.

4. Do keyword research and optimize each blog article for a distinct keyword.

If you follow these instructions and practice patience, then you will be rewarded with a good rating.

You become noticed without needing to be the focus of attention.

If we have an issue nowadays, then we all online-savvy individuals do the same thing: we google it. 

If you’re a maternity yoga teacher, it’s significantly more likely someone will search for “pregnancy yoga” than your name. 

So if you write on the issue, then the likelihood that you will be discovered regarding this topic improves. 

Because Google likes up-to-date content that delivers extra value to the searcher, and even if they didn’t know your name before, you have a new prospective client!

You don’t have to be the center of attention yourself; you may let your content speak for you.

Unlike on social media, where selfies and private observations are better appreciated in most circumstances than if you offer your professional knowledge…

A blog is great for introverts who don’t want to be the focus of attention. 

Panic about conducting a live webinar? Or simply can’t imagine yourself on videos at all? And a podcast is not an option for you either? 

I can understand you well! The benefit of a blog is that you don’t have to be spontaneous, and you may hide a bit behind your words. 

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Blog

That’s quite a lot of reasons to blog, isn’t it? But to assist you in deciding, I’d also want to highlight the (in my view, the only) reasons why you shouldn’t blog.

Your readers are not online.

Blogs is an online channel. If you don’t go online, you won’t read any blogs either.

Ad hoc, honestly, I can’t think of any target group that this relates to. But I’ve also been living in a bubble for a long time where everyone is online 😅

So before you go to all that work, ask yourself: 

  • Is my target audience utilizing Google when they have a question? 
  • Does she research online? 
  • Or does she prefers another channel for communication?

You have no patience and want to make a fast buck.  

That’s really the one reason I can’t debunk. If you want to be an internet superstar within 1 month and make $20,000 every day, then I have to disappoint you. That probably won’t work…

As you have previously read, blogging is about creating trust. And it doesn’t happen immediately…

That means you have to be patient too. Even if you become self-employed offline, it takes time for your company to truly take off. And even though certain things are different online – regrettably not that.

You have too many consumers and don’t want to be noticed.

This may seem dumb, but during a networking event, I was genuinely asked the following:

“I am a tire salesman and have more clients than I can schedule appointments anyhow. Why do I have to blog?”

My answer: you don’t have to blog. 

It’s fantastic when the consumers stroll into your booth. Then you surely don’t need a blog to assist you in getting consumers for your present company.

But there are additional things you may do with a blog: client retention, to give just one example…

You don’t like to write.

Okay, if you don’t enjoy writing, then you shouldn’t utilize the blog as your initial channel to produce information.

But: If you have a podcast, for example, you can use the blog as a support to post show notes, summaries, or transcripts. And if you wish, you can even outsource it to a VA.

Is It Hard To Start A Blog?

Is it hard to start a blog? It is now easier to start a blog than before. Unlike when I first started, It used to be a hassle to study how to install and set up WordPress, set up web hosting, domain names, and so on.

Starting a blog might still be challenging if you don’t know what to do

There is a lot to learn, including web hosting, WordPress, domain registration, and much more.

In reality, most individuals feel overwhelmed within the first few steps and give up on the entire goal.

When I started, it took me almost a month to establish my first blog.

But owing to today’s technology, you don’t have to worry about any technical aspects while making a blog because you can have your blog set up and ready to go for less than $10 a month!

To assist you save hundreds of hours of hair-pulling and frustration, I’ve produced this straightforward step-by-step tutorial to help you start your blog.

Can Anyone Start A Blog?   

Well, anybody who wants to start a blog can simply do so.

In the early days of blogging, users required technical abilities to simply maintain their site. 

Now, there are several programs that enable you to effortlessly build a blog without writing code. If you can point and click, you can build a blog within minutes.

Choosing the incorrect blogging platform to start a blog is the most frequent error that beginners make. However, because you’re here, you won’t make this mistake.

I advocate using WordPress. It is the world’s most popular blogging and website-building platform. 

Over 30% of all websites on the internet are developed using WordPress, so you can see how popular it is.

There are two forms of WordPress: WordPress.com, which is a hosted solution, and WordPress.org, also known as self-hosted WordPress. 

I suggest utilizing WordPress.org since it allows you fast access to all WordPress features. It also enables you to simply monetize your blog with no constraints.


Yes, starting and sustaining a blog is a lot of effort. Especially initially when you are new to WordPress, SEO, etc. But the reasons speak for themselves.

Even before you published your first piece, you knew a lot about your target audience and your company. 

And after the first few months, you’ve put up a portfolio that your readers may utilize to get to know you better.

And lastly, I can promise you: blogs existed before social networks like Facebook. Others, like Myspace, have survived them. And they’ve also watched Pinterest reinvent itself again and time again.

In other words, blogs are here to stay, and the sooner you start posting, the sooner you may enjoy the rewards!