What Is Cold Email Marketing and How to Use it Effectively?

What Is Cold Email Marketing

In today’s digital world, email has become one of the organizations’ most significant forms of communication. It is a fast and effective approach to engaging with new clients, partners, and consumers; Nevertheless, not all emails are equal. One sort of email that has grown more popular in recent years is the cold email: But What is a cold email

Cold emailing or “cold email” is sent without previous interaction with the receiver. It is the same premise as cold calling but considerably less invasive. To get replies, a cold email should be simple and quick but forceful and fascinating. This is why each of its pieces must convey the significance and serve a significant communication function.

So what is cold emailing, and how to separate it from spam? How to compose a decent cold email? Let’s check all about cold email out in this article.

What Does A Cold Email Mean

Cold email or cold mail is a prospecting method frequently applied in B2B to obtain new prospects. Among the growth hacking strategies, cold emailing consists of making personalized contact with each of your prospects to make a tailored offer and enhance your likelihood of selling.

Cold email is not used to sell at any cost. Its main objective is to build a relationship with decision-makers so that they remember you and want to think about your brand, product, or service. You may then explain why your offer will be the finest response to their issue.

A cold emailing campaign is made up of multiple stages, starting with a contact and culminating with genuine actions such as sales. Nevertheless, for the email to be a success, it must be properly assessed according to its purpose.

To each decision-maker, his customized email according to your objective!

For example, you want to create an appointment so that you may examine his problem and find a solution, invite him to your webinar to talk about your newest exploits directly in relation to his activities, etc.

Be careful, though, as cold email is not focused on your items and sales but rather on your target and their needs

The purpose of this method, commonly dubbed drip or outreach emailing, is to offer a personalized connection to all your connections. After that, you automate emails to create qualified leads. Only then can you consider sales.

Is A Cold Email Spam?

Cold email does not have the same features as spam mail. Actually, unlike cold mailing, spamming is done as follows:

  • Using a false name,
  • Without giving contact information,
  • The spam is not individualized. It does not include a particular request,
  • The same email is sent to multiple people,
  • Spam attempts to target a straight purchase instead of seeking a conversation,
  • Spam is for commercial goals.

While cold emailing:

  • Speaks directly to the addressee,
  • contains a particular request,
  • usually names a contact in common.

What Are The Benefit Of Cold Email?

Consumer outreach is always challenging in B2B since people are in high demand every day. It becomes harder to catch their attention. Cold emailing is a practice typically utilized by companies. Nevertheless, most of these emails land up in spam, as they are viewed as undesired.

To avoid this error and succeed in your emailing efforts, you must respect key requirements, such as keeping a quality contact file. You must have a database with legitimate addresses to ensure you deliver your email effectively. The opening rate and response rate will depend on the quality of your email.

An efficient cold email campaign will open the door to several possibilities in any scenario. Cold outreach through email is a prospecting strategy that provides various advantages:

Cheap, as you can develop and qualify your database yourself. You still need to invest in automation technologies to be able to send out hundreds or even thousands of emails in a single campaign.

It saves you time as you may contact numerous prospects at the same time. The opening and response rate will inform you who is or is not interested in your proposal without you having to undertake a separate study or analysis.

It is a really powerful prospecting tool, as the sequence of cold mail campaigns is carried out automatically to revive prospects.

This is the least intrusive prospecting approach compared to door-to-door and telephone.

Tools For Sending Cold Emails

Automation is the core principle of cold email. Emailing may be a time-consuming task if you do all the chores manually.

Happily, there is software that allows you to automate the sending of cold emails and a series of follow-up emails. You need to deploy a powerful CRM platform to handle cold emailing easily.

To be able to send an email to hundreds of customers at the same time, you may manage everything from a single interface. This program helps you:

  • To collect all prospect info,
  • To segregate various zones of email addresses according to the degree of maturity of the prospects,
  • To send tailored email sequences,
  • To create a follow-up of the rate of opening and reading of emails,
  • Monitor the history of interactions with each prospect.

Among the most popular cold email tools on the market, you may select HubSpot, Hunter, Pipedrive, LeadFuze, Woodpecker, Datananas, or Lemlist.

Steps To Create Cold Email

It is vital to devote substantial attention to crafting the cold email and initiating a campaign to optimize its opening rate and fulfill your aims. Otherwise, it could fast get absorbed into spam. The cold mail must be short and synthetic so as not to be too boring, but above all. It must catch the attention of the recipient so that he wants to read and answer.

Throughout the campaign, keep in mind the aim of this method: to create a connection and not to sell at all costs. To achieve this, the following are several key tasks that must be undertaken.

Define your buyer persona.

You cannot address everyone throughout your cold mail campaigns. You must know exactly which target to contact to promote such action and reach such an aim by personalizing your email list. These prospects are the decision makers within a corporation, the managers who may make the option to obtain your services or your items in the future.

Feel free to construct a character with a true face, age, profession and personal status, beliefs, goals, talents, pain areas, etc. All this information will allow you to approach your interlocutor personally, tailored, and persuasively.

See also: How to personalize your email list?

Create an email list.

Others marketers purchase customer email lists, but the best strategy is to create your email list since only you know what sort of persons you want to contact. Depending on the criteria you have chosen, you may collect your prospects’ email addresses.

LinkedIn is the ideal method to get connections with your prospects. You will merely have the email address of your contacts. For the remainder, you may become their professional addresses, commonly created with: firstname.lastname@company.com, lastname.firstname@company.com, etc.

Tools like Mail Tester allow you to test whether the email address is real. There are various tools that can obtain all the email addresses associated with a domain name.

Consequently, you still have to develop your database, which you will input into your emailing automation tool to begin your cold email campaigns.See also how to build your email list with Instagram here.

Concentrate on your email sequences.

The writing of each email of your campaigns remains the same. This includes establishing contact, several reminders, and the sales proposal email. Your email should be brief, no more than 150 words, so that prospects will read to the finish.

Focus all content on your interlocutor, and explain their activities, needs, etc. Talk about yourself simply at the finish, and thus, deliver your solution and not praise yourself. Do not try to sell instantly, but understand his circumstance, so he desires to trade with you.

No need to remind you that this is not email marketing but a prospecting email to get in touch with your prospects. In any event, continually think about your identity.

Automate your campaign

Thanks to automation software, you must create all the sequences and have a well-qualified database.

Enter everything into the software, and it takes care of everything. Merely explain the numerous sending situations after in-depth marketing research.

Explore the results obtained.

The cold mail campaign fulfils a specific role. It is also necessary to study and analyze the results to measure the effectiveness of the method and adjust it if needed. You must take into account the following:

•         Open rate

The only minimum to reach is 30%. Below this threshold, your campaign is low. If so, you may have a poor-quality file, including inaccurate or non-existent email addresses.

It may also be that the email’s subject is not intriguing enough for prospects to click on it.

Consider doing an A/B test to evaluate whether the item is fantastic. At worst, your emails could get into spam. In this scenario, you have to focus on the reputation of your domain name and your email address.

It is only via understanding the source of the problem that you can remedy it.

The ideal open rate to aim for is 60%, but it would be wonderful if you could target 80%.

See also: What a good cold open rate is?

See also: How to increase your email open rate?

•         Response rate

The response rate is great as soon as you reach 10 to 20%. Indeed, the message may very well pass as soon as the prospect opens and reads the email, even if he does not react.

But don’t hesitate to follow up with individuals who viewed the email without answering it, as it may also be an oversight since decision-makers are typically busy.

Checkout our guide on the email marketing metrics you should track

Handle responses received

The answers could be favourable or negative. In the first instance, everything is won, the prospect is fascinated, and you may start a more advantageous relationship via email, telephone, or face-to-face contact.

In the second case, if the prospect is obviously not interested, he must be answered for form. If he is not interested at the moment for one reason or another, record a follow-up quickly in your diary. (Source: https://www.sortlist.fr/blog/cold-email/)

What to do in A Cold Email Campaign?

There are things to do and avoid to succeed in your cold emailing.

Cold mail best practices

Your campaign is lost in advance when your file is of bad quality. It will instantly pass past the most stringent spam filters, and you will find it impossible to take off again, even with a new file, in the future since your reputation is now tarnished. But following these steps will improve your cold email effectively.

  • Always base yourself on your persona and write as though you are speaking directly to them.
  • Concentrate on your content-solving problem and not your offer.
  • Always customize the email so that your interlocutor feels significant to you.
  • Always close with a call to action that does not consist of selling but of gaining the opinion of your interlocutor.
  • Always verify the invalidity rate of your email addresses.
  • Increase the personalization aspects to wow your contacts and keep their full attention. For example, you may choose all communications recently taking up their post.

Things To Avoid in Cold Mail

  • Avoid overloading your email with long, formatted content.
  • Also, forget the attachments that will overload the email, especially if it is a brochure or PowerPoint that presents your company, brand, and offer.
  • Be careful to chain campaign after the campaign at the risk of unbalancing the balance of emails sent and received. If the former is very high compared to the latter, you risk being condemned as a spammer.
  • Cold emailing is a good prospecting method in B2B.

Nevertheless, this strategy must be applied tactfully so that the results are satisfactory and not penalizing.

What Should Be In A Cold Email?

A cold email will typically include the following information:

  • Your real name with the organization name
  • Your contact information: job title, website, social media profiles, phone number, etc.
  • Personalized content according to the recipient
  • A special offer/request for “cold” customers
  • Propose a time and place for an in-person meeting or telesales.

How to Write an Effective Cold Email:

The first thing you must grasp is that in cold emails, prospective customers don’t know about you and probably won’t care. Hence, focusing on how these emails generate connection and attention with clients would be best.

The email message conveyed needs to be personalized

In composing cold emails, always make sure that the news is personalized. The user will feel that the letter is just written for him. Messages need to be customized entirely. Personalization implies you’ve thought about who this individual is, how they perceive the world, what they care about, and what they desire.

With this email, you need to create a connection and grow it by pointing out the significance that consumers frequently forget or are unaware of. This way, you’ll lead the tale and take action by responding to your email or contacting you directly using the given contact details.

Sender information needs to be clear and professional

Normally, when you meet someone, you introduce yourself. Sometimes, you may know someone else, but that person doesn’t know who you are. The same goes for cold emails. The person you’re contacting doesn’t know you, but you’ve done a load of research on them.

Remember, you are a stranger here. You need to demonstrate to them that you are trustworthy and that they can trust you.

The second piece of advice for you is to discover common ground with the clients you send letters to. Typically a common acquaintance, or someone that both share the same idol or pastime.. is a strategy to develop quick intimacy with strangers.

Create pain or fear

Always research what people desire. If it is known, it is simple to draft the letter appropriately. Consider the user’s point of view. Why would this individual take the time to read your message? Is it important? You’re all set if you know the answers to all of these questions.

Attempt to get to know this consumer and find out their present suffering. For example, suppose you notice him writing a status on Facebook about his company’s underperformance. In that case, you might use this time to advise him on tactics to enhance business performance. Undoubtedly he will open your letter!

Email content should be brief and concise.

Send a cold email to someone you need to illustrate how you’re coming up with a solution someone a solution. And also the fact that readers usually favor brief emails. Therefore make sure you keep your emails short, concise, and informative.

Identify yourself in your letter first and give a straight message to the reader. Always read the email aloud before sending it. This technique enables the message to be modified before it is delivered so that you may make the required modifications.

In addition, sending brief emails boosts the chance of sending and reading emails when you utilize email marketing solutions.

Don’t forget to thank the client.

It is appreciated when someone spends valuable time examining your work, so always write a thank-you message when you get a letter and wish them a good day.


Crafting an effective cold email requires a combination of strategy, research, and creativity. By following best practices and focusing on Personalization and benefits, you can increase your chances of a response and build valuable relationships with prospects and clients.

 Remember to keep your emails brief and focused on the recipient’s needs, and don’t be afraid to follow up if you don’t hear back. With practice and persistence, cold emails can be a powerful tool for generating leads and building your business.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cold Emails:

Is it legal to send cold emails?

Sending cold emails is acceptable as long as you go by the CAN-SPAM Act’s rules.

How can I improve my cold email response rate?

Make sure your email is customized, concise, and concentrated on the advantages of your product or service to increase the response rate to your cold emails. In addition, if you don’t hear back after a week or two, send a brief email as a follow-up.

How many cold emails should I send at once?

Depending on your resources and objectives, you should simultaneously send a certain amount of cold emails. To test your strategy, however, starting with a modest quantity, such as 50–100, is often advised before scaling up.

Are cold emails effective?

A well-written tailored cold email may be successful if sent to the right individual.

What is the difference between a cold email and a warm email?

A warm email is sent to a recipient with whom the sender already has a connection, as opposed to a cold email, which is sent to a recipient with whom the sender has no previous relationship.

Can I use Gmail for cold email?

 You may use Google for cold email but abide by anti-spam rules and best practices.

How long should a cold email be?

 In general, cold emails should be brief and to the point—ideally, they shouldn’t be more than a few paragraphs or a few hundred words.

Who uses cold email?

 Entrepreneurs, small company owners, and sales professionals may all utilize cold email to get in touch with new clients or consumers.

What to avoid in a cold email?

 Steer clear of being forceful or aggressive, using spammy subject or opening lines, making assumptions, or using general language.

Can you make money by cold emailing?

 You can earn money via cold emailing if your outreach efforts produce new leads or sales. Nevertheless, creating successful cold emails that produce results requires time and work.