How to Collect Customer Emails: 16 Most Effective Ways

How to Collect Customer Emails

If you don’t have a single email client on your list, you better start collecting it soon! Knowing how to collect customers’ emails is the best thing every email marketer should know for successful marketing.

Before you can send out emails, you need to have a list of subscribers to send them to. That’s where email collection comes in.

 In this post, we will explore various methods to collect customer emails, from traditional methods like sign-up forms to more modern techniques such as social media and lead magnets. 

By the end of this post, you’ll have a solid understanding of collecting customer emails and the advantages of building your email list. So, let’s get started!

Please read our guide on how to build a relationship with customers via email marketing.

What benefits of Collecting Customer Emails?

Collecting customers’ emails is very beneficial for the growth of your business. Here are reasons why you should collect customer’s emails

1.   Steady development

Collecting an email list of prospective consumers can help organizations stabilize and sustain growth. This is not only helpful for corporate operations, but it also helps boost marketing initiatives more swiftly and efficiently.

2.   Cost savings

In reality, many firms prefer to purchase a list of customers’ email data instead of having a list of free and serious email customer data. Hence, having the emails of the best clients can save time and lower the initial investment expenses of the firm.

3.   Boost revenue

In today’s technological era, every person spends at least a few hours a day using the internet, checking email and browsing the web. Gathering prospective consumers’ emails and consulting, delivering greetings and caring for them can help organizations achieve greater success.

4.   An easy and simple approach to customer emails

Your prospective customers’ email will enable you to communicate freely and easily with them when necessary.

Let’s examine how to collect customer emails!

A simple and effective way to collect customer emails

A quality email list of potential customers is indispensable for your email marketing campaign to work effectively. So what are the ways to collect customer emails? How to collect and filter to find the most effective customer data? Below we will show you how to collect the best quality lead emails.

1.    Collect emails from promotions.

In Marketing, though, offers and discounts are the most successful source of email leads. Using promotions in the company process provides a creative and efficient technique to collect customers’ emails.

Companies may collect a tremendous quantity of data after each incentive program from many different jurisdictions. Thus, attitude and care to make them devoted consumers.

2.   Collect email data from customer contact calls.

Another extremely successful technique is to collect the customer’s email. This is to take advantage of collecting customer data via customer contact calls.

This activity will need the help of the customer care, telephone staff and telesales staff to acquire the customer’s email address competently and professionally.

3.   Collect email after purchase.

If you run a brick-and-mortar business, it is incredibly straightforward for you to collect customer information. It would be best if you asked them to provide personal information in order to join as a VIP member to obtain a discount. Consumers will not hesitate to leave information for you.

4.   Collect customer emails using lead magnets.

A lead magnet is something beneficial (specific in solving a customer’s problem) that allows your users to collect emails and encourage them to subscribe to your email marketing campaigns. This is an exceptionally strong and popular tool. It may offer firms up to 30,000 leads in 60 days if done effectively.

Learn more about lead magnet here.

Some lead magnets that you may utilize are:

  • Free eBooks
  • Free course
  • Free Templates
  • Free tools


5.   Collect emails through the online registration form.

This is also a common approach to collecting email consumers throughout the world. Nevertheless, many organizations need to properly implement this strategy, causing the customers not to leave much information.

Online registration form

To collect email clients efficiently, you need to give a particular incentive when they fill out the information. This will make it less likely that visitors to your website will skip the form.

For example, register as an email to get a discount coupon or promotion for the next transaction. Certainly, they will leave an email as well as information for you.

6.   Collect emails through webinars.

There are several webinar software out there these days that may assist you in collecting email customers. You must prepare an online webinar with intriguing material to encourage your clients to join.

7.   Collect emails by leaving your information on the items.

This is also a way to collect email customers. This will ensure that your email list of customers is 100% regular active email addresses, not spam ones.

Here are some examples to make it easier for you to understand.

The website’s footer (the bottom) will often have business information, such as contact email, right? Customers who actively want to contact are usually those who want advice or support (depending on the type of service of the business), so they actively contact the business. And this is also a source for collecting more emails to your customer email list.

8.   Collect emails from blog postings on Google.

Try to identify blogs with issues relating to your target audience, contact the editor and amend some content important to you. From there, you may add connections to your registration page, such as accepting gifts, newsletters, etc.

But make sure to share with the editor all the material beforehand! And concentrate on content since blog entries that grab readers enough to click on the link must be excellent. As well as your link must also be truly relevant to the post content.

9.   Collect emails by exchanging email lists.

Your prospective clients will also be on competitor email lists or other services. Your task is only to build a cooperative connection with your competitor, exchanging lists with each other.

In this manner, you can quadruple or triple the number of email client lists you have. But, you should evaluate your competition since not all of them are eager to collaborate with you, or worst of all, a competitor’s features or perks sell better than you. This might lead to your consumers losing everything.

It would be best to concentrate on services with the same target demographic as yours. While sending them email marketing, you should remember to provide them with extremely useful offers so they don’t spam your email address and help them remember you better.

10.                     Collect customer emails via chat.

Online or Facebook chat on your Fan page offers options to collect customer emails. Employing a chatbot not only helps you automate the customer service and consultation process but also helps you gather information.

It would be best to pre-set certain queries to the bot that can automatically ask clients. From there, your database will record all their information, such as name, phone number, email, requirements, etc. This enables you to collect more information and benefits your company with speedy customer response.

11.                     How to run Facebook ads to collect customer emails

Placing advertising on Facebook is a means for small companies to reach many target consumers at a minimal cost. Email-gathering techniques that you may utilize are:

  • Create meaningful information regarding customer suffering and solutions to that issue.
  • Create Facebook advertising connected to landing pages, which require users to provide an email address.
  • After they have emailed you, you may send them material about your product/service.

12.                     Collect emails via forums.

Develop your brand via blogs or forums on issues your target clients are interested in. Remember, clients will spend their time on many different sites while utilizing the internet. Blogs and forums are one of the probable areas to collect emails from their clients.

You may become an expert on forums or publish blog pieces to attract the desired audience. From there, your consumers will discover if your post is important enough for them. You may leave your forms to draw possible clients to you.

13.                     Collect emails by organizing contests.

You might run competitions to attract your target clients. This approach of obtaining emails is quite prevalent in marketing. The contest reward might be anything from a new iPhone model to a free month of your service. They only provide their name and email to register for the contest.

Again, mention the marketing emails you’ll send to their email inbox. This is crucial because no one wants to be bombarded by email, right?

14.                     Collect emails from Giveaway programs.

Giving away is a reasonably typical approach to collecting email customers that many organizations employ. This technique has yet to be employed effectively by many firms.

 Instead of publishing articles on social media platforms to participate in the giveaway, you could post them on your website. Posting on social networks makes it simple for your rivals to steal email clients and causes your company to lose cash since the unsuccessful giveaway campaign.

You should utilize the forms and place the associated give, away would enable you to reach your target clients more efficiently. Your clients must join up and obtain a random number to give away. Winning notifications will be sent to make it easy to send promotional mailings afterward. Moreover, you should also order products related to the needs of your target customers. You should only add a product that has something to do with your service, as this will make the participating clients unsuitable for your customer base.

15.                     Collect email using social media sites.

Social networking is a strong tool to assist your company in advertising your brand and an efficient technique to collect emails for marketing campaigns.

Gathering emails on social media sites is only successful when you develop subjects that draw prospective audiences to participate.

The means to achieve it is Seeding: Join organizations linked to your company. For example, if your organization is performing Digital marketing, you may join groups such as Business in the Digital Age, Learn Google Advertising – Q&A about everything Google Ads, etc.

Sometimes share content on these groups.

Bring up topical issues concerning your sector or ask questions

For example, if you’ve written a wonderful business eBook, you may exhibit it on Facebook and offer a brief teaser of the book. Next, send the link to the registration form or wait for the reader to submit an email in the comments.

16.                     Create an email list with unique pop-ups.

Bespoke pop-ups are among the greatest techniques for collecting addresses for email marketing campaigns.

It works by: when you go to a given website, a pop-up window inviting you to submit you’re email/subscribe to get papers or e-books, etc. Developing pop-ups on your website might enhance lead conversions by up to 17%.

For email collecting pop-ups to perform well, you need to:

  • Know your marketing objectives.
  • Create appealing pop-ups, deliver value and advantages to consumers
  • Watched at the right moment and the right place
  • Attractive, easy-to-see CTA

How to limit unsubscribing from email

Generally, when you get an email that you don’t like the content in that email, or it is sent too many times, it makes you feel irritated or any other reason why you don’t like it. Users will commonly designate the message as spam or ban that email account. In brief, any step to remove oneself from that email’s mailing list.

The aggregation of accounts that have such activities is called Email List Churn. These Email List Churns account for 25 – 30% of the typical annual email list. This email list accounts for another big proportion of the emails you send. They are not immediately placed in the customer’s inbox but in the spam box or spam folder.

Several techniques to help reduce email unsubscribes:

  • Offer subscribers the ability to personalize
  • Conduct surveys to find out what sort of material people wish to see
  • Segment your emails to send out relevant, customized emails
  • Utilize dual options to ensure your subscribers are interested in your service/product.
  • Develop more engaging emails for the greatest user experience
  • Deliver a re-engagement email to select and maintain neutral accounts
  • Customize your email, and design an email with your style and color.

As shown, your firm may use many strategies to collect customer emails to acquire a great lead email list. In addition, you also need to pay extra attention to practices that achieve rapid results but are likely to break the law, such as purchasing and transferring customer data. Also, there is a great risk that the email quality will be substandard, and your communications will be classified as spam. With the above essay, you will receive new techniques to collect excellent and safest customer emails.


Now that you’ve learned how to collect emails. You must note that acquiring consumer emails is crucial to any effective marketing campaign.

By acquiring email addresses, you may create a direct contact channel with your clients and keep them updated about your goods, services, and promotions. To gather consumer emails efficiently, you may utilize several ways, such as supplying lead magnets, organizing social media competitions, integrating opt-in forms on your website, and deploying pop-ups or exit-intent overlays.

Remember always to seek clear permission from your consumers and respect their privacy by giving them a simple option to unsubscribe from your communications. With these guidelines in mind, you can establish a powerful email list and utilize it to expand your company.