How To Increase Email Conversion Rate: 10 Easy Ways

How To Increase Email Conversion Rate:

Have you ever wondered How to Increase Email Marketing conversion x2, x3 times rate when everyday customers get a lot of emails into their inboxes? This is achievable when you have a great client list. It is possible to increase conversions using Email marketing by 10 times for almost all sectors.

Email marketing is a cost-effective approach for organizations to contact a huge number of people and boost sales. Yet, the effectiveness of email marketing relies on various elements, including the email conversion rate. Email conversion rate is the percentage of recipients who do the targeted action, such as making a transaction or signing up for a service, after receiving an email campaign.

In this article, we will explain what email conversion rate implies and how to calculate it. We will also explore why you should increase your email conversion rate and provide practical techniques to increase it. Without wasting much time, let’s get started.

Please read our guide on email marketing metrics you need to measure aside from email conversion rate.

What Is Email Conversion Rate

Before discussing conversion rates, let’s understand what conversions mean.

A conversion is an action that a customer makes in an email.

Conversion rate is a notion that is familiar in Marketing Online. Email conversion rate is the proportion of email readers who click on the link in the email and perform the intended action, Such As Filling Up A Form Or Buying A Thing.

The conversion rate in email marketing is one of the essential KPIs. It lets marketing professionals assess the success of a campaign. It also helps to cut client acquisition expenses and produce more income.

What Is A Good Conversion Rate For Emails?

. According to statistics, a 2-5% conversion rate is regarded as a good email conversion rate. However, a good email conversion rate can depend solely on the industry and the campaign’s aims. Other industries may have a greater or lower conversion rate. Measuring and evaluating the data constantly is crucial to enhance the conversion rate over time.

What Is A Bad Conversion Rate For Emails?

A bad email conversion rate is a rate that is much lower than the industry average and the campaign objectives. Generally, most businesses consider a conversion rate below 2% low or unsatisfactory. 

However, it might vary based on the particular aims of the campaign. A low conversion rate might suggest that the email content needs to be more relevant and engaging to the audience or that there are difficulties with the targeting or delivery of the campaign. It’s crucial to understand the causes of a low conversion rate and make modifications to increase the campaign’s success.

How To Calculate Email Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is measured by dividing the number of conversions by the total number of emails sent multiplied by 100.

For example, if you have 50 conversions from 1,000 interactions, your conversion rate will be 5% since 50 รท 1,000 Equals 5%.

What Actions May Be Counted As Conversion?

We may consider conversion several acts such as:

CTR (Click Through Rate): there are occasions when the click rate attained in the email marketing campaign is what characterizes the conversion. That is when the links in the email earn clicks, like a CTA.

Filling out a form is one of the most usual activities to consider as a conversion when readers complete the steps to fill out a form with additional data.

Downloads: another sort of conversion may be the downloads obtained via these emails if it is the primary purpose of the sender, such as a paper, a product, a form, an image, a video, a file, etc.

Purchases: in the case of e-commerce newsletters, the natural thing would be to define the conversion rate that revolves around genuine conversions, that is, purchases from database members.

Subscriptions: if, for example, the purpose of your email is focused on growing blog subscribers, it is known that the conversion rate of such a campaign will be the proportion of users who provide their agreement to receive future blog posts. Subscriptions might be a newsletter, a mailing service or any other service such as webinars.

Why Is It Important To Increase email Conversion Rate?

Increasing the email conversion rate is important for numerous reasons:

Increase Revenue: A higher conversion rate indicates that more users are carrying out the intended activity, such as completing a purchase or signing up for a service, which increases income for the company.

Cost-Effective: Email marketing is a cost-effective approach to reaching a significant number of consumers. By boosting the conversion rate, firms may maximize their return on investment (ROI) from email marketing activities.

Customer Engagement: A larger conversion rate implies that the email content is engaging with the target audience, leading to increased engagement and creating a closer relationship with the customers.

Increased Understanding of Customers: By assessing the email conversion rate, firms may get insights into what works and doesn’t work with their email marketing operations. This information may be exploited to design future campaigns and change the content to better fit the requirements and tastes of the target audience.

Please read our guide on how to build a relationship with customers through email marketing.

Therefore, increasing the email conversion rate is crucial for firms to accomplish their marketing objectives and better their bottom line.

How To Increase Email Conversion Rate 

Email Marketing is recognized as an ancient technique, yet it is still effective today. In reality, the Email channel gives a significant Return. It earns over $40 per dollar of email marketing costs. Yet it doesn’t imply most email marketing will be very successful. It can only reach your target customers if you adopt a lousy email approach.

Here are ways to help you increase your email marketing conversion rates:

1.   Increase email conversation rate with Personalization.

Email marketing is a tool that helps you connect directly with your customers. However, sending an email is only part of what you have to do to get recipients to open, read and re-engage with the newsletter in the email sent.

When personalize will attract their interaction. They think that the message is only sent to them, which makes them more interested and increases their engagement with your company.

Email Marketing software often has a very useful tool. That tool is called “Email Content Personalization”. Emails are personalized by adding fields about the individual recipients.

For example, when you want to add the recipient’s name to the subject or body of an email, instead of having to type each recipient’s name into each email, you can use the “Personalize email content” tool .” to automatically add friendliness to emails.

This way, your email is sure to be more effective thanks to its enhanced friendliness and a higher likelihood of being opened and responded to. Please read our guide on how to personalize emails.

2.   Increase email conversation rate with catchy email subject lines.

Email marketing conversion rate relies largely on your email subject line. Like a regular email, an email marketing subject is a must-have. It must also be attractive and stimulate customers’ curiosity to increase email open rates. The subject line should also clearly state the benefits of opening the email to increase conversion rates.

3.   Increase email conversation rate by giving offers.

What is the greatest technique to attract consumers’ attention? Precisely, please give them a discount or rebates for their future purchases. That is a classic but also a strategy to secure more clicks.

If, for example, you want them to fill out a form, you may inform them that they will receive a 15% discount on their next purchase if they do so. Good for them and excellent for you.

4.   Increase email conversation rate by Sending emails at the right time.

When is the appropriate time? First of all, you need to identify the correct individual.

Identify who the firm’s proper customers are, what they are like, and what their traits are. For example, when the client is a Marketing worker, they arrive at the firm at 9 am and check their email. This is the greatest moment to send them.

 However, it only sometimes always is on time to send, and an Email Marketing Automation system is essential to achieve this. You only need to draft an email and schedule it; the system will send it automatically at the proper moment.

 Sending at the right moment will better reach the company’s target audience, hence boosting the conversion rate.

The proper moment is still at what stage to submit what stuff.

In most circumstances, a corporation may center its strategy around three stages:

TOFU: The “awareness” stage, when individuals explore solutions, resources, education, research data, views, and insights.

MOFU: The “review” phase, when consumers are conducting a serious study on whether your product or service is appropriate for them.

BOFU: The “buying” stage is when individuals discover precisely what it takes to become a client.

Read our guide to know the best time to send an email.

5.   Increase email conversation rate with Storytelling.

How to start an email with Storytelling can attract, fascinate and keep readers more.

Storytelling is a strong approach since a well-written narrative will create an effect on the reader. This is also a strategy to keep your readers engaged in what you are saying and going to say. They will be inquisitive and want to know more. From there, it will also be easy for them to click the call to action in the email’s bottom.

6.   Increase email conversation rate with an attractive design.

Take care of the design and everything connected to the visual element of your email. Nowadays, if anything does not penetrate our sight, we do not consider it. If you have already succeeded in persuading the user to open your message, one of the reasons why they remain to read it and even engage must be the design, which is appealing.

The graphics, the structure, the font, the colors, etc., everything must be consistent so that it grabs the user’s attention. And always remember to adjust it to mobile device displays.

7.   Increase email conversation rate with Audience segmentation.

Suppose your company has a big number of subscribers with a lot of various interests. In that case, some readers may appreciate the links the firm is offering in the email, while others may be interested in other subjects. If that’s the case, consider email segmentation.

Using email segmentation, you may split your contact list into several lists to guarantee that individuals with different interests get only material that interests them.

When categorized and provided to the proper readers interested, email reading rates will undoubtedly increase, lowering the rate of subscribers canceling emails.

8.   Increase email conversation rate with CTA.

Each email should have a purpose, and the CTA should be consistent with that objective. It might be clicking a link to a conversion landing page or email response.

Whatever the aim, make the CTA as plain as possible. In the CTA, you have to inspire people to do something.

I have seen several marketers insert a “PS” postscript at the end of an email, which works very well!

9.   Increase your email conversation rate by optimizing your email for mobile devices.

Current statistics reveal that 46% of emails are opened on mobile devices. Readers don’t appreciate getting emails that are hard to understand, which reduces conversion rates. Using a mobile-friendly email client will save you from worrying about missing out on valuable conversions.

The details are made to be big enough, suited for mobile devices for simple reading without needing to zoom in. If I want to purchase, I push the large blue button. Extremely simple!

10.                     Increase email conversation rate by using Bright colors.

Color is great for eliciting emotions and prompting action. In addition to the psychological aspect of color, using strong and vibrant colors in your email marketing can drive both engagement and conversion rates. Color can increase brand awareness and the click-through rate of customers to your emails, creating a successful marketing campaign.


In conclusion, the email conversion rate is a crucial indicator that gauges the efficiency of email marketing efforts. Knowing what email conversion rate is and how to calculate it, organizations may receive useful insights into the efficacy of their campaigns and make data-driven choices to enhance their outcomes. 

To increase email conversion rate, organizations should concentrate on providing interesting and tailored content, improving email design and style, segmenting their email list, and routinely testing and monitoring their campaigns.

 By implementing these strategies, businesses can improve engagement, increase revenue, and build stronger relationships with their customers through email marketing. Read our guide on the Common mistakes to avoid in email marketing.